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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 178863 times)

Offline lubbies

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Officer Zander

I noticed a squirtle being squeezed by an ekans.

mePhanpy use growl on that ekans.

He charges over and growls at the ekans cutely.


Igglybuff was having some kind of singing contest with a zubat.

me-You can do it igglybuff!

igglybuff-Iggly iggle!~
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Desbear

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efialtes looked around..who could they attack next?

Duskull, you see anyone you think we might be able to attack?

duskull nodded, and pointed at ekans.

You sure? your not looking too good, I would think one more hit and you'll be out.

the duskull nodded again, signalling this was right, but it wanted to help.

Okay... well then, lets hope you don't get hit, right?

the duskull nodded, and then  floated towards the ekans, that was wrapped around a squirtle.



the pokemon started shooting teh attack off at the ekans...


Offline Aquashin

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Lyn smiles looking at the Seviper falling down but gets a worried face looking at Ralts

"Ralts, come back here now"

Ralts jumps out of the poison cloud going slowly to Lyn who goes to it quickly with a pink berry on hand, allready sliced.

"Here... eat this.. it will make you feel better"

Ralts nods and takes some slices of the berry, eating them slowly

"Yes, thats it, slowly now"

She smiles petting Ralts gently.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Jack hit the ground as the lady threw him off. He saw Glameow going for Riolu.

"Riolu, use quick attack! Collide with Glameow"

 Jack couldn't dodge the attack, Glameow was just too fast. He noticed a fire in Riolu's eyes as it went for  Glameow. It was determination. Pure determination to win, to get revenge.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:50:40 PM by Fenror »
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Offline nightshade06

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Feeling a bit of victory in my heart...

"Great job Houndour! If you have enough energy! Go help them out with that Stunky! Its poison gas could be problematic!"
"Charge it up again and fire embers at it!"

Houndour getting rather excited from the battle howls into the air and fires a few embers at Stunky!


"This is our chance squirte spin and break out of the wrap now!"


Squirtle spins throwing the ekans off.


Squirtle charges in with a tackle.

Evil GM post!

Mars: Glameow keep it up! Use your speed! Don't let the Riolu hit you!

Glameow started looking to get exhausted from using so much strength to avoid the attacks.

Mars: Glameow scratch one last time! Give it your all!

Grunt 1's ekans got trapped in the growl... as it loosened its grip on squirtle and got thrown off....
Before it could recover got hit by the tackle!

Grunt 1: shake it off Ekans a simple tackle will not take you down! Poison sting on the Duskull now!

Ekans shoots out at the Duskull.
Before it could connect it was hit with the Nightshade from the Duskull shooting it backwards and sliding on the ground...
The ekans desperately trying to get up to continue attacking....

Grunt 2's zubat tries to get up but is unable from exhaustion...

Grunt 3: Cmon zubat dont let that little powder puff ball beat you! Keep up with the Supersonic don't let its sing get to you!

Grunt 6: Focus energy! Charge at the sneasel with a scratch!

But before it could get off the scratch it was slammed in the back by the quick attack and shortly after hit with the ember attacks causing it to stagger...As sneasel approached with the scratch...

Grunt 6 just kneels to the ground knowing he was defeated as the stunky falls to the ground fainted..
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 08:01:40 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Good job Sneasel!

Sneasel nodded and smiled with pride.

Now lets get that Zubat!

Sneasel nodded, then bunched his muscles as he leaped at the Zubat! He drew his arm back, then swung at his defenseless back!


Riolu, lets help the other Riolu!


Riolu quickly sprang out at Glameow, trying to hit it with quick attack and knock the Glameow away!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Efialtes and duskull smiled!

YES! try not to get hit!

Duskull was happy, he was doing pretty well today.


They then went back to serious mode.

Okay, duskull, use leer on ekans!

duskull nodded and started trying to give ekans evil looks...when it was hit and knocked out by the ekans!

NO! Duskull!

efialtes Ran up to duskull and picked the ghost pokemon up...

Well, I guess we had to have some bad luck sometime...
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 08:12:34 PM by Meowth »

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Glameow appeared to be getting tired, and Riolu still seemed pumped up, full of adrenaline. Jack heard the lady command Glameow to use scratch, but he knew that Riolu's quick attack should be faster than Glameow's move. He also noticed another Riolu coming in with help. Together, Jack was confident they could end this.

"Riolu, give it all you've got! Quick attack!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 08:17:47 PM by Fenror »
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Offline lubbies

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Officer Zander

me-Phanpy use tackle, full power!

Phanpy charged at the ekans as fast as its little legs could carry him, phanpy had tremendous force behind him but tends to be reckless.


The noisey battle rages on and igglybuff begins to tire.

me-Don't give up little pink dude!
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Aquashin

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Lyn smiles looking at Ralts better and looks at the battle going

"You still to it?

Ralts nods with a smirk

"allright, then Confusion on that Zubat"

Ralts gets a blue glow arround it and launches confusion at Zubat.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline nightshade06

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Looking around it was all too certain of their defeat...

"Houndour come back there is no need for us anymore! This battle has been won!"

Houndour look at me with excitement...Running back to me..

"I am glad I chose you Houndour!"


"Squirtle finish the ekans off! Tackle again!"

Squirtle rushes in after the ekans full power.


Evil Gm post!

Mars: Glameow!

Not being able to keep up with 2 quick attacks it falls from exhaustion and gets nailed by one of them..Then hit with the tackle.
Glameow trying its best to get back up but is unable to....

As for the other zubat unaware of the attack coming from behind gets hit and it is a critical hit. Right afterwards gets hit with a confusion..The zubat falls to the ground from the shock of it..fainting.
And so does the ekans from the last tackle.

Mars: Crap....Everyone retreat! I will hold them back to the best of my ability....So run so you can fight again another day!

Jumping out in front of her comrades arms open as to protect them as they flee...

Rowan GM post!

"Well now that was a nice turn of events I am glad to see everyone is alright."

"I would guess it would be safe to say to attempt to capture the Commander Mars" (Aka giving permission to arrest her.)
Looking back seeing that the invention is okay.

"Good now that there is peace again...As Payment since you where all well most of you where just now about to come to my lab for a pokemon anyways how about you keep the ones you selected today."

Giving off a quick smile.

"And of course I can't forget the Officers I thank you very much for your help in this. To be honest this kind of helped me out now that it is tested!"
"I have big plans for this thing..."

"Also for everyone who would like to help me with my research please come by my lab later...And I will give you something that will help me research pokemon from around Sinnoh"  (Pokedex)

Quickly grabbing the briefcase size machine and vanishing through the entrance.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Tylan smiled at Sneasel, then removed his poke-ball and recalled him.

Thanks buddy, you did great.

He clipped the poke-ball to his belt, then turned to Daylin.

I trust you to take care of the leader.

Then he turned and walked out of the entrance, heading for the lab.


Daylin nodded at Tylan, then turned to Mars.

You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court.

Then he removed a pair on Hand cuffs from his belt.

Hands behind you back.

Riolu leaped onto his shoulder in exictement.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Jack walked over to Riolu, who appeared as if he were smiling.

"Riolu! That was amazing!"


"What do you say we go see what the professor wants?"


Luckily, his mom already knew that he would be setting out on his journey today, so he didn't have to spend more time to tell her he was leaving. So Jack headed toward Sandgem town, Riolu walking beside him, who had entirely too much energy after the fight.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 09:24:14 PM by Fenror »
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Offline Desbear

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Efialtes returned duskull to its pokeball..

You did well.. I'll visit a pokemon center soon.

Efialtes walks up to mars and Daylin.

Is there anyway I can help here?

[short post is short;w; SIINTCA]

Offline Aquashin

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Lyn picks up Ralts smiling at the turn of events and pets it

"You did a good job, now we should go to the pokemon center, you need a rest"

She smiles and keeps Ralts on her arms, petting it gently as she starts to walk away from the Lake to head to Sandgem Town, unless someone stoped her.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^