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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 130842 times)

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #360 on: August 16, 2012, 12:09:10 PM »
Siren Vixon

As we were walking on route 203 accidentally walking in the grass for a moment...

A wild Pineco appeared!

Siren thinks for a moment....

"Ya know this little guy could be fun to have!"
"Starly go!"

Starly flies high into the air!

Pineco uses selfdestruct....


A sweat drop appears on Siren as the Pineco faints itself..

"Well ok...Pokeball go?"

The Pokeball flies towards the pineco and sucks it in and starts swaying...

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #361 on: August 16, 2012, 02:33:52 PM »
She kept running, not really knowing what to do at this point. Today was really crazy so far, being chased by an army of Zubats, catching a Machop, and then almost ending up in a questioning room.

Ugh, I dont wanna run anymore.... But I gottta, whoever Team Rocket is, they're the bad guys, and they gotta be stopped. Not only that, but If I cant keep up with them, I'll never be a good trainer!

She started running faster, catching up with the other two.
. . .

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #362 on: August 16, 2012, 04:20:18 PM »
Gm coin flip
@ Nightshade

-1 head 1 tails- The pineco some how busts out and falls to the ground still fainted from the self destruct...



Hurling another pokeball quickly at it...
The ball sways a few times and clicks showing it was caught!

"Alright I got a Kamekaze pokemon!! Yay!....."
"Wait how is that a good thing...."
"Oh well no need to dwell over it...It is a new partner!!!"

As her and Vixon turned to continue to Jubilife 3 people come sprinting by them...

"What in the world are they in a hurry for?"

(Siren and Vixon don't know what is going on since they where in the gym when the explosion happened.)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 04:23:41 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #363 on: August 16, 2012, 11:26:20 PM »

Tylan sighed, he had finally reached Floaroma town. He had left Jack behind, he had said something about finding Celine. He walked quietly into the pokemon center, quickly healing his pokemon. He walked around the city quietly, looking around. Sighing he headed for the exit of Floaroma town, but noticed Efialtes exploring.

Hi kid,I take it your ready to head to the forest?

Daylin and Baylee

With the girl right behind them they ran quickly into Jubilife, sprinting for the exit.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #364 on: August 16, 2012, 11:47:19 PM »
Siren Vixon

Finally reaching Jubilife....
Not really stopping to look around again heading towards the northern exit...

"Lets try to keep a quick pace about this Vixon ok?"
"We can train our Pokemon with wild Pokemon along the way.."

Vixon nods...

"It would be for the best to not stop too much."

(Please don't get to the forest yet. :P I am trying to get lubbies caught up.)

Officer GM Post


Sitting at the entrance to the forest waiting for Team Galactic to arrive.
Lost in thought of how I came to be an officer...

"After what happened that day....I will never forgive Team Galactic.."

Team Galactic kidnapped Silene when Warren was just a trainer..
They had the idea Silene had a hidden "ability" to be able to befriend most pokemon.
They wanted to use that power...
Ever since then Warren has  been pursuing Team Galactic at no matter the cost to anyone else to get her back.

Closing his eyes he had flash backs of the day they ambushed them while they were camping outside on their journey.


« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 11:58:49 PM by nightshade06 »

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #365 on: August 17, 2012, 01:45:39 AM »
Efialtes was looking around, he had finally gotten to floroma..

Hi kid,I take it your ready to head to the forest?

Efialtes shook his head.

No. I'm gonna need something other than just a duskull, I'm thinking about seeing if there are any ghost pokemon around here.. I'm gonna go check out the wind works, maybe I can find SOMETHING there.

He sprinted to the wind works...when he saw something that interested him a lot... a pokemon that looked a bit like a ballon, it was purple. he scanned it with the pokedex..

Huh...Drifloon...its a ghost type! duskull! get ready to battle it!

Duskull nodded then shot a nightshade at it, it wasn't expecting this so it got hit.


Drif! drif!

the drifloon now angered let out a large screech and shot at duskull, duskull not expecting this was hit.

Nightshade again!

duskull used nightshade again, and the drifloon met the nightshade with a astonish. drifloon was hit, but kept going on through and hit duskull... duskull was at a disadvantage...

Nightshade again!

duskull shook it's head...it wasn't using nightshade... It made a large screech at the same time drifloon did and used astonish! both attacks met head on. the poor duskull was near fainting...but drifloon didn't look too good either...


Efialtes threw a pokeball at the drifloon...


Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #366 on: August 17, 2012, 01:55:25 AM »
GM Coin flip

1 head 1 tails- The Drifloon pops out and is ready to attack again!
Officer GM post

Warren Continued


He could see them both sleeping on the ground in sleeping bags as they always did.
It was right before they entered Celestic Town.
The Fog was very thick. Silene felt safe since Warren was next to her so she didn't mind sleeping the way they did.
A guy in a Team Galactic Uniform that looked like a scientist..(Charon) Also an enormous amount of grunts had been following them for sometime.
Charon studied Silene for quite some time and noticed she never battled the pokemon she caught..They would always choose her.
That was when it was decided to capture her and learn her secret.
They invaded the area almost as fast as lightning. Warren not as strong as he is now. Could not hold them off long enough for her to escape.
The kidnapping was all to easy for them.
Till this day he doesn't go a night without dreaming about it. A day doesnt go without him thinking about it..
He will destroy everyone in Team Galactic. Without mercy. After that day he decided to become an officer for the knowledge of knowing when they would strike.
He trained endlessly with his Pokemon. Untill finally the day comes when the war between him and Team Galactic takes place.

"Silene....I am coming for you."

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #367 on: August 17, 2012, 02:10:34 AM »

He sighed as Efialtes ran off. He knew he should catch some more pokemon, and a Seedot looked appealing. Quickl walking out of Floaroma city he notice a rustling bush. A seedot leaped, shooting out a hidden power grass, which Tylan deftly dodged.

Staravia, I choose you! Wing attack until it quits!

Starvia quickly bombarded the defenseless Seedot, which collapsed quietly.

Poke-ball, go!


Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #368 on: August 17, 2012, 02:21:51 AM »
Jack Celine

Jack burst into Floaroma Town. Where was Celine? He was looking around frantically when...

Would you just calm down?

Even when she was criticizing him, he was still excited to hear the sound of his cousin's voice.


He ran up and gave her a hug.

Was has gotten into Jack? Oh, and look, since you want to be a detective, we're going to have to go to a police sta-

No, we don't have time, we need to get to the forest. Plus, if I were tied down to a job like being a detective, I would no longer have time to become the best trainerof all time. So I'll be more like a rogue detective or something.

But how are you going to become the best trainer if you already missed out on your fiirst badge?

Come on, Celine, you should know this by now. There's more to being the best than just badges. Those are just for show.

Whatever, but we still can't go to the forest yet. We won't be strong enough to bet them. Follow me, let's go train.

Jack followed Celine into an area labled Valley Wiindworks.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 02:28:21 AM by Fenror »
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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #369 on: August 17, 2012, 02:26:32 AM »
Cheryl soon ran next to Baylee, breathing hard from ehaustion. She couldent beleive she was running for this long, considering the only sport she played was golf.

When... *gasp* do you think we'll get there??

It was hard for her to talk while running.
. . .

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #370 on: August 17, 2012, 02:31:46 AM »
Gm coin flip
@ Blades

2 Heads- The pokeball sways for a moment and then clicks showing it was caught. Congrats!


Siren Vixon

Quickly stopping by the Pokecenter to heal out pokemon we set out for Route 204.
Coming onto Route 204

4 starly appeared!

"Wow what a great way to start our training."
"Go Houndour! Go Pineco!"
"Pineco try not to use selfdestruct ok?"

"Go Squirtle! Go Geodude!"
"Squirtle watergun! Geodude rock throw!"

"Houndour ember! Pineco Takedown!"

All 4 of the starly burst into quick attacks...

Hitting geodude allowing his Rock throw to hit at close range causing a critical SE knocking it out.
Pineco was able to dodge and slammed into one of them with take down causing a little damage to its self.
Squirtle gets hit but firest off the water gun and hits the starly too.
Houndour with his pride on the line braces the hit and fires the embers at the starly at close range burning the starly.

"Good job! Houndour ember again! Pineco tackle!"

"Squirtle watergun again! Geodude rock throw!

All their attacks hit the remaining 3 causing them all to faint..

"Good job!"

Returning their pokemon and going about their journey to FLoroma..

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #371 on: August 17, 2012, 02:45:18 AM »
Baylee and Daylin

We're here.

She walked in with Daylin behind her.

Tylan and Baylee

Tylan lifted up the poke-ball, clipping it to his belt. Turning around he walked back into the city. He passed Daylin and Baylee, acknowledging them. Baylee turned, quicklysprinting up beside Tylan.

Where have you been?!

Places, but it looks like you got over your stuttering.

Baylee smiled, god Tylan loved her smile! He shrugged it off, jhis cheeks showing a light red. THis was no time to be thinking about this, there were lives at stake.

Lets head to the wind works.

Then Tylan turned, strolling silently towards the wind works with Baylee behind him.


Always the third wheel, come on kid, lets follow 'em.

He slowly strolled after them.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #372 on: August 17, 2012, 02:49:22 AM »
Officer GM Post

A broadcast to all officers was sent out..

"Attention any officers near The windworks next to Floroma...There has been reports of team rocket and team galactic members gathering there for unknown reasons."
"If anyone is around please take it upon yourselves to gather some people and chase them away. Over."


Siren Vixon

2 Bidoof appeared!

"Go starly!"

"Go Kricketot!"
"Use bide!"

"Starly use quick attack!

Kricketot stood his ground and started biding his time.
Starly started to glow...Flying at extremely fast rate at the bidoof.

Hittin the bidoof they both burst into a tackle hitting and sending starly flying back..
Also hitting Kricketot.

Starly got up in a rage....

Starly started to glow...It is evolving! Growing and expanding out it became a Staravia!

Starly...erm Staravia glowed and turned into 3...

"Kinda learned that a little late little birdy...."
"Oh well use quick attack!"

All 3 burst out at one of the bidoofs...slamming into it. Causing it to faint.

"Good job Staravia!"

The last bidoof still near Kricketot burst into another tackle..
Kricketot had enough...He started glowing and evolved into Kricketune.

Unleashing its bide onto the Bidoof sent it flying and fainting at the same time...

"Nice one..."

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #373 on: August 17, 2012, 02:51:47 AM »
Jack and Celine

They entered Valley Windworks,, and were suddenly ambushed by a swarm of Pachirisus, Bidoofs, Buizels, and Shellos.

Woah! Where'd they all come from?

Who cares? This is going to be fun!

Jack sent out Riolu, Zuat, and Shinx.

Celine then sent out Treecko and Lotad.

You caught a Lotad?


As their training began, Celine noticed how much stronger Jack's pokeon all were, espeeecially Riolu. Jack was stronger, too, easily commanding all three pokemon at once. Jack was doing something else as well. Smiling. Something she hadn't seen him do in a long time. What had happened back in Oreburgh?

Treecko, quick attack! Lotad, use Nature power!

Treecko rushed into a nearby Buizel, throwing into the water ehind it. Lotad launched seed bombs all over the place, doing damage to several pokemon.

Suddenly a bunch of the Bidoofs rushed at Riolu. Right before they hit Jaack unleashed his command. Riolu launched into the air with quick attack, the Bidoofs slamming into each other. Riolu then smashed back down on them with Fore Palm, taking down the whole lot of them.


Celine was truly impressed.

Another mass of pokemon swarmed Shinx. These got to Shinx, though, jumping on top of it and attacking from all sides. This all appeared just too much for Jack to be able to handle at one time, especially since he was busy with Zubat, who had just learned bite.

Suddenly, a light came from where Shinx was, he pile of pokemon being thrownoff of shinx. Only it wasn't Shinx they had just been launched off of. It was Luxio.
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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Noon /Weather: Clear sky ]
« Reply #374 on: August 17, 2012, 02:55:49 AM »
She sighed in releif, not wanting to run anymore, and walked close to them. Her curiosity was back.

S-so, umm... who's Team Galactic?

She just hoped she wasent asking a stupid question.
. . .