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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 174660 times)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #480 on: August 19, 2012, 12:09:04 AM »

Nexos already killed 2 Misdrvouses, having a boring time collecting their necklesses. It's a good thing his Loudred knew bite, or he would probably be screwed right now.

Damn, and I figured this would be a challenge. I overestimated these pokemon... I wonder where those kids are...

Nexos looked back at his group(G), and smirked. They were busy hunting... He debated whether to ditch the group and find that punk, or to keep hunting... Then an idea crossed his mind, and he smirked and slipped away in the shadows twards Group C to see if he could find any of the kids... He'll just say he thought he saw a Misdrevous running away or something.

(SIINTCA... And sorry Meowth, but I'm evil, sue me. :P)


Go Staravia!

Staravia came out of it's pokeball, ready for battle.

Alright, Staravia, use quick attack on that Crogunk, and Machop, use low kick on that Gible!(Grunt 3)

Staravia started attacking Crogunk with a barrage of quick attacks, and Machop low kicked at Gible!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 12:23:02 AM by 9Nexalas6 »
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #481 on: August 19, 2012, 12:14:32 AM »

Jack came bursting through a set of trees. Then he saw Lyn, the source of the sound.

Well, haven't seen you in a while.


Celine let out Grovyle, as Lotad alone wouldn't be enough.

Grovyle, quick attack on Trapinch! Lotad, Nature Power on Luxio!

Grovyle, a blur of green, rushed at Trapinch. Lotad shot an arc of seed bombs at Luxio.
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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #482 on: August 19, 2012, 01:13:14 AM »
Evil Gm post!


Nuzleaf shot out the razorleaf and pound before slowpoke could finish the move canceling it out...
The razorleaf doing 2x damage. Pound doing 1x.
Slowpoke slowly getting back up not really showing signs of pain....But you could see the damage on his body...

Grunt2- Slowpoke use watergun!

Slowpoke slowly looks up at Nuzleaf and shoots a stream of water at him.
As for machop. He gets hit with the Karate chop being a critical hit...But he survives it....

Grunt 2- machop copy him! Focus energy then Karate chop!

Grunt 1- Staravia Bidood look out!!!

Bidoof still in the rollout was able to dodge the rocks but Staravia got hit... Doing 1x damage....
Staravia flails around in the air for a moment before recovering...

Grunt 1_Bidoof keep up with the rollout...Staravia double team!

Bidoof speeds up on his rollout as it gets a bit stronger rolling at onyx again...Staravia bursts into 3 figures..

Grunt A- Kadabra get out of the powder!!!!

Before he could it was already asleep....
Gastly getting his with the embers falls to the ground exhausted already...

Grunt A- Gastly you can do it! try a nightshade!

Gastly slowly floats up and fires off a nightshade at ponyta.

Group B

Realizing they was under attack they prepared...

Grunt 3
- Croagunk poison sting!

Croagunk gets hit with the quick attack and then fires off a poison sting at Staravia...

Grunt 3- Gible sandstorm!

Gible whirls up a sandstorm in the area....Allowing his evasion to increase...Jumping up over the low kick...

Grunt 4- Trapinch meet the quick attack with a Bite...Luxio use your speed to dodge them and then use tackle on Lotad!

Trapinch opened its mouth towards Grovyle as it approached with the quick attack....Luxio dodging the attack and busts into a sprint towards Lotad...

As this was going on and as they arrived on the scene Grunt B had just knocked down a misdreavus and was about to take the necklace from her....

Group C

Grunt 5-Ekans, Kadabra Go!
Grunt 5- Ekans poison sting on Pineco! Kadabra confusion on Pineco!

Grunt 6-Ledian Go
Grunt 6- Ledian comet punch on Houndour!

Grunt 7-Aipom, Wobuffet Go
Grunt 7-Aipom astonish on Wartortle! Wobuffet stand by!

Grunt 8-Heracross Go
Grunt 8- Heracross horn attack on kricketune!

Grunt C- Geodude, Flaaffy get to it!
Grunt C- Geodude Rock throw at Ralts! Flaffy thundershock at shynx!
Gm Post

As Nexo takes the necklaces off of them that he thought was dead.... they started to glow red....Even uncontentious....
Both of them started to float into the air....All you could hear through the entire forest was an extremely loud and torturous  scream/ screech....

Both the misdreavus start floating south chanting.........

"Mis mis misdreavus.....Mis mis misdreavus......"

Repeatedly...Finally their eyes open.....

Both of them fire off a very strong psychic version of psywave....Trees start to warp from the energy they were putting out....

Siren and Vixon

"Pineco use protect!"

Pineco throws up a shield in front of him...

"Goodjob now use take down on ekans!"
"Quick houndour jump infront of Kadabra to block the confusion!" "Then use bite!"
"Staravia quick attack on Ledian stop it from going towards houndour!"

Staravia shoots into a blur towards the Ledian...Houndour jumps infront of kadabra and goes in to bite....
Pineco charges in full power at ekans...

Wartortle gets hit by the astonish and causes him to flinch...
Heracross over powering Kricketune hitting him with the horn attack knocking him back several feet...

"No! Kricketune get up!.......Geodude magnitude!!!"

Magnitude 7...Geodude slams into the ground causing a decent size rupture of the ground towards all of the foes...
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 01:16:38 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #483 on: August 19, 2012, 01:26:32 AM »

Nuzleaf, Razor leaf!

Nuzleaf shot out several leafs that collided with the beam of water. The moves truggled for power for a moment, before the leafs split the attack right down the middle and headed for Slowpoke!

Machop, meet 'em blow for blow!

Machop met Machop blow for blow, until a critical hit landed which knocked Machop back. He fell, rolling harshly threw the dirt. Struggling to his feet a red Aura surrounded him and a horrendous battle cry left his lips as he used focus energy, then charged with karate chop! Tylan glanced over, knowing what he had to do as he observed Baylees battle....

Sneasel, feint attack on Kadabra!

Sneasel appeared, drawing up to Kadabra harmlessly, before swinging claws that glistened deadly. (This move should be SE :)


She knew what Tylan was doing.

Ponyta, ember on Gastly!

Ponta snorted a cone of flames at Gastly!

Ivysaur, help out with take down!

Streaks of energy surrounded Ivysaur as he charged t Kadabra, curse hit him and he faultered, but kept going!


Quick attack Riolu!

Riolu shot forward, quickly darting through two fake Starvias.

Onix dodge!

Onix managed to slither out of the way just in time, the attack missing!

Now Rock throw on Staravia!

Onix hurled a large rock at Starvia, hurtling through the air straight at her side!

Riolu, force palm on Bidoof!

As Bidoof rolled away from Onix Riolu shot forward with quick attack, swinging its glowing palm down at Bidoof!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #484 on: August 19, 2012, 01:33:10 AM »

Nexos noticed the Misdrevous... huh, so they couldent be killed afterall. He was a bit creeped out by the chanting, and when they let loose a psywave, he just barely manadged to dodge, his left arm was hit though, and burned.

@&%$ WAS THAT?!?!

He started running, trying to get away from the ghost pokemon, and took out his cell phone and called Saturn.

Saturn, these ghost pokemon are going berserk, what's going on?!?!


Cheryl was freaking out, she didn't know how to defend from that.

S-Staravia, dodge the poison sting! Machop, uh...- t-try using low kick again!

Machop tried to low kick Gible again, while Staravia magesticly dodged the poison sting, but then a Trapinch came from the sandstorm and bit down on Staravia. Staravia yelled in pain and shook it off, taking fiar damage.

S-Staravia, are you okay?! Uh- U-use double team!

Suddenly 5 more staravia's appear, all of them appearing like an illusion.

N-now use quick attack on Croagunk again!
. . .

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #485 on: August 19, 2012, 01:34:37 AM »
Drifloon and duskull floated onto the battlefield.

Duskull! Use astonish on vulpix, drifloon, use constrict on growlithe!

Duskull shrieked and flew at vulpix. drifloon floated towards growlithe and tried to wrap its arms around the growlithe.


Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #486 on: August 19, 2012, 01:59:42 AM »
Lyn say the attacks from Flaffy and Geodude, as she nods.

"Ralts Confusion on the rock and throw it back, Shinx, take the hit and charge for a Tackle"

Ralts glow lbue as it picks up the rock with confusion and quickly throws it back at Geodude, as Shinx takes the Thundershock and keeps charing to tackle flaffy.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #487 on: August 19, 2012, 02:04:43 AM »

Trapinch opened its mouth wide.

Grovyle, dodge!

Grovyle quickly leaped above Trapinch.

Now come down with another quick attack!

Grovyle shot down at Trapinch.

Loatd, get out of the way and then use mist!

Lotad barely dodged Luxio's attack, and then let out a heavy mist, preventing any stats from changing. Lotad then began to glow with the mist, and reshaped with it. The disappeared, as Lotad evolved into Lombre.


Jack was about to catch up with Lyn and the others when a swarm of Murkrow and Hoothoot appeared in front of him. Luxio prepared to attack.
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Offline Chad29

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #488 on: August 19, 2012, 02:31:33 AM »
Chad was a new trainer, walking through the forest, when he heard sounds like battling. He also heard the sound of a pokemon in distress. He snuck closer to see some members of Team Galactic, an evil group he had heard about recently, trying to steal a necklace from a ghost pokemon. He summoned Croconaw, and jumped out of the bushes. "Croconaw! Intercept those goons and rescue the pokemon!" Croconaw lunged for a bite attack.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 02:33:21 AM by Chad29 »

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #489 on: August 19, 2012, 02:59:17 AM »
Evil Gm post

Group A

Grunt 2's slowpoke just wasn't up to par with its weakness getting hit and falling over fainted....
Same with the machop already being hit with 1 critical then another....Knocks him out.

(Grunt 2 is out of pokemon...)

Gastly getting hit with the embers again it couldn't hold on and falls....
Kadabra being asleep was completely defenseless and was pounded by both attacks...(Poor kadabra..)

Grunt 1- Staravia watch ou.....

About that time a rock hit it in the back and caused it to plummet to the ground....

Grunt 1- Bidoof meet the force palm with the rollout!

Bidoof still in the rollout turns and connects with the force palm. A small dust cloud poofs up....Bidoof flies back from the hit and isn't able to get up...

(Group A is cleared...)

Group B

Grovyle slamming down ontop of Trapinch...

Grunt 4- Trapinch sand attack quick!

Trapinch quickly starts scattering dust all over...

Grunt 4- Luxio Tackle on the Lombre now!!!

Luxio dashes at the Lombre...

The croagunk not knowing which was the real one gets hit by the quick attack sliding back a bit...

Grunt 3- Croagunk shake it off it is nothing! Poison sting again hit as many as you can!

Croagunk croaks and starts shooting poison stings at the images in hopes to hit the real one...
Gible gets hit with the low kick this time... falling face first into the ground..

Grunt 3- Gible DRAGON RAGE!

Gible gets up and starts glowing in his mouth and he lets out a large shock wave at machop.

As Grunt B's Pokemon were attacked he had time to grab the necklace off of the Misdreavus.....(Noone tried to stop him)

Group C

The geodude gets hit with his own rock from Ralts....
Flaaffy gets tackled...

Grunt C- Shake it off geodude you are fine! Same with you Flaaffy...

About that time the magnitude hit.....damaging all of them quite badly....
Being SE for both of them it knocked them both out....
(Grunt C is done.)

The kadabra's confusion gets blocked but was able to dodge the bite...

Grunt 5- Kadabra confusion again! on Pineco!
            Ekans Poison sting!

Same happens to them....The magnitude hits and staggers them....Their attacks where canceled..
As ledian flew at Houndour he got hit in the side by a quick attack...

Grunt 6- Use super sonic on staravia!

Ledian let out a soundwave at Staravia...
Ekans was hit with the take down also and caused him to faint...

Grunt 8- Horn attack on Kricketune again!

Grunt 7- Aipom astonish on wartortle again!
Gm post

The 2 misdreavus from the north side quickly floating south are about to reach group C
You can still hear them chanting as they fire off psywaves...Buckling the trees around them...

The misdreavus at Group B was about to have her necklace taken away when a random Croconaw came out and Bite Grunt B...
The misdreavus comes back conscious and flies into some bushes to hide....

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #490 on: August 19, 2012, 03:07:09 AM »
Efialtes saw the guy almost get the necklace, then the guy got bitten by a croconaw.

Good, you saved a misdreavus.. Drifloon! duskull! again!

Drifloon attempted to squeeze the growlithe(since you said they were attacked I assume teh attacks hit?) and duskull flew at the vulpix again.


Offline Chad29

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #491 on: August 19, 2012, 03:14:01 AM »
Chad was glad the misdreavus got away, but there was still a lot going on. His croconaw clenched down, hanging on like he wanted to take the guy's leg with him. Chad was distracted by a nearby battle where trainers were fighting other Team Galactic members. He summoned lombre. Lombre, get rid of that ground type. Start with nature power, stun spore." Lombre jumped into battle, casting stun spore towards the trapinch to paralyze it.

"Croconaw, you can let go now. Croconaw.....croconaw! Down! Heel!"
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 03:26:42 AM by Chad29 »

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #492 on: August 19, 2012, 03:17:22 AM »

As the pokemon fell a Murkrow emerged from the trees. Tylan smiled.

Sneasel, screech then quick attack!

Sneasel screeched, then slammed hard into Murkrow, fainting it. Tylan threw a poke-ball which sucked it in.

Daylin and Baylee

Daylin turned to Baylee and she nodded.

Tylan catch up, we are going after the next group!

Wait! Take Machop Daylin

A poke-ball flew threw the air, landing in Daylin hand.

Take good care of him

I will.

As Tylan awaited to see if he caught the pokemon Daylin and Baylee took off running,m quickly passing group C where the rest where fighting, before they got to group Dtheyran into two rampaging Misdreavius.

We need to put them out of there misery....

We can try....

Machop, go! Foresight, focus energy, and then Karate chop!

Machop emerged, locking onto the Misdreavius, glowing red, then charging at Misdreavius, Misdreavius had its back turned to machop, shooting off in the other direction.

Riolu, foresight then force palm!

Riolu locked onto the same Misdreavius with its back turned, then charged forward with its glowing palm swinging at its back.


Bopth fighting pokemon stopped, running back to Daylin.

Ivysaur, sleep powder!

Ivysaur emerged, shooting a extra thick dose of sleep pwoder at the backs of both Misdreavius. Without seeing if they hit Baylee threw two poke-balls, sucking them in. She hoped the sleep powder had put them to sleep before hand.

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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #493 on: August 19, 2012, 03:23:10 AM »
Gm coin flip
@ Blades

1 head 1 tails- The Murkrow some how busts out of the Pokeball with the determination to not be caught but didn't have the energy to fight back...


Both Misdreavus bust out of the pokeballs in a severe rage! One of them starts focusing psychic energy into one spot....Firing a beam at Baylee...
It was psybeam..Being in this state must of unlocked their moves early...(Being in berserk they won't remember anything that happened.)
The other one the sleep powder was starting to take control over it as it calmed down a bit from being sleepy....But was still fighting Firing off psywaves....

« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 03:29:41 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #494 on: August 19, 2012, 03:24:14 AM »

Nexos was confused, but smirked. Looks like these two were trying to catch them. When it failed though, he became worried. Killing them and taking their necklaces was one thing... but knowing they're suffering... was this... guilt? He shook his head. He should just watch for now to see if they can help them.


Cheryl thought she heard soemthing, but concentrated on the battle.

Machop! Dodge it!

Machop just barely manadged to dodge.

Machop, use-

Machop jumped into the air and used karate chop at the Gible. Machop leanred karate chop!

Uh... Staravia, dodge it and use wing attack!

Staravia was hit with some of the poison sting, and though it didn't do much damage, it poisoned it! But Staravia didnt give up and flew at high speed at the Croagunk with it's wings glowing!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 03:55:10 AM by 9Nexalas6 »
. . .