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Author Topic: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]  (Read 174661 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #495 on: August 19, 2012, 03:29:42 AM »

Luxio! Spark!

Luxio blew through some of the pokemon, no problem. Then a Murkrow flew at Luxio from one side, and a Hoothoot from the other. Luxio got out of the way, and the two slammed into each other. Another Murkrow dove down at Luxio, who jumped up and latched on to Murkow,  Luxio learned Bite! That was all of the pokemon so Jack then ran up to Tylan, who was attempting to capture a Murkrow of his own.

I'm coming with you.


Trapinch began to scatter dust everywhere after Grovyle's attack hit. Grovyle staggered back, unsure what to do. Luxio was charging at Lombre.

Grovyle, quick attack on Luxio! Lombre, use Nature Power on Trapinch!

She hoped that changing targets would confuse them as Grovyle sped towards Luxio and as Lombre shot ready to explode seeds at Trapinch.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 04:11:41 AM by Fenror »
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #496 on: August 19, 2012, 03:49:01 AM »

he threw one more poke-ball, easily catching Murkrow. He released it and healed it wounds, then returned all three of his pokemon. He nodded at Fenror, then bolted off. He arrived at the scene to see Baylee and Daylin, a large wave of psychic energy firing at Baylee

Sneasel, quick attack!

With inhuman speed sneasel appeared in front of Baylee, the blast hitting him and not effecting him!

Sneasel, feint attack! Murkrow, wing attack! Nuzleaf Razor leaf!

Nuzleaf appeared, leaping in the air and shooting several leafs at the rampaging Misdreavius, Sneasel drew up and slashed darky at the same Misdreavius, as Murkrow charged its wing glowing as it attacked the same Misdreavius, that Misdreavius was sure to be down!

Daylin and Baylee

They smiled as Tylan saved the day.

Both of you, foresight! Machop, karate chop! Riolu force palm!

Both charged at the tired Misdreavius, easily avoiding her rays.

Help them out with Ember and Vine whip guys!

Vines shot from Ivysaur, flying at the tired Msidreavius as Ponyta snorted flames at the very same tired Misdreavius!

Onix, rock throw!

Onix appeared, throwing a large rockl at the tired Msidreavius!

(and that takes care of that)
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 03:57:52 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #497 on: August 19, 2012, 03:51:33 AM »
Shinx takes the SE Magnitude and barely hangs on panting alot as Ralts takes the hit as well, but was in a better condicion.

"Damn... that was hard... Shinx eat this"

She takes out a container with a cube from a Sitrus Berry and throws it at Shinx that catches it with it's mouth and eats it, feeling much better.

"allright, your much better Shinx, rush and Bite Kadabra, Ralts use Confusion on Aipom"

Shinx runs quickly to Kadabra with it's fangs shining a bit to go for a Bite as Ralts glows blue to launch Confusion to the Aipom
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 04:20:07 AM by Aquashin »
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #498 on: August 19, 2012, 04:07:49 AM »
Nexos was watching, the guilt growing inside him. He had to fix it. It didn't matter if it risked hsi job, he had to fix it...

If I get demoted for this...

He threw the necklaces at Daylin from the shadows, and began wlaking away twards C group.
. . .

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #499 on: August 20, 2012, 10:10:20 PM »
Evil GM post

Group B

Grunt B- Gyah....Ok that hurts.....

Noticing his pokemon getting attacked again...This time he retaliates...

Grunt B- Vulpix dodge it and use Wil-o-wisp on Duskull!

Vulpix jumps out of the way and fires a blue and white flame at Duskull.
Growlithe still being squeezed...

Grunt B- Growlithe try using bite on Drifloon!

Growlithe in pain opens its mouth and attempts to bite the tentacles of the Drifloon that was constricting him.

The stun spore hit Trapinch causing it to become paralyzed...

Grunt 4- Trapinch you can do it! Try to use bite on that Lombre that just appeared!

Trapinch looks over at it and starts running with its mouth open..THen jolts of electricity hit all over his body..
He was paralyzed...Not noticing the nature power and getting his by it...Knocking him down....Barely being able to get up.
Gaining him movement he started charging at the Lombre(Chad) again...

Grunt 4- Ugh....Luxio watch out!From the other one!

Before Luxio realized it he was hit with the quick attack..

Grunt 4- Quick use leer on him!

Luxio gets up and glares at Grovyle..

As for Grunt 3...The Gible getting hit with the karate chop sent him down...
The wing attack hit also knocking Croagunk out also....

Grunt 3- This is far from over you pests!!!!

Group C

Grunt 7- Wobbuffet it is your turn! assist aipom! Mirror coat now!

Wobbuffet jumps in front of Aipom taking the hit and then sending it back at Ralts for double the damage..
Shinx was able to make it intime to kadabra before he could react causing a SE hit on him causing him to be knocked out...

Grunt 8- Heracross help out! Use nightslash on Houndour!

Grunt 6- Ledian keep up the super sonic! Use it on Houndour this time!

Group D

The grunts there had just knocked out several Misdreavus...They was able to take the necklaces off before....
Siren and Vixon

"Houndour don't let it bother you! Use Roar to cancel it!"

Houndour roars loudly canceling out the supersonic....
But getting hit with the Nightslash...Not doing much damage...

"Alright houndour use Bite on ledian!"

Houndour jumped out fangs out attempting to bite Ledian....

"Staravia help out Houndour! Wing attack on Heracross!"

Staravia quickly flew at Heracross wings extended and glowing....

"Pineco! Just stand by for the moment!"

The astonish at wartortle was negated when Aipom was attacked with the  confusion...
Kricketune on the other hand got knocked out and Vixon recalled him..

"You did your best buddy I just didn't train you enough I guess.."

Gm post

THe misdreavous that was sleepy got hit several times and eventually fell...The sleep powder took controll and she fell asleep..
But you could tell she was near death...From such low energy...And no way to get what she needed to get back energy..(aka no necklace.)

The other Misdreavus gets hit from all directions also causing it to finally fall not being able to keep up anymore...
The red glow from it started to fade as its energy was almost to 0....

Out of nowheres....2 necklaces fly through the air and land next to Daylin's feet...(What do ya know hehe)

Group D

The event grew in danger....Every second passing by the air seemed colder...more lifeless...and just haunted...
The misdreavus did the same thing as the first 2....All 3 of them turning red and floating up in the air...
Bursting into an enormous scream from all 3 at once peirced everyones ears that was anywheres remotely close...
They started chanting like the others and firing off psychic attacks at anything they seen...

The grunts take their dark types out to block the attacks from them...

Warren Gm post

Holding over his ears as he heard the scream....

"It is time...."

Quickly running over to where the screams where at...Seeing the 3 Misdreavus in Berserk...
He couldn't help but feel like it was somewhat his fault for not acting sooner.

"Team....Team Galactic you will pay this with your LIVES!!"

You could see the anger in his eyes as he has quick flash backs of his past again...

"I will destroy anyone how is a member of that group!"
"Prepare to die!"

Warren throwing out all 6 of his pokeballs!
You could see the fear in the Grunts eyes as each pokemon busted out...

"Alakazam, Gyarados, Electivire, Infernape, Gengar, Delibird."

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #500 on: August 20, 2012, 10:52:39 PM »

Her eyes widened and her face lit up... she WON?!!?!?!?

Oh my gosh.... I WON!!! HOLY CRAP, did anyone see that!?!?!? Oh this feels awsome! .... Oh, right we were still fighting. o.o

She saw the others were fighting, and wanted to help, but had second thoughts considering her pokemon were injured. She still had Wurmple though...

Staravia, Machop, return!

Red beems came out of their pokeballs and they were sucked into their pokeballs.

You two deserve a good rest... huh?

She wasent sure, but she could swear there was some sort of faint chanting echoing through the forest. She also noticed just how cold it was.

Uhhhh... d-does anyone else notice that?


He noticed some more of that weird chanting, and it suddenly got alot colder. He shivered.

B-brrr.... wait... this seems familiar...

He walked twards Group D, where he swore he heard some chanting...

. . .

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #501 on: August 20, 2012, 11:01:50 PM »

Daylin instantly grabbed the necklaces, running over to the Misdreavius. He placed the necklaces on them. Then turned to the other.

You guys go, I'll try to help them.

Daylin placed two poke-balls and sucked them in. He hoped he caught them....

Tylan and Baylee

They nodded and began to run, quickly coming up on group E (Yes E, I'll stall them...). Tylan swore, shouting

Go Nuzleaf and Murkrow!!

Baylee nodded.

Ivysaur and Ponyta, I choose you!

The pokemon appeared ready to fight!

Daylin: 35/100

Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #502 on: August 21, 2012, 12:09:16 AM »
Evil GM Post

Group E

Both the grunts just laugh a bit...

Grunt E- Well now our first victims of the night...How sweet I wonder if they are lovers....
Grunt E- Go my precious Pokemon! STEELIX!!!

The giant steel snake appears out of the pokeball and lets out a loud roar! Towering over the other pokemon...

Grunt 11 throws out 3 pokeballs....

Grunt 11- Go my Elekids! GO! Destroy them now!

Grunt E- Alright lets start this off right! Steelix double team and then DIG!

4 clones appear as they all dig... Going under ground...

Grunt 11- Elekid 1....Shockwave at Murkrow!
                 Elekid 2....Swift at Ivysaur!
                 Elekid 3....Leer at Ponyta!

GM Post

Both misdreavus calming down from having their necklaces. Both accept the embrace of the Pokeballs and allow themselves to be caught inside... (Hint on how to catch the Berserked Misdreavus!!!!)
« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 12:44:51 AM by nightshade06 »

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #503 on: August 21, 2012, 12:27:12 AM »
Nexos walked to the scene, someone extremly powerful was picking on Group D, and he was obviously more powerful than Nexos...

Well isn't this a suprise, I din't know the kid was allied with someone this powerful...

He sent out his Loudred and Glameow, ready for a battle. Nexos was obviously nervous, he knew he was over his head, but he had this erge to fight someone powerful... Then he noticed the three rampaging Misdrevouses.

What the....?

He looked at the three grunts, one(?) was holding their necklaces.

... You three, what are you doing?!
. . .

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #504 on: August 21, 2012, 12:54:53 AM »

Nuzleaf, stop discharge with razor leaf!

Razor sharp leaves collided with the electrical current, causing a small explosion! Nuzleaf slid back, then spun his leaf cockily!

Nuzleaf, shoot razor leaf down in that hole!

Nuzeaf used quick attack to get in close to the hole, before shooting a barrage of razor sharp leaves down it!

Murkrow, return!

Murkrow was returned, he wouldn't be much help.

Sneasel, go! Quick attack on Elekid!

Sneasel shot forward, charging at one of the Elekid!

Ponyta, stay strong!

Ponyta took the swift, before rearing on its hind paws! It charged at another Elekid!

Ponyta ember!

Ponyta shot an ember at one Elekid, before rearing up on its hind paws and stomping at another!

Ivysaur, help Nuzleaf out with Vine whip!

Vine shot down the hole, right behind the Razor leafs!


He picked up the poke-ball and smiled, then started to walk.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #505 on: August 21, 2012, 03:34:40 AM »
Duskull was hit by the blue fire and got a burn from it.

(OW OW!)

Drifloon was hit by the bite and let go, it would only take one more hit to KO drifloon...

Efialtes facepalmed..

Crud... Duskull! nightshade! drifloon, aston-

Duskull sent the mirage attack at vulpix... drifloon tries to slap the growlithe with incredible force... It used payback!

payback..? it knows payback?

« Last Edit: August 21, 2012, 06:50:05 PM by Meowth »

Offline Chad29

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #506 on: August 21, 2012, 07:29:41 AM »
"Good job Lombre. Now use fury swipes, and try to stay away from those jaws." Chad said. Lombre moved in for fury swipes, and did his best to stay away from trapinch.

(Out of character: Does Trapinch have arena trap?)

Croconaw let go of the plasa grunt, and moved to Chad. chad let him stand there, hoping to use him to intercept any pokemon that might try to help Trapinch or attack Lombre.

Offline Aquashin

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #507 on: August 21, 2012, 08:26:44 PM »
(I want to catcha  Misdreavus too...))

Ralts takes the Mirror Coat which wasnt much damage since Wobbuffet was Psychic type too but stay standing tired

"Shinx get that Wobbuffet with Bite and Ralts, Confusion again on that Aipom

Both nod as Shinx lunges to Wobbuffet for a bit as Ralts Goes for Aipom with confusion.
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Offline nightshade06

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #508 on: August 22, 2012, 06:24:18 AM »
Evil GM Post

Group B

Grunt 4- Trapinch keep up with the bite....

Fighting back and forth with the lombre.....The fury swipes hitting every once in a while...As he was about to try to bite Lombre his legs got weak and he collapsed....

Grunt 4- Trapinch no!!!

Grunt B- Vulpix try to dod....

It was too late the attack was too fast to avoid and Vulpix was hit by the Nightshade...Causing it to be knocked out from being hit too many times...
Growlithe also got hit with the Payback... Doing double the power since Growlithe attacked first....Growlithe couldn't take it and collapsed...
(Group B is out.)

Group C

Grunt 6- Dodge the bite! Use comet punch!

Ledian dodged and started barraging Houndour with punches...
Before Heracross could do anything he was hit with the Wing attack....Being SE it knocked Heracross out..

Aipom got hit with the confusion knockign him back but he gets back up ready to fight!

Grunt 7- Aipom us astonish on Ralts!

Aipom dashing at Ralts in an attempt to surprise it with shouting as he attacked!
Wobbuffet got hit with the Bite causing it to collapse not being able to take the hit...

Group D

Grunt 9- We aren't afraid of your "big" Pokemon we can take em they don't seem all that tough!

Grunt 10- y-yea!

Grunt D- Umbreon..Espeon! Attack! Use helping hand on each other and then tackle!

Both of them do as they was told and bolt out towards Warren...

Grunt 10- Mightyena howl then bite on the Alakazam!

Grunt 9- Ekans poison sting! Koffing smokescreen!

Grunt D- What are we doing?!?!? We are doing our job as our boss wanted us to do! (This is directed at Nex)

Group E

Grunt 11- Show that sneasel your speed too! Elekid 1 Quick attack to dodge it!

The Elekid bursts into a high speed attack zig zagging towards sneasel causing them both to miss.
Grunt 11 sighing a bit...

Grunt 11
- Elekid you can easily dodge those attacks! Both of you use shockwave on the Ponyta!

Both Elekids that was being attacked jumped from harm and shot a shockwave at Ponyta..
Steelix got hit with the razorleaf going in the hole causing a small roar to be heard inside!

Grunt E- Steelix now emerge! On Ponyta!

Steelix was able to break through the earth before the vine whip could reach him using dig on Ponyta in the process...

Warren Gm post


The massive electric pokemon stood in front of the attacks taking them barely doing any damage to them...


Electivire charges up an enormous amount of electricity.
You could feel the force from it as he let off a enormous bolt of lightning directly at the Ekans..

"Alakazam future sight then use psychic..."

Alakazam's eyes started glowing blue predicting an attack....Then shot a psychic attack out at Koffing..

Offline Chad29

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Re: [RP]"End of the World" Pokemon RP [Time:Night /Weather: Full moon ]
« Reply #509 on: August 22, 2012, 06:42:28 AM »
"Yeah, that will show you." Chad said. Lombre returned to him after Trapinch went down, not much worse for wear due to the biting. He still heard other stuff going on through the trees, and wondered if he should keep helping the misdreavus against team Galactic.