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Author Topic: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.  (Read 15135 times)

Offline Ursaring

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My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:49:13 AM »
I am not shure if this is the right place to post this ,or if I am even allowed to post my balance ideas since I am not a balance tester. Well I will post this anyway ,and if I am not supose to then I guese lock it?

1st I will start with mantine.This idea is from a science nerd stand point not a balance one ,so this probly woulden't work out. I haven't been able to use the newer data bases ,so I have no idea how much he was buffed by. That being said though I think filter would be great for him mostly because of his real life counter part the manta ray. Manta rays eat by inhaling water then filtering it though thier gills to remove any unwanted items. Animals that feed in this way are called filter feeders. Giving him filter might make hin op if thats the case then ignore what I just said ,but if he still feels a little weak then it would be very cool to have his ability line up with science. Manta rays are pretty much gaint filters with wings for those who haven't seen one before.

Carnivine- With its rather low stats (454) ,and shallow attack move pool consisting of dark ,and grass moves his attacking potental is rather limited. One thing he does have is a fairly vast support movepool though ,and thats what I think he should be balanced for; a tank/staller. While he has rather poor defencive typing in mono-grass (5 weakness 4 resist) its not the worste in the world. With these changes Carnivine will be a very unique staller while also being able to run a few gimicky sets.

1st his stats should be changed to 110/80/100/80/100/50(520) the attacking stats probly will need to go down some more ,but all in all this would bring him up to par with other bulky grass types stat wise. 110/70/100/70/100/50(500) that looks better ,but what do yall think?

Even with these stat changes alone it woulden't be on par with other walls though. So poisin heal (keep levitate though)should also be added making him immune to statis effects(since you would have toxic orb). This also adds to the uniqueness of Carnivine.

Lastly his move pool. Remove sythnisis since he will be immune to status, and will be getting healed by poisin heal+leech seed at the end of each turn. All that plus a 50% heal would be a bit much I think. It would be nice if he got leaf blade aswell as a higher accuracy ,but weaker alternative to power whip.

With these changes Carnivine would be a very unique pokemon! Being able to run a defence ,or a spdefence set , poisin heal giving status immunity, and a few gimick sets for those who are into that kind of thing. I can't wait for some feedback! Below are some sets I thought up on the spurr of the moment.

Staller with high spdefence: poisin heal,toxic orb,and a careful nature. 252 hp for max health return. 196 spdefence to help protect yourself from the fairly commen ice beam ,and flame thrower. Use your remaining 64 evs in defence. You can swap the spdefence ,and defence if you really want to I woulden't though.

- Leech seed
- Toxic
- knock off.Pay back or crunch can be used if you want the extra power. If you use payback get a sassy nature.
- power whip/seed bomb
A few other sets are possible involving sword dance ,or the risky ingrain. It also can get wring out ,and some spattack grass moves if you wanna use a specail set involving wring out. Ide drop knock off for it most likely.

Edit:I mainly want feedback on the Carnivine idea btw.Oh I forgot Carnivine is currently a attacker ,and these ideas would almost totaly remake him. Some might not like that ,so I think I just spent over a hour wasting my time making a idea that would make peaple unhappy.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 12:41:37 PM by Ursaring »


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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 04:57:41 PM »
I am not shure if this is the right place to post this ,or if I am even allowed to post my balance ideas since I am not a balance tester. Well I will post this anyway ,and if I am not supose to then I guese lock it?


Edit:I mainly want feedback on the Carnivine idea btw.Oh I forgot Carnivine is currently a attacker ,and these ideas would almost totaly remake him. Some might not like that ,so I think I just spent over a hour wasting my time making a idea that would make peaple unhappy.

We appreciate every idea on how to give a unique feel to a pokémon, so it technically isn't wrong (as far as I know) to suggest balance ideas like this. I personally like your Carnivine idea. There are a couple of rules though:

1) Don't make OP sets. Explain why you balanced him like that with reasonable arguments. Something like this "BECAUZZ HEEZ TEH BEZT POKéMONZ AUT THER!!!!!!!!!" isn't what we need. That takes us to the second rule.

2) Watch your grammar and spelling. it's more pleasant to read a comprehensive English sentence (We don't mind some small mistakes) than it is to read some text like the example in rule #1

3) Try to PM those balance ideas to someone of the balance team (Shadowfred, Roloc or me) instead of making topics for every new balance idea. We will read them, filter the bad ones out and edit he good ones to give them a unique feeling.

Offline Ursaring

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 06:01:12 PM »
Oh was my grammer that bad? I should have copied it to word then. I used punctuation,commas,and capital letters though. The spelling was most likely the issue??

I also don't think I made a op set at all ,and I listed some nerfs for him aswell like removing Synthesis. Ways to counter him are easy as he is slow ,and has 5 easy to abuse weaknesses with only 4 things he resist he is not very easy to switch in. He can come in on a water move ,but unless that water pokemon is locked into that move it probly has ice beam(or any ice move) ready to own you. Other grass/poisons likely will out class it with their resitance to the ever so commen fighting moves. They also have less weaknesses ,and the only drawback to their typing is a psychic  weakness. Carnivine can also be shut down by pokes immune to leech seed ,or toxic.

Another thing is I thought I presented a reasonible set ,and I said nothing close to "BECAUZZ HEEZ TEH BEZT POKéMONZ AUT THER!!!!!!".  Are you trying to say I made him to OP ,or are you just telling me the rules? I can't tell since I can't hear your tone. Next time I will send you a private messedge though, I just wanted some feedback in general though.

Edit: I am just wondering ,but do you want Dragonair to be balanced? I have seen some un-evolved pokes on the list of changed pokemon ,but mostly the ones who got a evolved form in gen 4.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 06:07:07 PM by Ursaring »


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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 07:10:09 PM »
@Ursaring: those rules were the rules in general, I didn't point out your mistakes. You followed them all but the last about the PM, so you did well.

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2012, 11:41:52 PM »
Ponge was just telling you the rules.

Mantine is balanced already and is in perfect working order from what I have seen. I've seen about 5 people use it and it seems to be able to take special attacks very well.

The only unevovled pokemon we balance are the ones that didn't evolve until later gens like Scyther AND they must have been at least some what good. For example Porygon from gen 1 will not be balanced because of how bad it was. If we decide to balance it later then we will but for now this is how it is.
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Offline Ursaring

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 02:18:58 AM »
@ Roloc oh I see well thats cool then. I was just asking since she is actully a pretty good set-up sweeper in RU.

Oh if the new mantine is perfectly good then thats fine it was just a idea since it matched up with SCIENCE.

Offline Ursaring

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 12:22:38 PM »
So is there nothing more that can be said in this thread? I would love some thoughts fron non-PU team members ,or some more thoughts in generel.....

Offline Sazaraki

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2012, 03:59:34 PM »
I personally use Mantine and I like it the way it is :D Also, filter in the Pokemon games is an ability used by Mr. Mime and Mine Jr. as a psychic ability. It's not filter as in a manta ray's feeding. Cool idea though :) However I've never used Carnivine and I don't know how good it already is lol. Though I've never seen anyone use it on our server.

Offline Ursaring

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2012, 10:08:25 PM »
Carnivine is currently useless ,and I have never seen one either playing pokemon online. He is bad by NU standards.

Offline Roloc

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2012, 11:59:28 PM »
Carnivine hasn't been balanced by PU yet but I will put it on my list of ones to do. No worries :)
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Offline Ursaring

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Re: My ideas to buff Carnivine. Small mantine idea aswell.
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 01:08:05 PM »
Carnivine hasn't been balanced by PU yet but I will put it on my list of ones to do. No worries :)
