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Author Topic: The Birth of Pokemon  (Read 7278 times)

Offline Kefka323

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The Birth of Pokemon
« on: June 22, 2012, 06:37:19 PM »
Millions of years ago, an extraordinary event happened. To this day, human scientists call it "The Big Bang". This explosion happened shortly after Dialga and Palkia created Time and Space. It created planets and stars for an unknown amount of miles. And from this explosion, rose a being. His name was Arceus.
       Dialga and Palkia treated Arceus as a god, but their brother Giratina grew jealous of the attention that Arceus was getting. After a few thousand years, Arceus became bored of traveling space all the time. He wanted a planet that could be lived on. The atmosphere needed to be just right and there needed to be water on it. He eventually found a planet just how he dreamed the perfect planet would be. It was called "Earth".
       It had the right atmosphere that living things needed, but it needed a little improvement. He created a few animals that he called "Legendary Pokemon". Kyogre covered Earth in water and Groudon rose some of the land to make continents. Lugia created weather and Celebi created plant life. All that was needed was life on Earth. Arceus created Ho-oh and told him to create life. Ho-oh created a Pokemon that they named "Mew", who would be the ancestor of all Pokemon.
       He eventually also created 149 more species of Pokemon. All was good on Earth until Giratina decided that it was time to strike. He created a Pokemon called "Darkrai" and they attacked Arceus. The combined might of Giratina and Darkrai was enough to take Arceus on his knees. When it seemed Giratina had won, Mew sensed the danger that Arceus was in, and she told Dialga and Palkia. They rushed to Arceus' aid. They were an excellent team and ended up defeating the traitors.
       After the defeat, Arceus decided that the proper punishment would be to send them to alternate dimensions where they could have no joy. After that, Arceus created humans, who would be lesser beings than Legendary Pokemon but greater than Pokemon. He sensed that there would be a war between Pokemon. A Pokemon would rise named Mewtwo, and he would create evil Pokemon to do his bidding. He decided that him, Dialga, and Palkia needed to be stronger for this event, so he warned Mew about the danger and he created Rayquaza, Moltres, Zapdos, and Articuno. He put Mew in charge of the Pokemon race and he left to another dimension to train with Dialga and Palkia.
       Mew turned out to be a great leader. She sent Moltres to Victory Road in the North, Zapdos to the Power Plant in the East, Articuno to the Seafoam Islands in the South, and she sent Rayquaza, Lugia, and Ho-oh to watch over the Earth from the skies. Rayquaza decided to settle on the Sky Pillar in Hoenn. The humans learned how to build towns and cities. The small town of Ectureak worshiped Ho-oh and Lugia and Built them towers to live on.
       Eventually, Humans decided to start capturing Pokemon in "Pokeballs" and use them as pets, so the Legendary Pokemon found a way to become immune to the powers of these Pokeballs. One day, there was a thunderstorm in Ectureak. Lightning hit Lugia's tower, burning it to the ground. Lugia flew away to the Whirl Islands in the West. Ho-oh could hear the cries of something coming from the Burnt Tower. He went down and discovered three dead Pokemon. He took pity on them, and revived them as Entei, Raikou, and Suicune.
       They stayed down in the Burnt Tower to live until someone finds them. And now everyone waits until Mewtwo rises and Arceus returns. 
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 09:24:47 PM by ImmaFreeza »

Offline Ixmate102

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Re: The Birth of Pokemon(not fiished)
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2012, 09:51:31 PM »
When everything had settled down, Arceus yet again was bored, so he set off on another journey to find out more about himself. Behind Arceus' back, Dialga and Palkia fought many long years to decide who was to take charge of "Earth" while their king was away.

Hope you like it!  ::)

Offline Kefka323

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Re: The Birth of Pokemon(not fiished)
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2012, 08:46:22 PM »
That was pretty good, but I'm not finished yet. Getting to it right now.  ;D

Offline Kefka323

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Re: The Birth of Pokemon(not fiished)
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2012, 09:19:44 PM »
That was pretty good, but I'm not finished yet. Getting to it right now.  ;D
Okay, now I'm finished.  :)