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Author Topic: [Closed] Galactic Tournament| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Raining  (Read 90102 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Tournament| Time: Afternoon| Weather: Raining
« Reply #285 on: October 22, 2012, 04:42:42 PM »

As soon as they had turned the trooper over, Tylan had ran straight back tot he hospital. Daylin was wandering through the bushes, when something caught his eye. It was a...body? Daylin jolted forward, checking for a pulse. He found none, the flesh was burnt like Warren's had been. He knew what had happened. He gently scooped Leo up, the man had been a good and honest battler, he didn't deserve this. Tears streaked down Daylin's face as he carried Leo to the nearest police station, after he reported this, he was gong to kill every last one of those arrogant trooper bastards.

One of the cops nearly passed out. The other went up to Daylin.

This is impossible. All the people we found were at least still breathing. What in the world happened?
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