Pokémon Universe > Balance Server Testing

Balanced or unbalanced?

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--- Quote ---Kangaskhanite has been officially banned by the OU Tiering Council. A quick run-down of the reasoning, with more information in the linked thread, is as follows:

1. Mega Kangaskhan, with an effective 213 base attack thanks to Parental Bond, is too powerful for even the bulkiest of OU physical walls. Damage calculations are listed in the thread.

2. Mega Kangaskhan is nearly impossible to revenge kill outside of fast and powerful Fighting-types. Other Pokemon who outspeed are either OHKOed by a +2 Sucker Punch or too weak to break through its 105/100/100 defenses.

3. Mega Kangaskhan severely limits teambuilding by forcing teams to run multiple obscure counters and checks.
--- End quote ---

You know what that means. IT's getting the nerf bat on PU.

does that mean your banning it or nerfing it?

Nerfing it.

Unlocking topic so members who try the balance can make suggestions for Gen VI, or previous balances.


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