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Author Topic: [RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy  (Read 43324 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Many explorers, especially those in the land of Bokiri, are now part of one of the pokemon pokemon guilds, where they can explore, help out citizens, and make their mark on the world. Among these guilds are few legendary ones, and it is every pokemon’s dream to be part one of these guilds. There have been strange accounts of the world breaking apart all across Bokiri! All across the edge of the land, chunks are being removed and floating off of the mainland, but not a single pokemon claims to know what is going on. There are also new dungeons popping up all over the place as well. Could they somehow be related to the world breaking apart? Even more suspicious is the return of The Guild of Shadows, once a prominent evil force in Bokiri. There is hope, though. For the first time in seven years, the heroic, world-renowned group, the Guardian Guild, is recruiting new members. They are the help that the world needs, and they need you to join them.

The job board will be posted here once the RP has started.

All other details will be posted in the OOCC


1. No God-Modding
2. You may create your own job, but must send it to me in a PM first to get it approved.
3. You may accept more than one job in a day, but only if they are in the same location.
4. You may not accept the same job as another player, unless they fail the job. See the job board for available and accepted missions.[/center]
5. You may only accept jobs that are available for your rank. No exceptions
6. No trolling or excessive cursing. Profanity is allowed, but to a degree.
7. No stating whether or not a wild pokemon has joined your team. You may state if you wish for them to join you, or you may ask them to join your team, but it is up to me, the GM, whether or not they join your team.
8. The-Blades-Slave is in fact Assistant GM, listen to what he says.
9. No off topic discussions in the OOCC.
10. Notify either myself or Blades if you will not be around for a while, so we can ensure that you are not left behind.
11. No killing off an important character without permission. It's common sense.
12. All posts must be three or more sentences long. No exceptions.
13. You may not travel to multiple dungeons in one day.
14. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and if possible, spelling. You don't want your post to be misunderstood.
15. Please refrain from typing in bright colors such as pink, yellow, and anything else that could be difficult to read.
16. You may not evolve your pokemon through battle or items. They will be evolved during the story.
17. You may not rank yourself up. That will be done by me.
18. You can only have a team of 4 pokemon, unless you are Hero Rank. This means that you can only recruit 2 pokemon! Choose wisely!

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: September 25, 2012, 01:31:26 AM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 12:15:35 AM »

Central Town

Several Delibird could be seen flying towards the town. They were all carrying something. As they grow closer, it is apparent that they are carrying some sort of large sacks. Within a couple of minutes the birds are directly over the town, and one by one they release part of the sack, allowing its contents to spill out into the town. Hundreds of papers cascade toward Central Town, which happens to be very populated on this day. Upon closer inspection these papers turn out to be a special flyer. It says:

Have you ever wanted to be part  of a legendary guild?
Have you ever dreamed of being part of the Guardian Guild's famous explorations?
Do you just want to have the best time of your life?
Well then, today's your lucky day!
For the first time in seven years, the Guardian Guild is recruiting new members!
Make your way to the Guardian Tower, east of Central Town, for a chance of joining one of the world's most famous guilds!


Leon looked up as a bunch of flyers fell to the ground. He looked at one of them, his eyes suddenly growing large. This is what he and Tsuna had been waiting for ever since the Challenger's Guild disbanded. Speaking of Tsuna, what was taking him so long at the shop? Suddenly, an Oshawott came running his way. It was Tsuna, who apparently hadn't bought any items from the shop. He was holding one of the flyers, though.

What took you so long?

It was nothing. Did you see the flyers? He handed the flyer to the white Zorua.

No, I totally didn't see the hundreds of pieces of paper falling from the sky.

I'm serious!

Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go already!

The two ran off in the direction of the Guardian Tower.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 12:22:17 AM by Fenror »
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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 12:28:01 AM »
Team Dominus Solar

In the middle of central town, an Abra and Ducklett, both wearing bracelets could be seen. As the paper flew down, they discussed mentally what they should do.

This is not the place, I can feel it.

Warren, we can battle to see who is right.

Warren sighed, in his mind of course, befor submitting.

we will check it out.

He grabbed a hold of Silene, and they vanished, teleporting away.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 01:36:14 AM »
Shiron and Dexter were exploring the town the just got into, when they noticed the Delibirds dropping some fliers. Shiron jumped and caught one, while Dexter just used Confusion to make one go to him.

Sweet! This is just what we were looking for! Let's go Dexter!

Before Dexter could protest, Shiron ran to a random direction.

Shiron! Your going to wrong way!

He stopped running and ran the opposite direction. Dexter face-palmed.

... Follow me, it's this way.

How do you know that's the right way?

Because I looked at the map, now come on.

Shiron nodded and started following Dexter towards the guild.
. . .

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2012, 03:00:18 AM »
efialtes tried to catch a paper, but he kept chewing through them. amber finally came out of her hiding spot and grabbed one. they then started reading it..

this...this is what we've been waiting for! Lets do this!

He started running of towards the direction.

*sweatdrop* H-HEY! WAIT FOR ME! D:

you could then see a ralts trying to run and catch up to a houndour..


*can't hear* I'M SOOOO HAPPY : D


Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 03:19:39 AM »

Leon and Tsuna arrived at the guild. They had gotten there before most pokemon had even left the city, but they could see that a line was quickly forming. The Guardian Tower was huge. The duo had passed it before, but never had time to truly appreciate it. That was until now. Standing in line, they marveled at the magnificence of this large tower, its sleek, metallic walls shining in the sunlight.  When they got to the front of the guild, they were actually not allowed to even go inside. In front of them was a table, where a Lucario sat. Next to him stood an Arcanine.

Can we join?

Um, Tsuna, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

Tsuna must have been eager to join, as he wasn't one to go right out and say things such as that.


Um, Tsuna, I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way.

The Lucario, or Sirius, as his name was, just sat there for a moment, observing the two pokemon. He liked something about these two, maybe they could even handle taking on one of the harder dungeons.

Well, let's see. The Arcanine said. Well, we've recently had several Reviver Seeds stolen by a group of thugs. Those thugs have split up and we believe they have run all the way to the bottom level of five different dungeons. We will have you go to Flat-

Sirius held up his hand and silenced the Arcanine.

No, let's have them go to Sand's Castle.

S-sand's Castle? But isn't that where Electivire is?

Did I stutter?

Arcanine's face grew slightly red. He hated it when Sirius did this to him. He turned back to the Oshawott and Zorua.

You will go to Sand's Castle. It is a dungeon on the beach just to the southeast of here. We believe that one of the thugs, an Electivire, is holding one of our Reviver Seeds at the very top of the dungeon. Be careful, as he is dangerous. Return the reviver seed to us, and you may just be able to join the team.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2012, 03:25:26 AM »
Team Dominus Solar

With a pop, they appeared in the front of the line. Warrren sighed, watching as Team Katana was given there mission.

This is going to take a while.

Warren nodded and approached the line.

We would like to join.

(He is speaking mentally.)

Daylin: 35/100

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2012, 03:32:31 AM »
The duo were almost to the tower, and Shiron stopped walking and sprinted at them, and stopped abruptly. Excitement and energy was overflowing.

Can me an my partner join?! We've been wanting to join a guild for a while now, so can we, can we pleeease?!

Dexter caught up, sighing.

Shiron, slow down, I doubt it'll be that easy. They'll probably test us before they let us join, and besides, we need to wait.

Shiron pouted, but nodded.

So... can we join?!

Dexter faceplamed.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2012, 03:36:53 AM »

Sirius sat there as the table was approached by another team. This one asked him to join, but spoke to him in his mind. This could be a formidable member of their guild once trained. He turned to the Arcanine, who went by the name of Archie.

How many team's have we sent to Scarlet Cave?

Um, only maybe four or five.

Good, send them there, they might be strong enough to take care of that Scizor.

Archie was starting to doubt the boss's decisions. He had just sent another team to Sand's Castle! And they hadn't seemed particularly strong either. Come on, a white Zorua!? He turned to the Abra.

Well, a Scizor is one of several thugs that has stolen a Reviver Seed from the guild. He should be at the bottom level of the dungeon Scarlet Cave. He is known to be a dangerous criminal, so watch yourself. If the battle gets too dangerous, don't hesotate to escape.

Sirius then glared at Archie.

Return the seed to us and we might let you in the guild.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 03:49:33 AM by Fenror »
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2012, 03:47:07 AM »
efialtes finally gets there. he waits at the back of the line until he finally gets to 2nd in the line.


In the background you could see a ralts running at high speed to the front of the line. it looked as if she was cutting.

Sorry! sorry!

she finally just teleported to beside efialtes.

*pant* *pant* I hate *pant* you. *falls over*

what took you so long?

I don't know. maybe because your a 4 legged pokemon that can move fast?


he looked back up...and someone had cut infront of him!



Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2012, 03:50:31 AM »

Suddenly, a Riolu blazed up to the table, followed by a Ralts.

Arcanine filled them in on the information.

We'll have you go to Flat Field. There is a Bisharp who has stolen one of our Reviver Seeds. Retrieve it and return to us.

Finally, Sirius had let him make his own decisions.
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Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 03:56:18 AM »
Shiron jumped into the air in joy, ready for the mission.

Yahoo! Let's get that Reviver Seed! Come on Dexter!

He grabbed Dexter's arm and started running high speed twards a random direction.

Where- AGH! Stop- Running! You don't even know where we're going!

Yeah, but you do! Let's go!

They ran towards Flat Field.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2012, 04:02:11 AM »

Tsuna took off after Leon, and they were at Sand's Castle in no time. The place looked pretty big from the outside.

How can such a large sand castle always be standing like that?

Who cares? Come on, we've got a seed to find!

Leon charged into the dungeon, Tsuna following without a second thought.
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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardian's of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2012, 04:10:50 AM »
Team Dominus Solar

Warren pondered, then nodded and took Silene's wing. With a serene smile from Silene, they vanished. With a flash, they appeared on the outside of Scarlet cave. Warren palced a hand to his head, this was taking its toll...

Don't overwork yourself Warren, we can walk.

The cool, slightly moist feathers of Silene felt nice on his skin, but he brushed her off.

Lets go...

They descended into the dungeon quietly...

Sometime later

Silene and Warren were back to back. They had been ambushed right before the staircase leading down. With a pant, Warren leaned one hand on he ground. His left hand crackled with electricity and his right supported him. Silene had both wings extended, preparing a water gun.


A Zubat shot forward, but collapsed as a crackling fist slammed into him. He shuddered, electricity travelling through his body, knocking him unconscious. Warren panted heavily, landing on the ground behind Silene again. Only three were left, a Zubat, a Rogonrola, and a Machop. It was all over to fast for most. The Zubat charged, and was once again instantly knocked out by Warren, and the Rogonrola was slammed into a wall by water gun. The Machop never got far, a water gun knocking him back, and a fire fist finishing him. They panted heavily, tired. But continued on.

Good job Silene.

You as well, Warren.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Morning, Weather: Clear
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2012, 04:15:33 AM »
efialtes watched as teh two teams infront of him moved away.


they walked forward.

Hello. um yeah...we would like to join.

If thats okay with you.

If not thats okay.(.....it is?)
