Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy

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Suddenly, a Riolu blazed up to the table, followed by a Ralts.

Arcanine filled them in on the information.

We'll have you go to Flat Field. There is a Bisharp who has stolen one of our Reviver Seeds. Retrieve it and return to us.

Finally, Sirius had let him make his own decisions.

Shiron jumped into the air in joy, ready for the mission.

Yahoo! Let's get that Reviver Seed! Come on Dexter!

He grabbed Dexter's arm and started running high speed twards a random direction.

Where- AGH! Stop- Running! You don't even know where we're going!

Yeah, but you do! Let's go!

They ran towards Flat Field.


Tsuna took off after Leon, and they were at Sand's Castle in no time. The place looked pretty big from the outside.

How can such a large sand castle always be standing like that?

Who cares? Come on, we've got a seed to find!

Leon charged into the dungeon, Tsuna following without a second thought.

Team Dominus Solar

Warren pondered, then nodded and took Silene's wing. With a serene smile from Silene, they vanished. With a flash, they appeared on the outside of Scarlet cave. Warren palced a hand to his head, this was taking its toll...

Don't overwork yourself Warren, we can walk.

The cool, slightly moist feathers of Silene felt nice on his skin, but he brushed her off.

Lets go...

They descended into the dungeon quietly...

Sometime later

Silene and Warren were back to back. They had been ambushed right before the staircase leading down. With a pant, Warren leaned one hand on he ground. His left hand crackled with electricity and his right supported him. Silene had both wings extended, preparing a water gun.


A Zubat shot forward, but collapsed as a crackling fist slammed into him. He shuddered, electricity travelling through his body, knocking him unconscious. Warren panted heavily, landing on the ground behind Silene again. Only three were left, a Zubat, a Rogonrola, and a Machop. It was all over to fast for most. The Zubat charged, and was once again instantly knocked out by Warren, and the Rogonrola was slammed into a wall by water gun. The Machop never got far, a water gun knocking him back, and a fire fist finishing him. They panted heavily, tired. But continued on.

Good job Silene.

You as well, Warren.

efialtes watched as teh two teams infront of him moved away.


they walked forward.

Hello. um yeah...we would like to join.

If thats okay with you.

If not thats okay.( is?)



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