Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy

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Team Dominus Solar

They progressed the next two floors easily, resting to see how much farther.

If what I read about this dungeon is true, it generally has around seven floors. Counting, we are on the fourth floor. So three more to go.

Silene simply smiled in response, taking Warren's hand and standing up.

Lets go.

Warren smiled, or his version of a smile, and they continued to walk. They rounded several corners, before finding a downward staircase. As Warren stepped towards it, a voice rang out.

Well well, looks like some little children have wandered into territory of Raithen.

Warren studied him. A Machop from looks, and a muscular one at that.

I presume, you are Raithen?

Warren's voice lacked use, and it came out croaky.

Yes, now its time I beat you down.

With no more words, Raithen charged, drawing his fist back in a punch. Silene shot into the air, and Warren teleported away, an instant before Raithen crushed a crater in the wall, with a mighty blow. He whipped around, drawing his fist back again, but was met in the face with a water gun. As he rubbed his eyes viciously, Warren appeared in front of him. He smirked, drawing back a thunder punch to douse the wet Machop.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

BOOM! The punch hit Raithen in between the eyes. (Hit 'em right between the eyes, hit 'em right between the eyes!) And his moist body sizzled with electricity, before his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. Silene calmly dug around for an Oran berry, and removing the last one she had, fed it to Raithen. He would come to soon, but they would be gone.

Lets go.


They transcended to the fifth floor.

Shiron and Dexter soon arrived at the Flat Fields, and Shiron looked around.

Alright, he has to be here somewhere.

He's probably deeper in the dungeon. I'd say he's at the 5th floor.

Alright! Let's go!

Shiron charged into the dungeon and Dexter sighed, running after him. Then suddenly a Sentret attacked Shiron, but he countered with a quick attack, almost KOing the Sentret. Dexter assisted with Confusion, levitating the Sentret up, then hurling it down into the ground hard, knocking it out.


You do know that if it took the both of us to knock out the Sentret, we'll have a hard time beating the Bisharp, right?

Shiron's victory pose was short lived, and he pouted.

Why do you have to be so negative, I'm sure we can beat him!

Shiron sighed, and nodded.

I hope your right.

They started progressing deeper into the dungeon.


Another group walked up to the table. Archie explained to them about the seeds, and sent them to Sea Shore, where Raichu, the supposed thug leader, was located.


Leon and Tsuna had already made their way to the third floor of the dungeon, barely even encountering any oher pokemon. Suddenly, they were ambushed by a group of Sandile and Diglett. They were quickly disbatched with a few water guns and pursuits. Right behind the ambushers were the stairs leading to the next floor.

This is far too easy,  something's wrong here.

They continued anyway.

In Central Town, Lubcakes and Celeste were trying to convince the guilds to take them in but without much luck. Flyers were dropped from the sky talking about the Guardians Guild, Lubcakes got so excited that he was almost dragging Celeste on the road. They approached an arcanine and lucario.

Lubcakes-Do you know where to sign up for the guild.

Celeste stayed behind Lubcakes, a bit shy towards the imposing pokemon.

GM post @ Lubbies.

Sirius looked them up and down, seeming lost in thought.

yes, it is in fact right here, is your older brother wanting to join?

Archie gazed down at themkindly.

No Arcanine, I think they want to join. You will be assigned to Garden maze. Several reviver seeds have been stolen from us by a band of thugs, who split up. You are to traverse the dungeon, and return the one held captive by the thug Weavile.

Archie gazed questioningly at Sirius.

Sirius, they are just childr-

like you and I were, when we began?

Archie quieted down, and Sirius dismissed the two baby pokemon, to Garden maze.


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