Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy

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Team Brain Power managed their way to the 4th floor, knocking out a few Sentret's and Rattata's on the way.

Why are we encountering nothing but weak Pokemon? I wanna fight stronger ones!

You should be thankful that this is easier than we thought. And if you keep it up, your bound to jinx-

Suddenly a loud moo could be heard and a angry looking Miltank appeared.

... us.

Ooooh, this one looks strong!

Why are you two shrimps in my territory!?

Imma deck you in the shnoze!

The Miltank gave him a confused look, and then got angrier.


The Miltank used rollout, Dexter and Shiron managed to dodge.

Oh for the love of- Shiron, I have an idea! .... Shiron?

Shiron charged at the Miltank with quick attack, but got knocked away by rollout.


Dexter facepalmed.

(I'll continue this after some other people post)

Lubcakes bounced up and down in excitement.

me-Yay, you didn't reject us!

Celeste let out a small smile, this had been the first time that they hadn't been sent off. The mission though seemed a little tough. Lubcakes pulled Celeste's hand.

Lubcakes-Let's go already!

Celeste-Ok ok, I'm coming.

The quickly hurried out and went towards the Garden Maze.

Team Dominus Solar

They passed through the sixth floor, meeting no resistance. Stopping at the stairs, Warren held out a hand for Silene to stop.

What is it, Warren?

That was too easy. Something is wrong.

Warren quietly looked around, noticing pokemon, unconscious all over the floor.

Something beat them, something powerful...

For the slightest second, Warren was worried. He shook it off, and he and Silene went down the stairs.

Upon reaching the bottom, they investigated the room. It was cave like at the bottom, strange considering the rest of the dungeon. Moss covered the walls, and drops of water fell into pools on the floor. A single, intimidating, red Scizor stood tall, a large seed behind him. Silene flinched back, but warren stood tall, curiously staring. His heart pounded in his chest, but he didn't let it show.

We have come to reclaim the reviver seed.


Team Dominus Solar

Scizor observed the group of pokemon that came in. They were only the second team to come in today. Hopefully they would provide for fun than the first, but they didn't look too special. He flapped his wings at a blurring pace, generating a powerful sound wave with bug buzz. He launched the soundwave at the Abra and Ducklet!

At the Guardian Guild

Sirius sat there as a few more teams came by, thinking to himself. He made a mistake. He shouldn't have sent anyone to Weavile. It was a terrible idea from the start. Weavile would certainly destroy any pokemon that challenged him, without holding back. Sirius stood and turned to Archie.

You take care of things here.

You sure about that?

I'm positive, and don't send a single pokemon to Flat Field.

Why no-oh, Weavile?

Sirius nodded, and without another word sped off toward the fields.


Leon and Tsuna had already made it to the top floor of the dungeon. It was literally on the roof of the sand castle, the blue sky arching out above them. Across the roof stood a massive, muscular Electivire. Tsuna gulped.

Team Dominus Solar

Warren swore, glancing at Silene. He knew what the Scizor was going to do an instant before he did it. Silene had no time to speak, as Warren instantly vanished, leaving the floor. She held through the attack.

I just have to hold him...

She flapped into the air, wincing as her injured wing stung her. With a cry, she launched a jet of water at Scizor!


The Electivire smiled. His hand glowed with electricity, and he roared. Whipping his tails wildly, he charged and tried to hit Tsuna!


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