Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy

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Shiron was pouring with happiness, to the point where Dexter could have sworn he saw a rainbow above him.

YAHOO! We made it!

Shiron ran around Dexter, hyper and full of energy. Dexter grabbed his shoulder and half-dragged him out of the line for the other teams.

Do you always have to be so hyper? Your causing a scene.

He was only half joking, but he then noticed that a few people were staring at them.

Aw, come on! We finished our first mission! Pretty soon everyone'll know Team Brain Power! Smile for a change!

Dexter sighed, and smiled, laughing a little.

Alright, hehee! But I have one more negative thing to ask... Where do we sleep?

Shiron calmed down a minute, and had a thoughtful moment. They just arrived in the town, so they didn't know anything.

Huh... I dunno, maybe there's a place to sleep... like one of those inn's we heard about.

GM @ Lubbies

Archie took the seed from the team, who was scanned by Porygon-Z.

My, you don't look so good. You know what, here.

Archie took out a potion and handed it to the Igglybuff.

This should heal you up, but it will cost your team, since you are a team now. Your team will have to give all rewards you earn on your first job to the guild, but enough of that. You are now a member of the guild!

Archie handed the team a their badge and item bag

When you're done, head for the Dining Hall on the third floor.

Arcanine then left, and soon entered Gallade, who walked into the elevator as well.


In the front of the Dining Hall was a long table, which contained three seats. One was more of a large pillow, one a floating chair of sorts, and in the middle an elegant throne. On the pillow sat Archie, while Gero sat in the floating chair. On the throne was the Guardian Guild leader, Sirius. In the center of the Dining Hall was a large table containing many seats. Around the room stood several different pokemon, socializing. These pokemon included a Raichu, Aggron, Electivire, Shiftry, Bisharp, Scizor, Emolga, Porygon-Z, and Delibird.


Leon could see that the sun was beginning to set.

We need to head back to the guild.

Tsuna agreed, and once they got back to the tower, they headed to the Dining Hall, which was on the third floor. It was filled with powerful looking pokemon! Who should they talk to first?

Dexter looked around. Some Pokemon were going to the upper floor.

Let's check it out.

Alrighty then.

They went to the Dining hall where all the other Pokemon were gathering, and they immediately noticed a Bisharp.

Hey, it's the same one on that mission that called me a wimp!

Shiron was about to charge, but Dexter grabbed his arm.

Calm down, Shiron, it's probably a different Bisharp. And if it was the bandit, why would he be in their base?

Shiron thought for a moment, and nodded. Dexter let him go, and they looked around.

Well, want to talk to him?

Didn't you just threaten to attack him? Alright.

The duo approached the Bisharp, Shiron still a bit cautious.


Dexter looked up at the Bisharp, honestly not knowing if it's the one from before or not.

efialtes looked outside and it was evening.

Huh. I never even had the chance to leave..

He noticed a bunch of pokemon were gathering at a higher floor.. he decided to go check it out.. stumbled too the upper floor and walked in.. he saw all these powerful pokemon..but one stood out. a raichu...

Now wait a minute.. he looks familiar..

could you turn? I can't see. my head is apparently on the other side of whatever you see.

Or you could get off and look. your kinda heavy and I'm tired.

........but I don't wanna.... your soooooft.

Of all the people...

just turn...

efialtes turns. amber see's the rest of teh powerfu pokemon... aaaand the raichu.

Its, Its probably a different one.

Were going to go talk to him.

WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT. nonnonononono. we're likely to get killed if he IS the raichu!

Don't care. your on my back. were  going.

.......I hate you so much.

Whatever. this is payback for not getting off.

efialtes stumbles over to the raichu.



[SIINTCA][SERIOUSLY. say if I need to change anything.]

Team dominus Solar

Warren and Silene heard rustling, and quickly made their way to the mess hall. As they walked Warren slid in front of Silene protectively, evaluating all the pokemon. When he deemed them safe, they both walked in. He slid into a corner, as Silene took in everyone with a smile. She was too trusting. The bracelets on his arm slid down, and he pulled them back up. This was going to be a while...


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