Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[RP] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri ~Time: Evening, Weather: Partly Cloudy

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Sirius noticed that it was starting to get late. He stood up, and Gero glanced at him.

We can't hold these pokemon back any longer. Let's have the dinner begin.

Gero nodded at this, and the veterans of the guild, many of whom were about to start a conversation with one of the new members, immediately gave their attention to Sirius as he rose from his seat.

Welcome, everyone! You may now be seated at your table. Now look around you, new members. I bet you already had suspicions about the guild members. Those suspicions, to an extent, were somewhat true. These pokemon are not thugs, though. They are members of the guild, who allowed only the best of teams to win the fight. Now, your dinner will arrive shortly, and then we will proceed with ranking up old members as well as assigning rooms to the new ones.

Sirius sat down, and he was applauded by the pokemon.


Tsuna looked at Leon.

So they let us win? So it's basically just by chance that we got accepted?

Leon smiled.

Chill out, Tsuna. We deserved to be here, and it wasn't just because of some luck. It's pretty smart, actually.

He took a seat at the table, and Tsuna joined him, sighing.

Team Dominus Solar

Warren and Silene watched as recruits spoke, but were cut off by Sirius. As it quieted down, Warren dragged Silene with him to talk to Scizor. He approached and asked quietly,

How did you do it? How did you stop all of that? I calculated perfectly, not even protect from a master should have stood up to that much Electricity amplified by water. Not to mention the cowering effect heat, I mean fire, should have on you. How did you do it?

Silene smiled, Warren was curious.

Dexter was about to question him when the announcement confirmed his suspicions. Dexter grabbed Shiron by reflex, and was just in time to stop him from attacking Bisharp.


In a swift move, Dexter shut him up, and looked around, seeing some pokemon were staring at them.

S-sorry, he tends to get angry quickly, ehehe... well-uh-let's sit down...

Dexter shoved Shiron into a chair, having difficulty because Shiron was stronger.

Look, the only reason he insulted you was because of the move Swagger, now calm down, your making a scene.

Shiron pouted, and nodded, sitting quiet trying to calm himself down.

efialtes and amber quietly sat down and listened... once he finished he leaned over to amber.

*whisper*So it was him...

*whisper* yeah... but at least he wasn't truly trying to kill us.

*whisper* yeah...and that explains how the raichu was knocked out..

*whisper* that too

he stopped whispering and they both just continued to sit there.

[filler post is filler .-.][SIINTCA]


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