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Author Topic: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri  (Read 9109 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« on: September 17, 2012, 01:20:06 AM »

IMPORTANT: You may be any non-legendary, unevolved pokemon. You will start anywhere from level 1-8, your choice.

ALSO IMPORTANT: The RP has started, but we are still accepting profiles.

Profile skeleton

Your name: (PU username)
Team Name: (obviously the name for your team)
Team Rank: (Choose from Bronze, Silver, or Gold. If chosen rank does not meet requirements, it will be changed for you. See OOCC for ranks!)

Your Character
Character’s Name: (the name of character)
Gender: (male of female?)
Pokemon: (What pokemon are you?)
Personality: (What is your character like?)
Moves: (What moves do you know? Any egg moves? Nothing OP allowed, i.e. No Volt Tackle)
Bio: (What is your past?)
Appearance: (Do you look like a normal pokemon, or is there something that sets you apart from the rest? Feel free to send an image)

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: (the name of character)
Partner's Gender: (male or female?)
Partner Pokemon: (What pokemon are they?)
Partner's Personality: (What are they like?)
Partner's Moves: (What moves does your partner know?)
Partner's Bio: (What is their past?)
Appearance: (Do they look like a normal pokemon, or is there something that sets you apart from the rest? Feel free to send an image)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 12:34:32 AM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 04:12:18 AM »
Your name: Fenror
Team Name: Team Katana
Team Rank: Silver

Your Character
Character’s Name: Leon Haruko
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Zorua
Personality: confident, brave, sometimes a little cocky
Moves: Fake Tears, Scratch, Pursuit, Counter
Bio: Leon doesn't remember his parents or what happened to them. All he remembers is that he was alone. Being an orphan since he could walk, Leon learned to eat or be eaten. He did what he had to so that he could survive. As he got older, he became more confident in his abilities, and decided to delve into the mysterious Zen Tower dungeon. There he found an Oshawott, named Tsuna, being attacked by a group of thugs. He took down the thugs and when the two made it out of the dungeon they decided to become a team and join the once fairly popular Challenger's Guild. The guild soon disbanded, though, leaving Leon and Tsuna to to venture across Bokiri to find a new guild.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Tsuna Senshi
Partner's Gender: Male
Partner Pokemon: Oshawott
Partner's Personality: sometimes a little unsure of himself, questions a lot of things, will do anything for Leon
Partner's Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Water Gun, Air Slash
Partner's Bio: After seeing his parents killed by members of the Guild of Shadows, he ran away and eventually ended up in the Zen Tower dungeon. Needless to say, he soon got lost. Then Tsuna was attacked by a group of thugs, but was saved by a Zorua, who was named Leon. He teamed up with Leon and they somehow reached the end of the dungeon. There they found a sword that they learned belonged to a legendary Samurott warrior. This sword is how they got there team name, and Tsuna always carried it with him, but one day it was stolen by what Tsuna believes was the same criminals who killed his family. He has now made it his goal to stop the evil team that did this.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 06:06:21 AM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 10:33:03 PM »
Your name: The-Blades-Slave
Team Name: Dominus Solar
Team Rank: Silver

Note: As a symbol of their team, each of them wears this on their wrist (It has no effect):

Your Character
Character’s Name: Warren Renniger
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Abra
Personality: He is quiet, and calculative. A genius in tactics, and takes his enemies by surprise, fighting physically. He has a soft spot for Silene, but is cold to everyone else.
Moves: Fire punch, Thunder punch, Teleport
Bio: Warren was shunned by his father, a Hitmonchan. Always taught brawn was better than brains, his body trained to is physical peak. He finally couldn't take it anymore, and one day as he fought with his father, performed a move he had been working on, teleport. Appearing in the air behind his father, his right fist crackled with electricity, while his left glowed with fire.Swinging them in an upper cut, he paralyzed his father, and beat him until he was unable to move, then teleported as far away as he could. He met Silene, and the rest was history.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Silene Matima
Partner's Gender: Female
Partner Pokemon: Ducklett
Partner's Personality: She is caring, looking after everyone. She has habits to appear like your mother, even trying to take care of Warren. She is quiet, but not shy. Only speaking when she sees fit.
Partner's Moves: Water Gun, Water Sport, and Defog
Partner's Bio: Silene grew up in a family of Ducklett, always yearning for adventure. Of course they traveled, migrating each year, but it was always set, no venturing off course. She ventured away from her family one day, deciding to stray and explore. By the time she was done, she could not find her way back. She laid on the grass, silently crying. A faint pop caught her attention, and she spun around in hopes of seeing her family. Only a single Abra stood behind her. His body was different that most Abra, leaner, with more muscle, as if he had fought physically. His hand had glowed with an electric force, preparing to fight. She managed to soothe him, and after talking telepathically, it was decided he would help her find her family. They searched fruitlessly, never finding them. After a time, they began to refer to themselves as a team, and have recently caught wind of a guild in Bokiri accepting members. They are headed to check it out.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 10:34:04 PM »
Your username: Meowth
Team Name: Kurai to saikikku
Team Rank: bronzon-I mean bronze

Your Character
Character’s Name: efialtes
personality:very kind if you get to know him /most of the time/, but shy before you get to know him...idiot. hyper at times, sarcastic the rest of the time, and protective of his friends.
Pokemon: Houndour
Moves: Suckerpunch. ember. leer. (note: suckerpunch will most of the time fail)
Bio: was the underdog of the pack. not having a move like fire fang from its parents or somehting like that.  the pack even debated getting rid of him...until they had him battle another underdog to see if he was worthy. you have him and the other one. the other one he knew thunderfang but wasn't that powerful. the other one dashed at him. but he dodged and quickly punched him with a paw. he used sucker punch. he continued this stratagy till the other one was maimed and hurt very badly. the one he was fighting was hurt very badly..and was likely to be dropped from the pack. efialtes plead with them for them to let the guy stay. I mean, he didn't want the guy to have to leave because of him! the leaders made a descission. the guy could stay. if he would leave. efialtes agreed and went on a journy. usually getting hurt. he's not been able to use suckerpunch right since then. he's afraid something like what happened back then. will happen again... he later met up with a ralts that was almost killed by a pokemon that was hunting.... it was a houndour.... *See next bio for more*
Appearance: A normal houndour. seriously. you could just go into your pokedex or whatever and check it out. heck. you could even ask a random person and they might be able to ttell you what it looks like! but if you insist here's a picture.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Amber
personality:Very shy. scared of /everything/ most things. really tries not to be around /anyone/ certain people. BUT. if she does by a miracle make friends. you better not endanger them at all.
Partner Pokemon: ralts.
Partner's Moves: Teleport. growl. confusion. encore.(note: encore right here does not mean you HAVE to use the same move. its more of a suggestion.)
Partner's Bio: She was meek. lowly. almost never went out to battle or anything. she just tried tostay sucluded in her own area. her parents....didn't like this. at all.they at time went to far as to force her to go places. this ended up getting her lost one day though. she was lost in the woods...and it was hunting time for a houndour.... she was attacked by a wild houndour. it used thunderfang and parallyzed her! it kept attacking till she was near death...till..another houndour came? the second houndour used sucker punch multiple times on the 1st one, ending with the 1st one running away. she talked with the 2nd one for awhile, you know, after the 2nd one chased her around just so he could talk. she is scared of most things afterall.... she found out how he left the pack. so that very same houndour could stay. he also mentioned how dissapointed that the 1st one didn't show mercy like he had. the ralts decided to tag along with this houndour. hopefully she would be able to overcome her scard-iness.. they formed a team and started going around. they then heard about a guild that was recently recruiting...
Appearance: A normal. ralts. seriously. you can google it and see it. but here's a picture anyways.

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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 10:35:50 PM »
Your name: Lubbies
Team Name: Starsly
Team Rank: Bronze

Your Character
Character’s Name: Lubcakes
Gender: male
Pokemon: igglybuff
Personality: tough and very very sarcastic
Moves: pound, sweet kiss, defence curl and faint attack (breeding move)
Bio: igglybuff was always taunted and insulted about his size and his pink round body, no one care that he wanted to be a part of a guild, no one, not even his own parents believed he could. One day, he met a small pink pokemon just like himself called Celeste, Celeste felt the same but she was too shy to voice her feelings. It was from that day that they chose to help each other succeed and they formed a team, they would back each other up no matter what.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Celeste
Partner's Gender: female
Partner Pokemon: cleffa
Partner's Personality: Quiet, caring, scared, protective.
Partner's Moves: pound, encore, charm, metronome (breeding move)
Partner's Bio: cleffa was bossed around alot, she couldn't voice her feelings so she couldn't fight back. She wass frightened easily and many other baby pokemon scared her for fun. When she met Lubcakes she felt like he was someone who she could rely on. Lubcakes helped Celest voice her thoughts and she could ask for no more, she gladly accepted his offer on being a team and they took off towards the guardians guild. Maybe they would see past they're appearence.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 01:24:06 AM »

Your name: 9Nexalas6
Team Name: Brain Power
Team Rank: Bronze

Your Character
Character’s Name: Shiron
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Riolu
Personality: Hot-Headed, often acts without thinking.
Moves: Endure, Foresight, Quick Attack
Bio: Never knew his parents, because they disappeared as soon as he learned how to survive on his own. He constantly trains, hoping to be the most powerful of his kind, but has difficulty in getting stronger. He met his partner, Dexter, one day in the forest. Dexter was the only one that could defeat him, and they became friends after Dexter healed him back to health. They recently formed a team, so they haven't gotten into a guild yet.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Dexter
Partner's Gender: Male
Partner Pokemon: Ralts
Partner's Personality: A thinker, often plans before attacking, hates violence, and hurts people who call him a girl.
Partner's Moves: Confusion, Growl, Ice Punch
Partner's Bio: His parents were killed when he was little, so he fended for himself until he found Shiron. Well, Shiron found him, Dexter was going to be his training, But Dexter KO'd him in less than a minute. He isn't evil, so he helped Shiron heal afterwards, and they quickly became friends. He's the main strategist in the team, and often helps get Shiron out of trouble. Plans on not evolving for certain reasons, and hates it when people mistake him for a her.

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