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Author Topic: [Profiles] Pokemon X-Fusion 2! (remastered)  (Read 7263 times)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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[Profiles] Pokemon X-Fusion 2! (remastered)
« on: October 21, 2012, 06:48:14 PM »
Please PM me your profiles, and do not post your profile directly to here unless you're a Sub GM.

Here's the Skeletons:

Pokemon Trainer

PU Username: (Your username)
Character Name: (Your characters name)
Professional Element: (What's your favorite type?)
Pokemon Team: (Can have a max of three to start off with, no legendaries, and lvl 20-25)
Bio: (Tell me a bit about yourself. And don't say your from space)
Region: (Where you originated from.)
Appearance: (Pictures are preferred, and if you want I can draw it for you if you send me a description of the character. You can also just describe them)
Extra's: (Anything you want to add? If not: Remove this.)

-If you wish for a somewhat Unique profile, PM me and I'll send you a different Skeleton. If there are people that wish to be pokemon, they must PM me, and if two people message that they want to be pokemon, I will add a pokemon skeleton.

Approved Profiles:
The-Blades-Slave ~ Warren
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 09:55:49 PM by 9Nexalas6 »
. . .

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon X-Fusion 2! (remastered)
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 09:55:00 PM »
PU Username: The-Blades-Salve
Character Name: Warren Renniger
Age: 19
Professional Element: Ice
Pokemon Team:
Bio: Warren grew up in a small town, not even on the map of Kanto. His childhood was good, but he hungered for travel.  At the age of twelve, he convinced his family to let him leave. Setting out on his adventure through Kanto, his first pokemon was a Sneasel. The two bonded, alike in many ways. Warren never battled for badges, just traveled. Eventually he ran into a razor-like claw, and upon touching it, Sneasel began to glow. It evolved into Weavile. When news of the new region, and new style of battling, he sat out with his starter Weavile, and an unlikely pokemon, Delibird.
Region: Kanto
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