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Author Topic: [RP] Avatar: Overlord  (Read 19891 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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[RP] Avatar: Overlord
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:44:44 PM »
   Hundreds of years have passed since Avatar Aang defeated Firelord Ozai. The world lived in harmony, and strangely, after the death of Avatar Aang, another Avatar was not born. The four nations were left to keep peace between themselves. They succeeded at this for many years, but eventually a small skirmish broke out. It was just a fight between the Water and Fire nations, but it was enough. A new Avatar was born.
   The Avatar was born into the Earth nation, a small baby named Garda. He excelled at bending; mastering all four of the elements in under a year. At the young age of fourteen, Garda became an official Avatar. The skirmishes came more and more, and Garda began to worry. Eventually he thought of something that would protect the nations forever. He would rule over them, like an avatar should and within months, he and several followers had enslaved all four nations. The skirmishes stopped.

   Years passed, and no one had the courage to speak out against Garda. However, one thing finally gave the people courage. Avatar state. Garda had never been able to enter the Avatar state. The people interpreted this as one thing, the ancestors did not approve of Garda's actions. An underground rebellion began. Now, many are being recruited into the rebellion, mostly young benders. Tension is rising, and even the civilians can feel it. War is coming.

(*If you haven't figured it out, you are in this rebellion.*)

Water Bender
   Water benders are elegant, basing their bending off the ever graceful moon. They have two tribes, the Northern Water tribe, and the Southern Water tribe. The difference between the two is a bit strange. The Northern tribe has been mixed with other races more, so the purity of their bending has been tainted. What they lack in power, they make up for in skill. They have many scrolls from ancient times, that describe advanced techniques. So, while thy do not possess as much power as the Southern tribe, they possess more skill.

   The Southern tribe, however, was once attacked by the fire nation. Their records and scrolls were destroyed. But, the one thing the Southern tribe does take pride in, they are pure bred. They have a cleaner blood line than the Northern tribe. That said, they possess much more 'horse power' than the Northern tribe. (Basically, a simple choice. Power or skill?)

Fire Bender
   Fire benders are rumored to be the oldest society of benders, tracing their roots back to the fabled time of dragons. That said, this nation feels like it has something to prove. Even though it happened hundreds of years ago, the Fire Nation is still disrespected by most other nations for their rocky past with Firelord Ozai.

   The worst thing, however, is the hate it holds for the Water tribes. The Water tribe is the biggest instigator when it comes down to it. They are the ones who will not forgive the Fire Nation. (Oh, who didn't see that coming?)

Earth Bender
   Earth benders are set in their ways, strong, and stubborn as a bull. They are easily the largest nation, their kingdom stretching farther than any of the others nations. In the war of Aang (as it has been named), they were one of the last to fall, and are still considered one of the strongest military nations.
   The most remarkable thing about these benders, is the way they battle. They are easily the most physically offensive fighters, often molding the earth into weapons to wield.

Air Bender
   Even though these benders are few, the nation is not to be taken lightly. This nation is undeniably the smallest, and they do not have a set territory. They call the Air temples home, but they are nomads. Constantly traveling. It is commonly known during the time of Avatar Aang, the fire benders almost wiped out the nation. Even so, the Air benders forgave them. This nation is known as the wisest, and most peaceful.

   Air benders are the fastest, and most flexible of the benders. Even at young ages, they could outrun Dragon hawks, and jump over twenty feet in the air. They are, literally, as light as a feather. They use their bending to run circles around their opponents, and blow them away.

Abilities (Every bender can do this, but it is very taxing.)

NOTE!:Due to a talk with some people who have watched the series a lot, I have decided, this will be for use MUCH LATER ON!

Metal bending - In order for an earth bender to bend metal, they need to be able to visualize the minerals still bound in the metal, which requires the blind sight technique. This takes a few years to fully master, but every earth bender can do so to n extent. Metals that are pure, such as Platinum, can't be bent.

Ice - In order for water benders to form ice, they need the target to be soaked in water, at which point thy breathe outward to freeze it. This tends to vary in speed as the breathe of air needs to be calm and cool, the more it is, the faster the water freezes. If a water bender is out of breathe, forming ice is nearly impossible.

Flying - Air benders can only fly with the help of their staff. The staff also needs to be intact, if there is a rip, the air can't move around it seamlessly, resulting in crash landings. Take an airbender's staff, and they lose their ability to fly.

Lightning - Fire benders take years to master lightning. This technique requires a charging process in which the bender must separate positive and negative energy. Any interruption can result in no lightning, or a dangerous backfire. Fire benders do not shoot lightning close range, as it is highly dangerous, therefore leaving it only when they have enough room to pull it off. Lightning travels slower than natural lightning, making it also unreliable at times.


Water Bender

Username: (PU username.)
Name: (Your character's name.)
Tribe: (North or South)
Personality: (How your chracter acts.)
Pet:(In avatar, animals are located throughout the series. You may have a small pet of some kind, from the Avatar world!)
Item: (Any items? Scrolls that teach a certain water bending move? An item that means a lot to you?)
Fighting style: (How your character fights.)
Bio: (your characters past)
Appearance: (What he/she looks like. Picture prefered, but not neccesary.)

Fire Bender

Username: (PU username.)
Name: (Your character's name.)
Personality: (How your chracter acts.)
Pet:(In avatar, animals are located throughout the series. You may have a small pet of some kind, from the Avatar world!)
Item: (Any items? Scrolls that teach a certain water bending move? An item that means a lot to you?)
Fighting style: (How your character fights.)
Bio: (your characters past)
Appearance: (What he/she looks like. Picture prefered, but not neccesary.)

Earth Bender

Username: (PU username.)
Name: (Your character's name.)
Personality: (How your chracter acts.)
Pet:(In avatar, animals are located throughout the series. You may have a small pet of some kind, from the Avatar world!)
Item: (Any items? Scrolls that teach a certain water bending move? An item that means a lot to you?)
Fighting style: (How your character fights.)
Bio: (your characters past)
Appearance: (What he/she looks like. Picture prefered, but not neccesary.)

Air Bender

Username: (PU username.)
Name: (Your character's name.)
Personality: (How your character acts.)
Pet:(In avatar, animals are located throughout the series. You may have a small pet of some kind, from the Avatar world!)
Item: (Any items? Scrolls that teach a certain water bending move? An item that means a lot to you?)
Fighting style: (How your character fights.)
Bio: (your characters past)
Appearance: (What he/she looks like. Picture preferred, but not necessary.)


Username: (PU username.)
Name: (Your character's name.)
Personality: (How your character acts.)
Pet:(In avatar, animals are located throughout the series. You may have a small pet of some kind, from the Avatar world!)
Weapon: )What weapons do you use?)
Item: (Any items? Scrolls that teach a certain water bending move or something of the like? An item that means a lot to you?)
Fighting style: (How your character fights.)
Bio: (your characters past)
Appearance: (What he/she looks like. Picture preferred, but not necessary.)

Rules (taken from Amphi's)

1. Proper grammar and spelling is a MUST. All posts that are not well-written will be deleted. If there are scattered typos, the moderators will edit the post and correct them, but if this persists, the moderators can send a warning to the RPer and appropriate actions will be taken.

2. Posts must have something to do with the actual RP.

3. No more than two characters are to be controlled within any given post with a maximum of 2 main characters per thread.

4. You may not control another character without their express permission for ANY reason.

5. A main character cannot be killed unless they allow it.

6. No god modding. You are NOT all powerful.

7. While flaming in character is allowed, there are certain restrictions. Flaming cannot be discriminatory towards any real-world race, religion, philosophy, gender, or sexual preference, and that they are characters attacking each other, not members insulting other members. Put another way: all flaming must be done in character.

8. Profanity is allowed, but there are restrictions to keep it artful. FIRST OFF, the member that posts the thread must get permission from a moderator and include reasoning for the profanity to be allowed. Second, the member that posts the thread must indicate that there is to be profanity in the thread in the subject line. Third, the member that posts the thread must state that they wish for profanity to be allowed in that thread and any restrictions that they wish to impose must be followed. Fourth, the F-word is not to be used under ANY circumstances. Finally, any profanity with a sexual meaning must be used in a general context, never in a sexual one (e. g., a character can call another character a dickhead, but cannot use the profanity to tauntingly tell an opponent to "suck dick").

9. Read all announcements and stickies before posting and check often for updates. They are there to help you become a better RPer.


Note: This is my first attempt in a while, gimme a break. Also ask questions here, as OOCC and Profile place will be made after this is approved.

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: November 05, 2012, 04:34:49 PM by Jerry »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 12:58:31 AM »

The moon streaked across the sky, outlining the lone figure that stood in the streets of Ba Sing Se. Smoke rose from the smoke of the factories located around him, and in the distance you could hear the sound of an engine. The figure shook his head, and then vanished. Hours passed, and the sun rose over the horizon, the moon disappearing. 

GM post @ everyone!

Everyone, please report to the training room.

The guy walked down the hallways, shouting in each room individually. This structure was like no other. It was located deep beneath the city of Ba Sing Se, not disturbed technology, and completely crafted out of earth.  The room that all bedrooms connected to was a large, circular room. It had doorways in all directions, with people dressed in the garb of all four nations coming and going. However, the largest doorway stood out as the path way to the training room. Inside the training room, hundreds of dummies stood for practice, some even located on the ceiling for airbenders. Pools of water were located in several spots, and arena's even lined several spots for people to spar.

Everyone, please report to the training room.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 01:32:30 AM »

Everyone, please report to the training room.

Jack was grateful to hear the order. He hadn't slept well, as sleep had plagued him with horrid nightmares..again. He got up, looking forward to anything that would take his mind off the dreams.


Leon's eyes pushed their way open. He yawned.

Geez, the training room, right now?

He sluggishly got up, his panda Basuta, who h=had been sleeping against Leon, awoke with a start. Leon waved at his loyal pet, yawning.

Just go back to sleep, Basuta.

Basuta began to lumber after Leon anyway as he walked out of his room.

What are you doing? You don't even like to fight!

Basuta heavily lifted his head, looking inquisitively at Leon. Leon abruptly pointed at his room, and the panda trudged back in.

Leon entered the training room, Jack making it in right before him.
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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2012, 01:44:20 AM »
Sone jumped to attention, and stretched, glad to get a chance to stretch a bit. He walked out of his room, looking around.

Well, gives me a good excuse to stretch my legs...

He walked to the training room, looking around and waiting for more people.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2012, 02:01:36 AM »
Nyx was in her room, dancing so she would not lose her edge of dancing and hears the announcement.

"I guess it was about time, it's boring to be sitting arround only...Or dancing arround in my case."

She leaves her room and walks slowly and elegantly to the Training room, looking arround as she saw some students already
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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2012, 03:25:09 AM »

The man, apparently an earthbender, walked into the room. He looked over each, checking the names on his clipboard.

Nyx? Here.

Sone? Here.

Leon? Here.

Jack? Here.

Tylan? Daylin? Efialtes? Amber?

The man sighed.

It looks like several people are late. Well, I will start without them. Today, we are sparring. If all of you do well, you will get a big surprise. Once the others arrive, you will be told your opponents.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2012, 04:46:18 AM »

Efialtes's eye's shot open. he Jumped up and looked around. He started to walk out the door, and then noticed amebr wasn't up. He walked over to where she was and started to drag her out of the door in an attempt to wake her up. she started to stir.

YO, WAKE UP! We're going to be later than we already are!


She slowly got up and opened her eye's.


they started walking until they finally got there.

Here. sorry we're late. SOMEONE wouldn't wake up.

*Still not fully woken up*


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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2012, 04:57:18 AM »
Tylan and Daylin

Tylan slowly walked out of his bedroom, and glanced around. He knew he was laid, but ask him, did he care? The door beside him slid open, and out walked his redheaded twin. Daylin stood straight, his back erect. He didn't have much, but he walked with honor. The spiritual sword was slung across his back, sheathed in its holster, the blue handle gleaming in the light.


Tylan grunted in response, and the two walked into the circular room, better known as the Travel Hall. They weaved through the crowd, quickly entering the training room. The twins saw several others, and...

Spirits, busted.

Tylan nodded in acknowledgement and the two stared at the guy.


YOU FOUR ARE LATE! Points will be reducted for this, so you must all work double to make this surprise achievable. Today we are sparring. The matches will be...

Tylan vs Jack!

Leon vs Efialtes!

Amber vs Daylin!

Nyx vs Sone! BEGIN!

The man went through several motions, and the ground trembled. Large earthen cages shot up around the pairs, making way for no interference.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2012, 05:05:23 AM »

Jack looked at the blue-haired guy that had just walked in.

You can't even get here on time. I surely hope you don't expect to beat me with such an attitude.

Jack took an almost crouching fighting stance, prepared for his opponent to strike.


Jack cracked his knuckles. This kid looked a little young...hopefully he would provide some sort of challenge. Jack stopped himself. He was beginning to sound to himself a little cocky, and he that wasn't his goal.

Alright kid, show we what you got!

Jack stomped his foot on the ground. Using his earth bending, a piece of the ground rose up. It rose to about his chest level. He stood there for a moment, then quickly swung his fist forward, and without touching the large rock he launched it at his opponent!
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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2012, 05:12:35 AM »

Efialtes rolled to the side and just barely dodged the rock, he looked at the guy.

Oooh, your gonna beat me with dirt, reeeeaaal intimidatin' tough guy.

Efialtes was bluffing a little.. okay he was bluffing a lot. he started thrusting his palms continually at the guy. fire ball after fireball shot out. this was quickly draining him of power, but hopefully...


Amber kinda stepped back a bit.

Wait what. F-fighting?

She kinda cowered.


(Psssst. knock her around a bit. make her angry.)

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2012, 05:23:46 AM »

Tylan didn't speak, whipping off the cap of his canteen. Half of the water he kept in there rose out, and he moved his hands and fingers in a hypnotizing motion. Slowly, the water thinned into strands, and 10 strands of water soared at Jack.


Daylin looked at amber, his eyes glowing red. Yet, somehow, the gaze held sympathy...

I'm sorry for this...

He reached behind is back, slowly drawing his blade. He touched the tip, and his finger was cut open slightly.

Sharp as ever...

Daylin charged, his feet shifting across the ground, and then aimed a swipe (with the flat of his blade, mind you,) at Amber's side.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2012, 05:46:56 AM »
Nyx nods as she lifts her arms , placing them together over her head and starts waving her hips side to side slowly, making her body dance all together in a slow way as she looks at her sparring partner Sone.

"Allright, lets see what you have, Air Boy"

She says with a smile as she keeps slowly dancing as a Water Tendril starts appearing from the top of her hands which was arround her once, spinning arround clockwise, as she awaited Sone's move.
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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2012, 12:06:22 PM »
Sone looked at his opponent, Nyx, and was unfazed by her taunt because , well, he WAS an air boy. He saw her use her technique before, but this was the first time he got to fight her.

Alright, I'll try not to hold back.

He focused, calming himself, then punched the air two times and did a spin kick, the air around him warping and then blowing at Nyx at high speed. He then got back into his fighting stance and waited for his opponent.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2012, 06:33:47 PM »
She sees his move and spins away to the side, evading the two air punches but taking the last one, flinching but not stoping moving her body as she keeps dancing.

"Thats what i wanted to hear"

She smiles as the tendril suddently shapes into two water shaped orb, both going to her hands as she spins with her arms extended to the front, launching one and the other realy fast after it.
Im a girl, not a guy... and pleasse call me Aqua , a Pachirisu lover^^

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Re: [RP] Avatar: Overlord
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2012, 11:17:53 PM »
Sone managed to dodge the first one, jumping over it. The second one was a different story, it hit him flat in the chest, and he got knocked back, aching a bit. Imagine getting hit by a giant paintball shot out of a cannon, that's just about the same feeling he had at the moment.

Not bad... Let's see how you handle this!

He ducked and did a low kick, blowing low wind at her, then he got up quickly and did a high kick, blowing a horizontal gust of wind. He felt slightly drained, but felt he can last a bit longer.
. . .