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Author Topic: Ryzom MMORPG!  (Read 7194 times)

Offline Pubbles

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« on: October 01, 2012, 11:46:44 PM »
So.. I know we've all played various games over the years.. And most MMORPGs tout the same perks and benefits. Most even cost the same amount or have similar "pay options" through Online Shops/etc.

So I was skeptical, to say the least, when I scoured the web for a new MMO to play.

After trying 2 or 3 Free-to-Play games and being disappointed, I finally caved and tried the Sci-fi based MMO called Ryzom.

Ryzom has some things that you just can't find in most other games. With a "look" to its base graphics that is similar to many MMO's such as LOTRO, Everquest, WoW and others, Ryzom has offered up something mostly unique to the gaming world.

There are endless options, your character(s) are able to be much more unique and specialized than in any other MMO that I have played.

The 4 base skills (Fight, Magic, Craft, Harvest) are only the very tip of the iceberg. As you level (in a system that makes leeching and cheating to get ahead pretty much impossible) you will achieve certain levels that will open your character to more refined options.

For instance, when you get to level 51 in Fight, your "Skill Tree" splits into 3 categories, 1 Handed Melee, 2 Handed Melee and Close Combat.

Each level you gain gives you 10 Skill Points that you use to buy spells, abilities, crafting plans and more. This is a major note in gameplay because you will be able to create your OWN spells.

For example...

Your Fight spells come with "stanzas" which you are able to mix and match with other stanzas to create particular effects. You can combine some abilities to create a stronger attack, or take some away to make it more effective and cost less to cast. Playing with your stanzas you can even create "free cast" spells, which take no Stamina/Will to cast, which can get you out of a harsh spot!

These things even pale in comparison to the sheer genius of the crafting and harvesting skills.

So why am I posting this? Well, now is the absolute perfect time to start Ryzom...

The Ryzom MMO originally had 4 separate servers, broken up by language. But as of right now a full game merge is happening, and all 4 populations will be starting over on one server!

All characters that are Free-to-play start over at level 1 in everything unless they won an event, and even most of the major long-term players are starting over to rediscover things they haven't done or needed to do in a long while!

So the bulk of the game's patrons will be starting on an almost perfect even playing field! All inventories are being wiped, all Banks, all Guilds, All player apartments, all in game currency!

The game is Free-to-play to a max of 125 skill level per skill, and Pay-to-Play players are able to reach 250. The subscription plan is rather inexpensive.. $10.25 a month, cheaper if you get more than 3 months at a time.

I haven't played too very long, just a month or two, but I have found nearly every single person to be extremely helpful, even when I was just a level 1 character..

The world of Ryzom (called Atys) is expansive and will have new areas and options with the relaunch (tomorrow or Weds)

So, feel free to look 'em up! Read reviews, read the forums.. The game has been around for over 8 years, so they're doing plenty right.

Who knows, you might enjoy it enough to subscribe... If not, then enjoy it for free! It's a blast.

Here is the main site!
... ... ... Shh ... ... ... The walls have feet ... ... ...