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Author Topic: [RP] Pokemon Guardians| Time: Afternoon| Moon phase: Quarter| Weather: Sunny  (Read 23790 times)

Offline Tickles

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Plot: Long before the age of technology, before we knew pokemon as it is today, there were a group of people known as Aura Guardians who shared a bond with pokemon like no other. These masters of aura fought to protect the world for all living beings. However, with every good cause, evil lurks to plunge the world into chaos. The Order of Darkness, villains who abuse the power of aura, wish the bring darkness across the land in a never ending nightmare, all in the name of Darkrai.

Follow in the steps of the guardians, or walk the path of destruction as a dark soldier. Decide the fate of Sinnoh in the long lived battle of Good versus Evil.


Sinnoh Region


Twinleaf- A small town located near Verity Lakefront. It is dotted with small wooden houses. Though it lacks an inn, the citizens are known for their kindness and hospitality.

Sandgem- This fishing village is said to have the finest fish in all of Sinnoh. The villagers have mastered net fishing. The inn is famous for serving a plate of fish with every room rented.

Jubilife- The bustling city marked with strong stone houses. The orphanage is located here, though it has begun to fall apart. The weapons produced here are considered the best of the region, but the most expensive as well.

Oreburgh- A mining town that provides coal for all of Sinnoh. Miners here work together with Machoke and Excadrill. The Oreburgh temple sage is currently studying the minerals that come from the mine, as well as documenting strange rocks that contain bones of pokemon (fossils).

Death valley (Floaroma)- A barren wasteland that holds nothing special. The residents here are working to make it livable, though efforts have proven futile.

Eterna- A town known for its rich culture. The statue of Palkia and Dialga is the main attraction. and many people pray to the pokemon. The Eterna Temple sage is trying to unlock the secrets of the Ancient Pokemon.

Hearthome- Though there is nothing particularly special about this town, the people note how happy pokemon seem to be when they pass through. Even the most aggressive Primape become calm. The Hearthome Temple trains guardians to master their aura powers, and the sage studies the bond between master and pokemon.

Solaceon- A lone house exists here, where a pokemon master is willing to train humans and pokemon to work in perfect harmony. The ruins are home to Unown, as well as rumored to house other secrets.

Veilstone- The entire city is the main HQ of the guardians. The leader resides here, managing every temple, as well as keeping his knights in prime form. The Sage here helps with training guardians further, and is considered the wisest of all of them.

Patoria- A marshland that is used as a guardian field training ground. The temple sage studies the different pokemon that come and go from this land.

Celestic- A peacful village that tracks other myths of Sinnoh. The shrine is considered a sacred place, and offerings are left for Arceus to keep Sinnoh safe.

Canalave- The port town that is the trading center of Sinnoh. Resources from other regions pass through here. The towns people can be seen swimming in the waters by the ships. The Canalave Temple sage is on a mission to document all things that happen in Sinnoh, and store it in the Canalave Library for all to use.

Snowpoint- An ice covered village where villagers are known to be tough and cold. The Snowpoint Temple sage keeps a close eye on Regigigas, who he believes once tried to destroy the village.

Sunnyshore- A rocky beach that has been changed into a town for inspiration. The villagers here have made many new innovations to make life easier. The sage here has a collection of mystical artifacts that she works tirelessy to unlock secrets from.

Full Moon Island- The land of darkness, it serves as the base for the Order of Darkness. Getting to this island has proven impossible for ships, and only the dark soldiers know how to get to and from this place.

Crescent Moon Island- Home of the legendary pokemon Cresselia, it has been recently abandoned by the pokemon for an unknown. The lunar wings that used to be available in abundance are pretty much gone.

For RP's sake, the following will be changed

Inns- All pokemon centers will be called Inns. They do offer healing services, but they charge money for room services.

Temples- All pokemon Gyms will be called Temples. They are where the Aura guardians are stationed, as they are the main protectors of Sinnoh. The main temple is located in Veilstone.

Markets- Poke marts are markets. Though this seems like a minor change, keep in mind that poke balls and potions do not exist. They mainly sell trainer equipment and pokemon food. All markets have a blacksmith, an alchemist, and a tavern.

Canalave Library: All written knowledge is contained here, with scrolls and books containing important historical texts, as well as legends passed down from generation to generation.

Valley windworks, Fuego Ironworks and the pokemon league do not exist. Full moon and crescent moon island are considered locations as well, just past Iron Island.


1. No godmodding. Be wary of going OP.

2. No flaming, foul language, or general rudeness.

3. All posts must be at least 4 complete sentences, and use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Character dialogue may be written in any style so long as it is readable.

4. You are only allowed one pokemon. This pokemon may use up to six moves. Legends and the following are banned from this RP:
Grimer, Muk
Voltorb, Electrode
Koffing, Weezing
Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z
Trubbish, Garbodor
Magenmite, Magneton, Magnezone
Beldum, Metang, Metagross
Electivire, Magmorter
Beheeyem, Elgyem
Scizor, Steelix

5. Travel between two adjoining towns will require two posts. For example, if you're going from twinleaf to sandgem, you must do two posts. From Twinleaf to Jubilife, it will require five, two from twinleaf to sandgem, one in sandgem, and two from sandgem to jubilife. Any less will be considered OP.

6. Be creative and have fun.

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 05:31:28 AM by Cortex J. »
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Offline Tickles

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The Sinnoh region is alive with activity all around. The Eterna festival is on the way, and everyone is getting ready for the international holiday, and the arrival of the Master Guardian. Everything seems to be at peace.

However, on full moon island, a new ceremony is taking place. A small group of people are sitting in a circle, while a man wearing claws walks around.

So, you all wish to join the ranks of chaos, and claim the title of dark soldier. We are not simply murderers and thieves. We are not simply a cult. We are agents of Darkrai, the Order of Darkness, and our goal is to cover the world into a neverending nightmare. We stain the auras of the true, in hopes that our master will be released. Do you understand?!

The whole group nodded, the onlookers who already went through the ritual cheered.

Than take upon you the mark of chaos!

One by one, Dagen scratched a mark into each newcomers back, blood started to pour from them. Each one cringed at the pain, but Dagen did not let up. Once the ceremony was over, he commanded them to rise.

Go forth, and see your Invokers, they will give you your orders. Follow them, and do not fail us. Begone!

The group seperated, and Dagen retreated to the mansion. He went to his chambers where Luxray was resting, and uncovered a mirror.

Tonight's procession is complete master. We have new soldiers to spread your evil.

Good work my faithful servant. The more we have, the more we can spread the seeds of darkness.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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"I'll find her... I promise, I'll take care of her.... Silene don't leave! Please...don't leave!"

Warren bolted up from his chair, paper work scattering. He frantically looked around, falling stunned as the door burst open. It was a not a guard, but very Dragonite. The dragon could sense his partners distress, and unlike most, he didn't think Warren was being attacked. His friend could handle himself.

"Drago, Dragonite."

The dragon-type had that glint in his eyes. The glint that told Warren he knew what was going on.

I'm sorry Dragonite, it's just....Why can't I keep that one promise? The one promise I made on her death bed?

A knock at the door alerted Warren, who, with years of practice, wiped all emotions from his face.


The guard looked around nervously, not sure what to say.

"Er... They sent me to check if anything was wrong. Are you alright, sir?"

Warren managed a small smile.

"Tell them I'm fine, I have Dragonite with me."

The guard opened his mouth to speak, but a second glance at Dragonite shut him up, and sent him packing out the door. The years had hardened the two warriors, knight and dragon alike knew what they were doing.

"Thank you, Dragonite. You are always protecting me. Ironic really, as a lot of these pokemon partners rely on the warrior, but I rely on you. You are one of the few left with the truth."

The Dragonite gave Warren a sympathetic pat on the back, before raising his head. His sharp eyes caught the glint of steel from the corner, and admired the weapons his partner wielded. The first was a small, triangular shield. The dragon remembered that well, it had been rafted in the draconic flames of his younger self, Dragonair. Made from his scales, too. The second was the blade, the most recently made. Even though it was thirteen years old.

"That sword... It has taken more lives than I can count, and strikes fear in the hearts of my enemies, yet I wish it would vanish. It has caused everyone pain, including you, my old friend. Don't tell me it didn't hurt when the extracted those scales, or drew the blood to blend with the metal. And don't tell me you didn't almost drop from exhaustion after producing flames for fourteen hours straight to craft the blade. I was there."

The blade in question truly was wicked looking, with the jagged section at the beginning, the white hilt, crafted from the purest marble, and the pin point tipped, designed to pierce hearts. Even the blade itself put off a vibe of death, the aura it had stolen from its victims gathering into a single focus point. Death.

Both knight and dragon shook their head at the blade, and as Warren began to fill out paper work, Dragonite landed softly in the corner, and began to doze. With one lizard like eye open, just a tad. If any intrudes got past the guards, they would never make it to Warren.

(I'll post as Primrose later.)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 05:40:06 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Murk was resting in the shade of a dead tree... waiting, planning, sharpening his knife, and the usual thing he does while not on missions. There was little for him to do, but at least he wasn't alone. His partner Murkrow was roosting on a branch above him, keeping watch.

It's been quiet today...

The Murkrow nodded, and Murk got back to sharpening his knife. There was supposed to be new soldiers assigned today, but he decided not to go this time. There was little point in him doing so, he wasn't ordered to go, and all he really wanted was a mission to do.
. . .

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    • Dragon Cave.
A frown crossed Leo's face as he unearthed the root he had been digging up for the last hour. "Damn it! Wrong kind of root, not even a new herbalist would pay for this!" Leo threw the root to the ground and stormed for a moment, how hard could it be to find a single medicine root?

Riolu sighed, that meant there probably wouldn't be dinner again; third time this week. Leo saw Riolu's look of despair, he put on his best fake smile and tried to cheer up his friend. "Don't worry buddy I'll find us something to eat tonight. But we need to hurry off if we are going to get to town before nightfall if I'm gonna do that." Using his walking staff Leo got to his feet and grabbed the handles to his cart. After making sure Riolu was at his place at the rear of the cart Leo began his half march again.

Offline Tickles

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Murk was resting in the shade of a dead tree... waiting, planning, sharpening his knife, and the usual thing he does while not on missions. There was little for him to do, but at least he wasn't alone. His partner Murkrow was roosting on a branch above him, keeping watch.

It's been quiet today...

The Murkrow nodded, and Murk got back to sharpening his knife. There was supposed to be new soldiers assigned today, but he decided not to go this time. There was little point in him doing so, he wasn't ordered to go, and all he really wanted was a mission to do.

An invoker appeared in the tree, his partner Abra right beside him.

Lord Dagen has a mission that requires your skills. The Eterna festival is tomorrow, and Guardian Rennigar will be there. The master wants you to keep a close eye on him without being caught. Report anything suspicious, and and only pursue if necessary. I suggest wearing civilian clothing, and acting at least like you're having fun. Now, go spread the seeds of darkness, our child of nightmares.

A frown crossed Leo's face as he unearthed the root he had been digging up for the last hour. "Damn it! Wrong kind of root, not even a new herbalist would pay for this!" Leo threw the root to the ground and stormed for a moment, how hard could it be to find a single medicine root?

Riolu sighed, that meant there probably wouldn't be dinner again; third time this week. Leo saw Riolu's look of despair, he put on his best fake smile and tried to cheer up his friend. "Don't worry buddy I'll find us something to eat tonight. But we need to hurry off if we are going to get to town before nightfall if I'm gonna do that." Using his walking staff Leo got to his feet and grabbed the handles to his cart. After making sure Riolu was at his place at the rear of the cart Leo began his half march again.

Along the travelers route, an Aipom is seen trying to get his attention.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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"Form up, get ready. It is a long flight to Eterna City, and we will set out at the break of dawn. You are dismissed, pack up, gets your families ready, and get a good rest. Anyone late will be left behind. Anyone caught trying to leave their partners behind will be forced to stay here. Any back talk, and you will be left behind. Understood?"

The hundreds of men below him kneeled, pressing the index and middle finger of their right hand together, and to their heart. It was the general salute of the Aura Guardians, and was an unspoken promise. Warren nodded.

"Move out!"

And with that, Warren turned, and strode away. Dragonite was waiting for him, and the two took to the skies. Several minutes later, Warren was back in his office, downing an herb.  It tasted bitter, but according to Zeta, it was suppose to help with depression and migraines. But so far, they had only gotten worse. Warren clutched his head, gingerly rubbing his temple.

"Dragonite, Drag."

The Dragonite looked at his partner, concerned.



"Pika, Pikapichu" Raik growled, sitting atop Silene's shoulder. Sparks crackled from the red circulars pouches on his cheeks that stored electricity, showing he was irritated.

"Raik, I know you don't like being around this many people, but it's a festival. We're like to even be away from that camp." Primrose tickled the small of the Pikachu's neck, and he struggled to keep the smile from his face. Primrose continued to tickle Raik as they walked through the streets, until a stray spark (which Raik had launched in irritation) hit a passerby. After that, they stopped, hurrying back to the hotel they were staying in.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 09:18:48 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Speak of the devil. Murk got up, and looked up at him.

Very well... tell Lord Dagen thank you for the suggestion. Murkrow, we best be on our way.

The Murkrow flew above, and Murk started his way to Eterna City.
. . .

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She sighed. Jack had run off after something, and now she couldn't find him.


Kristen pushed through the crowds some more, a bit irritated.

I'm never going to a festival with him again, she thought to herself.

Gla, glaceon! Glaceon pawed at her partner's leg.

Hm? What is it?


Glaceon's gaze darted forward, and Kristen's gaze followed. She saw Jack, just as he was struck by a bolt of electricity.


What the hell!?

Jack's body tensed as he was hit by a stray bolt of electricity!


Charmeleon took off  before Jack was able to gather himself. Jack quickly regained his senses, though, and ran after Charmeleon, pushing people out of his way.


Kristen was walking up to Jack when he suddenly took off, accidentally running into her and nearly knocking her to the ground.
She then turned and walked quickly in the direction that Jack ran, not wanting to be rude and shove people to the side.


Jack had caught up with Charmeleon, and they ended up arriving at a hotel. There he saw a young girl, possibly a teenager, along with an annoyed-looking pikachu. Charmeleon groweled at the pikachu, letting Jack know that the pikachu had indeed shocked him. Jack turned to the girl, furious.

What the heck is your problem!?

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Dagen was in his quarters, looking over contracts. Luxray was taking a small nap in the corner of the room. Dagen's servant walked in with lunch

Here you are my lord. We can't have a leader on an empty stomach.

I thought I made it clear not to bother me around this time, even if it's for food.

One cannot simply go on without eating. You would die.

Dagen gave him a sharp look. The servant knew he crossed the line.

Are you saying I can't handle a few hours without food? Do you believe I'm not strong enough.

No, my lord, I was just...

NO! You were implying I was weak. Do you understand what it took me to get here? Do you know the amount of lives I took, the blood I spilled, and the deals I made? I think not! You have the nerve to come to me, and tell me what I should do. I order you around, you are my servant, and when I say not to other me at this time each day, I expect you to follow it. Understand?

Ye....yes my lord.

The servant bowed down before him, but Dagen started to fume.

NO! None of that! Shame on you!

Dagen got up from his chair. Luxray woke up, and got a smile on his face. He knew what was coming. Dagen approached the servant.

Stand up! I do not tolerate such a weak form of obedience.

The servant slowly rose. Dagen gave a small smile.

Much better.

With a quick thrust, he pierced the servants throat with his left claw. The servant's breathing became labored, and Dagen had his hand around his windpipe.

If you can't stand your ground, then I have no use for you. May you wander forever in the abyss.

He closed his hand, crushing the windpipe. He let go, and let the man drop.

Calstone! Get in here!

Another servant walked into the room.

Clean up this mess. Oh, and you're now the head servant. Seems like Maxwell here couldn't handle the job.

Calstone nodded, and did as he was ordered. Luxray was laughing to himself in the corner, the sight of death always amused him. Dagen returned to his seat, and ate the meal. He had worked up quite an appetite.
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"W-what? I-I didn't mean to do anything..."

Raik growled, sparks shooting from his cheeks, fur rising like a cats.

Pika, Pikachu.

Primrose looked quietly at Jack. She really thought this man was over reacting.

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Jack surveyed the girl. She didn't seem like she meant to do any harm.

Well, alright, but you need to learn how to control your pokemon. I tell you what. Why don't we have a sparring match? Maybe that'll help.

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Raik stopped sparking, a confident smirk on his face. Now this dude was gonna get it.

"Did you just tell me to control my pokemon? Raik is his own person, as much as I a my own person. I a not his superior, I am his partner. I cannot tell him not to do something. He does what he wants. I can request for him to stop, but I cannot make him. You are in the Auran Guardians, and yet you don't now this. How is that?"

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Murk was walking through the wasteland, also known as Death Valley. He looked at the sky, he will probably be on time at this pace.

Eterna city... I've killed a few people from there. I better change wardrobe.

He got behind a dead tree, and after a minute, he came out looking almost completely different, like an average traveler.

I'll change when I get there, but I don't want to be questioned on the way over there...

He continued on his way, straight for Eterna, hiding his aura in case someone had aura seek on the way.
. . .

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You mistake me, little girl. You act as if I said that you must enslave your pokemon. Your pokemon is your partner, your friend. What kind of friend completely ignores the advice of another? You obviously don't value friendship, one of the most essential parts of life.

Jack's mind briefly flashed back to Celine and Leon. This idiot kid had no idea what she was talking about.

The fire on Charmeleon's tail grew substantially larger as he got down on all fours. He knew exactly what his partner was feeling. When Leon and Celine had been killed, so had their pokemon.

You need to be taught a lesson.
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