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Author Topic: [RP] Pokemon Guardians| Time: Afternoon| Moon phase: Quarter| Weather: Sunny  (Read 23791 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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"I have no intention to battle you, especially with all this people passing by. Not to mention, I don't battle hypocrites."

Raik looked disappointed, but he licked Primrose's cheek, showing he trusted her. The two turned to walk away.

"And Raik doesn't ignore my advice, because I usually don't give it. Trial and error is one of the best ways to learn."

Raik chuckled in his tinkling voice.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Jack glared at the girl, furious. She was too young to know what it felt like. She probably never lost anything as important as Jack had, but he didn't care.

Fire began to flare up in Charmeleon's mouth as the girl walked away.

Woah, Charmeleon, let it rest. It's no use. She just doesn't understand friendship like we do. There's no point in pursuing someone who is as ignorant as that anyway.

The fire vanished out of Charmeleon's mouth almost immediately. He looked at his partner, head tilted slightly.

Come on, let's get out of here.


Charmermeleon nodded in agreement, and stood back on two legs as they left the hotel.

Jack and Kristen

Kristen arrived at the front of the inn just as Jack walked out.

What happened?

Nothing, don't worry about it.

Glaceon hopped off her spot on Kristen's shoulder and walked over to Charmeleon.


Charmeleon didn't respond.

You sure everything's alright?

Yeah, positive.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 03:56:08 AM by Fenror »
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Primrose and Raik

"Raik, please let it go. It's his loss of he can't bond with his pokemon properly, though I pity the Charmeleon."

Raik glared, tail twitching. He was a proud pokemon, purebred. his parents didn't go for the daycare approach. But, he had also seen the harsher side of life, and could easily spot when someone was suffering. Needless to sy, he thought the man he had shocked was dealing with it incorrectly.

"Pika, Pikapichu!" Raik shouted.

Primrose shook her head. "What does 'emo' even mean?"

Raik smirked. "Pika."

"Don't get that attitude with me." Primrose playfully lunged at him, and was rewarded with a face full of dirt. "Ouch..."

Raik chuckled. And as she stood up, he leaped onto her shoulder. Together, they headed towards the town, laughing all the way.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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The aipom, losing patience, ran up to the mans cart, and jumped on it, making as much racket as it could. It needed his attention now.


A bandit attacks the disguise master, hoping to get a few gold pieces. He is armed with a small dagger.


Dagen grew bored. As he glanced down at the last few contracts, he noticed an especially high value target. He tucked the papaer away.

Luxray, let's go for a walk.

It has been a while since Dagen took an assassination request, and he didn't want to sit around and do nothing for the rest of the day.

Calstone, place all contracts in my quarters on my desk until I return. I should be back by tomorrow night.

Dagen and Luxray went to the secret entrance to the island, and disappeared into the darkness.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Murk jumped a foot back, dodging the attack. He's dealt with bandits before, and this one looked barely experienced.

You attacked the wrong traveler...

He quickly took out his dagger, which was about twice the size of the bandit's dagger. He quickly charged at the bandit, readying a fatal attack.
. . .

Offline Tickles

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Murk jumped a foot back, dodging the attack. He's dealt with bandits before, and this one looked barely experienced.

You attacked the wrong traveler...

He quickly took out his dagger, which was about twice the size of the bandit's dagger. He quickly charged at the bandit, readying a fatal attack.

The bandit, realizing he had made a mistake, turned to run, but the dagger hit it's mark, and he dropped to the ground instantaneously. A small pouch fell off his body, containing ten gold coins, and he had a ring on his left hand that seemed to have a ruby set in it. The spoils of victory are there for the taking.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Murk hit his mark, killing the bandit. He slashed the air to get the blood off of his dagger, and put it away as he looked around. No witnesses in sight, then he proceeded to search the bandit for anything useful, and took the ten coins from his pouch and the ring on his finger before continuing on his way.

Murkrow was flying overhead, keeping pace with it's trainer and occasionally roosting.
. . .