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Author Topic: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians  (Read 17052 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« on: December 24, 2012, 07:50:58 AM »
Do not post profiles here. Send them as a PM to the GM. All profiles posted without GM consent will be deleted!

The following are the profiles skeletons for the RP. There are specific guidelines for your character to follow. You are only allowed one active character at a time.


Aura Guardians: The lawful good protectors of Sinnoh. Each one is a highly trained battler who work in harmony with their partner pokemon. They are located in temples all around the region, and offer their services free of charge.

Order of Darkness: The chaotic evil destroyers. Their mission is to find a way to free their master Darkrai, and plunge the world in never ending darkness and nightmares. They operate in secret, and are responsible for assassinations, uprisings, and widespread destruction.

Aura Powers

All trainers have the power of aura. Aura is what links the trainer to their pokemon. Below is a lost of powers that are used by a trainers aura.

Aura Healing: Able to heal injuries that a pokemon or human has taken. The target must keep still, as any disturbance can break the cycle, and interupt the concentration of the healer. The healer can't self heal, and must seek out a healer.

Aura sense: Able to sense the auras of all living things within a short range. These individuals can mask their won auras, allowing them to hide from others with the same power. However, all auras look the same, and can make it hard to differentiate enemies from friends.

Aura seek: Able to see long distances in a single direction. Perfect for recon style characters. The singular direction makes it hard to pay attention to close quarter surroundings.

Aura barrier: Allows the user to summon a protective barrier for a short time. The barrier can break from devastating attacks, and prolonged use causes fatigue and distorted senses.

These are a few. You may suggest a power, but it will be analyzed before being added to the list.


Weapons are allowed in this RP, however, they will be used in conflicts with trainers and pokemon alike. You are limited to swords, daggers, shields, armor, and the like.


You may use any pokemon from gen 1-5 that is not on the banlist in the RP rules. Your pokemon may be anything that evolves within 20 levels. Higher level pokemon will have to be trained to that point.

For example, you may start with a charmeleon (lv16), but you can't start with a charizard (lv 36).

*Note: GM's and Subs will have higher level pokemon, as well as legendary characters. These are meant to 1. Bring a sense of plot for the RP. 2. Prevent other players from one shotting the Gm's whose characters are important to the RP storyline. Gm's and subs will be active. Legendary characters will be part of special events.

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Username:[/u][/b] Your PU username
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b]Character name
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b]Character age
[b][u]Faction:[/u][/b] Aura Guardian, Order of Darkness, own faction (Neutral)
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] How your character will act
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] Short backstory on your character. Please provide a nice long one for more character depth
[b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b]Weapons, armor
[b][u]Aura power:[/u][/b] Skill used by your aura. Use from the list above, or make your own, with a short description
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] What your character looks like. Please provide a pic if you can.

[b][u]Pokemon[/u][/b] Your partner pokemon
[b][u]Moves[/u][/b] Up to 6 moves can be chosen. You may use PU balanced pokes
[b][u]Ability[/u][/b] The pokemons ability

Accepted profiles
GMCortex J./Dagen Wolfechild; Darkrai
Sub-GMBlades/Warren Renniger; Primrose
Fenror/Jack and Kristen
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 05:22:54 AM by Cortex J. »
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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 08:20:54 AM »
Username: Cortex J
Name: Dagen Wolfechild
Age: 29
Faction: Order of Darkness
Personality: Anti- social, borderline Psychopath
Bio: Dagen grew up in an orphanage in Jubilife Village. From a very early age, he was always seen as weak, and was picked on by the other kids constantly. He maintains hatred for all people, and wants nothing more than raw power, utilizing any tactic that gets him the upper hand. Dagen has always been jealous of a boy named Warren, who had grown up in the same orphanage, but always had the easy life. Now, as an adult, he mastered Zangoose claw fighting, and wears metal claws on his arms for both offense and defense. His partner pokemon, Luxray, has been his faithful companion for the past 12 years. He is currently the leader of the Order of Darkness.
Claw Arm Weapon

Aura power: Aura seek- Dagen has learned how to utilize aura seek to allow him to see through the eyes of his Luxray, giving him a strong advantage in both combat and recon.
Minus the sword

Pokemon Luxray
Shadow Claw
Charge Beam
Night Slash
Ability Quick Feet

GM Pokemon Profile

Name: Darkrai
Bio: Darkrai is the true leader of the Order of Darkness. He is currently trapped within a mirror on Full Moon Island, and his Dark Soldiers are seeking a way to free him. He has a desire to reshape the world in his image, and only wishes for never ending nightmares upon the population.
Dark Void
Dream Eater
Faint Attack
Spatial Rend
Roar of Time
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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 08:28:38 AM »
Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Warren Renniger
Age: 30
Faction: Aura Guardian
Appearance: In armor:
Out of armor:
Personality: Warren is quiet, protective, and caring. He does not promote violence; albeit when neccesary.
Bio: Warren grew up in the orphanage with many children, most who looked up to him as an older brother. His best friends, Silene, a girl who had been there as long as him, and Dratini, his trusty side-kick, always accompanied him. He always had a definite sense of right and wrong, and at times felt like he could sense and feel the emotions of others. His whole world snapped when a younger child from the orphanage, Dagen, killed Silene and fled. As he grieved, the whole orphanage seemed to share his pain, and that is when the elders realized his potential. The boy was destined to be an Aura Knight. He learned quickly, and his Dratini helped him along the way, evolving into Dragonair, and then Dragonite. When the old leader passed in battle, he was elected, and now rules the Aura Knights from the Temple in Veilstone city.
Aura power: Warren is an aura reader, sensing emotions through other, and even feeling them himself.

Pokemon Dragonite
Moves Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Dragon rush, Outrage
Ability Multi-scale

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Primrose
Age: 13
Faction: Aura Guardian
Personality: Kind, merciful, caring, considerate, quiet... All attirbutes that describe Primrose.
Bio: Primrose grew up in the very orphanage Dagen and Warren did, but her only company was the Pichu she had met at age five, Raik, and the old maiden who ran the The orphanage had been forgotten, and was run down after so many years, and barely anyone ever noticed. Primrose was educated by the maiden, taught manners, respect, even how to slightly control her aura. She also trained with Raik, who out of happiness, evolved into a tough Pikachu. Now, she sets out from the orphanage, promising the maiden to bring her money when she can. And hoping to find a bit out about her past.
Aura power: Barrier: She can project her aura into thin barriers, the larger and more durable they are, the more taxing it is.
Moves Nasty Plot, Magnet Rise, Grass Knot, Volt Tackle, ThunderBolt, Rain Dance
Pokemon personality: Raik is stubborn, prideful, and arrogant. But he is also very protective and kind. He learned a lot growing up as a Pichu in the wild, and will do anything for a friend in need.
Ability LightingRod
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 04:11:17 AM by Cortex J. »
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 01:36:49 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Murk
Age: 23
Faction: Order of Darkness
Personality: Murk is a cold man, hardened by the scars he gained when he was young and does not believe in justice.
Bio: Murk is skilled with disguises, thievery, and assassination. When he was young his father went mad and killed both his sister and his mother, and Murk managed to kill him before he could kill Murk. He was arrested and scheduled to be executed because they thought he killed his entire family, but made a deal with the Order Of Darkness, and soon after pledged his loyalty to that order, believing justice is corrupt. Like most people with aura sense, he can easily mask his aura, but those that are much stronger can still find him. He uses his partner to confuse his opponent, or to make a quick get-away. He is not very skilled at physical combat, but his skills with a knife are pretty good.
Equipment: A strange-looking knife, and his white wooden mask with a black wig attached to it.
Aura power: Aura Sense

Pokemon Murkrow
Moves Pursuit, Haze, Wing Attack, Astonish
Ability Super Luck
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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2013, 04:39:46 AM »
Username: Mr. Fox
Name: Leo
Age: 25
Faction: Neutral
Personality: Grumpy, headstrong, stubborn, and pessimistic.
Bio:Leo was born a poor farmer, though he was raised to appreciate everything he had; Leo always had a frown on his face. In an effort to change that when he was 9 years old h is parents bought him his own Pokemon; a Riolu. Though it did change him a bit, Leo never stopped frowning. On the eve of his 20th birthday a fire raged though his farm. Despite his best efforts the fire was beyond control. During the course of the fire there was an explosion, debris scattered everywhere. Leo unwittingly threw up a barrier to protect himself and his partner Riolu. When the fire died down there was nothing left, everything Leo had cared for perished in the fire. with nothing keeping them there Leo and Riolu began to travel, Leo practicing his aura abilities in his spare time. He still wanders the road with Riolu, practicing his aura to fend off bandits.
Equipment: A thick and heavy walking staff.
Aura power: Aura Barrier: He can project his aura into barriers, the larger the barrier, the more taxing it is.
Moves  Force palm, Protect, Shadow Claw, Double Team, Frustrations
Ability Inner focus
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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Guardians
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2013, 05:20:27 AM »
Username: Fenror
Name: Jack Sentoki
Age: 23
Faction: Aura Guardian
Personality: Confident, sometimes cocky, serious, cares deeply for friends and will do anything to help them
Bio: Jack had been very close to his mom, who had given him his pokemon, Charmander. When Jack's mom was murdered, the only thing that kept Jack going was his cousin Celine and his best friend Leon. One day, Celine and Leon were both murdered as well, and Jack went into a rage, Jack joined the Aura Guardians, vowing to destroy whoever was responsible. He soon found out that it was his father who had committed the murders, and so he killed the man, who was a member of The Order of Darkness. Jack knew that there were people just like his father, evil and twisted people who wished to bring chaos to the world, and so he decided to stay a guardian and help take down the Order of Darkness, not for revenge, but for justice.
Equipment: He wields a tomahawk that once belonged to Leon and the sword that he used to kill his father. Rarely dual wields, as he is not very skilled in doing so.
Aura power: Aura Equalizer: Sound perception is greatly increased, and noises that can not normally be heard can be using this power. If used to long, hearing could be temporarily disabled.

Pokemon Shiny Charmeleon
Moves Dig, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Outrage, Dragon Rush
Ability Blaze

Username: Fenror
Name: Kristen Yujin
Age: 21
Faction: Aura Guardian)
Personality: Kind, Loyal, can be ferocious and merciless in battle
Bio: Kristen's parents abandoned her when she was young, but she was luckily found and rescued by an orphanage. Kristen hated the place, and so when she was eight years old, she escaped the orphanage. One cold winter night, out in the wild, the young Kristen lay in the snow, close to death. She held in her arms an injured eevee she had rescued from a pack of evil, wild pokemon. As her death came near, a man approached, an Aura Guardian. The man used his power of Aura Healing and took Kristen and eevee under his wing until Kristen was ready to go out on her own, at that point an Aura Guardian herself. Eevee then evolved into glaceon, and the two soon met up with Jack Sentoki and his Charmeleon, and they soon became good friends.
Equipment: Throwing knives and a dagger.
Aura power: Aura Healing
Pokemon Glaceon
Moves Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Aqua Tail, Hyper Voice, Double Team, Hail
Ability Snow Cloak
« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 03:20:08 AM by Cortex J. »
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword