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Author Topic: Weekly development updates  (Read 47657 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2014, 06:11:23 AM »
Ok, so I decided to take over the weelky dev thread to let you guys know what is going on in the game development. Every thursday night, I will cap off what is happening throughout the week. So, first week of revival:


-Many map concepts have been made. A few house interiors, two gyms, and a couple versions of pokemon centers.

-First map files uploaded to the database. That means they will be added into the editor flawlessly, and with the least amount of time. Just waiting on the editor to re-open.

-Yuki has been hard at work on the world map. So far, 1st town has been completed.


-Zatir has rejoined PU to work on the editor. A big thank you to him

-declan23 is back in business. He has something special planned for you guys, so stay tuned.

-Roloc, Yuki, and I have been hard at work getting map stuff done. I am working on pokedex entries for all starters and legends, and look forward to your entries.

To-Do List

-As you all know, we are short staffed here. I am contacting each and every last team member that was on the project recently to see if they will return. Wish me luck. :)
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Offline Tickles

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2014, 10:11:01 PM »
Thanks to exams, I forgot to update here. What is new you ask, well:

- Our first map block for Light Forest is finished thanks to Roloc. He is working non-stop on maps and balance.

- Declan has made progress on his surprise, so be sure to stay tune for that.

- Pokedex entries are currently being reviewed by yours truly. Don't worry if I don't comment right away. Just check on the Pokedex entry thread to see if your entry was accepted.

-Some of our members have returned to work on the game. Progress!
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 10:17:47 PM by Xetroc »
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Offline Declan_23

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Re: Weekly development updates
« Reply #32 on: March 30, 2014, 01:18:27 PM »
Hey guys! I realise that it's been over a week since this has been updated (sorry), but on the upside I have some updates to share with you!

- The main area being focused on at the moment is mapping! Without beautiful maps of Miryus this game would never take off. Yuki has inspired Roloc and myself to give it a go and at the minute we have 2 towns and a few routes done. I'm currently working on Route 1 and aim to have it finished by tomorrow evening (GMT)

- In other news my 'Surprise' has had a few set backs and taken longer than I'd thought, but it's finally ready hopefully it should be uploaded later today!

- From a software point of view, we've currently been using an open source mapping program, though this does not exactly cater to our needs. For this reason Mr_Dark is planning on modifying the PU editor so that it can accept the same file types.

- Those of you who spend more than a passing second on th forums will notice that the Pokedex entries are stil coming in thick and fast (I don't really envy Xetroc), with fuzzy3158 earning a unique title for his gargantuan efforts. Keep up the good work!

- Finally, after an executive decision by Roloc, the existing Balancing Testers have been stripped of their titles due to inactivity. However, you can apply to join the Balancing Testing Crew in THIS thread.

That's all for now, stay tuned for more updates in a weeks time! (I'm considering setting an alarm or something)