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Author Topic: Demon of Death and Archer E.  (Read 7865 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Demon of Death and Archer E.
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:38:16 AM »
Hidden beneath a large city lies a hidden factory. Two men are outside, preparing themselves for one last battle with Spinning Sythe, a rival assassin organization. Salvador has his pistols ready, as well as enough ammo for an army hidden in his trenchcoat. "You ready rookie?"

Jacen brushed a reddish-black bang aside, his cerulean blue eyes narrowing into a glare. He wasn't in a cloak, but a tight black muscle shirt, stopping right above the elbow, and black jeans with lace-up steel toed combat boots. Across his back was a large bow, and a sheath of arrows. Strapped around his waist was a belt of what looked to be different arrow heads. "I'm not a rookie, old man."

 "Good. You have some fight. Well, let's introduce ourselves." Salvador kicks down the door, and draws both pistols. With a quick burst, he killed the guards on the other side. "Try to keep up." He proceeded forward, however in no real hurry. The place would be swarming soon.

Quick as a flash, Jacen's nimble fingers had plucked three different arrow head off his belt, his right hand bringing his bow out in front of him. He slid the arrow heads into three slits, grabbing three metal rods out of the sheath on his back, and slamming them into the back of the slits. Arrows now at the ready, he pulled the string taut, narrowed his left eye, and fired. The first arrow hit a guard, making his body crackle with electricity, he dropped. The second hit a wall, spewing gas that made several guards choke, and the third, hit a guard directly in the throat, exploding, and sending brain matter, blood, and bits of head into every corner. "Told you I wasn't a rookie."

Guards were starting to pour in. Without changing his pace, Sal started to shoot at everything that moved, hitting head after head of the battalion in front of him. "You'll always be a rookie to me. Guess it's just who I am." Bulllets started to fly, but Sal was unphased.

Slamming three more steel rods into place, and adding three normal spear tips, he snagged four guard by the throat, his last arrow piercing ones neck, and snagging another.

Body after body hit the floor as the duo proceeded forward. Sal was focused on his work that he did not notice the hatch open at his feet. He plummeted to the floor below.

Jacen lunged forward, discarding his bow as he tried to grab Salvador. He missed by mere inches, and looked down. Grabbing his bow, he slid three rods into place, attached an explosive tip, an electric one, and a gas one, and looked around, left eye narrowed.

Sal landed on the ground below. He was in a room with a high ceiling. A young man was busy meditating. "So, you're the one they call the Spirit of Death. It is truly an honer to meet another master." Just what Sal needed, another gun-kata user with a smug attitude."Look kid, no offense, but I have a job to do, so let's wrap this up." Sal readied his pistols, and the young master rose with combat shotguns.

Jacen lowered his bow, string still taut, and looked around.

In the room Jacen was in, an archer was hanging in the rafters, and released a couple arrows toward him. Sal and the kid were firing shots at each other, both dodging with extreme litheness. They moved closer and closer until they were swinging at each other, blocking the opponents hits with their guns.

Jacen fired the middle arrow, which exploded right in the midst of the three arrows flying at him. Only ashes and broken steel reached the ground.

Sal managed to kick the young man away, and aimed to fire a shot right at his forehead, but the enemy already compensated, using the shotguns to spin him out of the bullets path. Sal had to reload soon, and tossed out clips of ammo all over the room, ready to move and shoot as he needed.

Jacen launched his other two arrows, one crackling with electricity, the other leaking gas as it flew. The cyborg moved with grace Jacen had only ever seen in himself, firing a sleek black arrow, that burned with a black flame. It caught the trail of gas, which blazed to life. Neither arrow reached the cyborg, dissolving mid-air. The voice was surprisingly not mechanic, but suave. "As arrogant as your father." Jacen went still as stone.

Sal an the kid were still in armed combat, empty casings hitting the ground. Sal dropped the clips from his gun, and slid across the floor, grabbing two more from his discarded pile. The kid had reloaded in about 2 seconds. "You're pretty good young one, but you're missing one thing." The kid retorted "and what would that be?" Sal shot out the lights. "Always be prepared for the unexpected"

Jacen shot off three arrows, cart-wheeling away as an explosive tip blew the spot he had been seconds before into nothing but a crater. "What did you say about my father?" Jacen growled. He had an arrow that might be able to take this Cyborg, but... "I said he was an arrogant, no good, lyin-" A gas arrow exploded right the cyborgs face, not harming him due to his lack of humanity, but stopping him cold. "Don't ever talk about my father that way."

In the darkness, all that could be seen was the muzzle flash from the gun-man. Sal may have met his match here. "Face it old man, you're one foot in the grave. Just give up." Sal kept up his pace. "That's right, keep talking"

Jacen reached for the one arrow that could save his life. It had been crafted by his father, in case there was ever an enemy he could not best... It was sleek, not midnight black like the rest, but a creamy pale color. The tip was shaped like a dagger, with a red dot. He lined it up as arrows flew at him. The cyborg was good, but he had no aim. Jacen fired, the dagger sliced through an arrow on its path for the cyborg. Jacen smiled, and then swore audibly as the cyborg, raised one hand, the arrow sailing halfway through it. The only sign of damage was the crackle of electricity, and visible circuitry. "See, arrogant." The cyborg laughed. Jacen smiled mischievously. "I know you are." He clicked a button, the room exploded.

An explosion could be heard from above. The young gun-kata master flinched. Sal took the opportunity and fired three shots into his head, dropping his foe. "That sounded like Jacen." Sal found the stairs, and made his way back to the first room. There was nothing but smoke. "Kid! Where the hell are you?"

"Right here you old bastard." Jacen was wheezing, his bow covered in dust, his hair littered with piece of concrete, his face grimy. "That asshole over there," he motioned to the cyborg. "Isn't fine though."

Sal looked over what looked like a corpse wrapped around metal. "I take it he deserved that. Well, dust yourself off, we got one more target to dispatch." Sal started to walk to the stairwell he found. All the other doors were blocked.

Jacen looked at the cyborg one more time, and caught site of what looked to be a note... He picked it up and read it quickly, visibly paling. He loaded three arrows, all explosives, and leveled them at the back of Salvador. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Sal drew his pistols. "Simple. It was just business." Sal turned and fired a shot at the bow in Jacen's hands.

 Jacen leaped to the side, one arrow hurtling straight towards Salvador's chest as the bullet whizzed by.

Sal shot the arrow mid flight, destroying it. Sal tailed his new opponent, firing shot after shot, moving back towards the stairwell.

Jacen weaved and tried to find a clear shot. 'Got it...' He paused, a bullet digging into the side of his leg. He cried out, but stood strong, leveling an explosive arrow at the ridge that formed the ceiling of the stairwell Sal was backed up against. He fired.

Sal dove forward, the rubble blocking their entrance. His leg got caught in the downfall. "Well, this is how it ends then. Very well." Sal tossed aside his guns. "Before you kill me, I guess you want some answers."

"Damn right. First off, how in the hell did you beat my dad?" Jacen stumbled forward, an explosive arrow, and an electric one notched, and pointed at Salvador. His leg hurt like a woman.

"He almost beat me, I was a bloody mess when we were through. I expended most of my ammo, and he had his blades ready to take me out. As he went for the final blow, his daggers got caught in my guns, and I fired, the bullet splitting in two, and entering his eyes and out the back of his skull."

"Dad... You went out with honor." Jacen smiled. "Now, who hired you to take him out?"

"The same organization that he worked for. We used to work together, but the organization seen him as a threat. I didn't want to do it, but I am sworn by my oath."

"Did my Dad say anything before he went out?" Jacen needed to know. His mother had almost had a mental break down, but Warren's body had never been found...

 "He said he was going to quit, and take care of you and your mother. He wanted you away from this life."

"He never even met Primrose..." Jacen paused. "You said you almost didn't do it, why?"

"Because he was my best friend. To me, he was the little brother I never had. Your father and I understood each other. After I killed him, I never felt the same. As soon as you were recruited, I kept a close eye on you. I wanted you to succeed like he did."

"Well you got your wish, I am a killing machine. Hell, not even you can stop me, the legendary 'demon of death'." Jacen sighed. "I'd trade it all to have him back, to let Primrose meet him.

"I'm sorry. I really am. To make it right, if you're going to kill me, at least use these." Sal pulled out the daggers that once belonged to Warren. "It's only right."

Jacen took the daggers, his bow falling to the floor. They both held long jagged blades, the platinum like substances the blades were made out of glowing in the dim light. The hilt of one was black, the color of death, the other was red, the color of life. "Which one did my Dad swing at you?"

 "The red one." Sal closed his eyes, ready to meet his fate.

"He was never going to ill you... Red symbolized life, he only planned on injuring you. Damnit, how could you not see that?!"

Sal looked up. "You mean, he knew what was coming, and still wanted me to live?" Sal was almost shocked. " I guess there is something I never got about your father." Applause was heard in the room. A monitor showed a man in a black suit, watching the two. "Bravo. I was wondering when good old Sal would return" Sal snarled. "Dagen."

Jacen slid the daggers onto his belt, pulling his bow up and notching a regular arrow. "Sal, if I let you up, do you promise to help me track down every bastard who played a part in my Dad's death.?"

Sal nodded. "Yes, and one we're after happens to be smiling on that monitor over there. Young bastard tested my loyalty." Dagen merely feined being flattered. "Oh Sal, you're too kind. Good luck getting to me though. Judging by that timer, you have about a minute to get the hell out of here." A self destruct sequence started, and the monitor blinked with a minute thirty seconds on it. "Tata Sal."

Jacen moved fast, notching an explosive, taking trajectory, and firing It blew the debris off Sal, without damaging. "And I always told Dad math had nothing to do with war...We gotta go."

Sal grabbed his guns, and grabbed a hold of Jacen, helping him to the entrance. "Damn it, there's too much debris. How many explosive arrows you have left?"

"None. But I have a make shift..." He pulled a bottle from his waist. "Was always taught to be well supplied. This is a very explosive powder. Add a little water, blood for example, and fire... Kaboom." Jacen quickly cut his arm, drop blood into the container. He dip an arrow into it, notched it, quickly lit it, and fired at the blocked entrance.

The explosion pushed through, and Sal held fast to Jacen as he got him through the door. The timer was ticking down. They were a safe distance away when the entire building collapsed. "Well kid, guess you're no rookie anymore."

"Never was. I inherited a gift for explosions, if you know what I mean. And a liking of older weapons. I hate guns."

Sal smirked. "Let's get out of here. Got a long road ahead of us."

"That we do..." Jacen shouldered his bow, and began to walk.

The two, sights set on revenge, began their long journey, not knowing that this was only the prelude to the beginning.

What happens when Cortex and I our both on PO, and bored.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2013, 09:34:07 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: Demon of Death and Archer E.
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 07:41:16 AM »
We need to get bored more often. That is all.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Saleboi0708

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Re: Demon of Death and Archer E.
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2013, 09:30:01 AM »
Awsome story friend keep up the good work, can't wait for more :P

Allow my shadowballs to show you true darkness at it's core, for when all that remains is a soul covered in black blood, only then will you know the true origin of my eternal nightmare....

Offline WhatThePumpkin

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Re: Demon of Death and Archer E.
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2013, 09:35:31 PM »
Hey, you two. Get bored again! GOGOGO!
Fais Gaffe Au Soleil~
Well, next time you see ol' Firecrotch, make sure you give him a bad batch- Nagi Kengamine
No matter how girly I act, I am a man, and I would like to be seen as one. You are forgiven for accidents, but not ignorance. You can skype me at angelofcorpses if you have any questions, as I am on hiatus