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Author Topic: Get to know the team - Declan_23  (Read 8083 times)


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Get to know the team - Declan_23
« on: January 07, 2013, 12:21:35 PM »
Declan (Unsurprisingly)


Bath, United Kingdom

'It always seems impossible until its done.' - Nelson Mandela

Quest writer/ NPC coder

General questions:

1. Do you have pets?
Yup, a cat and a dog.

2. What is your favorite color?
Purple, but like a manly purple yeah?

3. What kind of music do you like?
A mix, although mainly alternative rock/metal

4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU?
Study, train, read, play computer games, chillax, you name it.

5. What are your goals/dreams in life?
Send something into space, preferably with a picture of me on it 

6. What got you interested in Pokémon?
As a kid, one of my friends had pokemon red, I think I spent more time playing it than he did. I whinged for ages until my parents bought me yellow for my birthday. The rest, they say is history.

7. What got you involved in PU?
I wrote a quest for Spirit cos I was bored, then womaned at him until he offered me a place on the team in the hope that it would end. (It didn't)

8. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team?
I have no problems talking to women, I'm a fair bit younger than the majority of the team and some would also say better looking 

9.  Why do you enjoy your position at the PU team?
Complete freedom to do whatever I want! (Within reason), I can literally shape the journey of your character through the game. Scared? You should be.

10. Who do you admire? Why?
I don't really have any heros, or anything like that, with the exception of Nelson Mandela, but let's not get too serious here...

11. Are you into sports?  If so which ones?
I recently quit judo after 13 years, and have taken up rowing. Only time will tell as to what happens with it.

12. What is your dream job?
Well, I'm currently studying mechanical engineering, so something related to that would be great. I like the idea of working in either space travel or clean energy systems though.

13. What was your first screenname?
Hot_Choc_007 - don't ask.

14. Do you have any piercings?

15. Are you a lefty/righty?

16. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one?

Nah, not my thing.

17. Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each?
2 sisters, 1 brother

18. What is your favorite website?

19. Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones?
Big fan of The Elder Scrolls, the story lines are pretty intense, not to mention the replay value.

20. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones?
I have a PS3 at home, but not with me at uni, sad times.

21. Are you married or planning to get married?
Not for the foreseeable future.

22. Which languages do you speak?
English, Dutch and a bit of German

23. Do you drink?
Yush, I have been known to have something to drink from time to time.

24. Do you smoke?

25. Do you have a license?
I do indeed (How I convinced them to give it to me is another story)

   a) Do you own a car?
Vauxhall Corsa 2004 

   b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
No sir, I have not.

26. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
I do indeed, sleep is my friend.

27. How do you sleep?

Not really sure how to answer this one... In a bed usually, although I will have you know it's not always compulsory.

28. Have you ever been on an airplane?
Many a time.

29. Have you ever broken a bone?
I broke my collar bone once, I've also broken some other people's bones.

30. Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear?
I wear like 5 wristbands on my right wrist (Cos I'm cool like that)

31. How do you dress?
In front of a mirror? Nah, I like jeans. Jeans are blue. And reliable. I also like t-shirts/shirts and polos. I have been known to wear a tux.

32. How many keys are on your keyring?
4 keys, 2 bottle openers (For when one just ISN'T enough)

33. What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up?
Depends, I'm in bed between 11 and 12 on most nights. Depending on what I'm doing the next day I'll be up between 6.30 and 12.

34. What's the freakiest thing you have done?
Stalked your little sister.

35. Do you live alone?
Nope, I live in university halls with like a tonne of people.

36. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
Recently, not that much, maybe 1 or 2
37. How many hours a day do you spend in PU?
See above (sorry)

38. What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
I drink coffee like everyday. But chocolate milk is amazing! Chocolate milk for everyone!

39. What do you hate?
Ignorance and stupidity.

39. What do you love?
Feeling comfortable.

40. What is your religion?
Athiestic Agnostic.

41. What is your hair color?

42. How tall are you?
Roughly 1m 90.
43. How much do you weigh?


Extra questions:

1)   How do you start making a quest?
Normally, the process starts in the shower, or when I'm trying to sleep. If I'm in the shower, just you know chilling with the soap or whatever and an idea comes into my head for a quest. Then I ask myself 'Would this be a good idea for a quest?' And I'm all like, 'Hell yeah, you thought of it, it sounds great.' And then I notice that I'm all wrinkly so I get out the shower.
The next thing I'll do is get my idea down on paper or on the computer, working out all the little details. Then I'll go on IRC, hunt down Cortex or Spirit, pitch them my idea, wait for it to get shot down and start the process all over again!

2)   Do you leave possibilities open on purpose to create quest chains or do you think of that afterwards?

What tends to happen is I come up with the idea for some epic storyline/ quest which would I like. I then realise that it's probably too long to be one single quest, and so I chop it up into bite sized chunks.

3)   What inspires you when writing quests?
Pretty much every book I've read, every film I've seen and every story I've heard. Everything around me influences me.

4)   What do you do when you get stuck on the plot of a quest?
Ask for help, there's more people on the team you know.

5)   What’s your favourite NPC from the pokémon games?
This is a good one, personally I like the building in Saffron in the first pokemon games where you could meet the developers. I loved the way that they could fill the dialogue with 'in jokes' or whatever.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 12:47:01 PM by Ponge »