Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

Sprites Idea

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Ill see if I can get a forum dedicated to paperdoll creations. Then have a dub forum for accepted and completed paperdoll creations. I'll also have it setup so we can add people to the credits list.

I really lke this idea, but I just wish I was better at creating sprites. Hopefully people participate!

Fenror I didn't create this just for people who are skilled at doing this kind of thing. I made this thread for people to have fun with! Yes PU could use one of the sprites if they wanted to as I said in the original post. They might even use the concept of what is posted for something greater for the game!!! What more could you want? This could be a chance to help out the games progress in someway or shape or form. And if not. Hell lets have fun making some crazy sprites!!!! Want a mister lizard man? Go ahead and make it! Want a rock and roll hardcore super dude that has angel wings and breathes fire go for it!! lol maybe that would be a bit much, but what I am trying to get across here don't be afraid to do this just because you aren't good at it. Heck I suck at it too but you dang sure better believe im going to post stuff :P

I'll definitely give it a shot I I have time. Although, it my be a bit much, learning how to do this, what with school, band, RP'ing, and me really starting to focus on my writing career. I'll probably get around to it eventually, though.


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