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Author Topic: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.  (Read 6047 times)

Offline stephenkill2

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Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« on: February 24, 2010, 09:28:57 PM »
(1)Starter quest:
The professor has given you your pokemon and introduced you into the world,
but being new, you lack experience to catch a pokemon,therefore the professor gives
you an assignment to go catch a pokemon upon completing the introduction.
The professor gives you one pokeball and tells you to return once you catch a pokemon.
Go catch any pokemon and return, He gives you a tiny amount of Experience, 100 yen, and 5
pokeballs upon completion.
(2)Branch quest, requires completion of starter quest.

Upon completing the starter quest, the option to assist the professor's aid becomes
available. To start the quest, speak to [designated aid] and he will ask you to go catch
random pokemon 1, or random pokemon 1 and 2, as new trainers are in need of pokemon,
but the lab is currently lacking. This quest can be completed daily, hence the first daily
quest idea for the game. You would have to go to the designated area of the pokemon,or
search the lands for them if you do not know the location, making this quest more
of an adventure. Upon completing this quest you recieve [designated reward] (I have not
thought of a reward). This quest can be completed daily, and increases in difficulty with
your player level.

(3)Evolution quest(requires player level
  • )-multipart quest


A certain NPC wishes to evolve their pokemon, but lacks the certain stone, item, etc to
evolve it, So they give you the name of an NPC who has the item. Upon traveling to the
NPC, they tell you that they would be happy to give it to you if you would aquire for
them a certain [random pokemon, item, etc] , after completing your search and aquiring
the neccessary item and/or pokemon, they give you the item and/or stone, and you return to
the original NPC who wanted the item, where you recieve [Insert Reward here]

(4)Spin off quest( end of Spirit's) [must have completed restaurant recovery]

Upon finishing restaurant recovery, You speak to the chef again, and tell him of the trials
you have faces, including seviper and zangoose. He stalls for a second, and then begins
doting on a past visit to a [insert Certain NPC at Certain Location]. He then tells you of
the ongoing feud between Zangoose and Seviper. He even tells you that the scars on Zangoose
were past wounds from battles between the two carried on in future generations to remind them
of the war which is still underway. He tells you to go visit [NPC/location afformentioned].

Upon reaching your destination, the NPC Starts to fill you in a bit more detailed on the
history of the two pokemon, and then tells you how two factions got involved in the war.
A group of pokemaniacs branched to each side of the feuding pokemon, and now a small war
is going on between these groups. He tells you that this feud is causing trouble for the
people in the region as usually the little skirmishes involve them, and wishes there was
some way to stop the madness, upon hearing this your character offers to help. The NPC then
tells you the location of both factions hideouts, which have recently been moved.

The seviper team's base is located in a cave, and the zangoose team's base is located in a
small forest hideout. You can choose to visit either one first, as this will not effect the
quest. Each team has something they want. Upon entering the seviper base, you beat various
seviper enthusiasts who all have a seviper and assorted other pokemon, and you may run into
various pokemon along the way, upon reaching the end of the cave, you come across a man
named Malik, he instantly is agressive and begins to battle you, upon beating him and his
powerhouse seviper, you question him about the longstanding feud, and then he tells
you why he is angry, and you tell him this can be fixed by talking
it out with the zangoose leader, he tells you if you bring him [insert item here] he will
agree to meet with the zangoose leader under peaceful terms.After bringing him the items,
he will agree and give you a designated location to meet.

Upon entering the zangoose team's base, you fight various trainers with zangoose and other
various pokemon, and then make your way through this maze of a hideout, at end you meet a
woman named Elly, and she is also immediately agressive towards you as well. Upon defeating
her and her powerhouse zangoose, she also tells you the reason she is angry, and you tell
her the solution. She also agrees to meet with the seviper lead at [insert location] if you
would bring her [insert item]. After you locate and bring her the item, she agrees.

Now, you must travel to the designated location, where the two teams are feuding, Malik and
Elly finish a battle and then realise the strength of one another, the bond of battling is
a bond stronger than any other, therefore, out of mutual respect and because of your help,
they have agreed to a mutual treaty for the moment, and will also let the pokemon know of
this treaty. Although the hatred is there, the respect leads both parties to this decision.

Upon this realization, you return to [The NPC the chef told you to visit] and he thanks you
graciously and states "I believe the citizens may now also rest easy for a period."
Then he rewards you with [insert reward here].

Offline spirit

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 10:23:07 PM »
(1)Starter quest:
The professor has given you your pokemon and introduced you into the world,
but being new, you lack experience to catch a pokemon,therefore the professor gives
you an assignment to go catch a pokemon upon completing the introduction.
The professor gives you one pokeball and tells you to return once you catch a pokemon.
Go catch any pokemon and return, He gives you a tiny amount of Experience, 100 yen, and 5
pokeballs upon completion.

I don't think this is really needed, nothing really happens here. It's also important to note what would happen if you are unsuccessful in capturing a pokemon with your first pokeball. Then again, it would be a simple quest to start you off....hmm.... I dunno, I'm kind of on the fence about this one.

It really depends on what the starter quest will be in game, as this would be more like an optional tutorial quest in most likely hood.

(2)Branch quest, requires completion of starter quest.

Upon completing the starter quest, the option to assist the professor's aid becomes
available. To start the quest, speak to [designated aid] and he will ask you to go catch
random pokemon 1, or random pokemon 1 and 2, as new trainers are in need of pokemon,
but the lab is currently lacking. This quest can be completed daily, hence the first daily
quest idea for the game. You would have to go to the designated area of the pokemon,or
search the lands for them if you do not know the location, making this quest more
of an adventure. Upon completing this quest you recieve [designated reward] (I have not
thought of a reward). This quest can be completed daily, and increases in difficulty with
your player level.

Now this I think has some interesting potential. It brings a new spin on attempting to complete your pokedex. However there should be some restriction on the pokemon you bring him. The biggest problem I see with this, is people finding out they need pokemon "a", and asking their friend if they can borrow pokemon "a" in order to get a reward, only to return the pokemon to their friend afterward. For this reason, the professor's assistant would either have to check the original trainer number of the pokemon (to verify that you were the one that caught it), or you would have to give the professor's assistant the pokemon.

Actually, come to think of it, that might not be a bad idea. Give the pokemon to the professor's assistant, so that if you want to keep that pokemon, but still get that one checked off of the list for the quests, you would have to catch two.

It should also be random which pokemon you are requested to bring, and the pokemon would change daily. By making it change constantly, it would set a time limit on when you can complete the quest, so if you fail to catch the pokemon by the end of the day you will have to go searching for a different pokemon the next day. However, there should be a list of which of these missions you completed, so you're not always searching for the same one.

Hmmm.... I wonder if I just made it overly complicated.
(3)Evolution quest(requires player level
  • )-multipart quest


A certain NPC wishes to evolve their pokemon, but lacks the certain stone, item, etc to
evolve it, So they give you the name of an NPC who has the item. Upon traveling to the
NPC, they tell you that they would be happy to give it to you if you would aquire for
them a certain [random pokemon, item, etc] , after completing your search and aquiring
the neccessary item and/or pokemon, they give you the item and/or stone, and you return to
the original NPC who wanted the item, where you recieve [Insert Reward here]

I actually don't usually like these kinds of quests, and this one is no acception. Sorry, I just hate tedious work where you have to go find item "a" for guy "1", but in order to get item "a", you have to get item "b" for guy "2", oh but wait, here's where it gets really good, get this, you have to get item "c" for guy "3", in order to get item "b" for guy "2".

I have seen this sort of quest work in the past, but it doesn't happen a lot. Normally, in order for this to work, you would have to elaborate on the idea, and make it more than just speaking with people. Trainers should be required to actually carry out some mission, in order to acquire the item.

Now, I think I should mention that I actually think there should be a few item quests similar to this, but on a much larger scale, like so big, that you probably won't be able to access most of the people or items until after you beat a good majority of the game. There should, as I said, only be a few of these though.

(4)Spin off quest( end of Spirit's) [must have completed restaurant recovery]

Upon finishing restaurant recovery, You speak to the chef again, and tell him of the trials
you have faces, including seviper and zangoose. He stalls for a second, and then begins
doting on a past visit to a [insert Certain NPC at Certain Location]. He then tells you of
the ongoing feud between Zangoose and Seviper. He even tells you that the scars on Zangoose
were past wounds from battles between the two carried on in future generations to remind them
of the war which is still underway. He tells you to go visit [NPC/location afformentioned].

Upon reaching your destination, the NPC Starts to fill you in a bit more detailed on the
history of the two pokemon, and then tells you how two factions got involved in the war.
A group of pokemaniacs branched to each side of the feuding pokemon, and now a small war
is going on between these groups. He tells you that this feud is causing trouble for the
people in the region as usually the little skirmishes involve them, and wishes there was
some way to stop the madness, upon hearing this your character offers to help. The NPC then
tells you the location of both factions hideouts, which have recently been moved.

The seviper team's base is located in a cave, and the zangoose team's base is located in a
small forest hideout. You can choose to visit either one first, as this will not effect the
quest. Each team has something they want. Upon entering the seviper base, you beat various
seviper enthusiasts who all have a seviper and assorted other pokemon, and you may run into
various pokemon along the way, upon reaching the end of the cave, you come across a man
named Malik, he instantly is agressive and begins to battle you, upon beating him and his
powerhouse seviper, you question him about the longstanding feud, and then he tells
you why he is angry, and you tell him this can be fixed by talking
it out with the zangoose leader, he tells you if you bring him [insert item here] he will
agree to meet with the zangoose leader under peaceful terms.After bringing him the items,
he will agree and give you a designated location to meet.

Upon entering the zangoose team's base, you fight various trainers with zangoose and other
various pokemon, and then make your way through this maze of a hideout, at end you meet a
woman named Elly, and she is also immediately agressive towards you as well. Upon defeating
her and her powerhouse zangoose, she also tells you the reason she is angry, and you tell
her the solution. She also agrees to meet with the seviper lead at [insert location] if you
would bring her [insert item]. After you locate and bring her the item, she agrees.

Now, you must travel to the designated location, where the two teams are feuding, Malik and
Elly finish a battle and then realise the strength of one another, the bond of battling is
a bond stronger than any other, therefore, out of mutual respect and because of your help,
they have agreed to a mutual treaty for the moment, and will also let the pokemon know of
this treaty. Although the hatred is there, the respect leads both parties to this decision.

Upon this realization, you return to [The NPC the chef told you to visit] and he thanks you
graciously and states "I believe the citizens may now also rest easy for a period."
Then he rewards you with [insert reward here].

First, let me just say that I am honored that you were, as you stated on chat, inspired enough by my quest to expand on it and write your own ideas.
For those of you who haven't read my quest, you can do so here: http://pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,490.msg6040/topicseen.html#new
Now, what was it I was going to say about this? I forgot. Hang on, let me read it again.


Oh, here's something. I don't think any one NPC should know the location of the two factions "hideouts", instead, it would seem more appropriate for him to know a general location, or a description of the landscape around them, or some landmark, or a screenshot of the general area. The reason I would suggest this is simple, for one, it makes it seem more "hidden", and two, it adds to the exploration in game.

Ok, back to reading.


Ah, the item's you have to bring the faction leaders, for simplicity sake, this should just be a letter. But I do like that you can go to either one first. It should be added then, that you receive a decent boss-sized loot from both factions leaders

Oh yeah, by the way... "Malik" huh? That sounds kinda like Marik: the guy we're trying to defeat in this season.

Anyway, back to the reading.


Ok, I don't know if it should be necessary to have Elly and Malik fight each other at some other location, or really at all. I see the importance of doing something to seal the bond between them, but I'm just trying to think about how easy this would be to be developed (scripted out), and I wan't to avoid as many continuity errors as I can. I always laugh at the idea of watching an event between two people that can also be seen somewhere else, and doing something else in the game by other people at the same time.

Perhaps, an alternative solution could be placed here.

Also, one final note. Do you know what would happen if two factions, who's whole lives were revolved around fighting each other, suddenly stopped their quarrel's and worked together? I'm thinking a few teenagers lose their sense of belonging, and well....psychological analysis ensues...

Heh heh, I smell yet another follow up.
(oh, between you and me, I have many other idea's for quests and stories that branch off of this one, the one you just branched off of, and basically all others I'm working on....in other words, there is more to Restaurant Recovery than I have written thus far. But don't tell anyone I said that.)

...what do you mean I posted that in a public forum for all to see?

Oh, and thanks again for the HUGE honor, and appreciation of my work!

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 10:41:19 PM »
First and foremost, I did indeed want the first quest to be a tutorial quest. I assume with a little workaround and some walking , it would be very plausible with a better explanation. perhaps if we worked out other tutorial topics and embedded them into it.

The second quest, I had meant for the pokemon aquired to be handed in to the aid, as they are to be tamed as a starter trainer's first pokemon and/or whatever other use the lab has for them.

For the third quest, hmmm...It is kind of useless, just wanted to throw an item quest in  ;)

Now, for the big quest, many altercations can be made, along with the names which were just random ideas at the time. Perhaps it can be resolved without the boss battle, and the HQ's , if you'd like we can work on details together, I wouldn't mind  ;D and perhaps a territorial ending would be more suited, where the two factions pick borders the other shall not cross, and there shall be no problems for the time being? I'm not sure, it can be worked out though I'm sure. So please feel free to rip this apart too and throw in any ideas  8)

Offline spirit

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2010, 10:43:38 PM »
Ok, so we were apparently more on the same page than I had thought...that's good I guess.

But, I'm not going to say anything more until I hear more feedback from other people.

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2010, 10:46:38 PM »
duely noted  :D

Offline PokeBlue358

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2010, 03:48:46 PM »
I've got a couple things to say, but not as much as spirit said.
1st quest - It's kinda like what you had to do in RSE, just earlier in the game.


2nd quest - It's like what you had to do in DPP for the newspaper guy, but since you said

(2)Branch quest, requires completion of starter quest.

Upon completing the starter quest, the option to assist the professor's aid becomes
available. To start the quest, speak to [designated aid] and he will ask you to go catch
random pokemon 1, or random pokemon 1 and 2, as new trainers are in need of pokemon,
but the lab is currently lacking. This quest can be completed daily, hence the first daily
quest idea for the game. You would have to go to the designated area of the pokemon,or
search the lands for them if you do not know the location, making this quest more
of an adventure. Upon completing this quest you recieve [designated reward] (I have not
thought of a reward). This quest can be completed daily, and increases in difficulty with
your player level.

since you said that, its just slightly more challenging


3rd quest- This quest is just a "Find the guy, get the item the guy wants from another guy" thing


4th quest - it was a rather long quest, but i liked it.

Hold on.... Gotta read it again :(

Um.... Hm..... Oh! duh!

4th quest - after you complete it, the restaurant owner says "i think the people can rest easy during this period " or something like that, but only for a period, so, once they start fighting again, (after about a month or so, {a month to us is a year to the game,}) you should be allowed to talk to the restaurant owner and he'll say "oh! those feuding gangs!!! they're at it again!!!" and you can do the quest again, but the pokemon will be several levels higher, and you need to search in new areas for the HQ's of the gangs.


And thats all i've got so far.
With my pumped up Pokemanz, I can't lose!!!

Offline stephenkill2

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Re: Assorted quests. Including spin off from Restaurant Recovery.
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2010, 07:15:05 AM »

4th quest - it was a rather long quest, but i liked it.

Hold on.... Gotta read it again :(

Um.... Hm..... Oh! duh!

4th quest - after you complete it, the restaurant owner says "i think the people can rest easy during this period " or something like that, but only for a period, so, once they start fighting again, (after about a month or so, {a month to us is a year to the game,}) you should be allowed to talk to the restaurant owner and he'll say "oh! those feuding gangs!!! they're at it again!!!" and you can do the quest again, but the pokemon will be several levels higher, and you need to search in new areas for the HQ's of the gangs.


And thats all i've got so far.

I like to believe it leaves openings, I'd also like to tweak it a bit more , it was a rough concept.