Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Starting Off.


Well when you first play the game there would be a guy with a this on his head ! And he would say something like. Can i teach how too use your stuff. and you would say yes. and then he would show you how to use your basic tools and how to catch and battle wild pokemon. and he would ask you for a battle and you would say yes and then he would give you a techy tv. that would show you how to use your stuff. (supporting idea Pokemon Zoo.) and then he would take you to get your pokedex and he would take you to the Pokemon zoo too help you with your pokedex. and that's My Quest.

Sincerely: Darien.


--- Quote ---Well When you first play the game there would be a guy with an exclamation point this on over his head ! and he would say something like:

"Can I teach you how too use your stuff?" and you would say yes. and then

He would show you how to use your basic tools and how to catch and battle wild Pokemon. and Then he would ask you for a battle. and then he would give you a techy tv. that would show you how to use your stuff. (supporting idea Pokemon Zoo.)and then After the battle he would take you to get your Pokedex and he would take you to the Pokemon zoo too help you with your Pokedex. and

That's my quest.
--- End quote ---

Most of the players are Pokemon fans already, and it's safe to assume that they've played the games, if only just one, before. In that regard, most of the players will already know how a Pokedex works and how to train and battle wild Pokemon.

This quest isn't really MMO-friendly either, as the same looking man leading every new player around would clutter up the screen (among other things).  ::)

There has been talked about this in our private chat. So something like this will be included but most likely not in the first few versions.

Kuhns made me lol some :]

When first going into an MMO of any kind, the first impression is the most important impression; for any game.

You want to make the player want to keep playing, and what you typed up was not so impressionable.

That's the nice way of putting it anyways.


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