Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

A mech type RP questions?

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It is ok. I didn't mean to aim it at you specifically or anything of the sort. T_T I am just trying to keep it from being hostile is all. Please if you have any comments on stuff I am putting up please feel free to up your opinion in.

I highly advise against the use of PO for battles. Some people cannot access PO correctly, and people have busy schedules and cannot always make these set times.

If you can set up a chat, though, Fenror, it would help. Cortex and I did it for any major battle we planned to do.

Oh, it undoubtedly would help, but I wouldn't make it mandatory for everyone. It's just too difficult for some people to attend.

If they don't havae time to attend a thirty minute debug, they really shouldn't be in an RP in the first place. They don't have time.


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