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Author Topic: The Community Roleplay Project  (Read 31157 times)

Offline DaigurenHyõrinmaru

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2013, 03:57:47 PM »
Before I make a suggestion I have a question, have you thought about a combat system or how combat of any sorts will be handled?

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2013, 04:54:53 PM »
To a very small extent, but nothing worth mentioning here. Give me your suggestion anyway, and if you have anything on combat as well. Combat will, though, obvioously, use a combination of magic and the weapon the character has against a variety of enemies: from soldiers to mutated animals to other magic users.
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Offline DaigurenHyõrinmaru

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2013, 06:40:15 PM »
Okay, so one thing I find that makes RPs very stale is the "lame brain" combat system. There never seems to be any variability, no chance, just 1 + 2 = 3 damage and 4hp - 3 damage = 1hp. (generally speaking in regards to the terms) I would like to see something more. Now I'm not saying to make combat a total luck box or to make it so it takes you 4 hours to strategize for a battle but there should be some aspect of chance in there or some advanced tactics that could turn fights around. In video games this is handled by crits and misses and multi-leveled abilities or triggered effects but that is a bit harder to do in an RP. So that's my suggestion, a bit vague I know but I thought I would just bring that up. 

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2013, 12:59:05 AM »
Well, no RP that I've been in has been that exact with the calculation of damage. The severity of damage is based on what the RP'ers decide as they post. Although, I do understand that you want some element of unpredictability (and a bit of difficulty) in battles. So, before I put in my own GM powers and suggestions, does anyone have any thoughts on that?
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2013, 02:51:55 AM »
Lets see for unpredictability without using your "GM powers" a mage could always carry a trump card or a special move to turn the battle around like a area/weather move or status move(sorry if what i'm using to describe this is too basic)Ex: for someone to pull a move making a veil of mist or fog provides a sudden chance to escape or increases the difficulty to fight for the opponent. But for difficulty although im not sure but imagine there some military structure among both groups so ranks could be given to players to show their level power and/or skill which could mean ranks give advantage for players
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2013, 03:00:42 AM »
Ranks would work extremely well, only what we have planned for the plot won't support that, as once everyone becomes mages, they won't be able to return to the Renegade immediately for two reasons:
1. They could be followed to the headquarters, exposing and then leading to the Renegade's destruction
2. Due to history, the Renegade are naturally enemies of magic users, and having mages around the Renegade's people could make them uncomfortable and possibly even start an uprising.

I do like the "special move" idea though. That could certainly work.

EDIT: It could also be the main level up bonus, possibly. As you progress through the RP and level up your magic, your "special move" could become stronger or have a greater effect, maybe you could learn another, or the repurcussions of using the move lessen in severity. Also, maybe we should have some sort of mana regeneration system. As you use magic, you get weaker, and so do your spells (you may still be able to cast the very basics), but through some method (rest would be one, but I mean something more specific, that you can actually do to restore your strength) you can restore your mana. This would add to the challenge, as well as prevent OP in that area, but what do you all think? If you're in favor of thism what sort of methods do you suggest could be used to restore "mana"? Also, of we go with that special move level up system, which could also be used to level up mana and regeneration, how would gaining experience and these bonuses actually work?

And speaking of challenges, I was speaking with Nex a little earlier, and while it should be fun, I can say that this RP will be far from easy, and I hope you're prepared to be very creative. As a heads up, while having an elemental magic is cool (as one of my 4 characters will likely have one), I do suggest if you have more than one character, to create magic types other than the basic elements, that could benefit people (or yourself) in other ways. I didn't really want to give this out ahead of time, but seeing as it's a good example of what I'm trying to convey, one of my characters may have Atmosphere magic. It basically allows them to alter the atmosphere around them (as they level up the area of effect would increase). On that note, feel free to start thinking about your characters, and especially magic, now. If you come up with a magic and want my feedback or to see if it is improved before you spend so much time on the huge profile skeleton only to have it rejected because of magic, then PM the magic and its details to me. If I don't think it'll meet requirements, I can help you to work something out now, for once the RP and profiles are posted within a couple of weeks, I may not have time to assist you in magic making, due to the extensive evaluation process. In addition to that, you may not have time to continue redeveloping and resubmitting magic and profiles once it is up. Please DO NOT post magic on this thread, though. I want all of your profiles to be kept a secret from everyone else until I release it on the profiles section.

Lastly, looking at a possible release, depending on how much I can get done with Nex this weekend, and how much progress we make here, I MIGHT be able to get the RP up next week, and we'd start late into the following week. Like I said, it just depends on how much we can get done. We've been making good progress, and if Nex and I can get together enough this weekend, we might pull it off then, but I don't want to rush it. We don't need to plan a whole ton of events ahead of time, though, as this RP will be very adaptable to the way everyone plays.

Here's a list of things still to be covered:

-Finalizing magic details

-Finalizing plot details


-Level Up and Experience System

-Mission and Currency System

I know we didn't even mention the last one yet, but we need to get the Level up and Exp system, along with magic details finished first. Nex and I will handle the profile and plot stuff on our own. It doesn't seem like a lot, but in truth we're missing a ton of details. Keep the ideas and suggestions coming, and if you think of something, don't be afraid to say it. I want to get this moving, but like I said, I don't want to rush it. With enough input, we could see this finished by this weekend/early next week.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 08:27:57 AM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2013, 03:47:50 PM »
Sorry for the double post, but I need to make sure everyone sees this, and besides, my previous post was long and I edited enough already. Anyway, first we're going to completely figure out the leveling system, which will then tie into missions and currency.

Ok, so here's what we have now:

-Leveling up grants benefits to special moves as well as mana regeneration and weakening.

-Upon gaining cerain levels, special moves can become stronger, new special moves can become unlocked, and the drawbacks of using the move lessen.

-"Mana" depletes as spells are used, weakening both the caster and the spells. Leveling up can slow down the rate at which mana (and the caster) depletes, make mana regeneration faster, and poossibly open up new methods of regeneration.

What we need to determine:

-More, solid details on exactly what upgrades upon leveling up and when.

-How gaining experience and leveling up actually works. We have a ton of options here, and while doing quests/missions can give some EXP, it can't be the only source. I have a couple ideas, but I do want to hear your own. Here's the different things I came up with:  Much like the Kingdom Hearts RP I just did, for those of you who know what I'm talking about, certain enemies can be worth certain experience points, and upon getting a certain amount of EXP, you level up. I personally don't really want to do this, as it seems a bit stale and ordinary, but it's what you all want. My other idea is that upon defeating most basic enemies, you gain a level. Defeating specific, stronger enemies can level you up more than one. Upon reaching certain levels, you gain he different bonuses and upgrades, or maybe each level grants "upgrade points", which can be spent on upgrading and unlocking different things, i.e. the special momve or mana regen stuff, or maybe even the item that allows you to steal and learn a new type of magic. Missions could still grant a specific amount of levels upon completion. I personally prefer this second opotion, but what do you all think? Do you have any other, different ideas?
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2013, 10:23:48 PM »
I shall once again add my input. For the may to regain mana you could use a type of drug which could stimulate and increase the activity of the genes that make the magic giving you more mana. A side effect to using the drug is after it wears off mana will have trouble regenerating but as you level up this effect can be reduced. Of course if we use this it wouldn't or at least it should be something you can just buy off the street and its not likely renegade will have any unless you have a secret division that develops the stuff for us but that's still not likely. The best way to get it would be to find  Sanctum agents  who have it on them or find it in Sanctum bases in a supply closet. That makes it sound like a real hassel to get and if you were to take one in an early level it best as a last resort but hey good things don't come easy.

As for the leveling i like the idea of upgrade points for basic moves, mana, power, or speed but for the special moves i think reaching a level is somewhat easy to upgrade it although i do think there should be a certain checkpoint for it to be upgraded. I think to be able to upgrade a special move or add anew one you should have to fight a certain boss like a high mage in Sanctum. Once he's been defeated you give him a drug that will force his genes to a central point in his body (maybe his palm or something) then take a needle and extract his genes from his body. then you can return to home or whatever and inject your self with the other guys genes. those genes would assimilate to act like your own and clearly there's a gene that gives you a special move but now you have another giving more power to your move or giving you a new one. now the drug itself would actually make sense seeing as how Renegade would being fighting lots of mages but the drug must likely would have originally destroyed the genes so this would be a modified one. Now the best way to disarm them would be to take away there "magic" then there no better than a normal person plus if you do this to powerful mages in Sanctum you'll be weakening their forces and increasing our own power.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2013, 10:52:58 PM »
I don't really want any sort of potion (or drug) to regenerate mana.

As for the leveling up, physical traits, like speed, are not judged by any sort of number or anything like that. There are no "stats", per say, like a video game. Although, I do like what you're saying about meeting certain requirements to upgrade the special move, which is, as of right now, called a Mana Surge. I think what I'll do is this: you must meet certain requirements (likely a specific level), and then you unlock so many upgrades for your Mana Surge, which you will then have to spend a large amount of upgrade points (UP) to obtain. Weapon upgrades may also be part of the upgrade system, not sure about that.

So, the question remains, what level up system do you all prefer? The standard, KH style one, or the new one where a monster kill results in a level?
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #39 on: May 16, 2013, 01:54:22 AM »
This was a success. Nex and I have finalized a lot of missing details, and while some of the finer points still need to be figured out, we have nearly all the basics done. The RP may show up any time between tonight and Friday. I'm super excited, and can't wait to see you all there.

EDIT: It is actually all up now. Conversation about the RP, along with any questions, are to take place in the OOCC.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 02:49:45 AM by Fenror »
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