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Author Topic: The Community Roleplay Project  (Read 30485 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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The Community Roleplay Project
« on: May 10, 2013, 03:58:31 AM »
What is this? This is a new project, something that has not been attempted before. It's the beginning of a new roleplay, brought to you by myself, along ith 9Nexalas6. What's so special about that, you ask? Well, it isn't just any normal RP, where the GM creates the whole thing, but an RP customized by you, the roleplay community. As of right now, we have next to nothing developed for the RP, save for some details. Over time, we will release new information or scenarios and then allow you all to give your input and feedback. We'll use your ideas as the basis for developing a new RP, targeting a release for this summer. All we need from you is your ideas! Remember, by posting in this thread, you allow Nex and myself to use anything you place here in the RP, and we may modify it as we wish. Sure, we could just make our own RP, but we want you, the community, to feel more connected to the RP experience. Do not feel like you are obligated to join the RP if you post here, although you'll probably want to. I look forward to sharing this experience with you all, and feel free to post any and all ideas or suggestions you may have. Please try to keep it on whatever topic Nexalas or I present you with. Remember, what we say goes, as although it is not an RP yet, I am still GM, and 9Nexalas6 is Sub-GM.

Without further ado, it's time to begin this project! Below is a video that will serve as the direct inspiration for the RP. Please watch it, and then just begin speaking about it! Feel free to make a short story about it, a poem, present a song that reminds you of the video, give ideas directly related to the RP based off of it, simply discuss it among others, or post whatever else about this video that you want, just please keep it appropriate. Here we go!

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Offline Humen

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2013, 04:18:56 AM »
OMG your RP gonna take place on a Utopian earth that's oppresses normal civilians forcing them to live on the outskirts of the Utopian country. Creating a rebellion to over throw  the dark cult that's in-charge of the oppression and the strange mutation on the native animals in strange creatures like porcupine-hyenas and wyrms. Cause if that what this RP is then kick gluteus maximus that's awesome.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2013, 04:27:30 AM »
Well, we actually don't know exactly what this RP will turn out to become yet. That's what this thread is here for. It's for normal Rp'ers to give their own ideas and suggestions, like you just did, and Nex and I will then take those ideas to the side, along with ideas of our own, to create a new RP, customized by the Rp'ers themselves. Keep the ideas coming, though, as we might be able to get something out of what you just said.
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2013, 04:42:54 AM »
I suggest bigger, more detailed profiles. And maybe a small test for characters if they are questionable, but I also suggest you always make sure they have fun. It will become a chore if they don't have fun.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline BlazingNinetails

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2013, 05:01:26 AM »
i guess we could have a FF Roleplay.
Maybe an Tales of the Abyss Roleplay or something of that nature. (Tales of Shyphonia,Tales if Vesparia,something like that)
These are the only ideas i have at the moment.
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Fox Pokemon
Likes chewing on fire stones and has split tails like Vulpix and can uses it's ability like Zoroark to change into people.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2013, 05:17:16 AM »
Sorry, but this RP is going to be original, not based off of any game or movie. The video was just to be used as an inspiration to get the gears going. I could see a desert landscape in that video and say, for example:

Over time, a mysterious phenomenon took place, causing the Earth's deserts to grow, absorbing everything in their path, including the seas. Water became a rarity on the sandy planet, and wars began to break out for what was at one time a common resource and is a necessity of survival.

By the way, I totally just made that up as I typed it lol.

I suggest bigger, more detailed profiles. And maybe a small test for characters if they are questionable, but I also suggest you always make sure they have fun. It will become a chore if they don't have fun.

Yes, absolutely. Profiles will be more detailed than before, partially because I likely won't force everyone to start out as beginners (unless they choose to do so) in whatever the plot may be, and so they may have had a past that can affect a number of things, from appearance to personality to strengths and weaknesses. And there may be a short little "test" of sorts, just to ensure that you won't be overpowered and such. Fun is our top priority. Lastly, there may be a longer post requirement, such as possibly a 5 sentence minimum for each post in the RP. The RP will also provide difficult challenges to characters, because it isn't very often that you get stumped on an RP like you might a videogame.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 08:55:27 AM »
You know what I suggest? An arena somewhere in the RP's map, where characters can fight if they want, no killing of course, or if you kill it has to be under consent of the other character's mod, of course, but still.

Offline Humen

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 11:26:34 AM »
Or better yet make a gladiator collosseum were enemys of whoever is in charge are put in random teams with other prisoners must fight to the death and to earn your freedom you must win 3 matches with the team of strangers but the players could choose to escape as they don't believe they can win as most rarely do. Although if they got cuaght they'd get dragged back and have to start over. Tournaments like that are always great and distract the populace from shady things the gov't is doing/planning.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 12:38:24 PM »
I'll throw in my little idea here. What if people in the RP where separated into classes where you can choose to be a certain type of mage or a physical fighter of sorts. Mage's in this RP could use magic only with a certain item or familiar, like say a crystal mage can only do magic with a magical crystal while they are developing their powers; or a mage could use a familiar to amplify their magic, like say an enchanted wolf or other sorts of monsters/ desert animals, but the only cost is that they die if their familiar dies. As for physical fighters this should speak for itself that they would be professionals at physical combat, whether it be with swords, fists, knives, guns/bows, etc.

Now there has to be a reason why the mage's are being hunted down in the video, and maybe we can use that element in the RP.

Any idea's, suggestions, or something to add on?
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 06:05:18 PM »
Remember, Nex, we'll finalize all the planning somewhere else, but, what if everyone was skilled in something, I.e. strength, speed, defense, etc., and what if everyone winded up being a mage. Here's what I have, based on everyone's ideas, give me your honest opinions. Also, this may change, especially when Nex and I get together and plan, but anyway, here's a very rough draft:

Hundreds of years ago the nuclear World War III devastated Earth, destroying nearly every country and civilization, and almost causing humans to become extinct. Africa, while receiving major damage from the war, had remained neutral for the most part, and those who survived the war and were rich enough migrated to the continent over time. The rich all eventually settled in the center of the continent, creating an advanced utopian paradise known as Sanctum. Sanctum was then ruled by a religious council, who began their own religion, which by law all citizens had to follow. There were a total of thirteen council members, known as the Overrulers, led by a Head Overruler.  All of the radiation from the war over time mutated some genes, and every once in a while a child with these mutated genes would be born. These children, simply dubbed "Outcasts", were thrown out of Sanctum, whether to live or die, the Great Council didn't care. Some of Sanctum's citizens realized that this was wrong, and so they snuck out of Sanctum to form their own nation, the Unified Citizens of Earth, or UCE for short. Throughout a couple hundred years, the UCE grew, expanding to the east, west, and further to the south of the continent. The barren north is considered dangerous, uncharted territory, and the Democracy of the UCE does not allow any sort of travel to that area, under any circumstances.

As time grew on, and the UCE prospered, Sanctum began to run low on valuable resources, which were abundant in the south. Sanctum then raged war on the UCE, and although they had better technology, Sanctum was far less strategic than the UCE, as well as greatly outnumbered. Back in the labs of Sanctum, tests were constantly being done on the children with the mutated genes, which Sanctum had just killed off rather than deported, and a discovery was made. By using secret methods, the mutated genes were able to be extracted from the children and then mutated again. The genes could then be injected into some of Sanctum's members to give them special powers, or magic. Afer many deaths, the scientists at Sanctum realized that only specific people could withstand the new genes and survive, resulting in only a select few who were able to use magic. Sanctum then used the powered humans to take the UCE under their control, but a few were able to go even further south into hiding, where a new, rebellious organization, known simply as the Renegade, was formed. Sanctum now controls the UCE, which basically serves as the poor, nearly enslaved region of the country, whose citizens are not allowed to enter Sanctum. Sanctum has a problem, though: the Renegade, who, although small, pose a major threat to Sanctum and its secrets.

Well, that's what I have for now. Keep in mind that nothing is solid, but if everyone likes any of this we can at least work off of it. As for the coliseum, I don't think it'll just fit in whenever, being that it appears this won't be aa competitive fighting RP. Since everyone wants it, though, I will incorporate some sort of tournament into the story in some way, sort of like I did in the Kingdom Hearts RP. So, that's what I have for now, and it is quite a good bit, seeing as this only started yesterday. Anyway, thoughts? Ideas?
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2013, 06:52:55 PM »
Fenror, I have a few ideas, but since if I said them here, it could ruin some plot points I just thought up, would you like me to PM you with them real quick?

And this is seeming strangely interesting... Keep it up.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2013, 07:28:04 PM »
Yes, just PM them to me. And if everyone likes the basics for the plot, since it was previously mentioned a couple times, we can discuss magic and its use. Also, as of right now, I think I will have everyone play on the same side, no either Renegade or Sanctum, it'll likely be Renegade, unless, of course, we get a better suggestion.
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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2013, 08:06:15 PM »
I always enjoy a good skill system. For example, having a specific learning system so anyone could potentially learn anything but there are certain requirements for doing so. I find this much more rewarding then in other RP's where the GMs just say you learned it after a specific period of time.

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2013, 08:09:30 PM »
We know what you're talking about, and at one time I did set one up for the KH RP. It could do to be updated, since I wasn't nearly as skilled (not to mention I'm no longer working on it), but they know how to do it if they feel like implementing it.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: The Community Roleplay Project
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2013, 10:55:06 PM »
There will be a skill system, but it hasn't been touched yet. I'll probably develop that with Nex, and we may just post that here for feedback., as that is far more complicated to develop than some of the other things here. Also, I'm considering allowing everyone to create their own magic that their character specializes in, but by using one time objects granted by possibly a level up system, they can absorb the magic style of their enemy. For instance, say my character uses a fire based magic, and I use the item when defeating an NPC who uses magic that allows him, to keep this example interesting, to wield his blood when he gets cut. The item is destroyed, but I can now use both fire and blood magic, or combine the two forr some special techniques.

Along the lines of magic, I want to give RP'ers to be as creative as they wish, so you will be able to create your own magic, as due to DNA differing, magic differs with each person. There will be specific guidelines, though. For one, magic cannot nance you physically, I.e. strengthing your muscles, increasing you senses, being able to run faster, etc. Your magic can benefit you physically, though, for say my magic can be focused on absorbing the materials around me into my own body, or using an earth based magic to form a shield.
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