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Author Topic: Utopia: Generation Zero  (Read 16590 times)

Offline Tickles

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Utopia: Generation Zero
« on: June 04, 2013, 04:36:27 PM »
A while ago, I did an RP called Poisoned Utopia. This is the story of the group of people twenty years before that RP takes place. For any of you who were part of that, if you want to know where each character was at the time, subtract the age by twenty years. I may include references to some of the characters in the RP. I read through the whole thing, gathering information and now I am ready to show the first part of the story. Hope you all enjoy it.

Note: Some characters simply would not exist in this part of the timeline. I realize this, and know you might be left out. Stay tuned, and you might notice your characters parents, whether they be in a brief introduction, or involved in a deeper way.

I may also restart the RP once this is done.

Long ago, groups of scientists from around the country of Ceres were researching how to make people immortal. From this age of discovery, a virus was designed that would grant this ability to anyone, and anything it was given to. However, a young scientist my the name of Archibald Moore, angered by the loss of his robotics company and funding on his research, went on a full assault with his robots on the bio-medical firm. The resulting attack caused a massive explosion, that scattered an unfinished version of the virus across Ceres and the surrounding territories. Many people died, and those that remained were either immune, or mutated into powerful beings. A few years has passed, and three groups came to be, the Humans who were lucky enough to resist the virus, the Chosen, humans who gained fantastic powers, and the Monsters, grotesque creatures that usually went feral. A war raged between the groups for the remains of Ceres, but slowly died down in a age of peace. Utopia, the flying city, was built as a symbol of peace, and a new era was about to begin. Yet, once the city took first flight, monsters were deemed unworthy, and only a select group of humans and chosen were allowed to live within, thus bringing the death of Ceres, and the birth of the Underlands. Eighty years has passed, and nothing has changed.


Our story begins in a shack located in the southern sector. Cilus Farren, a young man, hair a crimson red color, wearing a simple black sweater and blue jeans, is sitting lazily on his bed. He has strings wrapped around his fingers, and moving them around out of boredom. As he yawns, he decides to check for his brother, Dagen, who went out to find some food.

"Hmm, let's see..." He activates his power, manipulating the strings with his mind. Outside are many machines and traps, all connected to the chosen. He concentrates his mind's eye on the broken robot wearing the head of a zigarex, looking to the east, "Nope, not there..." He moves on to a camera lens placed in a tree, checking the west, "Not there either. Dagen, where are you?" In the silence, one of the bells in the shack rings. A sensor has been tripped. Cilus knows it's coming from the north, and readies his defenses. Two robots carrying crude clubs are moved into position. Cilus looks through one of their eyes, and notices a figure running towards his home. It was a man with long blonde hair, wearing an open long coat with a white t-shirt and grey jeans. His left arm has a crude claw device with a battery attached to it. Dagen has returned.

"Cilus, unlock the door!" He yelled as he came closer. Cilus jumped up and removed the board that allowed them safety. Dagen burst in, and slammed the door shut, sealing the door. "Brother, what happened?" Dagen gritted his teeth, and looked out the window from the direction he was running. He responded in a half panicked way, "I may have pissed off some people. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I think they followed me." Cilus knew what this meant. His brother had been caught stealing again. His fist clenched, and he couldn't help but to punch Dagen in the back of the head. "Ow, what the hell, Cilus!" Cilus was breathing heavily, "Dagen, I wish you wouldn't resort to stealing. Every time you do, we have to leave another home. I'm tired of running, and want to live somewhere longer than a couple weeks."

"He went this way! There's some kind of shack." A small group of men, armed with swords and knives, approached the shack as well, surrounding it. Cilus was too distracted to try and stop them. One of the men started to kick at the door. "Come out of there, you little bastard! I'm going to chop off your hand and feed it to you!"

"Get away from here. I don't want to hurt you, but if you decide to stay, I'll have no choice."

The attackers laughed. One of them came up to the window, and smashed it, grabbing a hold of Cilus in the process. Dagen became enraged, and grabbed the culprit's arm with his clawed hand.

"Let him go!" Dagen activated his power, sending a surge of electricity into the unknown man's arm. The man keeled back in pain, and his skin was singed where Dagen grabbed it. Dagen jumped through the broken window, tackling his victim to the ground. He grabbed him around the throat, and let out another surge, killing him. The other men started to back away slowly. Dagen rose and looked at them.

"Unless any of you want to end up like your friend, I suggest you leave now." Dagen was fuming. Cilus looked out the window. This has gotten out of hand.

"Dagen, stop! You don't have to do this! All of you, just leave, please." The men ran from the shack, vowing to return with a bigger group to settle this.

Cilus came out of the shack, angry and frightened. He had everything packed. Dagen calmed down, and nodded towards his brother. They left their home behind once again, setting out towards the east. Neither could say a word to each other.
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2013, 05:12:32 AM »
The two walked for what seemed like hours, dead silent. This was not the first time he had seen death at the hands of his brother, but he could never get past it. Dagen walked with his head hanging, thoughts racing. His mind flashed with all the faces, frozen in fear and anguish as he snuffed out the life force within them. All of this gave him a headache.

"Cilus, you understand why I did what I did, right?"

"Yes, brother. It's for our survival.." Cilus still felt uneasy about his answer. He stopped, and placed the pack he was carrying on the ground. He stretched out, feeling relieved.

"Besides, there's no point in sulking on it. What's done is done, and I'm glad you were there to protect me."

Dagen smiled a bit, but quickly grew tense. In the distant, gunfire could be heard, and from the frequency, a battle must be taking place.

"Cilus, go and hide!" Dagen commanded, and Cilus knew not to argue. Cilus found a couple large boulders, and placed his hand upon them. Using his power, he lifted them and brought them to a third, and placed them in front to form a protective barrier. Dagen looked around. There was nothing but wasteland, and nothing electronic he could use to his advantage. He scanned where the gunfire was coming from, only to see one figure approaching. It was large, and seemed to be made of metal. Dagen recognized the shape. A paladin. He had seen these soldiers of Utopia before, carting Chosen away and murdering monsters. He could already feel the lead weapon this one was carrying, even though he knew it was far away from him. The paladin stopped, and drew his weapon, a longsword.

"Halt! You are trespassing on Utopian soil. State your business, or approach death with dignity."

Dagen was frozen in place. He knew he had little chance to take on this soldier. He mustered up every bit of strength he could.

"I am just passing through. Please, I don't want any trouble."

The paladin walked forward towards him. Dagen started to back away, but before he could got a chance to run, he felt a hand on his shoulder. A second paladin somehow got behind him. Dagen looked down, and noticed this one had a gun out.

"Just passing through are we? Well, isn't that convenient," The paladin with the gun pointed to the moved boulders "seeing as the landscape has suddenly change, right chosen?"

Again, Dagen froze. His rash actions has gotten him captured. The bladed paladin finally caught up, the lead weapon slowly draining Dagen's powers.

"What should we do with him?"

"Let's take him back for some target practice. Been a while..."
Dagen was confused. Wasn't there a battle ahead? Why do these two seem so calm.

"Aren't you two... in the middle.... of a fight? There's ... lots of gunfire."

The paladins laughed.

"You fool, you found one of our outposts. We get bored, and shoot at targets. But, it's better to have one that can run."

Suddenly, the boulders moved again, and one flew towards the the three, crashing down a few feet away. Cilus had the other two boulders next to him, lifting them without any problem.

"Let my brother go!"

One of the paladins opened fired, but Cilus moved one of the boulders in time. Dagen took the opening, and managed to send a shock through his captives arm, albeit kind of weak. He ducked down on the ground as Cilus launched his shield. The paladins dodged, and the one with the sword landed on top of Dagen. A loud pop was heard. Dagen figured he was shot, but when he looked up, a large man on a strange motorcycle was standing between him, and the gunmen.

"Hold on, we're getting out of here."

He punched the nearest paladin in the chest, knocking him back a few feet and disarming him in the process. The other one got off Dagen and charged forward, only to be clothes lined by the massive being. With the threat gone, the large man went and helped Dagen up.

"My name's Archie, and I need you to come with me, " he looked to Cilus. "And you as well."
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 03:38:20 AM »
Taking a small break from the story to ask a question and open up the comments. I decided that, after a while and this gets going further, to open up the Utopia universe and let everyone use it for whatever, whether it be an Rp, or their own adaptation. The reason I say this is because I remember how some people really enjoyed the RP, and a while back, someone wanted to make an RP based off of it, and I also want to expand this universe as big as it can possibly get.

Overtime, I will post details on the region, the characters, and other aspects of the story so people can use them as a resource. I just want to know who would be up for this, and help make the Utopia story a norm in science fiction.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 03:42:16 AM »
I might be in, assuming I'm not working on any other RP at the time.
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 05:42:51 PM »
I might be in, assuming I'm not working on any other RP at the time.

Only asking if anyone is interested in using the resources. I'll be working on the next part of the story itself soon, and will work on the resources when I have time.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline Desbear

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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2013, 11:15:15 PM »
I'd be interested, as I need to get back in the swing of things, and making a short story would definitely get me back into writing.

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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2013, 11:23:05 PM »
I might be in, assuming I'm not working on any other RP at the time.

Only asking if anyone is interested in using the resources. I'll be working on the next part of the story itself soon, and will work on the resources when I have time.

Well, in that case, yes, I might use them.
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2013, 12:55:25 AM »
Hmm, thinking about it, I think I'll make some kind of Wiki that can be used as a resource, so I'm not making unnecessary posts here. Don't know how I'll go about that, but I'll look into it.
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2013, 02:31:11 PM »
Note: All dialogue will be colored from now on to simplify things, and narrative will be separate. Dagen is orange, Cilus is teal, Archie is green, and The robot, whose name will not be mentioned for those that are reading this for the first time and do not want spoilers be, is in black. Generic dialogue is blue for good guys, red for evil.

Dagen was hesitant about the large being who called himself Archie. He was covered in bandages, save for a few openings where his eyes and mouth were, while wearing a large coat that was buttoned up tight. Cilus stood in awe at the large man.

What makes you think we should trust you?

Do you honestly think this is the time nor the place to discuss that. I need you two to come with me, we don't have much time.

Cilus looked to his brother, but Dagen refused to budge. He mimicked his brother, taking the same defiant stance.

Look, these two are part of a much larger group. They will notice they're gone, and come looking. If we're still here, we might as well paint ourselves red and call it a day, now come with me.

Archie got back on his vehicle. Dagen realized that there was no point in arguing, better one person than a large squad of paladin. He motioned his brother to get on, and he did the same. Archie pulled the throttle, and in a flash, they were in front of a large cliff with random bits of metal hanging out of it.. Dagen fell off the bike, feeling dizzy and nauseous. Cilus couldn't hold back, and vomited over the side. Archie seemed fine, and calmly helped the two right themselves.

I apologize for that. The teleportation takes a little getting used to. Come now, we don't have all day.

Archie began to walk to the cliff. Dagen and Cilus felt a bit better, but still weakened from the whole ordeal. They followed behind, keeping a cautious eye on Archie.

Hang on... you never told us why we needed to go with you.

All in due time Cilus.

Dagen was stunned. How could this man have known his brother's name when they never introduced themselves? Before he could get out a question, Archie knocked loudly on what appeared to be a large metal gear. A voice came out of a small speaker located near the ground, singing a strange song.

I dream of days so long passed.

Skies so blue and green was the grass.

Welcome back fighter for the cause.

The gear began to move out of the way, revealing an entryway into a dimply lit tunnel.

Follow me.

The trio ventured forth, and after a couple of minutes, the two brothers could only stare in amazement. Inside the cliff was a large base, filled with many different people. Some looked like humans, and some were obviously chosen, as one was smugly showing off how fast they can run. There were even monsters of all sorts walking around.

Gentleman, welcome to the rebel base, home of the great Wrench, and those that wish to bring Utopia to everyone.

Dagen relaxed a bit. He heard rumors of the rebels as well, and knew that they wouldn't harm him, or his brother. Archie motioned for them to follow. Cilus was almost left behind, as he was fixated on some of the strange machines located in the large room. As they walked, Dagen couldn't help but wonder why they were summoned. He had no special skills, and very little fighting experience. If anything, he was pretty worthless. His brother was stronger than he was, they he knew, so maybe he just got invited because of that. They stopped outside a door that was a bit different than the others. It was wooden, with a small marking of a wrench carved into it. Archie opened the door to a very small room filled with monitors. In the center was a strange figure sitting in a chair.

Archie, I see your mission was successful.

Yes, sir. There were some complications, but nothing that warranted excessive force.

The chair spun around, and sitting in it was an old looking robot. He was holding onto a strange staff of some sort. His eyes had an eerie glow, and one flickered on and off at a rapid pace.

Well, at least there is good news then. Dagen, Cilus, welcome to my home. I trust you would like to get down to business. If you don't mind, I need you to follow me. Archie, if you please?

Archie grabbed a hold of the robot, and carried him. Dagen and Cilus followed behind.
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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 04:31:49 PM »
So, a while ago, i asked nexalas to make some concept art for the characters. He made some pretty cool pics for them. Now everyone can visualize the main characters easily.

Please excuse the large image size.




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Re: Utopia: Generation Zero
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2013, 05:28:44 PM »
Here is the next part of the story. After this is one more part, then the serious stuff will happen. I will basically be writing this in episodes, small portions of the story that are part of a larger plot. These was basically the prologue, and I apologize for spreading it out like this, but I have very limited time to write, and use what free time I can to work on the story. When the next part is done, Episode one will be right after.

The three came to a large door. Archie held the robot in one hand, and opened it up, revealing large training room on the other side. Dagen could hardly believe it. There were machines of different sorts, some that he could guess their function, the others he couldn't even comprehend. Cilus stared in wide eyed amazement. Archie placed the robot down, right next to a second robot. This one seemed powered down, and not in ready condition.

Excuse me one moment.

The robot touched his staff to the powered down unit, and it dimantled immediately. He then removed his own legs, and replaced them with the new ones on the ground. Dagen could see why, the robots old legs looked as though they had very limited movement. The joints were rusted through, and wires were sticking out. With his new legs, he took a step forward, and took a good long look at Dagen. Without a sound, he turned his gaze to Cilus, and did the same.

Well, let's start testing shall we?

Wait, wha....
Wait, wha...

BEfore the two could react, the robot attacked Dagen, and Archie attacked Cilus. Dagen seen the staff come down towards him, but he manged to block with his claw, while Cilus nimbly dodged Archie's punch. The two were away from each other now. The robot came in fast, catching Dagen off guard, and he thrusted his staff forward, knocking Dagen over.

What the hell is this for?!

It's a test, now, give it everything you got.

Cilus was dodging every on of Archie's blows, but he was running out of room. He used his ability to move a chain wrapped around his body, hidden under his clothes, and brought the sharper part just out of the sleeve. When Archie was in range, he took aim, and launched it. Archie seen it last minute, and managed to dodge, but part of his face wrap tore.

That's a new one. Never seen you use those.

You were watching me?!

Dagen was back on his feet, and he charged toward the robot, claw forward, and charged with electricity. The Robot blocked it with his staff, and Dagen released then charge. It had little effect, as the robot absorbed it into his body, and released it out of the staff, knocking Dagen back. Cilus kept swinging the chain, and brought out his second hidden one, this one containing a spiked ball on the end. Archie simply batted away each hit, but Cilus was quick, and launched the ball right at his forehead with a direct hit. Archie fell back hard. When he got back up, Cilus was ready to attack, but he placed up his hands in surrender. Cilus ceased, and hid his chains again.

Good job.

Dagen and the robot were still fighting, the robot countering every one of his attacks.

I thought more of you. Did I miscalculate?

I don't even know what you're talking about.

Dagen ducked as the staff was swung wide.

All in due time, but it seems like that time will never come.

Dagen was enraged. His claw charged with more energy than it ever did.

That is it! I don't know what this is about...

He ran forward, electricity surging around him.

, but right now, I don't give a damn!

He through a punch at the robot, but it was blocked. The robot took in the energy again, but this time, Dagen increased the output. The robot could barely contain it, and slammed his staff into the ground, getting rid of the extra pressure. Dagen took the opening, and punched the robot in the chest, knocking him down. He went in for one last attack,but the robot surrendered as well.

Well done.

The two were confused at what happened. The robot and Archie stood next to eachother once again.

I'm sorry about that. I wanted to gather data on the potential of your skills and abilities. I devised this test especially for you two. You see, I have been watching you for a while now. It's remarkable how boys as young as you are can survive the harsh environment without any other aid.

The robot began to pace a little.

Wait, if you've been watching us, how come you couldn't use whatever you seen to get data? You almost caved in my chest with that attack.

And I didn't want to resort to my chains ... ever.

Please, forgive our actions. There is a difference between watching a battle, and taking part. Grandfather has your well being in mind.

Dagen and Cilus were startled at how the hulling man called the robot his grandfather. Cilus was trying to figure it out, and Dagen tried not to think about it.

Anyway, you still didn't tell us your name.

I go by many names child, but the most common one I am called is Wrench.

You mean like the tool?

Dagen chuckled to himself at the term. As far as he was concerned, Wrench might as well be a tool. The robot didn't seem to recognize the joke, but Archie got a little stern.

Well, I will say you have exceeded my expectations Cilus. However, Dagen, you still have much to learn. I have decided to allow you to stay for the night, and join Archie on a mission tomorrow. Then we will decide what happens.

What's in it for us?

Warm beds, warm food, and a chance to be part of something greater than yourself.

And if we fail?

It would be in your best interest to succeed.

Dagen couldn't pass this opportunity up. He would take anything if it meant his brother would be safe, and this place was practically a fortress. He gave a nod, as did Cilus. The two were taken to a small room with two beds, two small dressers, and a desk with a lamp on it. Dagen collapsed on one of the beds. Today drained him, and the bed felt nice and warm, and as soft as a cloud. His brother was out before him, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword