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Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts: Lost Chapters - Sone  (Read 6819 times)

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Kingdom Hearts: Lost Chapters - Sone
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:51:16 AM »
After Sora and Riku defeated Xehanort, the many worlds returned to peace. Sora and Riku returned to Destiny Islands to start a new life. A decade passed, and Riku received a message from King Mickey. Leaving behind Sora and Kairi, Riku vanished into the night.. Both Riku and King Mickey vanished for months, and word spread of this, panic flaring that King Mickey had vanished. On top of that crippling blow, the gateway to Destiny Island had been sealed, trapping its inhabitants within. Including Sora and Kairi.

Even worse was the war that was breaking out. Once Xehanort had been defeated, darkness still lingered throughout the worlds, and so the keyblade chose a slew of new warriors to take down the remaining darkness. These keybladers teamed up with a group of mages and dubbed themselves the Cavalry. Part of the Cavalry broke away from the light, though, claiming that the Cavalry should not have the power to control the fate of the worlds. These villains formed their own organization, the Nocturnes. It was not long before the they waged war against the forces of light.

After months with no word from King Mickey, Riku turned up on the doorstep of Disney Castle. He no longer spoke, refusing to say where King Mickey was. Many blamed him for the disappearance of their beloved king, and he did not deny anything as he vanished again. Within the next few months, new keybladers and mages began to appear. With these mages and keybladers, came a hidden group. Little is known about them, only that they use to be followers of Ansem the wise.

New keyblade wielders and mages who supported the Cavalry were eventually herded to Disney castle, where they were trained by Goofy and Donald themselves. Soon, rumors of heartless began to spread, the most common place for the supposed 'attacks' being Twilight town. With no men to spare from the warfront, Donald and Goofy dispatched the new keybladers and wizards, who now patrol Twilight town.

- Credit to Fenror


Sone was walking through the shopping district on patrol, his hands on the back of his head in a bored, casual manner. He looked around for any heartless, but for the most part it was calm. The stores were closed for the day, and besides the trolley transporting a few people around there wasn't really anyone around. He was alone on this patrol as well, making it all the more boring for him. "Ugh, why do I always get the boring tasks? I haven't seen a single heartless all day!"

As if on que, his datalog began vibrating. He pulled it out of his pocket, it was a squarish looking device given to him by the Cavalry with king Mickies trademark on the top of it. He tapped the screen with his finger, and a message was displayed. 'Suspicious figures were spotted at the train station, investigate at once.' He closed it and pocketed the device. "Finally, something to do." He began running up towards the train station, and after about a minute of running two soldier heartless appeared in front of him.

He made a motion to summon his keyblade, but yet again it refused to appear. He then drew a bronze sword from his back. "Well I guess I asked for it."

With that, he lunged at the heartless, slashing one of them square in the chest. However, the other heartless jumped at him, clawing his unarmed arm and drawing a little blood. He grunted, but quickly countered with an upper-slash that made it fade into darkness. The first one he attacked tried to cut him, but he quickly finished it off by stabbing at it's wound, making it disappear into darkness. He grasped at his wound, cursing at the cut. Sone heard something behind him, and he saw three of the other recruits that were sent here.

One of them, a girl with long blonde hair spoke. "Here, let me see that." She gently grasped his arm and put a hand over the wound, a weak, green aura emitting from it as the cut quickly healed in a matter of seconds. Sone tested it, stretching a little.

"Thanks a lot... what are your names?" Sone asked, looking at the three of them.

The one with red hair spoke first "The names Jack, this is Leon, and the one that just healed you is named Celine... now, weren't we on a mission?" Leon chuckled, "Jack, there's no need to give him a cold shoulder; but you are right, we need to hurry."

Sone nodded, scratching the back of his head as the three ran up to the station, Sone following closely behind. "The names Sone, any idea what's at the station?" Leon shook his head. "Heck if I know, but it's probably a nocturne or two." He nodded as they arrived, and he noticed three people waiting as two of them summoned their dark keyblades.

The one without a keyblade, a beautiful girl in black and white giggled evilly. "Looks like they were right after all, however, I cant help but feel our numbers being a little too few..." With that, she put her hands in the air and four shadows appeared. Sone's keyblade appeared as he got in a fighting stance, as well as Leon and Jack.

The boy with rainbow sleeves raised an eyebrow at the girl. "A little much don't you think? Could've done without the dramatic speech." The girl glared at him "Your just jealous because I look better when I do it!" "Oh yes, I'm jealous of a crazy girl with a bucket of make-up on her face" "Say's the man who looks like a walking bag of skittles!" They both glared at each other for a long moment while the girl with a keyblade just sighed and grasped the base of her nose.

Sone raised an eyebrow as the shadows were confused and the nocturnes were distracted. "Um, should we... I dunno... attack?" Everyone had a confused expression as Leon spoke "I... don't know. Probably, but I kinda want to see where this is going."

- To add later
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