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Author Topic: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn  (Read 7773 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« on: July 13, 2013, 11:27:01 PM »


There is no limit to the maximum number of profiles you can have, but the minimum is one. Profiles, are the number of them, can be rejected by the GM for any reason, and the GM is not obligated to share that reason.

*You will not start the RP with a keyblade, so DO NOT include it in your bio.

*You will not start the RP with magic, so DO NOT include that in your profile.

*If you were in the previous Kingdom Hearts RP, you may not, under any circumstances, use any of the same characters as you did before, but those characters may be related to, or have had something to do with your new character if you wish. You do not have to mention the old OC at all, either.

Profile Skeleton:

Code: [Select]
Username: (Your PU Username)
[b]Name:[/b] (Name of your character.)
[b]Age:[/b] (Nothing above 19, nothing below 14)
[b]Gender[/b]: (Male or Female)
[b]Personality:[/b] (What is your character like?)
[b]Battle Technique:[/b] (Describe your technique in battle, specifically when using your keyblade.)
[b]Home World:[/b] (What World are they from? If you present a world that will not be available in the RP, you will be asked to choose another.)
[b]Bio:[/b] (What is your character's past?)
[b]Miscellaneous:[/b] (Anything we missed? State it here!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Please provide an image of your character)
[b]Keyblade Name:[/b] (Name of your character's keyblade)
[b]Keyblade Appearance:[/b] (Provide an image of your character's keyblade)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 08:41:31 PM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2013, 08:17:16 PM »


-The rarity is a number out of 10. The lower the number, the more common the heartless is.
-Not every heartless appears in every world, so check the world info on the first page of the OOCC for details. OOCC:

Name: Shamage
Difficulty: 8
EXP Gained: 450 (Subject to change)
Rarity: 9

These rare heartless can seemingly disappear into thin air, using a form of camouflage to hide among its surroundings. While they are not hostile unless attacked, they tend to prowl about and steal items and munny from innocent bystanders. They are able to use these items on themselves, heartless, or even other people. In battle they tend to use great speed to keep their distance, as well as a variety of magic attacks.

Name: Shadow
Difficulty: 2
EXP Gained: 25
Rarity: 2

Heartless that emerge from various places, and have the abilities to quickly sink into the ground. They sneak up to their enemies and strike them with sharp claws. They are extremely tenacious, often chasing their prey to the end, but are not very hard to defeat.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 03:05:34 AM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 08:18:51 PM »
Username: Fenror
Name: Steven Haruko
Age:  17
Gender: Male
Personality: Steven is a lot like his father, being courageous, fairly smart, loyal, and confident. Sometimes he becomes a bit cocky though, but he’ll always do anything he has to in order to help out a friend.
Battle Technique: Steven was secretly trained by his father, against his mom’s wishes, and so he slightly resembles his dad’s ruthless fighting style. Steven is not quite as brutal as his father, and rather than using pure strength, Steven uses a balance of his physical traits as he fights, combining his strength with his speed to create a lethal warrior.
Home World: Destiny Islands
Bio: Being the son of keyblade master Leon Haruko and his wife Celine, once a great mage, has always surrounded Steven with great expectations. Steven, just an all-around person, has failed to exceed those expectations throughout his life, and has always just been waiting for the opportunity to do so. The problem comes in many forms. Although Steven is smart in school, his fraternal twin brother, Riley, an acclaimed genius, has always overshadowed him. While Steven is a great athlete, he prefers to train in combat with his father than dedicate his time to sports, and since fighting is not a legal sport, Steven has had no place to show off his skill. Other than that, Steven’s life had been fairly uninteresting, as although he fit in with every group and every person, he preferred to just spend his time hanging out with his brother Riley and their friend Kat.
Miscellaneous: N/A

Keyblade Name: Amplitude
Keyblade Appearance:

Username: Fenror
Name: Riley Haruko
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Riley resembles his mother a little more than his father, his most prominent trait being his massive intelligence. Lane is often fairly quiet and calculating, and while often serious, he won’t hesitate to make a joke.
Battle Technique: Riley uses a bit more finesse than his brother  when fighting, although he is also not as experienced as his twin in combat. While strength is certainly not his best quality, Lane uses his intelligence to quickly adapt and react to all situations, allowing him to fight with a speed better than most.
Home World: Destiny Islands
Bio: Unlike Steven, his fraternal twin, Riley has never had a problem with the pressure that had been put on him because of who his parents were. He has always excelled academically, and, even when it comes to sports, is not too shabby. His life has been fairly exciting, and he recently earned a scholarship to the Royal University, one of the most prestigious colleges in the Universal World System, located in Disney Castle. Very few people are invited to attend this college, much less given a full scholarship. On his free time, when he isn’t studying, Riley hangs out with Steven and Kat.
Miscellaneous: N/A

Keyblade Name: Magnus
Keyblade Appearance:

Username: Fenror
Name: Katherine (Kat) Fisher
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Kat is friendly, compassionate, loyal, and cares greatly for her friends. She is not necessarily timid, but she is not especially outgoing, either. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, but does try to avoid conflict when possible.
Battle Technique: When in battle, while Kat is not afraid to deal out some hits, she tends more to dodge and go in for a few quick, efficient strikes, rather than an all-out attack.
Home World: Destiny Islands
Bio: Katherine, commonly called Kat, is best friends with twins Steven and Riley Haruko. Kat was born, and still lives on Destiny Islands. Her dad, being a member of the Royal Guard, was never around very much as a child. When she was twelve years old, her mom passed away due to a terrible disease, and so her dad was forced to quit the royal guard and return home to care for his daughter. As she got older, they had begun to run out of money, and so her dad then returned to the royal guard in order to earn enough money for them to survive. Without anywhere to stay, she then moved in with the Haruko family.
Miscellaneous: Kat is known to wear a jacket constantly, despite the hot weather of Destiny Islands.

Keyblade Name: Nexus
 Keyblade Appearance:

« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 05:57:51 PM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2013, 08:37:28 PM »
Username: Cortex J.
Name: Cilus Farren
Age: 15
Personality: Cilus has always been a daydreamer. He would imagine many epic battles, and sometimes he would let out a little sound as he did. He is a kindhearted boy, but has a tendency to trust easily, even if it can be a bad idea. He is barely angered by anything, and is always seen smiling.
Battle Technique: Cilus's relaxed and carefree nature makes him somewhat unpredictable when in a fight. He has a little experience in boxing and swordplay, but would like to refine those skills further, and is seeking a teacher.
Home World: Traverse Town
Bio: Cilus was born into a small family of merchants. He had a comfortable life for a while, and didn't ask for much. However, he always wanted to go on an adventure, and couldn't get his parents to allow him, due to the dangers it can present to the young lad. Not wanting to disobey his parents, he remained where he was until his fourteenth birthday.

One day when returning from a friends home, Cilus found that his parents have sold the store, and without notice, they left him. He has been searching for his parents since that day, but is in no rush. At least he gets to have that adventure now.
Miscellaneous: Cilus is a little on the short side, and resembles a young child, which helps hide his true age, and true potential. His smile can be a little unsettling in certain situations.

Imagine this guy smiling
Keyblade Name: Adventure
Keyblade Appearance:

« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 09:25:09 PM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2013, 01:53:20 AM »
Username: Humen
Name: John Anderson
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: John is a laidback kind of guy making him pretty lazy and only really tries when the situation intrest him. He tends to be pretty nonchalant in most situations hardly ever being serious about anything unless the situation demands.
Battle Technique: John prefers to take a heads on approach in most fights usually going for an aerial attack to obtain leverage over an opponent. Although he has plenty of power and speed to back up his swings his method of attack is pretty blunt and easy read so he tends to mix up the rythm of his attacks to keep his opponent from learning the pattern of his attack.
Home World: Port Royal
Bio: John grew up in a small town outside the city of Port Royal. Living near there John would obviously hear stories of pirates and thier great advantures. And like most boys dreamed of one day being a pirate living carefree on the open sea doing and taking whatever he wants. It sounded ideal for a person like John. Unfortunately he had responsibilites at home and With Port Royal in ruins after the battle with the Nocturnes it wasn't much of a place to visit. So John began to work as a fishermans apprentice so he could support his family. His teacher was strict and after a few years was able to instill some discipline into John helping him to catch on to the trade buisness. After a few years of rebuilding Port Royal started to become the harbour city it once was attracting the rich looking to increase thier own wealth and in turn pirates who sought to take it. John decided now older that he could go off on his own leaving his family behind to live his dream as a pirate.

Keyblade Name: Fortune Striker
Keyblade Appearance:
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2013, 10:08:38 PM »
Username: Meowth
Name: Cornelia.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Generally caring, a bit timid, and attempts to steer clear of fights.
Battle Technique: Highly defensive, rarely goes on the offensive.
Home World: Traverse town
Bio: Cornelia pretty much has had a normal life until now. Born in a normal family. Went to school. Did average in school. Around age 14 she decided on what she would do for a profession, and so far, she's stuck to it. She apparantelly decided to be a doctor or a nurse. And that's pretty much it. Nothing really special. She has a few friends and such. But really nothing special. At all. Seriously. Go away.
Miscellaneous: [none]
Appearance: (Note:Due to how incredibly terrible at finding pictures, this picture was found by fenror. So. Thanks I think?)
Keyblade Name: DreamCatcher
Keyblade Appearance:
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2013, 01:25:46 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Shark
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He is often seen as a very calm and serious individual, but in reality he's under constant stress because of his fathers fame, which results in rare outbursts. When around his friend Sean he reveals his actual personality, which is actually a very happy-go-lucky type of hyper-activeness.
Battle Technique:He relies on quick movements and skill, however he does not have much power in his attacks to speak of. His fighting technique has similarities from his fathers, most likely because they train together, and he often uses spinning and jumping attacks to try and get the extra power he needs for his blows.
Home World: Land of Dragons
Bio: He is the adopted son from the famed warrior, Sone, who along with the keyblade masters and other warriors stopped Xehanort years ago. Though those times are best forgotten, his father is seen as a hero, and Shark is often stressed because of what everyone expects of him. The only friend he has who doesn't care about his bloodline is his friend Sean, and Shark sees him as his only real friend. Shark often enjoys watching blitzball, but since he has to worry about his training he has no time to actually try out for any teams. He often drags Sean with him to tournaments, no matter how much he protests.
Miscellaneous: Besides sword fighting, he's actually good at both sketching and painting in manga and realism style.
Keyblade Name: Pride of Warrior
Keyblade Appearance:

Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Sean
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He gradually likes listening to his music more than listening to other people, not being the very social type. He tends to act stupid when the mood strikes him, but aside from that he is actually fairly intelligent, albeit a slower thinker than others.
Battle Technique: Relies on his defense and strength in his attacks. He isn't very fast on his feet, but he makes up for it with above average stamina. He's stronger than he looks, being able to overpower most.
Home World: Land of Dragons
Bio: He and Shark grew up in a peaceful environment, with Shark learning the ways of the sword and Sean learning the ways of the musician. He's loved music for as long as he could remember, often seen as odd since he doesn't play his home worlds instruments, but has obvious talent nonetheless. There really isn't much more to him besides having no parents to speak of, but he does good by himself.
Miscellaneous: He's left handed and has a 'pet' hawk that follows him a lot. Whenever he plays a guitar the hawk can be seen flying somewhere in the sky above him.
Keyblade Name: Flying Notes
Keyblade Appearance:

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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2013, 01:36:31 AM »
Username: Who doesn't know me? If you're in this Rp, you've met me.
Name: Ashton Hakima
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Personality: Ashton takes after his father in many regards, acting on his heart more than his brain. He is a very courageous boy, and though he is smart, he can be very dense. He will fight fiercely to help his friends, and once he sets his mind to something, nothing can sway him from achieving it. He has an optimistic outlook on life, and is often the ray of sunhine and excitement when everything is gloomy.
Battle Technique: Ashton was trained by Tylan in kick boxing, and though he knows the basics, he never excelled at it like Tylan had. He had always shown fast reflexes though, and he may have not been the sharpest tool in the shed when it came to people, he was a quick thinker when he had trained with Tylan, and though he could never beat the blue haired man, he was told he showed much more promise than Tylan had with a blade.
Home World: Radiant Garden.
Bio: Ashton grew up in Radiant Garden with his parents, Tylan and Baylee Hakima. HE lived a relatively normal life, attended school. Made friends, and got in his fair share of fights. He generally was sent home soon after, though he rarely lost a fight due to the training Tylan had put him through. He'd been kept on a strict schedule allegedly enforced by his mother, but if you asked she'd tell you Tylan had made sure the schedule had taken no affect, since he always sneaked him sweets and kept him late into the night playing cards once he got older.
Miscellaneous: Secrets. Oh, and he knows how to play poker.
Keyblade Name: Remembrance
Keyblade Appearance:  http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=road+in+between+keyblade#/d2j73e9

« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 07:26:07 PM by Fenror »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2013, 05:06:21 PM »
Username: Soul358

Name: Locke
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Locke is the more brainy of the two. Both boys are strong in their own rights, but in the midst of a fight, Locke tends to sit back and strategize. Both boys are reserved and quiet, which is how they became friends in the first place. Locke always seems to keep a slight frown, (although against his efforts). Locke always makes sure to pull Kidan right back into the heart of the problem, as he strays sometimes.
Battle Technique: While in the midst of battle, Locke tries to sit back and analyze first, then approach the enemy in the proper manner. While the two are paired, Locke will give precise instructions to Kidan, who will execute them with finesse, and although it may seem like it’s all they’ve ever done, their roles can switch if they need to be. With a weapon, Locke will act more defensively than offensively. Both friends will cover each other when needed.
Home World: Radiant Garden
Bio: Locke and Kidan went to school together in Radiant Garden, (at Radiant Garden Academy), as it was one of the few worlds that offered schooling. At first, the two weren’t friends, (as Locke was one of the top in his class, and Kidan had been kicked out of his previous school, and thus considered lesser by the other students), but after Locke was asked to tutor Kidan, the two became fast friends. Not long after, Kidan’s grades improved significantly, and Locke started to be slightly more mischievous, (although only he and Kidan knew such). Once they were old enough, they joined the school’s Kendo team, and aimed to be the best among the few schools that existed. It didn’t take long before they were the top kenshi in their school, but they realized that they were not the best among the few academies. After such, they began to spend all of their time practicing, creating an irregular kendo style, one that would both surprise and defeat the opposing school kendo teams. While practicing one day, (after the return of Kingdom Hearts and the worlds swallowed by darkness), a man in a long, gray coat noticed the two practicing and asked them if they would like to train to be real swordsmen, ones part of the Royal Army trained by Goofy. Locke and Kidan were surprised that they were offered such an opportunity, but were relieved by the fact that the man told them he would have to train them first. After revealing himself to be Soul Geruko, (a previous Keyblade wielder himself, and my old OC), and getting permission from their parents, the two began to train with him, and have been ever since.
Appea[/irance: Right is Locke
Keyblade Name: Moonshine
Keyblade Appearance: Left is Moonshine

Username: Soul358
Name: Kidan
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Kidan is slightly more athletic than Locke. Both boys are strong in their own rights, but in the midst of a fight, Kidan does the fighting. Both boys are reserved and quiet, which is how they became friends in the first place. Kidan manages to always look relaxed and detached. Kidan sometimes manages to stray too far from the task/matter at hand, but Locke always manages to keep his attention centered.
Battle Technique: While in the midst of battle, Kidan takes the head-on approach, instantly giving his all to make sure the job gets done. While the two are paired, Locke will give precise instructions to Kidan, who will execute them with finesse, and although it may seem like it’s all they’ve ever done, their roles can switch if they need to be. With a weapon, Kidan generally takes an offensive stance and attack pattern. Both friends will cover each other when needed.
Home World: Radiant Garden
Bio: Locke and Kidan went to school together in Radiant Garden, (at Radiant Garden Academy), as it was one of the few worlds that offered schooling. At first, the two weren’t friends, (as Locke was one of the top in his class, and Kidan had been kicked out of his previous school, and thus considered lesser by the other students), but after Locke was asked to tutor Kidan, the two became fast friends. Not long after, Kidan’s grades improved significantly, and Locke started to be slightly more mischievous, (although only he and Kidan knew such). Once they were old enough, they joined the school’s Kendo team, and aimed to be the best among the few schools that existed. It didn’t take long before they were the top kenshi in their school, but they realized that they were not the best among the few academies. After such, they began to spend all of their time practicing, creating an irregular kendo style, one that would both surprise and defeat the opposing school kendo teams. While practicing one day, (after the return of Kingdom Hearts and the worlds swallowed by darkness), a man in a long, gray coat noticed the two practicing and asked them if they would like to train to be real swordsmen, ones part of the Royal Army trained by Goofy. Locke and Kidan were surprised that they were offered such an opportunity, but were relieved by the fact that the man told them he would have to train them first. After revealing himself to be Soul Geruko, (a previous Keyblade wielder himself, and my old OC), and getting permission from their parents, the two began to train with him, and have been ever since.
Appearance: Left is Kidan
Keyblade Name: Sunlight
Keyblade Appearance: Right is Sunlight

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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2013, 01:43:35 PM »
Name: Spades
Age: 16
Gender:Male (yet at first, it's hard to tell)
Personality: Despite being paranoid, Spades acts somewhat calm and collected, often trying to seem as tough as he possibly can. He tends to either start or join in fights, and tends to use insults often. However, this is all just a coverup. His core personality is shy, yet proud. Due to his paranoia, he has a habit of swinging from one mood to the other, and a terrible lying tic.
Battle Technique: he is rather unpredictable in his fighting patterns, due to the fact that it changes based on the situation. When serious, though, he tends to study his opponents in order to target vital spots. He is not well trained with weapons, preferring hand-to-hand combat, and taunting.
Home World: The Land of Dragons
Bio: Spades ran away from home due to simply being bored at the age of 14. Ever since then, he's been hiding in his home town, preforming odd jobs, as well as the occasional crime, in order to continue living. He is fairly educated, having gone to school, although he had low averages.
Miscellaneous: Spades hates the light. He is often reluctant to be seen in full daylight, although he will not refuse to travel at day. He speaks with a fairly feminine tone, and de to his androgynous clothing, he often likes to play games with passerbys to see if they can guess what he is.
Appearance: Keyblade Name: Twilight Wreaker
Keyblade Appearance:
(herrrpaderp, you win a cookie if you can guess what his theme is referencing. Oh, and sorry images are so large D: )
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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2013, 02:22:43 PM »
Username: MudCabbateKitty01
Name: Harlow
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: She is quiet, yet funny. Often very clumsy, and very naive and gullible. Your general young teen.
Battle Technique: She is the stealthy, as well as offensive type in battle, choosing to attack instead of hide/defend. However, due to being clumsy, she is often predictable and audibly so.
Home World: Traverse Town
Bio: Harlow used to work with her brother Matthew in a little tailor shop. After an accident, Matthew became ill, and unable to work. Harlow now does all the work, and any odd jobs to help sustain her and her brother. Their parents are unknown, possibly deceased.
Miscellaneous: She is afraid of thunderstorms. She flinches whenever someone calls for her, or points her out.
Keyblade Name: Peace Maker
Keyblade Appearance:
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Kingdom Hearts: Chaos Dawn
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2013, 03:17:06 AM »
Destiny Islands NPC's

Leon Haruko

Info: A former keyblade master, Leon was a critical part to the defeat of The Followers and Ansem. Once things were settled, he began a more quiet, family life in Destiny Islands with his wife Celine. Despite his wife's wishes (and some laws), Leon often trains his son Steven in combat.

Celine Haruko

Info: At one time Celine was a great mage in the Cavalry, the side that fought for light in The Great War 27 years ago. She eventually married Leon, whom she had spent much of her adventure with, and they now live happily on Destiny Islands with their twin sons.


Info: Tidus is the coach of the Island Stars blitzball team, and is a long time resident of Destiny Islands. He was supposedly once a great athlete and decent sword fighter, but now not much is known about his personal life.


Info: A longtime and beloved resident of Destiny Islands, not only does Wakka own the Stars blitzball team, but he helped institute the sport in the UWS. Not much is known about his personal life, and due to the nature of his business, it is probably better that way. His age has seemingly never changed, based on his appearance.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 03:47:01 AM by Fenror »
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