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Author Topic: Anoying thing removal  (Read 11993 times)

Offline DSilvain

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Anoying thing removal
« on: June 12, 2013, 07:57:22 PM »
This is kins of a big request, and I dont know if anyone has ever asked for this, but in this mmo can you please rule out natures?
It's just that I hate the nature sysstem because i only like neutral natures and there might be one of a time chances kinds of pokemon that I'll be obligated to have with a none neutral nature which is really anoying so id you could preety please with sugar on top rule out natures I'd be happy to even start my journey with a magikarp, or a feebas

Offline Tickles

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Re: Anoying thing removal
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2013, 08:49:26 PM »
No, we will not do that. Natures are necessary to make every Pokemon a little different from each other, as well as key to competitive battling. Honestly, they are not that hard to grasp, and only require about an hour to get familiar with them. There are countless guides on the internet that explain them, and Nintendo has even gone far enough to provide a visual in their recent games, the stat in red providing the most growth (the + for that nature), the blue having the least ( the - for that nature.) To ask that we remove nature is asking to change the entire balance of the gameplay, which the balance team has meticulously gone through to provide a better gaming experience.

If you would like to learn more, since we will not be removing natures, you can check out this guide: http://www.psypokes.com/lab/natures.php

It's a quick reference, but effective. If you also want to learn more, I suggest talking to members of the balance team, like Roloc or Ponge (note: Do not make this same request!). They know a little more on it than I do.

Hope this makes things clear.
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Re: Anoying thing removal
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2013, 03:17:23 AM »
If catching a pokemon over and over to get the right nature/IVs/ability, there are other ways of getting the pokemon you want.
You can trade for it which is the easiest way but a pokemon that good will cost quit a bit because it took time to get.
Another faster way to get it is by getting the pokemon you want with the ability you want and breed it with a ditto that has the nature you are looking for. The ditto has to be holding an everstone. I have not explained it all but you can read it all here in great detail. Good luck to you :)

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