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Author Topic: [RP] Pokemon Journey RP  (Read 7443 times)

Offline craftswitch

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[RP] Pokemon Journey RP
« on: August 12, 2013, 01:43:00 AM »
Hello Everyone,

I had this idea for a Roleplay that involves a group of people going on a pokemon adventure with there pokemon friends, I have always dreamed to be in the pokemon world since I was very young and I'm sure it will be some of your dreams too.

So what I am looking for:

I'm looking for up to 5 trainers, You don't have to be a trainer, you could be a breeder/watcher/researcher but definitely humans. We can have a couple people playing as someone else's pokemon only but I don't want a whole cast of just pokemon.

- Pokemon levels are not to be really high as I would like to see characters grow.
- You need to be able to type more than 2 lines of text and can string the text together in a way that makes sense.
- For combat: rule of 3 (If you dodge a hit twice the 3rd has to hit no matter how hard).
- No god modding.
- Players can have up to 6 pokemon with them at a time and have more in the PC to be switched in and out as they desire.
- The player has to play their human and their humans pokemon, unless a player is only playing a pokemon for one of the other trainers.
- The less pokemon you have, the higher level they can be as they will have had less help from other party members like in the game.
- The pokemon are not limited to 4 attacks like in the anime but don't go overboard with this rule.

The setting:
- It will be set in the Anime world so it will be light hearted and SFW. There will be no deaths.
- Our story will start in the tropical orange islands.
- We will start on Ascorbia Island for the festival of the Squirtle that celebrates the young Squirtle that got into the fire fighting training program. People from all around the Orange Islands bring there squirtle in the hopes that they will get into the program. It is a big event because it is held in a big city and there are stalls, music and shows.
- All the players will start here somewhere and bump into each other.
- It is a 'freestyle' type of story, where the members can decide of their own paths. I'll be planning on the big events now and then.

I will be playing a team rocket member who will constantly try to steal the players pokemon.

So if you are interested please say so and post your characters.

Thanks for your time ^.^

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 08:46:28 AM by Jerry »