Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[OOCC] Pokemon Journey RP

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Sorry, I played the 1st and 3rd gen never really bought gold\silver. I also think we should start, it'll be a lot of fun.

No worries.

How's everyone's schedule look for RPing? 1:00am-5:00am GMT is pretty open for me everynight (except Friday's and Saturday's when I'm typically partying). Sundays-Tuesdays are bad days because I work, but Wednesday-Thursday, and Friday-Saturday 2:00pm-11:00pm GMT are good times.

If everyone's open to it, let's set a date 2-3 times a week where we'll all be on and can roleplay for solid 1-2 hour clips.

Also, when we start and things are rolling along we should consider exchanging facebooks and creating a group page where we can more easily stay in contact with one another. I'm committed to having this RP have some longevity and the best way to create that is through good communication.

Alright im up and ready to go, Craft! start us off!

i dont use facebook =w= but im ok with something like skype or we could use PO. and im free most of the time once i finish my school day

Sweet, Humen. I love your choice of pokemon.

Before we move forward, can I get some confirmation from Craft on what the target level range should be? Based on everyone's profiles, we have pokemon ranging from level 18 all the way too 48. I'd like to keep things competitive and yet I would also prefer to stay a few levels above the average, given that I only have one pokemon.

i asked about that too since none of use were starting an adventure here we wouldn't have any low level pokemon but i guess we should put in some sort of level cap

But at the same time since we'll be playing by anime standards level and stats wont really play much of factor


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