Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[OOCC] Pokemon Journey RP

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Yeah, and im sure my forever failing attacks should give lower leveld pokemon a real boost XD,

as for times, i cant be certain when i will be on just yet as i just started collage so i need to see what my timetable says. but i should have a lot of free time. I live in the UK so cant be up really late anymore because of collage thats the only thing.

I would like this to be a long term thing too, i hope i can keep coming up with ideas for it, my thought box hasn't failed on my yet tho so i should be ok ^.^
But i have a facebook and a skype so im sorted whatever way we choose to stay in contact ^.^

Ill set up the main thread in a bit, i need to sort my head out before i post anything if thats ok?

So i just finished throwing an amazing party and I am exhausted. Partying is hard work.

Anyway, do whatever you need to do Craft, I just recommend you do it as quickly as you can. We want to keep the Momentum going.

Please get back to me about the whole target level range thing. I realize we're essentially doing this "anime style" so the level doesn't really matter, but I'd still like to get your input.

Feel free to request help if you need any too. If you need someone to assist you with GM duties once in awhile, I'd feel confident and comfortable in doing so. I know college can be a lot of work. Best of luck!

We still doing this? This place is so quiet, you could hear a pin drop...

i gets like that and i dont know we need crft to comeback on before we can do anything

also try not to double post thee people from upon that use the wrench to add on to your last post

Thanks for the info Humen. I remember a year and a half ago the boards were a lot more active. What happened? Lack of updates/buzz about the game?


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