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Author Topic: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP  (Read 18434 times)

Offline craftswitch

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[Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« on: August 13, 2013, 03:59:57 PM »
Hello Everyone,

I had this idea for a Roleplay that involves a group of people going on a pokemon adventure with there pokemon friends, I have always dreamed to be in the pokemon world since I was very young and I'm sure it will be some of your dreams too.

So what I am looking for:

I'm looking for up to 5 trainers, You don't have to be a trainer, you could be a breeder/watcher/researcher but definitely humans. We can have a couple people playing as someone else's pokemon only but I don't want a whole cast of just pokemon.

- Pokemon levels are not to be really high as I would like to see characters grow.
- You need to be able to type more than 2 lines of text and can string the text together in a way that makes sense.
- For combat: rule of 3 (If you dodge a hit twice the 3rd has to hit no matter how hard).
- No god modding.
- Players can have up to 6 pokemon with them at a time and have more in the PC to be switched in and out as they desire.
- The player has to play their human and their humans pokemon, unless a player is only playing a pokemon for one of the other trainers.
- The less pokemon you have, the higher level they can be as they will have had less help from other party members like in the game.
- The pokemon are not limited to 4 attacks like in the anime but don't go overboard with this rule.

The setting:
- It will be set in the Anime world so it will be light hearted and SFW. There will be no deaths.
- Our story will start in the tropical orange islands.
- We will start on Ascorbia Island for the festival of the Squirtle that celebrates the young Squirtle that got into the fire fighting training program. People from all around the Orange Islands bring there squirtle in the hopes that they will get into the program. It is a big event because it is held in a big city and there are stalls, music and shows.
- All the players will start here somewhere and bump into each other.
- It is a 'freestyle' type of story, where the members can decide of their own paths. I'll be planning on the big events now and then.

I will be playing a team rocket member who will constantly try to steal the players pokemon.

So if you are interested please say so and post your characters here ^.^

Here is the RP page:

And here is the OOCC

Thanks for your time ^.^

Offline craftswitch

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2013, 10:53:01 PM »
Ok everyone, Id like Characters posted like this:


Number of pokemon:
Special skills:


Best moves:

(Repeat Pokemon till all your pokemon are covered)

Here is mine as an example:


Name: Amy
Gender: Female
Occupation: Team Rocket
Number of pokemon: 3
Special skills: Digging, Planning, making money
Achievements: Reached rank of Agent
Appearance: (In pic)
Bio: Amy has never really been good at anything in her past, this led to her not being good at school and work later on in her life. she was often picked on for rubbish grades and losing pokemon battles. One day her luck changed as during one of her matches he Ekans evolved into an Arbok and crushed the competition. With a taste for power she joined team rocket and soon made it up the ranks to agent because of her smart thinking in using a Gastly, Arbok and Pikachu instead of the regular Ratata and Zubat. At one point she worked for Professor Namba who gave her some of his Nasty Pokemon Provokers.
Now she is on the look out for rare pokemon answering only to the boss.


Pokemon: Arbok
Name: Arbok
Gender: Male
Item: Namba's Nasty Pokemon Provoker (Enrages pokemon making its attack super powerful when it is switched on)
Best moves: Toxic, Dig
Level: 40
Appearance: (in pic)

Pokemon: Gastly
Name: ShadowBall
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Best moves: Shadowball, Hypnoses
Level: 35
Appearance: (in pic)

Pokemon: Pikachu
Name: Bolt
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Item: Namba's Nasty Pokemon Provoker
Best moves: Thunder, Flash
Level: 35
Appearance: (in Pic)

Offline Aura-Wolf

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 01:02:47 AM »
It's my dream to be in Pokémon too, haha. As for this RP though, I really would prefer to be someone's Lucario if possible. I'll be joining as either a lone Lucario curious of trainers and their habits/Pokémons habits or as a Lucario already owned by one of the trainers that will be participating in this RP. So, if anyone wants a Lucario, I'm here! If not, try to catch me!~ I know this does not go accordingly with your suggested character skeleton but you already knew I wanted to be a Pokémon since we talked it out on the other site. :)

My Skill set in depth:

Species: Lucario

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (In human years)

Level: 40

Ability: Inner Focus (Can not flinch)

Nature: Timid (Boosted Speed, Lowered Attack)

Item: Focus Sash, Chople Berries, and sometimes Lucarionite (Any item as well, depends on the trainer if caught)

Type of attacker: Special Sweeper (capable of being a physical attacker as well.)

Area of focus and training: Special Attack and Speed, (some physical Attack possibly.)

Special Ability: Mega Lucario (a temporary evolution that requires a Lucarionite and changes his ability to Adaptability; can only happen during battle)

Moves (PP):

  • Aura Sphere (32) (Special move; base damage 90 with STAB boost, fighting type move that never misses)
  • Dragon Pulse (16) (Special move; base damage 90 with no STAB boost; Covers dragon type Pokémon)
  • Nasty Plot (32) (Boosts special attack by a devastating two levels)
  • Extreme Speed (8 ) (Physical move; base damage 80 with no STAB boost; Normal type move with a +2 priority meaning it always goes first no matter how fast the opponent is)
  • Close Combat (8 ) (Physical move; base damage 120 with STAB boost; Fighting type move that lowers both defenses when used.)
  • Bone Rush (10) (Physical move; base damage 25 with no STAB boost; Ground type move with 80% accuracy and hits multiple times.)
  • Dark Pulse (15) Special move; base damage 80 with no STAB boost; Dark type move that could make the opponent flinch.)

(Optional) Special Move: Ultimate Divinity (Move that brings together the auras and essences of light and dark energy, creating a destructive beam that incinerates, but can also control it to heal with its light qualities; a move given to me alone by Arceus himself; can also be called "Aura Storm")

Exact Stats:

HP: 118
Attack: 99
Sp. Attack: 129
Defense: 73
Sp. Defense: 73
Speed: 125

Other Skills/Traits And Personality: Has a bandaged tail, a trademark of mine that differentiates me from other Lucario as well as a bit more ruffled fur. Can sense aura up to fifty miles away due to being a well-trained Lucario. A very loyal and modest Pokémon to any trainer that I belong to; also polite, caring, has a natural sense of justice, is usually mature and serious, and speaks english as well as use telepathy. He still trains and hopes to be one of the toughest Pokémon one day to help keep the lives of both Pokémon and trainers safe from forces such as Team Rocket/Plasma or Darkrai, even if it means beating every Pokémon League in every region with a trainer. (Abilities obtained at higher levels): Can bend and manipulate aura to bend light in order to create invisibility for myself and one other being. Can also control the auras of other beings due to many years of training which mimics psychic-type moves but at the cost of my own life force.


If you have any comments, questions or concerns, just let me know!  ;D
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 10:51:11 PM by Aura-Wolf »
My Loyal, Beloved Pokémon! One of the Best Trainers In America!

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2013, 07:02:08 PM »
just a heads up, all the pokemon know more than 4 moves, they can use any move they can learn naturaly and you can list a couple moves its really good at or give it TM or HM moves

And your level is maybe a teeny bit high as my highest level is 40 and i have 2 level 35s

Offline Aura-Wolf

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2013, 10:23:45 PM »
just a heads up, all the pokemon know more than 4 moves, they can use any move they can learn naturaly and you can list a couple moves its really good at or give it TM or HM moves

And your level is maybe a teeny bit high as my highest level is 40 and i have 2 level 35s

Oh, my apologies. I will reduce the level and add three more moves. ^_^

I had to do so, so much coding on that profile... DX
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 10:46:20 PM by Aura-Wolf »
My Loyal, Beloved Pokémon! One of the Best Trainers In America!

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2013, 05:36:51 PM »
Ok everyone, Id like Characters posted like this:


Name: Tyler Dawson (also known as Tye)
Gender: male
Occupation: breeding assistant
Number of pokemon: 2
Special skills: breeding pokemon
Achievements: nothing big
Appearance: medium length hair with long dark jeans and a darkish red T-shirt
Personality: (I just added this for a better description) he's kind and very protective over his Pokemon, not too strong but brave.
Bio: Tyler was abandoned as a child but he never let that bring him down, instead he worked for the local breeders as an assistant and he developed a devotion to breeding and he had found what he was meant to do. He carried on working for the breeders until he was gifted with two eggs, he cared for them until they hatched, one igglybuff and one cleffa joined Tyler and he loves nothing more than his partners. He is now on Ascorbia island to see if he can find any rare Pokemon in the festival.


Pokemon: igglybuff
Name: Serenade
Age: 3 human years
Gender: male
Item: everstone
Best moves: bounce, sing
Level: 18
Appearance: ( my picture thing is messing up but I'm sure you know what an igglybuff looks like)

Pokemon: cleffa
Name: Aria
Age: 3 human years
Gender: female
Item: lucky egg
Best move: metronome, sing
Level: 20
Appearance: (same here)
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 09:11:50 AM »

Name: Erin
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mercenary/Adventurer
Number of pokemon: 1
Special skills: Survivalist, Mariner, Acrobatic
Achievements:  Too many to list...
Appearance: Picture at Bottom

Bio: As a baby, Erin was found alone, on the steps of Azalea Town Orphanage. She grew up a rebellious child with an adventurous spirit. When she wasn't leading her friends through ancient temples and lost cities in games of 'imagination', she was rallying the other children for a raid on the cookie jar or sneaking off orphanage grounds to traverse the surrounding woods. Although a handful, her caretakers thought her antics charming and mostly harmless, but as she grew in age, Erin's deeds became increasingly difficult to simply laugh off. She was eventually sent away to a new foster home in Olivine City...and then again to Cianwood, and to Mahogany, and to Ecruteak...eventually, at 15 years old, she found herself in Golden Rod City where she met another orphan named Camila. They became fast friends and with a new bond created, Erin's life took a drastic turn.

Camila was like Erin: bold, thrill-seeking, deviant, and rebellious. She too had been kicked out of foster home after foster home and was tired of being disciplined by strict matrons who told them that their behavior was bad and wrong. They had enough and decided they would make it on their own. The duo left for New Bark Town where they conned the local professor into thinking they were licensed rookie trainers and received their first pokemon. Erin's was a Totodile she named Triton. Together, with Camila and Triton by her side, Erin embarked on a new life filled with danger, adventure, and discoveries!

Erin and Camila quickly found their niche in capturing and training pokemon and after six years, the duo had traced the globe and earned a reputation as one the most effective trainer for hire teams in the nation! There was no mission too dangerous: if the price was right, Camila and Erin would take on any challenge, whether that be hunting for sacred artifacts in lost ruins, subduing vicious pokemon terrorizing cities and villages, or capturing rare pokemon to sell for high paying collectors. Erin was living the kind of life she used to fantasize about as a child, but her greatest joy came not in her activities, but in the moments spent with her friends. Camila, Triton, and the rest of the pokemon in her crew were like the family she never had. For the first time in her life, Erin could say that she was loved.

Unfortunately, this dream life would not last forever. Erin and Camila were commissioned to capture a rare Dragonite sighted near the Orange Islands. This one was reported to be twice the size of a normal Dragonite and green in color. It was likely the most dangerous pokemon Erin had been requested to capture and her client appeared to be of the shady sort, only communicating with her via telephone and using a voice scrambler to hide their identity. But the payment was impossible to refuse, three-hundred million pokedollars (roughly equivalent to $3,000,000) was the highest bounty they had ever been offered. They took the job and embarked on their assignment boarding their trusty sailboat, The Riptide. The mission proved to be as difficult as anticipated. Erin and Camila barely escaped with their lives intact but they got the job done and captured the monstrous Dragonite. On their voyage back Erin passed out from sheer fatigue. When she awoke, she was stretched out on the shore of a random island, clothes tattered and drenched with seawater.

Erin had no recollection of how she got there. Camila and the other pokemon were nowhere to be seen. All that remained was her Feraligatr, Triton, who was likely responsible for bringing her to safety and not drowning out at sea. Everything else was gone; what the hell had happened?

After collecting herself and enduring a few loving licks from Triton, who was excited to see that his friend was alive, Erin managed to gather enough strength to stand and explore her surroundings. She was at Ascorbia Island and once she reached the Island's hub, Erin found out it had been nearly two days since she went to sleep. Also, all the money from her bank account had mysteriously been withdrawn and thus she was left without any funds for food or lodging, much less a ticket back to the Johto. This was a bit much for Erin to take in. What was going on? Where was Camila? Was she alive? Where was her ship and the rest of her pokemon? What was she going to do now?

Erin remained at the island, living out of a makeshift campsite she built about a mile away from the fringes of the city and selling fish she caught to buyers in town. She was too depressed to even try and return to her old line of work and was still adjusting to this undesired twist of fate. Erin could sense Triton was also in low spirits and that he had been affected by everything just as much as her. The Festival of the Squirtle was coming up and Erin decided she would do something fun for a change and attend. Triton would enjoy himself and maybe it would provide her with a healthy escape, even if it was only for a day...


Pokemon: Feraligatr
Name: Triton
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Item: None
Best moves: Aqua Tail, Crunch
Level: 30
Appearance: Standard Looking Feraligatr

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Re: [Profiles] Pokemon Journey RP
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2013, 11:39:18 PM »

Number of pokemon:3
Special skills:Pokemon Breeding
Achievements:Obtained the Sea Ruby Badge from the Navel gym and the Coral-eye Badge from the Mikan Gym
Bio:Gray was born to the Kanto region in Viridian city. There he would meet travelers and sailors coming from around the world. He would see intresting items and pokemon. He would hear tales from trainers of there exciting adventures. When Gray came of age he decided to head out on his own adventure with his young psyduck. Taking his first trip to Unova catching and training pokemon he had only heared about in the stories of trainers back in Viridian. Eventually Gray's travel led him to explore a ancient tower north of Icirrus City. Rising in the tower the path became blocked by a huge looming metal statue. When trying to pass it it had turned out the statue was in fact an ancient automaton know as Golurk. Gray took the challenge on and battled the gaint wiht his trusty Golduck and other pokemon. In a hardy battle Gray captured the Golurk setting out for more excitement. Taking his next trip to Johto Gray took his time to look for a specific pokemon an Ampharos. While training the Ampharos  met a pokemon breeder interrested in breeding his Raichu with a field egg group. When Raichu made the eggs two eggs where left the breeder decided to give 1 egg to Gray and keep the other as thanks. Gray's been carrying the egg around with him as he explored Johto when he was prepared to leave only then had it hatched revealing to be a Pichu. Gray had decided to test his skills and pokemon from his adventures and challenge the Indigo League. On his first attempt Gray had hadn't even made it past the perliminary rounds. On the defeat Gray decided he wasnt ready for an actual league and decided to challenge the Orange league only bringing his strongest pokemon and his young pichu. So far Gray has managed to collect two badges from the Navel gym and the Mikan gym.


Name: Jack
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Item: Choice Scarf
Best moves: Psychic, Surf, and Blizzard
Level: 46

Name: Iron Gaint
Age: ??
Gender: N/A
Item: Muscle Band
Best moves: Dynamic Punch, Earthquake and Stone Edge
Level: 48

Gender: Male
Best moves: Volt Tackles and Thunder Punch
Level: 34
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