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Author Topic: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining  (Read 123638 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #105 on: December 09, 2013, 01:45:48 AM »
Ash and Misty
"Yeah, I am a super hero! Hear that Misty? I'm not the only one who thinks I should totally be a super hero!" Ash's semi-serious demeanor flew out the window as Efialtes ran up to him, eyes wide and basically kneeling in worship. "My super power is... Wait, what's my super power?" He paused, trying to think what his super power could be... and then realized where he was at. "Oh. Sorry about that. Nexalas, Efialtes, meet Dagen." The raven haired man stepped aside, letting Efialtes and Nexalas, who he was used to dealing with weird poop from and din't react to him just walking up behind them, see Dagen. "He's a newer battler."

There was a glint of excitement veiled behind his chocolate orbs, and confidence poured off him in waves. At that moment, it was obvious how Ash had become the leader of a gang. People wanted to follow him, to know he was on their side; he forced others to acknowledge him through sheer force of personality. For good or bad, every seasoned member in this place had seen him, and everyone one of them had acknowledged him. In this place, Ashton Hakima changed. He was in his element. "I wanted to introduce him because he'll be hanging with us during this, we're showing him the ropes."

Misty had taken a step back, letting Ash do what he did best. At moments like this, she wondered why Nexalas even bothered to try and take control from Ash. Even if he beat Ash, no one would follow him. Efialtes worshiped the ground Ash walked on, he was Misty's best friend, and even though he wasn't an official member yet, if Dagen joined them he and ash had grown a mutual respect for each other. Ash didn't make people follow him, they just wanted to. "Who's that girl, Efialtes?" The redhead noticed the young girl behind Ash's protege for the first time, and din't recognize her.

Most of the crowd had gone into the factory, but Ash was generally one of the last people in, and as long as they didn't start without them it was fine.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #106 on: December 09, 2013, 03:07:08 AM »

More people had gathered at the factory and when the doors opened they all started to pour inside. Only a few stayed outside although there was one person struggling to go against the crowd. It was Midou gambling partner, when he finally reached Midou he was hunched and over out of breathe. But Midou brushed this odd pretty quickly when his partner stopped in front of him Midou tossed the bundle of cash he had gotten towards him and started walking toward the factory entrance asking in a plain voice.

So, is there anyone of interest at this gathering?

He struggled to keep the money in hand while trying to catch his breath letting it flounder around in his hand as Midou walked off. Running back up to Midou he tries to answer Midou's question. There......aren't.....many.....worth mention. After calming down a bit Midou's partner was able to speak more clearly.

Most of the people are new to the circuit but there are some you may remember. There's Salvador and Ash Hakim. He's brought along his usual gang too.

Hearing this Midou stopped and a sly grin grew on his face. He turned to his associate who stopped a few seconds after he did.
Let’s keep an eye on them, their bound to be a pair of fan favorites tonight.
With those last words Midou and his partner entered the factory still grinning as he thought of tonight’s event.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #107 on: December 09, 2013, 03:33:14 AM »
Efialtes and Lai

Efialtes had more been paying attention to ash, until a question had been posed by Misty. Lai, during this, was more cowering behind Efi, since he was the only one in the entire group of people, and she meant the ENTIRE group, that she knew. Efialtes spoke, his attention being shifted over to Misty. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I was gonna introduce her to everyone! Anyways, this is Lai, a friend from school! She was in the GFA, but when it closed she immediately shifted to the underground!"

Lai waved a bit at Misty, from behind her Human shield, not really saying anything.


Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #108 on: December 09, 2013, 06:20:05 AM »
Luke and Kat

Luke and Kat walked into the factory, and they were both quite impressed by what they saw.

"Not bad, eh?" Luke said, turning to Kat.

Kat simply shrugged. "I guess, looks a little boring."

Luke simply just blew Kat's comment off. The excitement began to rise up in him; he was ready to fight again.


Once most of the people had filed into the factory, the lights dimmed. The balcony was illuminated, and five of the sync stations lit up in different color lights. Up on the balcony, facing the large crowd, was a bald-headed man who wore an expensive-looking black suit. In his hand was a large mircophone.

"WELCOME, BATTLERS, TO ANOTHER EXCITING NIGHT OF UNDERGROUND ASTRAL FIGHTING!" the man screamed into the mic, his voice booming out of speakers located throughout the building. "We have some special guests tonight, and no, I'm not talking about the dozens of new fighters brought over from the GFA! Here, have a look for yourselves!" He gestured with his hands, and three spotlights shone on the balcony, revealing the three Triad leaders. Upon seeing three of the underground's strongest fighters, a round of loud applause rand out from the crowd. Once it died down, the MC once again started to speak, "Now, we've got a full night of battling ahead of us, but first, we're going to open like we normally do. Ten fighters have been selected to face one of the others at random, on a pre-selected stage. Since we have such special guests with us here tonight, we've decided to give all five of these opening battles the same stage, and we're throwing it back to the Golden Age! All of tonight's opening battles will be played on the Tilted Treetops, and the winner of each match will have the stage downloaded to their sync band! In tonight's opening battles, Yume Tsuki will take on Soul Byakurai at the red sync station! At the blue station, Dagen Wolfechild will take on Efialtes! At the station illuminated green, we'll see a battle between Luke Taylor, the GFA's reigning champ, and Lai, also a former fighter of the GFA! Oh? On the yellow station, we will have a fight between members of the same gang, Ashton Hakima and Nexalas! For the final battle in the opener, on the orange station, Salvador, the Triad's previous challenger, will fight the hot-headed Midou! Well folks, this is going to be an exciting night, which will be off to a great start with this exciting opener! All of the fighters just mentioned are to head over to the sync station that is lit up in their indicated color and press the button on their sync bands to begin battling!
0 Aiden 0/100
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #109 on: December 09, 2013, 06:49:26 AM »
Dagen was too in awe of everything to notice the new people talking to Ash. He heard the loud boom of the announcer, and realizedd he was going to face off in a fight against Effialtes. "Well, I guess that's you. See you there. Ash, good luck in your fight." He ran over to his station and awaited his opponent.


Sal wasted no time. He went straight to his station without a single word, and stood in an intimidating stance. He never needed to seem it, because he would just fight them in real life, and show them what a fight really means. He never heard of this person, Midou, and he didn't care. A fight is a fight, no matter what.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #110 on: December 09, 2013, 07:38:53 AM »
Ash and Misty
"Whaddya mean I'm not in the pre-fights?!" Misty screamed, struggling against Ash's grip on her waist. She was going to give those people a piece of her mind. How dare they put Ash and Salvador in the competitions, but not her! They would pay, she would make them all pay! She desperately tried to break Ash's grip around her waist to get free, but they weren't kids anymore, and he was the stronger of the two by far.

"Misty, calm down." She felt his warm breath on the back of her neck, and her thoughts went blank for a second, before she whirled on him. Thee wasn't much space between him, for he had not loosened his grip on her waist, chests only inches apart from each other, and she was forced to look up at him. Her eyes were level with his chin, forcing her to acknowledge once again how much he'd changed over the years. She'd been taller than him when they were 16, not by much, but taller. Now he was nearly a head taller than her. "Easy for you to say, they were sure to put you in a match! They even pitted Nexalas against you! I coulda fought you!"

She narrowed her eyes at him, aquamarine orbs glowing with fire. Ash was slow to respond, having learned over the years that she was a ticking timebomb, and he was very bad at defusing bombs. So he jumped to the most logical conclusion. "Is it your time of the month, Myst?" A smile started to grow on his face as he patted himself on the back for figuring it out, and disappeared faster than it came as he felt something collide with him directly between the legs. He immediately fell to the ground, rocking back and forth and whimpering, and Misty seemed like a volcano above him, spewing insults.

"Ash, you dumb ass! No, it's not! How could you ev-do you even know what that me-Ash, you dumb ass!" Misty sputtered, her face redder than her hair. Her fists were clenched into the fabric of her jeans, and her whole body was shaking. And so Ash, like the genius he was, figured it out; he dun goofed.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2013, 08:41:44 AM »
Yume Tsuki

'What...!? No! I just wanted to...' Yume stressed out thinking of a way out. "Hahahaha! This is hilarious. They already seem to know your name." 'Ha ha. Very funny... Fine, let's get over with this.' She walked to the red sync station. Still nervous, but as always a completely unreadable blank face.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #112 on: December 09, 2013, 12:35:24 PM »

Nexalas smiled, he had a feeling it would come to this one way or the other, but he didn't expect to be pinned against Ashton right at the start. He started walking towards the battle station past Ashton.
Don't hold back, I want to see which one of us are stronger.
He then entered the station and got to his spot, waiting for Ashton.
. . .

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #113 on: December 09, 2013, 12:44:20 PM »
Ash and Misty
"C'mon...Myst...I...thought...I...was...being...helpful..." Ash groaned, pausing between each word to take a deep calming breath. He was going to kick Nexalas' ass for walking away without so much as an 'are you okay?'. You don't just leave a dude hanging like that, even if you are rivals. He'd have asked if the pink-haired teen was alright, albeit after asking if he even had anything down there, but he would have asked if he was alright! Asshole....

"Ash, don't talk to me!" Misty stormed ahead of him, hood pulled over her head and tight around her face, attempting to hide her deep red blush. She'd been shocked Ash even knew what that was, the damn boy was so naive! It would have been embarrassing to be asked that in private, but right there in front of Efialtes, the new girl, and Nexalas! How dare he! 'Ash-hole is right...'

With a sigh, Ash was forced to leave the redhead behind, limping toward the sync station and shooting a glare at Nexalas. "I'm gonna kick your ass. This is your fault." He had no reason to blame the pink-haired teen for his blunder, but he needed someone to blame, and the flaming fairy fit the bill perfectly.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #114 on: December 09, 2013, 01:10:56 PM »

He put on his synch band, not even saying a word. He couldn't stop thinking about his astral's recent threats, like earlier today when he said he'd take out Misty. He needed to confirm it, and what better way to bait his astral than to battle someone his astral hates? He then snapped back into reality when Ash blamed him for something stupid.
... Sorry about before, we'll talk later. Right now, though, I need to confirm something.
He then pointed his band out and synched with his astral... and then he blacked out.


He appeared in the thick forest on a trees side. He stood there, in a daze, but then he seemed to smile a red smile.
That boy was a fool if he thought he could control me for this fight. Now its about time I cleared my name.
He then started forging a sword as he jumped from tree to tree, all the while forging what appeared to be a blue crystal blade, it's color slowly deepening.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #115 on: December 09, 2013, 01:20:04 PM »
"Whaddya mean... Ah forget it! I'mma kick your ass!" Ash grinned confidently, one hand still clutched over his stomach. The sync Nexalas had performed looked weird, his astral mark was dull, as if they weren't in tune, but he ignored it. He also ignored the illegal early sync, since they were suppose to sync at the same time. Rules weren't really enforced here. Without further adieu, he pulled out his bracelet and tapped in a command. His eyes hazed over, and there was a dull glow beneath his jacket, on his right shoulder. It was too blurred by the fabric to make out, but it looked like a sword and a shield. Then, the sync completed.

Link drew his sword instantly, shield ready to block any oncoming blows. His opponent had synced before him, and had the element of surprise. When he was convinced it was safe, he sheathed his sword, moving his hand to the the metal grappling device that wrest of his right wrist. He pressed a button, and the hook launched out, latching onto a tree far above him, and zipping him up. e continued like this, going higher and higher. He wanted the high ground when they clashed, to get off a few arrows.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #116 on: December 09, 2013, 11:33:12 PM »

Noticing quite a few people walking into a set of doors, Soul rushed over and flashed his envelope and letter to the guards just before the announcer gave the first matches, one of which included him and the angry blonde girl from the ice cream shop at the "red sync station". "Lets just hope her fit has worn off by now." Rushing over to the stage, he gave himself a second to catch his breath before speaking to his opponent. "Sorry if I'm late, not being in the Underground kinda inhibits your ability to know your way around." Soul raised his right wrist and had two fingers hover over his Sync Band. "When you're ready?"

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #117 on: December 10, 2013, 02:05:26 AM »

While jumping from tree to tree and almost finishing his sword, which is a deep blue at this point, he noticed the sounds of chains rattling in the distance. He then stopped, it seemed to be moving somewhere above him. He checked his sword to see if it was hard enough, now it was a slightly dark blue. He smiled and focused his powers under his feet.
Unlike Nexalas, I know how to use my powers properly.
Then light blue crystals seemed to erupt from under him as he started maneuvering up on a crystal flower platform, the root of the flower growing rapidly and causing him to ascend as if on an elevator. As the flower twisted around the trees at an alarming rate, he noticed he was getting closer to the source of the noise. He readied his sword, but then suddenly his focus was lost and the crystal flower shattered. He landed on his feet on the nearest tree, grasping his head in pain.
What.... the heck do you think.... your doing?
Something you can't accomplish, now silence!
The voice then faded, and he looked around. He lost track of where the noise was exactly coming from now.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #118 on: December 10, 2013, 02:17:26 AM »
Link froze, pulling himself up on the trunk he had been hurtling up towards, and listening. It sounded like glass shattering, and then there was a groan of pain. The Hylian Warrior moved down the trunk, keen eyes moving through the forest. It didn't take him too long to spot the figure cloaked in black, picking himself up off a large tree trunk. Small blue crystal shards surrounded him, presumably what had shattered.

Link didn't waste anytime drawing his bow and notching an arrow, one eye closed. It took him a second to find a clear path of assault through all the foliage, but he did, and released one arrow, and the another. The two arrows whizzed through the air at the astral, one headed for his right leg and another headed for his left hand. The warrior had learned not to aim to kill this early in the fight, but cripple. Something always happened to prevent killing blows first attack.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Evening|Clear
« Reply #119 on: December 10, 2013, 02:38:45 AM »

The astral heard the chain noises stop, and after waiting a few seconds heard a noise and quickly tried dodging, barely avoiding the first arrow which cut through part of his cloak, and the other hit him in his right arm instead. He jumped to the next tree, quickly looking at the arrow that hit the tree and following its direction to the upper trees.
So that's your game, boy?
He yanked the arrow out of his arm, wincing slightly before summoning another flower and riding it upwards towards where the arrow was fired, sword ready.
. . .