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Author Topic: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining  (Read 123704 times)

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #210 on: December 31, 2013, 10:48:00 AM »

After talking with that guy Midou had wandered the streets looking for a place to make some easy money. Eventually the sun started to rise   so Midou had decided to give it a rest. But Midou didn't feel like going home to his dingy apartment, going there would only upset him. Midou was tired of looking at the city and decided to wander out in the woods and relieve some stress. Midou didn't come out to the forest that often whenever he did there was a weird banging sound ringing through it. Along with the constant chirping of birds and the rest of the natural sounds that came with nature the forest could get really irritating for Midou. But even with those minor faults the forest was an isolated place where Midou wouldn't be interrupted. Midou gathered up some twigs and dried leaves placing them all in a pile before taking out his handy lighter and started kindling. Midou sat back against a tree a watched the flame he made just burn. As Midou stared he could feel himself drifting away as the world around him fell silent? Everything started to fade away as Midou stared at the fire until he finally shut his eyes.

When Midou open his eyes he was in an entirely different place although Midou was familiar with it. There were old looking buildings help up with pillars all on fire. People all dressed in tunics and togas running through the streets screaming and begging for mercy from different type’s gods. But Midou didn't really care he'd seen this all before he just walk past them ignoring their pleas. At the center of all the destruction and panic was Midou's astral, Salamander, laughing his usual maniacal laugh as he burned down more homes. Midou stood behind him waiting to see when he'd stop enjoying his own mayhem. “Hey, you about done yet we've got some things we need to discuss." Salamander turned to Midou with a bright smile across his face. “And to whom should I thank for this unexpected visit." Midou looked with discomfort at Salamander he never liked being around the guy that much but he had to get some. Midou pulled the ring he got out from his pocket and showed it to Salamander. “I got this ring form some guy he said it could help us in our matches. He called it the Fate's Eye."

 Salamander took the ring and examined it before tossing it back at Midou. "Fate's eye huh? Nah couldn't be any way a mortal much less a kid like u could get your hands on something like that." Midou looked at Salamander it seemed he knew something regarding the name but didn't want to say anything about it. "You know for an astral created by gods u don’t seem to know much about anything."  Salamander turned to Midou surprised at his remark before he started to laugh. "Sorry kid but our arrangement only extends to me helping you fight anything else isn't my problem. Now if you'll pardon me I’m going to go back to enjoying myself." Saying that Salamander started to shoot fire, burning anything in his path leaving Midou behind. Midou just sat back and watch Salamander's carnage be unleashes on the city waiting until he finally woke up from this dream.

Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #211 on: December 31, 2013, 06:46:33 PM »

Nexalas looked at the clock, he only had about twenty minutes till he had to be there. Sighing, he decided to put off his coding for later and shut everything off. He packed what he needed , and locked the door behind him. He started walking to the hideout, which wasn't that far from where he was.


Denis got his motorcycle ready, read the address Nexalas gave him and closed his garage door behind him. He was nervous, but at the very least there aren't that many people in the group. He sighed, got on his motorcycle, and drove away.
. . .

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #212 on: December 31, 2013, 07:27:49 PM »

Efialtes had gotten home pretty late the night before, his parents would have probably gotten onto him for  being out so late, if it wasn't for the fact he had said he was at the library the entire time, studying for the science project he was supposed to be doing with Lai, which was an obvious lie, but it somehow worked. He had been up most of the night, thinking about had gone on previously. Twice in a day, and the first two times he had been in direct contact with the police, in something to do with astral battling. He had gone to sleep on a bit of a bad note, leaving a few text books out to make it look like he had been up  studying or something. He had been up for a bit when he heard a low buzz from a jacket hanging on the wall, his jacket. He checked, it was his phone. The battery was almost dead, but that didn't matter much, he was just going to plug it in later. Until he read the text. It was a text from misty, saying to get ready, because they'd be picking him up twenty minutes. He got ready, looking at the clock. He still had a bit of time, but didn't have anything to do with said time, anything he could start to do, would take too long. So he really just kinda sat by the window, and waited for the car to pull up. He wasn't too keen to go outside for a long period of time, it looked like it could start pouring any minute now.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2014, 02:29:14 AM by GameBoy Advanced »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #213 on: January 02, 2014, 04:28:11 AM »

Sal was done with training and turned around to leave when he noticed a girl in front of him. She seemed to be getting ready to go, but he thought he could get her attention. "Hey." His voice came out gruff, but what he really wanted to know was how long she was watching him before he noticed. He never liked talking to people, mainly because he can't handle people that act like morons. He always let his actions, mainly his fists, do the talking. He felt pretty violated that someone would find him training and try to sneak away.
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Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #214 on: January 02, 2014, 10:29:32 AM »
Yume Tsuki

"Hey" Yume froze immediately in place. She turned around as she would always do when someone called her out. He didn't seem amused, she had to be careful. "Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you... You seemed busy training." 'And it seemed very rude to just keep staring at people so I was about to leave you alone.' She said. From the front he looked more intimidating and he looked like the type that would let his actions speak for him. But she kept her usual blank face on.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #215 on: January 03, 2014, 03:05:01 AM »
Ash and Misty
"C'mon Myst, we gotta go!" Ash was sitting impatiently at the foot of the stairs, leaning against the wall and glaring at the clock as it ticked closer to 10:30, which would mean he was late to get Efialtes. And though Ash was unorganized, unkempt, and often considered irresponsible, he was never late.

"I'm coming, I just forgot to grab Sheldon yesterday when we left, and you know he doesn't like to be left behind." The redhead walked down the stairs painfully slow, clutching Sheldon the endangered turtle between her arms. He was easy to hold, barely larger than Ash's hand, with a black honeycomb shell and deep blue colored skin. It'd been a head ache getting him for Misty, but Ash had been unable to tell her no.

"If that thing wasn't on the endangered list, I'd hurt him." Ash muttered under his breath, earning himself a slap to the head from Misty. He growled, but like always, didn't hit her back. He'd gotten a lecture from his Dad when he turned fourteen on why he couldn't hit Misty anymore, and it had been very awkward. He wouldn't put it past his Dad to return from the grave just to make him feel awkward... He couldn't help but shove a lump at the back of his throat down remembering his Dad, but Misty broke him from his reverie saying they had to go, and grabbing his hand and pulling him to the door.

Yelling a goodbye to his Mom, they rushed to his car and set out of the driveway, headed towards Efialtes' house.

"So, Ash, know where we're going?"

"No, I thought you did!"


Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #216 on: January 04, 2014, 12:54:09 AM »

Efialtes had a watch out, something was wrong. Ash was normally ten minutes before he was supposed to be. He had five minutes left though...Four more minutes go by, and the sleek black and blue sportscar pulled up. He shook his head, ONE DAY, ash would be late...One day... Efialtes climbed into the car, a confused tone in his voice, mixed with sarcasm. "...Ash. Are you okay. You're never this close to being late. Are you sick. Ash. Are you dying."


Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #217 on: January 04, 2014, 01:35:50 AM »

As he walked to the hideout, he looked at his watch. Ten minutes early as usual, but it didn't look like anyone was here. As he stepped to the door, he could've sworn he heard a vacuum cleaner, and opened the warehouse door, looked inside... and dropped his laptop bag in shock.


He was driving around the city, looking for the address, completely lost. He sighed, this always happens when he tries following directions... and when it happens, following a random person seems to work as well. He spotted an out of the ordinary car, one that's black and with neon blue striped, and Denis figured it was the best one to follow. And with that, he caught up with the speeding car and proceeded to follow right behind it.
. . .

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #218 on: January 04, 2014, 05:53:08 AM »
Ash and Misty
Ash pressed his foot down on the gas pedal, the wind roaring in his ear as it whipped by his open window, drowning out the growl of the engine. One hand gripped the steering wheel, the other continued to shift gears as he went faster and faster, weaving past cars at speeds that would make most vomit. It gave him a rush, knowing one false move could end it all for him lie this. It was like astral battling, but a million times more dangerous. It gave him more of a thrill to raise the speed, pedal slowly being pressed to the floor as he neared a 150 miles per hour, steadily rising....

"Ash! Ash slow down!" A voice broke through to him, clearing the fog that had begun to cloud his thoughts. One foot lightened on the gas, shifting gears as he winded down his speed, coming to rest at 85 mph on his speedometer. "Ash what were you thinking? That was ridiculous! We could have died! Efialtes could have died!" Misty clutched Sheldon tight against her chest, running a hand across his calloused shell soothingly, trying to coax him out of shell. After a moment of silence, she looked back at Efialtes to make sure he was alright, then glared out the window. He'd earned himself the silent treatment. And Misty had never lost the silent game.

The ride was painfully quiet from then on, an occasional soothing whisper from Misty to Sheldon, who finally gained the courage to peek his head out of his shell and nuzzle her cheek. "We're here." Ash opened his car door, pulling the keys out and slamming it shut. He waited for Misty to get out, trying to apologize, but she ignored him and stormed inside the warehouse, cheerfully greeting Dagen and taking her seat in her chair. (She had brushed past exalas, who was still standing stunned in the door.)

Ash followed her, head down, then slumped down on one of the couches, muttering a hello to Dagen. Even as his head hit the pillow he knew the warehouse's knew tenant had been busy, because the couch smelled clean, and the table in the middle of all the furniture was no longer dusty, the magazines stacked neatly, and Misty's book on winged astral's sitting in the middle of it.

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #219 on: January 04, 2014, 06:12:43 AM »

Dagen had finished up his work, and waved back to Misty. He was proud of his project. Everything was clean, neat, and orderly. Even the windows had a new shine to them. He sat down, smiling, but tired out. "This place was not easy to clean, but I did it. Even more awesome now. Thanks Ash, and you as well Misty." He looked around and seen the other fighters from the underground. "Oh, hello."


Sal stepped forward, and pointed to the tree. He wondered exactly how much this person had seen, and was making decisions accordingly.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #220 on: January 04, 2014, 06:19:12 AM »

Efialtes had been near cowering during the entire car ride. Upon the car stopping, he near flung himself out the door, walking around a bit and glaring at the car itself. "Never again. No more cars." He shook his head before walking inside the warehouse and past Nexalas. He wasn't paying much attention to the interior, or how it looked, just going over to a corner and placing his right hand on the ground. Then raising it, and placing it there again.

He jumped up, still oblivious to the fact that anything had changed...Well...Except for one thing. He had a panicked look on his face, his voice has a sense of confusion in it. "Where's my book!?" He started looking around, not noticing a pure black book in between the magazines, as he looked around. "I swear I always leave it in my corner, and-" He looked over to see Dagen, his face having a now confused look to it. "Wait, who are-Weren't you my opponent last night...?" He turned to look at Ash, who was now on the couch. "Ash. We're at the right warehouse. right."


Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #221 on: January 04, 2014, 11:21:34 AM »
Yume Tsuki

The big man was pointing at the tree. She looked at the tree, the bark was completely removed from the position he was continuously hitting. The tree looked pretty damaged. Yume wondered what he meant. She looked back at the man and could read curiosity off his face. 'What exactly does he want to know... I don't look strong so it shouldn't be anything in the direction of showing something off. Wait... Maybe he's wondering how long I was watching...' She had to explain herself. It seemed like the only way out. No matter how much her mind is telling her how much she would speak in a dumb way if she just considered he wanted to know how long she has been watching she had to talk. "Er... Well... I was hearing this unusual sound so I went to check what it was. And then I found out it was you, and you seemed familiar, I had seen you somewhere before so I was watching you for quite a while, trying to figure out and then I realised I saw you on the tournament from yesterday. And then I realised I was staring, and staring is rude and I was about to leave you be." She felt really awkward now. It was the longest sentence she had spoken in a very long while. And she realised she said too much by mentioning the tournament. 'Idiot. Why did you have to mention that. That is supposed to be a secret.' She looked down at the ground remaining silent. She really wanted to leave now but she knew she had to wait until he was satisfied with her answer.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #222 on: January 04, 2014, 01:50:43 PM »
Sal figured she came when she heard him training. But the part about being in the tournament last night changed his mood. He pulled out his synch band and held it out in a challenging way. He wasn't about to pass up a chance to train as big daddy, and the opponent did not matter. Plus, she had to learn not to stare.
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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #223 on: January 04, 2014, 03:49:18 PM »
Yume Tsuki

His mood seemed to change after she mentioned the tournament and was now challenging Yume to a battle. 'I figured something like that would happen... Oh well... I could use some more practise. Lucky I didn't forget to take my syncband with me...' She uncovered her syncband which was hidden under the sleeve of her coat and activated it by pressing the button. Underneath the bands of her right arm a covered purple marking started to glow.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline NexosYourGayBestFriend96

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Morning|Cloudy
« Reply #224 on: January 05, 2014, 01:10:50 AM »

He had a hard time following the car as it kept turning wildly and speeding past other cars, and Denis almost crashed twice in his pursuit.
Are these people insane?! Why am I following them?!
But soon they stopped in front of a warehouse, and as Denis parked his motor bike and looked around, he spotted Nexalas with a bewildered look on his face. Denis sighed, by some miracle he managed to get to the hideout. He got off his bike and lightly tapped Nexalas on the shoulder.
Uhhh.... Nex, are you feeling okay?

Nexalas and Denis

Nexalas snapped out of his dazed state, turning and seeing his old friend, Denis.
He smiled, Yeah, I'm fine. It's just I uh... never seen the hideout clean. C-come inside I guess...
Denis nodded and walked inside with Nexalas while he picked up his laptop bag. After a moment of being mind-blown by the clean hideout he acknowledged Dagen was here and nodded to him.
Hey... Um, did you clean all of this? If so, you did a great job.
Denis was intensely staring at Dagen, thoughts rushing to his head all at once.
Whoisthat?Whyishehere,Ididn'tplanforthis,thisisbadIshouldrunaway- RUNNING!
Just before Denis tried to sprint to the door Nexalas Quickly grabbed the back of his jacket, keeping him from running to the door.
Ahahahaaa....uhhh.... Well, this is Denis. He's kinda new to astral battling, and he's a wreck around other peopl- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP TRYING TO RIP OFF YOUR JACKET!
You didn't tell me there was a FOURTH person! I'm completely unprepared!!
Unprepared for what?!
Nexalas kept his grip, sighing and looking to Ashton nervously.
Don't take him too seriously, he's always like this around new people.
. . .