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Author Topic: [RP] Galactic Underground|Night|Raining  (Read 123600 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #45 on: December 03, 2013, 02:55:50 AM »
Dagen was hit pretty hard, and was knocked back into a building. He attempted to grab on, but the impact caused him to bounce ever so slightly, forcing him to fall for a while. He kept swinging, hoping to catch on somewhere, but each tap produced a shower of sparks. Before he knew it, he hit the ground, and DS'd. When he awoke from the battle, the orb was gone, and a number popped up on his screen: 0/1. His first loss. "I lost?" He look devastated for a bit, but then jumped up and let out a celebratory shout. "I LOST! I can't believe it, my first loss, and it was my first battle. " He laughed a little, and even danced a bit. Even though he lost, he got to experience what a battle felt like. He just had to keep at it. He kept on dancing.
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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2013, 03:44:54 AM »

Midou was sitting in an alley admiring a barrel fire he had started. He was approached by one of his partners from the underground. He seemed sllightly out of breath as if he'd been searching for some time.

Hey Midou have you heard. There's talk that thier gathering up a bunch of new fighters for some underground battles tonight.

Midou never stopped looking at the fire while he talked. Though hearing of new fighters did peak his intrest. He hadn't made much during his last fights and with new opponents and some well placed bet he might be able to make a surplus.

So is the usual crowd gonna be there?
I'd imagine so.
With that Midou stood up, leaving the alley with his associate discussing matter for what to do at this underground meeting.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2013, 04:15:10 AM »
Efialtes and Lai

Efialtes was quaking in his seat, he had been there for what, a year maybe? And very, very little had gone wrong, especially nothing like this. "OkaycalmdownitsalrightnothingisgonnagowrongisweareverythingisOHFORGOODNESSSAKESWE'REALLGONNADIE" He had at this point brought his legs up to his chest in the fetal position, not quite rocking back in fourth in fear.

Lai wasn't doing much better. This was like, her second week here? and there was already trouble. She had by now climbed under the table and sat there with her hands over her face. Thoughts flashed through her mind, more thoughts than she could count, or comprehend.


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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2013, 04:15:58 AM »

He looked around the room without turning his head, looking for any alternate exits, but as it turned out there were none. He had an idea, but it may not work.

Well I'm not. Haven't battled since the GFA closed down, and even then I haven't battled that much.

He then looked at the officer with a straight face.

I don't even have a synch band, so may I leave?

It was true that he didn't have one, he left it at the base thinking he wouldn't need it until tonight. In his mind, he bit his lip, hopefully his poker face will work.
. . .

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #49 on: December 03, 2013, 04:18:25 AM »

At the Ice Cream Parlor

The police officer allowed himself a slight smirk. "Relax," he chuckled, "I'm not really here to arrest any of you." He continued speaking, ignoring Nexalas. "My partner and I are both in the underground ourselves." He made a quick motion towards the policeman standing outside the door. "I was sent here to inform you all on tonight's event. At sundown, if you wish to participate, the underground will be meeting again, for the first time in two weeks, at the abandoned Automate Factory in the Industrial District. We expect to have several...guests there tonight."

Luke and Kat

"You can't be serious," Luke said, rubbing his forehead in annoyance.

"Of course I am," Kat argued. "You think I'd just let you wander off on your own?"

"Kinda," Luke replied, "you're not my mom, you don't have to be with me all the time."

"Luke, I'm going with you," Kat stated firmly.

"No, you aren't," Luke snapped back.

Kat sighed, "We both know this isn't going anywhere. You can't stop me from going."

Luke passed his hand on this back of his neck a bit uneasily. "Why? It's dangerous."

"More so for you than for me. You're the one with the astral. I don't see myself getting into any sort of fight or anything like that, but the second you run into trouble, who's going to pull you out if I'm not there?"

Luke was about to protest, but stopped himself before actually saying anything. He wasn't going to win. "Fine, you win. I'm going take a nap." Luke headed down the hallway that was directly connected to the kitchen, passing up the living room and opting for his own bed, in his own room. The walls in his room were painted a blue-gray, the rough carpet a dark white. He kicked off his shoes and climbed into his bed, the sheets a dark blue color. He wanted to get a decent amount of rest for tonight, as he hadn't battled in a couple of weeks. Sure enough, it wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep.
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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #50 on: December 03, 2013, 04:41:33 AM »
Ash and Misty
"Misty!" Ash crushed her in a hug, knocking her off balance, but he was rooted to the ground and his arms kept her up. He buried his face in her hair, chest heaving. He wasn't crying now; he was at a point behind tears. His voice was shaky, and even though his grip was firm around her waist, his arms trembled. "You're alright! I thought... I thought that..." He couldn't finish the sentence, and instead tightened his grip around her waist to let her know what he meant.

"I'm not going anywhere, Ash." Misty hugged him back, feeling rather warm in his embrace. A breeze had picked up as the sun started to lower, and her dress wasn't all that warm, so the extra heat was welcome. "Don't worry, he didn't have the orb that the Troopers used to make the battles real..." She tried to reassure him, but she could tell from the look on his face as he stepped back he wasn't going to let it go.

"Dagen, if that's your name, I'm gonna kill you." The venom in his voice startled Misty, but it was to be expected. He'd grown up seeing his Dad talk about them with such a pained expression, he knew they'd killed his uncle, and now, according to him, they'd tried to get her. She did however, gasp, when Ash slammed Dagen into the wall, pinning him there by his throat. "You assholes... you don't even deserve to still exist!" He swung a punch at Dagen, releasing his throat.

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #51 on: December 03, 2013, 04:55:59 AM »
Efialtes and Lai

Efialtes wasn't too quick to ease up, he more just had a confused look on his face.'Where did they get the car? Where did they get the uniforms? Was the shop keeper in on it too? I just. I can't.' He slowly turned and looked at the police officer, his legs hitting the floor as he got up, and walked towards him, he began to do something that was odd for him. He asked questions. "Okay, first off. Okay really, the only important question I have even, why would you do this even? Why would you just storm up, to tell, MAYBE five people about a event, and risk getting caught? I'm the local idiot around here, and that seems like a bad idea even to me."

Lai had very slowly pulled herself out from under the table, she very quietly sat back down in the booth, she was more processing what had just gone on, as this all seemed like some sort of cruel joke. 'I honestly hope this isn't a normal thing in the underground, I don't think I can take this going on constantly. She seemed to not notice Efialtes' outburst, as she thought about these things.


Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #52 on: December 03, 2013, 05:11:20 AM »

At the Ice Cream Parlor

The officer smiled at the boy, whose head reminded him strangely of a pear.

"Why would I do this?" he asked rhetorically, still smiling. "The shopkeeper called the police, and lucky for you, I was the one that was dispatched to handle this situation. Plus, my gang was charged with spreading the info on tonight's location, and who would deny the boss? Well, whoever the boss is, I don't want to upset him...or, her? Anyway, he's given us a chance to battle as we we should, so is I don't think that there should be a problem, eh?"
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Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #53 on: December 03, 2013, 05:13:40 AM »

The battle ended, with the claw trooper losing, surprisingly. Soul opened his eyes to see a police car parked outside the ice cream shop. One of the officers was inside talking to a few people who remained, and the other officer was outside. He could hear a bit of scuffling coming from the alley, and remembered the battle. He quickly turned and found himself facing the raven haired boy pinning the white haired boy to the wall, about to throw a punch.

Not caring about what was going on, Soul took a few extra steps towards them, as to stay out of vision of the officer that was outside. "Hey, whatever happened, save it for later." Soul raised his left wrist and flashed his Sync Band, then pulled his sleeve over it. "Feds arrived, got wind of something. Don't want to get arrested, do we?" He looked behind him for a second to make sure the officer still wasn't looking. "Act like you're not doing anything suspicious." He walked back out of the alley to check the sun one last time.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 05:23:44 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #54 on: December 03, 2013, 05:26:45 AM »
Efialtes and Lai

Efialtes bit his lip, he started to think. 'So it wasn't planned, we just got lucky. We need to be more discreet about talking about these things, I also need t- His thoughts seemed to be cut off as someone grabbed him, and tugged him away, back to his booth. It was Lai, she had seemed to eventually noticed, and was now fairly...Unhappy with him. "Efi, no. Even if he is with the underground, and we did get lucky. He could change his mind and arrest us."

Efialtes opened his mouth, as if to say something, but he ended up just closing it, and looking back at the officer. "...I would say I'm sorry for my outburst, but... I'm not. It was a question that needed to be asked." His voice had a certain tone of seriousness to it, something it normally didn't have. It was something that if you knew him, just didn't sound right. He had then sat down, just... Thinking.


Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2013, 05:28:27 AM »
Dagen barely dodged, the fist clipping the side of his face. He brought up his knee to Ash's gut, sending him back a bit. "Hey buddy, what the hell is your problem? I lost, that's no reason to attack me. Just calm down." He kept his guard up. He didn't know why ash just attacked him. Five minutes ago, the guy fed him.
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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2013, 05:40:49 AM »
Ash and Misty
Ash stumbled slightly back, but regained his composure. "Bullpoop. You know what I'm doing this for!" He snarled, grief suddenly gone. "You killed all of them. All of those poor battlers, they didn't know it was different from a battle until they Desynced and they were dead, did they?" He lunged at Dagen, grabbing for his arm in an attempt to slam him into the ground.

"Ash..." Misty heard the voice fo someone else, slightly younger than them from the sound of it, but she took no notice. She was too preoccupied with watching Ash. She didn't want him to kill anyone, and she would have said he didn't have it in him, but the look in his eyes... He hadn't looked normal, his brown eyes had seemed icy blue for a second, and his hair had flashed a platinum blonde. She wasn't sure he was thinking with his own mindset after that,

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Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2013, 05:46:40 AM »
Dagen felt the push, and was going down, but he grabbed onto Ash and made sure he came with. While they were on the ground, Dagen punched Ash dead in the nose with his left hand. "You better back off! I'll do way more than that!" Dagen was furious. This is not what he expected when he got his astral. He thought h would make some friends, have a good time, make some cash, and make a name for himself. Now he had to fight off Ash-hole.
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Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #58 on: December 03, 2013, 05:58:42 AM »

Turning back to the alleyway, the raven haired boy and the white haired guy were now on the ground, both a little bloodied. They didn't seem to want to stop, but Soul had no intention of butting in to hold one or the other back. "Then again, the police..." It was obvious these three were underground fighters, and if they were caught...

But, the officers didn't seem to have taken arrested in the ice cream parlor. Addressing the red haired girl, "Hey, ponytail. What's the story? Why's hothead marking up the claw trooper guy?" He looked at the two again, still on the ground. "Hey, hat-head. Didn't you hear the guy? His first battle was just now, and he LOST. Step off and give the guy some air."

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] Galactic Underground|Late Afternoon|Sunny
« Reply #59 on: December 03, 2013, 06:13:49 AM »
Ash and Misty
Ash winced slightly, but he'd had his nose broken a few years back, and it was nothing on that. He brought his elbow up, slamming Dagen hard in the chin. He used the stunned second to flip Dagen over, blood dripping from his nose, and grabbed the older man's collar, raising his head slightly and drawing back a fist. "I swear to God I'll kill you, you damn Claw Trooper." He snarled out the threat, and jerked on the man's collar.

Misty gasped at his behavior, catching his eye for a split second. They weren't their rich chocolate color, they seemed cold and icy again. "Ash..." She whispered, too stunned to do anything to interrupt the fight. She felt it was wrong to let Ash hurt him, but at the same time... He was a Claw Trooper.  They'd murdered people in cold blood, they'd been so ruthless. Yet this guy seemed so nice...

Her thoughts were interrupted by the boy beside her. She didn't speak for a moment, just stared at him. "Don't stop them, let them get the tension out. I think Ash's gonna get a surprise once everything calms down, and they start talking."

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