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Author Topic: [Profiles] Galactic Underground  (Read 20125 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Profiles] Galactic Underground
« on: November 15, 2013, 03:34:47 AM »
RP IS FULL! We are not currently accepting new members.

We are, however, still accepting profiles from existing members of the RP. Send all profiles to me in a PM.

RP Thread: http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4879.0.html
OOCC Thread: http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,4880.msg130296.html#msg130296

In this RP, profiles will include two characters. One character is your human character, the other is your astral being. Your character syncs with your astral being, and losing a fight causes a de-sync, or DS for short. Even if you lose, you can't die, your astral being will be ready to fight in the next battle.

Also, new to this RP is the stat system. Stats are used to more accurately rank each fighter in six different traits: Strength, Defense, Range, Speed, Stamina, and Intelligence.

The stats go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest. For example, a sniping character would have

Strength: D
Defense: D
Range: A-S
Speed: C
Stamina: C
Intelligence: A

If they choose A, they can be useful close up, but not do  lot of damage, but if they choose S, that would mean sacrificing close combat abilities, but gaining an even more superior range. Choosing an S means that no other stat can have either an S or A rank.

*You are allowed to have two fighters and an NPC, who, over the course of the RP, can eventually develop into a full character.

The Following is Not Allowed!
-Anything DBZ
-Titans (Anything under 12 feet tall is ok.)
-Regenerative abilities
-Chuck Norris
-Deities of any kind
-One hit kill moves

Profile Skeletons:

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Username:[/u][/b] PU Username
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b]Character name
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b]How old the character is
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Either Male or Female
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] How your character acts
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Your character's backstory. The more details, the more real your character seems. If your character is the underground, place all gang info here.
[b][u]Sync Band:[/u][/b] What GFA-approved stage would you like to start off with? See the OOCC for more details. You can wait to fill this field out until all official stages are revealed. Other stages and clauses that your character obtains throughout the RP will be placed here.
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b]Please provide an image for better visualization. You may include an image of the character's seal as well, if you so wish.

Astral Being
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b]This cannot be the same as that of your human character.
[b][u]World or Region:[/u][/b]There are many worlds, if they are from something, name the place they come from. If made up, make up a place.
[b][u] Technique:[/u][/b]How they fight, what they used, and special moves. Give a description of the special moves.
[b][u]Super move[/u][/b]Your one, high risk, powerful move. These can only be used once per battle, and have a great cost when they are used. If the cost seems too light for the move, the GM will add more to make it fair. Your super move must be able to miss.
[u][b]Stats:[/b][/u] The classes go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest. See the first post in the profiles section for more details.
Strength: (Your physical strength and power)
Defense: (The ability to resist damage)
Range: (Effectiveness of long-ranged attacks)
Speed: (Mobility and the speed at which you move about)
Stamina: (How long your character can last before needing rest, and the effectiveness of abilities drawn out over time)
Intelligence: (Your strategic and intellectual ability)
[b][u] Personality:[/u][/b] What is your astral like? How do they act in battle?
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Even though they are tied to your human, they aso have their own life experiences.
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b]Provide an image to help with visualization.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 06:31:41 PM by foodonfloor »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2013, 03:08:31 AM »
Username: foodonfloor
Name: Luke Taylor
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Personality: Luke is a realist, but is able to adapt, take charge, remain calm, and keep himself strong for others (most of the time). He is occasionally saddened or has anxiety attacks due to his past.
Bio: Although he is the current world champion, Luke Taylor has always been overshadowed by his dark past. When he was younger, Luke’s older brother had mysteriously disappeared, only to be pronounced dead a few days later. His mom went into depression due to the loss of her son, and eventually committed suicide, unaware that Luke had been watching as she pulled the trigger. Not long after this, the young boy had been in his room, all alone and crying to himself, as his father had been at work, and in his own depression, had neglected his son and left Luke by himself for the day. As Luke cried himself to sleep, he dreamed that he was alone in his room, playing with his toys. The toys began to move about on their own, and then a purple-colored figure appeared to be playing with the toys. The figure soon disappeared, but when Luke woke up, he found his toys set out exactly like that in his dream, along with a tattoo-like marking on his upper right arm that slightly resembled smoke. This was his seal, and he became known as one of the youngest fighters to ever receive their astral.
Sync Band: Deadman’s Ocean

The image above is just for Luke's physical and bodily appearance. He typically wears some sort of hoodie (generally white) and dark blue jeans. Luke rarely wears the hood on his jacket though, as he prefers to wear beanies of varying colors.
Astral Being
World or Region:Unknown
Technique: Shade has two forms, either Ghost or Phantom. Ghost is the lighter, faster form, who can quickly fly in and out of combat and run at quick speeds. Ghost can also use ranged attacks based on the element of his opponent, but if his opponent has no distinctive element, Ghost will use a special form of energy. Phantom is the heavier, slower, and more powerful form of Shade. Phantom can use attacks based on the environment. Which form Shade first manifests himself in at the start of a battle is completely random. He can, though, switch between these two forms in battle, at which point he’ll disappear as one form, and then reappear as the other in a nearby place. Every time Shade changes forms, he becomes slightly weaker.
Super Move Nightmare Fracture: Both of Shades forms, Ghost and Phantom, appear as if they were separate entities and fire off a powerful, furious wave of their strongest attacks. Afterwards, Shade reverts to a much weakened state of his most recent form, and cannot change forms for the remainder of the battle. Additionally, he can no longer use the environmental/opponent based attacks.
Strength: D
Defense: D
Range: A
Speed: A
Stamina: C
Intelligence: B

Strength: A
Defense: B
Range: C
Speed: C
Stamina: B
Intelligence: D

Personality: The two forms of Shade both act very differently. Ghost is sometimes quite talkative and active, occasionally making quips and throwing riddles at his opponent. Phantom rarely speaks, and instead just uses extraneous sounds to get his emotions across.
Bio: Shade keeps most of his past a secret, as he feels no need to share it.
The large astral on the right is Phantom, who stands at nine feet tall. The ones to the left all depict Ghost, who is a bit shorter at seven and-a-half feet tall.

Username: foodonfloor
Name:Katerine (Kat) Fisher
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Kat is friendly, compassionate, loyal, and cares greatly for her friends. She is not necessarily timid, but she is not especially outgoing, either. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, but does try to avoid conflict when possible.
Bio: Kat was born in Vagrant City, and has been best friends with Luke Taylor since they were only kids. Her dad, due to his work, was never around very much as a child. When she was twelve years old, her mom passed away due to a terrible disease, and so her dad was forced to quit his job and return home to care for his daughter. As she got older, they had begun to run out of money, and so her dad then returned to his job in order to earn enough money for them to survive. Without anywhere to stay, she then moved in with Luke and his dad. Now having grown much closer, Luke and Kat have been living together, on their own, since they were both eighteen. While she travels around to watch Luke fight, she does not currently have an astral of her own.
Sync Band: N/A

Username: foodonfloor
Name: Daemon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: Very mysterious, he is not seen often, and even more rare is his interacting with others.
Bio: Nothing is known about his past, and barely anything about his present. He is the leader of the most powerful gang in the underground, one of the triad, but not much else is known about him. He is known to be the best fighter in the underground. His name isn’t even known for sure, but at one point in time, someone was thought to have referred to him as Daemon. Whether his true name or not, it is what stuck and is what people now call him.
Sync Band: Frostburn Mountains, Treasure of the Sands, Orbital Oblivion, Wonderland, Platform Panic, Deadman’s Ocean, The Great Basin, Metropolis City, Escher Stairs, Connect Four, Dragon’s Lair, Apocalypse Island

Astral Being
Name: Corvo Attano
World or Region: The City of Dunwall
Technique: Corvo is capable of using unusual gadgetry, which aids him in situations that require stealth, and also in head-on encounters. Corvo is highly proficient with both ranged and melee weapons, such as the sword and the crossbow. Using his abilities can sometimes weaken him or cause him to be unable to use others. They include:
Blink- Teleport forward and a shorter distance upward
Dark Vision- See living/dead/unconscious persons/animals, their sight cones, and Corvo's sounds
Devouring Swarm- Summon a swarm of mutant rats that attack others
Possession- Can manipulate any living creature other than his opponent as well as the stage’s dynamic effects
Bend Time- Time slows for a short while for all of those around him
Windblast- Shoots a powerful blast of air that can deal damage and reflect projectiles
Super move Unknown, He has never needed to use it in battle, so it is unknown as to whether or not he even has a super move.
Strength: A
Defense: A
Range: S
Speed: S
Stamina: S
Intelligence: S
Personality: Corvo is filled with hate and vengeance, and while he often times takes the stealthy route, his dark personality is shown through his lack of mercy.
Bio: Previously an agent and bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, Corvo is stripped of his title of Lord Protector and imprisoned by the usurper, Royal Spymaster Hiram Burrows, on the pretense of having murdered the Empress and abducted her daughter, Emily Kaldwin. After escaping from confinement on the eve of his execution, Corvo becomes an assassin for the Loyalist Conspiracy, eliminating Burrows' confederates to clear his name, avenge the Empress' death, and restore Emily to the throne.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 07:57:28 PM by foodonfloor »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 03:13:37 AM »
Username: Blades
Name: Ashton Hakima
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Ashton takes after his father in many regards, acting on his heart more than his brain. He is a very courageous boy, and though he is smart, he can be very dense. He will fight fiercely to help his friends, and once he sets his mind to something, nothing can sway him from achieving it. He has an optimistic outlook on life, and is often the ray of sunshine and excitement when everything is gloomy.
Bio: Ashton grew up in a small, tight-knit neighborhood. He was raised as a normal child, alongside his best friend Misty unaffected by his father's fame. When he did find out about astral battles, his father made no attempt to hide his past, telling him everything. He shielded some of the more gruesome parts from him, but he learned the majority of it. On his fourteenth birthday he was taken to the underground circuit for his first battle, having already linked with his astral. His father was there, eyes never leaving him, watching for danger. He lost his first battle, but it was close.

His Dad was not hesitant to teach Ash when his son asked, using his connections to get the proper equipment. Things went smoothly for a while, but soon they hit a bump in the road. Even curving his punches, the difference between Garlock and Link was tremendous. They could never spar on equal ground. Ash found a sparring partner (and consequently something to learn along side him) in his best friend, Misty. The two trained under Daylin for years, though only Ash competed in the underground circuit, against Daylin's advice.

When the sport was finally legalized again, Misty began battling, but Ash only did a few battles before deciding one thing; The underground circuit had the stronger battlers, that was for sure. So he returned to the underground, making a name for himself. By his sixteenth birthday he was renowned in the underground as a fierce battler, and had gathered a small group of followers. Unlike most gangs, he did assert himself as leader, but was simply elected it. The first to join was Efialtes, and the second soon followed, his best friend Misty. Even though she still did not approve of the underground, battling had been getting more dangerous, and murders had been picking up. She may have been paranoid, but she was sure the son of the champion would be on the list to kill. Daylin was too strong to fall to any murder, so they would go after his weak link.
(Not including DAylin's death, too recent. Will go over that in the RP.)

Sync Band: Mushroom forest.
Appearance: Ashton has a lithe build, and nonchalant look about him. His hazel eyes shelter behind his raven black hair, shadowed by a red and white cap, always turned forwards. His flat cheekbones come down to a slightly pointed chin, supporting his thin lips and aquiline nose, making his face appear somewhat heart-shaped. (Compromised. Not too much, not too little. Thanks, Xetroc.)

Astral Being
Name: Link
World or Region: Hyrule
Technique: Link fights with quick but strong blows, dancing around his opponent and using his surroundings to his advantage. He is skilled in the use of a sword and shield, a bow, and the use of the Hookclaw to maneuver around the map quickly.

Master Sword-




Super move N/a
Stats: The classes go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest. See the first post in the profiles section for more details.
Strength: B
Defense: C
Range: B
Speed: B
Stamina: C
Intelligence: A
Personality: Link is calm and collected, always thinking through situations. He does not feel fear, only a slight thrill during each battle, and a sense of curiosity for every environment he is thrown in.
Bio: The hero of Hyrule, Link grew up in the forest village, but when the land fell under Darkness. He responded to the call. Through his many adventures he has gotten a large amount of items, and gained experience fighting with creatures that many couldn't even imagine in the darkest parts of their minds.

Username: The-Blades-Slave
Name: Misty Williams
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Misty is famous for her fiery temper, and prides herself on being independent. She cares about her friends fiercely, though she gets quite a bit of enjoyment out of hassling them.
Bio: Misty was the youngest of four girls, six years younger than her older twin sisters,  and nearly nine years younger than her oldest sister. She had not been intentional, a mistake, but her parents treated herlike a blessing. They were well enough off, but supporting four children was not easy, so a lot of thie things she recieved were hand me downs.

Her life was relatively normal up until she was thirteen years old. When she laid down one night, opening her laptop and playing some msuic until she dozed off, she began to dream. She was in a strange forest, and everything was white, so very white. And cold, cold enough that she could see her breath, and the short pajama bottoms and oversized t-shirt she had gone to bed in were doing nothing to help her. And then she heard the howl directly behind her, and whipped around.

Perched on a rock with its wing spread out and its eyes toward the ground was a strange wolf, with velvet wings. She glided down from the rock, landing in front of Misty and nuzzling her, licking her hand. The redhead, who had frozen in fear, eventually warmed up tot he dog, began to pet her, teeth chattering. She was quite comfortable, snuggled up with the dog, her fur putting off enough heat to keep them both warm, when she felt something tear into her shoulder. The wolf had bitten her, she realized, right as she jerked awake.

She was quick to rush to the bathroom, inspecting her shoulder. There was a long row of indentions, a bite shaped scar, but she felt no pain. It was almost like... it was just there. When she got to school the next day, her happy-go-lucky friend of three years had noticed the mark, and he got excited, insisting she go see his Dad with him after school. After arguing with him for ten minutes she finally agreed, and as the final bell rang se took out her phone to call her Mom. She got no answer, and tried her Dad. No answer.

She decided it would be alright, that she had tried to call and her parents would understand, and then followed ash outside and onto the bus, talking with him through the ride to his house about the math homework, or at least attempting to. He was nodding and smiling, but anyitme she mentioned one of the problems he gave her a confused look, and she already knew he'd be asking to copy off of her by the next morning. Finally, the bus reached its destination and she got off, walking up the stone pathway to her friends house.

She loved visiting him, his house was so much bigger than hers, two stories high, and there was even a guest bedroom. It basically belonged to her, considering she was the only one who ever stayed over. His older brother, Red, had left a while ago, and she had only seen him twice in the three years she'd known Ash. His Mom was waiting for them at the door, greeting them with a smile and an answer of "Your father's upstairs." Apparently, Ash had told her why Misty was with him today.

They found his Dad, Daylin, in the attic. He had a strange disc with him, and for the first time she noticed the large totem tattoo on his upper arm. She'd never seen it before, and quickly found out why he was showing it to her. Daylin explained to her that the bite wasn't an injury, but a symbol. An astral mark, and explained the concept of astral battling, and why it was not spoken of much anymore.
Misty was glad to have the mark, after he had finished, and eager to have her firsty sync. But before Daylin could explain the process he got a phone call, and as he spoke with the person his face got graver and graver. Once he hung up, he whispered something to Ash, and then guided Misty down stairs, looking at the girl sadly.

The redhead mentioned was confused, and through the whole car ride home sat in quiet silence. When daylin let her out of the car at her house, her sisters rushed out crying, and it didn't take her long to peice together the news. Car crash. Parents. Dead. She burst into tears, crying with her older sisters.

Eventually, everything calmed down. Daisy, her oldest sister, ended up adopting Misty, while Lily and Violet stayed in their house. The building had been left to Daisy, but nothing changed. It was still their house, not Daisy's. It was a family home, and Daisy would never dream of taking that away from any of them.

Misty eventually moved on, beginning training with Ash and his father, quickly catching on. When battling was legalized agian,s he joined the league, becoming a high ranking battler. She disapproved of Ash's decision to join the underground circuit, but dealt with it. With the recent shut down of the league, she joined Ash in the underground, though she hasn't done much battling. She joined to keep an eye on him, scared of how he would react to his father's death.

Sync Band: Great Basin
Appearance: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/547/upf2.png/ (Appearance is thanks to Nex, who drew this through me bugging him and asking him questions about what he was doing. Thanks, bro.)

Astral Being
Name: Sub-Merged
World or Region: Frozen Tundra
Technique: Sub-Merged is fast, darting in and out of combat, and relies heavily on direct combat.

Ghost ice-Water extends from her claws, and when it slashes her victim it passes through them, leaving no physical harm, so cold it just burns their insides.

Super move Ghost slash- She gathers an orb of ghost ice around her wing, usin the wing to guide the attack to her target. IT does, however, hurt her, and she can only guide it for ten-fifteen seconds, and once over her wings fall off, and her speed is greatly reduced.
Stats: The classes go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest. See the first post in the profiles section for more details.
Strength: B
Defense: D
Range: D
Speed: S
Stamina: C
Intelligence: C
Personality: Sub-Merged is vicious, relying heavily on instinct, and she is ruthless. Like a predator hunting prey.
Bio: Sub-Merged was part of a pack of elemental wolves, renowned for her speed and fierceness. She was easily the fastest of the wolves, rumored to be faster than their tribes fabled protectorate; Sub-Zero, who disappeared many moons before.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 06:35:25 PM by foodonfloor »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 03:17:38 AM »
Username: Xetroc
Name: Salvador
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Personality: Reserved. Keeps to himself.
Bio:Salvador is a man of few words. He never bothered making friends growing up, and he didn't need them. From the time he was fourteen, he was always on his own, and it was in the streets that he learned to fight. Upon turning eighteen, he earned his astral after having a strange dream that he was in an underwater city, fighting off monstrous looking people, and using amazing powers. When he awoke, the mark on his arm was in the shape of a drill, and learned his astral's name, Big Daddy. From then on, he took part in the underground ring, having a win loss record of 15/15.

Salvador has many scars along his body, earned from both street fights and underground battles. He counts them as his trophies, and the money a bonus. He lets his fists do the talking,and only says a few words when he truly respects someone.
Sync Band: Wonderland
Appearance:http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/58a467f4bb4922395d109da247dc14841320386132_full.jpg (Too big for post)

Astral Being
Name:Big Daddy
World or Region: City of Rapture
-Drill Weapon on the right hand. Has three speeds: Bust, Medium(Defense), High Speed(Offense)

   +Incinerate: A damaging ranged plasmid that burns anything flammable. Neutralized by water. The fire spreads.
   +Electro bolt: A non damaging plasmid that slows the target when hit. Neutralized by wood and glass.
   +Winter blast: A damaging plasmid that freezes on contact, and makes surfaces slippery. Neutralized by direct fire and intense heat.
Super move
-Gravity Well: A high damaging plasmid that draws the target and anything around it in. It has a 6ft radius, and always ends with an explosion. After use, Big Daddy is unable to use any plasmids for the duration of the match, and his defenses is dropped to D, while Speed is dropped to near immobile.
Strength: A
Defense: B
Range: D
Speed: D
Stamina: C
Intelligence: C
Personality: Strategic Berserker- though his moves make him almost predictable, his use of plasmids keeps opponents guessing.
Bio: Big Daddy has one goal in mind. Defeat all foes that stand in his way, and protect the little sister he was appointed to. He has no emotion, no care for any other life but his own, and the little sister, and no sense of the word "retreat." He will push forward until he gets what he wants, even if he dies trying.
Appearance:http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_NIDdVQtLsjw/SoXuzULT5lI/AAAAAAAAA8I/HmXSw9PsqaA/s1600-h/player_daddy_01.jpg (Too big for post)

Username: Xetroc
Name: Dagen Wolfechild
Gender: Male
Personality: Serious person. Hates injustice.
Bio: Dagen is fairly new to the astral fighting scene. He used to work in a fast food restaurant, making burgers and fries for the customers, but upon getting his astral, he noticed real money can be made if he got good enough. He quit his job and practiced every day, three hours daily. It has been a few years since he quit his job, and has not even had his first battle.

Dagen's mark is that of a large dragon, symbolizing his name very well. He always fights without a shirt to show off the brilliant glow. He believes the astral he has earned lives within him, and he uses his astral's fighting spirit to drive himself further.
Sync Band: Metropolis city

Astral Being
Name: Gix
World or Region: The Darkworld
Claw Weapons- Incredibly sharp, and main offensive tool


Tornado Claw- User Spins at high speed towards foe. Helps close distances.

Dragon Claw- Claws become electrically charged, improving damage.

Shield Buster- A swift piercing strike that aims for a foes weak points.

Super moveDragon Burst- Claws break off, allowing Gix to summon the wrath of a dragon. Intense flames are shot from the body in a single direction. Causes extreme amounts of damage. Gix is unable to use his claws again, and he becomes almost human with his speed and strength loss.
Strength: B
Defense: D
Range: C
Speed: A
Stamina: D
Intelligence: C
Personality: Quiet and calculating
Bio: Gix was one of the former claw scouts used during Shroud's attack on Vangrant. He orriginates from the darkworld, where nightmares and monsters are real. This scout was special, as his soul is imbued with the spirit of the storm dragon, and unlike his counterparts, is able to think for himself. He spends his days trying to bring order to the darkworld, acting as the sole protector of the few peaceful inhabitants.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 03:19:19 AM by foodonfloor »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 03:27:15 AM »
Username: GameBoy Advanced
Personality: A bit outgoing, and friendly, but sometimes his conversations with his astral when 'synched' will rub off on him, and he'll be a bit more sarcastic than he should be, though.

Bio:Before he had gotten his astral, he had a pretty normal life. Went to school, did...Okay. Made steady A's with the occasional B. *Cough* unless its math *Cough*.  One thing though, like just about everyone his age, he almost idolized astral fighters, watching every single one he could.

 About a year ago, Efialtes' had a dream. He was pacing through a realm where nothing made sense, water was flowing upwards, birds were flying backwards, etc.  In this dream, he was a man in a white suit, a few feet taller, and was wearing a mask. He had a cane, and a pair of dice which when thrown, random things would happen, they were generally, attacks however.  He ended up having to attack most of the odd creatures that would somehow spawn in...Or rather, run away as fast as he could. After he woke up, he had a mark on his right shoulder, it was that of a theatre mask.

About a week after that, he had his first battle, with someone. He had just entered the underground, mainly because he had realized, and observed, that the GFA meant nothing anymore. His first battle didn't end well. He did okay for his first time, but he lost by a large bit. His opponent could have beaten him much earlier than he did. He eventually became friends with this opponent of his, however. A year later, not much has changed. He still can't beat his opponent, or rather, his friend. However, he did, join a 'gang' that his friend had made, with a few other people.
Sync Band: Orbital Oblivion
Appearence:Efialtes has a wide jawline and a narrow forehead, giving him an almost pear shaped head. His dark brown hair is cut short, where he makes no attempt to comb it, as it never stays like he wants it, always shooting up. Whereas His electric blue eyes shine through like light, where they stop moving for only a second at a time, as they dart from side to side.  The corners of his mouth always turned up in a smile.

Astral Being
World, or region:The realm of Chaos
Technique:A pair of dice that when rolled, can cause quite a bit of chaos. The first dice roll means the power, one through six. Six being the highest. The second roll means the element. Then, they both roll again, selecting the attack. He can cast one 6, or anything that adds up to it. once he runs out, he must use his cane to suck the life out of something in the arena, to recharge them.
Bio:Not much happened in Discord's life. He lived in a world of pure chaos, which ironically, didn't provide much amusement. He mostly had to fight the other beings of chaos, using his dice, just to survive. You would think this would give him an advantage during battle, but, due to him and Efialtes' not melding, it doesn't work. That. And he's used to fighting things that make no sense.
Super moveOnce the dice are destroyed, his hat flashes with a number. 1-3 means he explodes with all the previously used elements he used during the battle, 4-6 means he himself explodes, killing himself.
Strength: D
Defense: D
Speed: A
Stamina:...B, I guess? What with the dice and all?
Intelligence:C, due to bickering.
Personality: Very...Sarcastic. Will take any chance he gets to insult his opponent. And I mean any. Due to...I'm not really sure though, he and the 'player' don't really meld, allowing for bickering and interesting conversations.

w/ Grey Cowl
Astral Being
Name: Discord
World or Region:Realm of chaos
He will normally attack with his blades, using speed and strength to his advantage, slashing and attempting to out maneuver his opponent. When hit, he doesn't bleed. But a large portion of shadow will dissapear, reducing his size,  and strength.  When hit for the second time, will be at his weakest/smallest form. When at lowest form, one hit, one death. Destruction of the head will be an instant death.
Each time he uses one of his 'special' abilities, he will lose a bit of shadow, reducing his size and strength.
Duskbringer He fires one of his arms off towards an enemy, leaving a trail of shadow behind before dissapearing a ways off. This takes a good bit of himself, as he will have toreconstruct a blade and shadow, but the trail can be floated into, to increase speed and strength for a short time. After use, he loses one of his remaining 'hits' persay.
Super move Paranoia
He clouds the entire area around him up with darkness, increasing his speed and strength, but at the cost of both his, and his opponents sight. When it wears off, he will be in his smallest and weakest form.
Stats: The classes go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest.
Strength: B
Defense: D
Range: C
Speed: B
Stamina: D
Intelligence: C
Personality: Much like normal discord, he will not miss a chance to strike with his tongue attempting to unnerve his opponents. Maybe, now that he's not a guy in a friggen suit, it'll work.
Bio:[Same as before]

Username: GameBoy Advanced
Personality: Fairly shy, refuses to make eye contact with her opponents, or even look at them before battle for personal reasons.
Bio: Like Efi's profile, she didn't really have much worth talking about before hand. She went to school, did normal people stuff, for once. What? Don't look at me like that. Its not like they had a big flashy past. Gosh.

Only a year or two ago. She was having a dream, one where she was in the body of something else, something that walked on all fours, something that let out a heat, something that's eye's burned with fire. During this dream, she hunted, with a pack of others like her. They hunted for smaller animals, all of which had something alike; they were made mostly of fire. Even the terrain was mostly fire, magma, and things of the sort. When she woke up, she found she had claw marks, on the side of her midsection, it took her a few seconds to realize that the dream she had, coupled with the random claw marks, meant one thing. That she had an astral.

A year later, she joined the GFA, and started astral fighting. She didnt' realize it then, but astral fighting in the GFA, didn't really mean anything anymore. She didn't realize that it meant near nothing, until around the time the tournament was canceled, this year. She didn't really know what to do, except she had a friend; a friend with a very odd astral, who suggested she join the underground, a place he had been battling since near his joining. And so, she did.
Sync Band: Wonderland

Astral Being
World, or region:The realm of Magma and Fire.
Technique:Generally plays in a beast's nature going in quickly for hte kill, and leaving and looking for opportunity if it doesn't work.  Uses its heat and claws to its advantage.
Bio: They didn't really do much, except for hunting with their packs, preying on their...well. Prey.
Stats: The classes go as such: D-S, where D is the lowest, and S is the highest. See the first post in the profiles section for more details.
Strength: B
Range: D
Speed: D
Stamina: C
Personality: Works fully off of instinct, only having short break through's of brilliance, or, well, not...So..Brilliance.
Super moveHell's heat.  The hell hound's flames grow, until fully engulfing it. When it wears off, however, all the fire is gone, and its a normal wolf. No nothing special, just a normal wolf.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2014, 12:58:42 AM by Xetroc »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 03:29:16 AM »
Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Nexalas
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: The type of person to think outside of the box constantly, a little sassy, and despite his innocent and carefree looks he is actually a very serious person. It is evident that he is a perfectionist, and always keeps his flash drive with him in case if he needs to hack or has an urge to program.
Bio: Nexalas is a curious person, in the sense that he has better things to do with his skills and time. He has quite the name for being one of the best programmers in the world, and is known for his works in Artificial Intelligence. His reasons for entering the underground are unknown, but he claims he's just doing it because he thinks he's missed out on the fun in the legal games, and therefore wants his turn. There are also rumors going around that he somehow programmed his Astral seeing how it is all powerful, but he always dismisses these rumors since even if they were true, no one can prove anything.
       As for his movements in the Underground itself, he started as a lone wolf, beating other newcomers to the underground to get a name out for stronger competitors. However, as he was about to score his eleventh, Ashton put a stop to his streak by beating him in an astral battle. As to how Ashton won, it is unknown, but judging by Nexalas's face whenever someone mentions this it was probably an accident or embarrassing loss that he made Ashton swore never to tell. He is currently, and ironically, in Ashton's gang, and every once in a while he challenges Ashton but is often stopped by his friend who knows full well Nexalas is trying to prove his strength and take the gang over. This is probably due to the fact that he often argues with Ashton and that they cant get along, but Nexalas isn't the one to really show it.
Sync Band: Metropolis City: A fairly large, metropolitan city complete with towers, shops, neighborhoods, and even traffic. Perfectly suited for any size of battle, as each area of the city offers a different challenge in the form of structure and terrain. It is always night here, but that does not retract from the traffic, but rather affects atmosphere more than anything.

Astral Being
Name: X
World or Region: Millennium
Technique: He relies on his speed and wits to out-maneuver his enemies, and has the ability to create crystal weapons and crystal flowers which he plants onto the ground. The hardness of said crystals rely on their tone of red. Pink being the lightest and dark red being the hardest, and the color relies on how much time it takes to forge said weapon and how large it is.
Super move He starts by seemingly losing mental control, then the field quickly gets covered in crystals, creating a crystal field with crystal flowers scattered about. His powers are amplified in this field temporarily, making all weapons he creates dark red and unbreakable for a small amount of time. After time runs out, however, he loses his ability to create any crystals within the crystal field, and even if he manages to get out of it, his crystals are white and powerless for the remainder of the match.
Strength: B
Defense: D
Range: C
Speed: A
Stamina: C
Intelligence: A
Personality: He has a twisted view on life, seeing others as nothing but toys. Is often very serious, straight forward, and people who have fought him are pretty sure he'd punt an infinite amount of puppies off of a cliff with a smile on his face.
Bio: He lives in a universe where the strongest lives, and the weak perish. He does not recall when he was born, the only the he can remember, however, is that he wiped out his own race for control over his home world. Nexalas has been in his mind many times and claims he does not fight for survival, but instead for sport and power. He believes since he is the strongest on his planet (evident since everything is dead and covered in crystals), and therefore believes he is an all powerful being. However, this is only his vision as he is indeed mortal, but is also powerful and should not be underestimated. It is unknown if there are others like him in his universe, but if there are they are most likely as dangerous as he is. He has a dark secret he constantly denies...

Username: 9Nexalas6
Name: Denis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: He's pretty anti-social, and is often mistaken for an emotional person because of this and his tendency to wear black. He's not the most talkative person, unless his friends are around, and is often nervous in crowds. He also tends to punch people when angered, a trait he gained from his astral. Whenever presented with an impressive piece of machinery, he will often be tempted to take it apart and try to learn what makes it tick.
Bio: He was always a weird kid, in the sense that he acted strangely compared to other kids. Instead of being loud and playing with other children, he grew up as an only child and often acted like he was always thinking about something, not once was he not lost in space. His only friend was Nexalas, who he knew since the fifth grade after he helped Nexalas when they were kids. Since then, they often helped each other, and Nexalas was pretty much what inspired him to be an engineer.
He's only just recently moved to the city and started his own repairman business, often fixing machines or upgrading computers with his almost masterful engineering skills. He is new to the Underground, so he has no reputation whatsoever.
Sync Band: Does not have one, and instead goes with whatever his opponent chooses since he can sync naturally.

Astral Being
Name: Kokoshi
World or Region: Floridia
Technique: Fights much like Lucario from Super Smash Bros, using aura energy for his attacks. He can use aura to boost the power of his attacks, giving his punches enough power behind them to break through steel.
Meteor Punch - A powerful punch where he focuses his aura into his fist, giving whatever he hits and explosive energy punch.
Power Jump - Focuses his power into his legs/feet, giving himself enough of a boost to reach fairly high heights. His best record so far is about 13 ft high.
Star Kick - A high jump kick powered up with his energy, but if he misses then it wont be a pretty landing.
Super Move: He overflows with energy for about two posts, and when he reaches his peek, he fires a huge energy blast at his opponent, destroying everything in its path. However, this is only really useful if his opponent is either close or immobilized, as it is sluggish in speed. As soon as he fires it, he loses all of his aura power and is unable to use any of his skills for the remainder of the fight.
Strength: S
Defense: D
Range: D
Speed: C
Stamina: A
Intelligence: D
Personality: His personality can only be described as explosively ignorant, often yelling at his opponent for not losing and randomly throwing large objects around when available when he starts to get impatient. He is very child-like and immature, and even though Denis controls his actions he cant suppress Kokoshi's behavior.
Bio: Many say he's a professional idiot, part time demolition, and hobbiest bounty hunter. He travels his world via sky boat, hunting down criminals with the highest bounty, resulting in either millions of dollars worth of property damage, him confusing other bounty hunters for his bounty, and occasionally actually capturing his bounty.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2013, 03:11:57 AM by Xetroc »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2013, 07:54:29 AM »
Username: WhistfulSoul
Name: Soul Byakurai
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Generally cool and collected, but can get caught up in the moment. Tries to act nonchalant, but can’t always stay focused. He is intelligent and is shown through his quick thinking and movements.
Bio: Although he is the son of a video game developer, Soul tries to not let aspect of his life control the rest of it, (yet he loves the games his father makes, and is always testing them and playing them well after release). His favorite of these games are Virtual Reality games, always going back to the same few, which include a Roman War Era coliseum game and a Combination Sports game, (both of which he holds the world record scores in).
His first sync was when he was 15, while testing out a new game his father had created, a Virtual Reality FPS game with its own equipment to wear for the new play style.  While dreaming of testing the new game, his game equipment seemed to have started to move on their own, with a non-programmed voice commanding Soul’s body. When he woke up, a sync mark of the game's sensors was burned into Soul’s skin on the back-right of his neck. This was a sign to Soul that he had found his Astral.
Soul hasn’t done anything but train and battle since he got his Astral. Through his father he knows many people who have their own Astral, and thus has had a wide range of experience in battling. A few of these connections have been a bit on the dark side, linking him to the Underground, where he’s gained more experience than in the light, (shown through a W/L record of 7/10). He only goes in a dark hoodie with the hood up, however, so no one will be able to tell his father where he’s gone.
Sync Band: Orbital Oblivion

Astral Being
Name: Mega (MegaMan)
World or Region: The digital files of Earth, (i.e. the Internet)
Technique: Will generally wait until the opponent makes a move or messes up until he makes a counterattack, but will attack when he sees another opening. Can turn his arms into an energy buster and an energy sword, (replacing his hands), which will take up the right arm individually but the gun will be on the left and the sword on the right when together. The buster can charge for a more powerful attack, but takes a few seconds.
Super Move: Double Hero. Mega will summon both the energy buster and the energy sword. The Buster will fire a spray of seven Charged Shots in a seventy degree angle, then Mega rushes forward and slashes once with an extended range. After the execution of such, Mega loses the use of his sword arm, and can no longer use his buster. Movement also becomes slow and difficult.
Strength: B
Defense: D
Range: B
Speed: A
Stamina: C
Intelligence: C
Personality: Always on the lookout for Soul, trying to keep him in line and on time. Hardened from all the lonely time spent on the Net, he is quieter and more serious than he used to be.
Bio: After the age of NetNavi’s and Net Battling, (along with the death of his final NetOp), MegaMan went into seclusion on the Net, sometimes revealing himself to help with Net Crimes and to assist SciLab. After the invention of major online security and self regulation of the Net, MegaMan’s files went to SciLab for storage, until it was uploaded for public use, where he managed to wake himself up before his files were accessed. Ever since he has watched Sync Battles, reminiscing on Net Battles and looking for a Sync Partner, which he found in Soul.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 11:37:29 PM by foodonfloor »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 08:38:00 PM »
Username: Yukimenko
Name: Yume Tsuki
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Is usually quiet and laid back. Does not interfere unless necessary. Likes to eat. She is prefers to calculate first before doing something rash. She only talks when spoken to, but usually thinks out loud making her seem weird. When she is bored and knows nobody is around who can laugh at her she starts singing about what she is doing while doing a little dance, sometimes saying something that's very off topic. She hates people who tell lies, but can be very gullible.
Bio: Yume used to be a very cheerful, and open person as a child. Always wanted to be friends with everyone and always having the last word. People found her weird for her opinions and usually called her names. She never really cared, and she never really realised everyone eventually started backing off from her and her unusual behaviour. She started to care for what people said about her, because she had no one to talk to anymore. People pointed out what they hated about her. Subconsciously she stopped whatever people found weird about her. No more speaking, no weird movements, and stopped being open to people. She got mad whenever someone told a lie about her. Starting to punch and kick whenever someone went to far. She stopped caring for anyone but herself and became very monotone in voice. The internet was the only place where she could be herself, and have no fear for anyone to harm her in the real world. Therefore she keeps her personal information strictly secret and will never tell anyone who she really is.
The first time she came in touch with the underground was when a person caught her attention. He beckoned her to come over to his store. When she entered he told her to keep her voice down and listen to him as he whispered the story of a banned game. When he was done he gave her a bracelet with a single button on it. He told her to only use it when she was alone. So when the girl went home, she directly checked whatever this 'game' was. And woke up in a place with various planets and a large black hole.
Sync Band: Orbital Oblivion

Astral Being
Name: Nilakanta
World or Region: The realm of stars
Technique: Uses a large variety of weapons including a sniper, machine gun, assault rifle, handgun, grenades, and a zap cannon.
Super move Rocket Launcher - It's very heavy and needs a long time to charge, making Nilakanta very slow, unless she abandons her weapon. Has a homing system but the rockets need a long time to bend their direction and shoots 3 missiles in a spiral. Her suit armour has a battery which powers her weapons for firing projectiles. And the rocket launcher takes such a large portion of energy that it can barely fire any other projectiles afterwards, leaving her to close combat fighting, which she practically sucks at.
Strength: D
Defense: D
Range: A
Speed: B
Stamina: B
Intelligence: C
Personality: No mercy for the ones who attack her, though still a calm personality to those she talks with, high curiosity for the world around her.
Bio: Nilakanta travels in her ship aimlessly through space. Just exploring every corner of the universe, her curiosity for a new world never fades, and traveling means meeting allies and enemies. Though she usually tries to talk before fighting, when she's attacked instantly she directly goes into offense and fights back. Though her journey is a lonely one, as she has no companion to travel with. Until a certain human entered her mind.
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 01:03:01 AM »
Username: Humen
Name: Midou
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Cold, Ruthless, Possibly Deranged
Bio: When Midou was but a child he lost his family to a tragic fire that destroyed their home. Without any other place to call home he lived the life of a typical hoodlum. He hung out with a group of individuals in similar circumstances, struggling to get by with what little life offered them. Through out his life on the streets Midou was haunted by the memory of his family tragic accident, reliving the nightmare when he fell asleep.  In the blaze of the dreams Midou could see a figure but was never able to make it out. Though some might suspect Midou would have a fear of fire because of the nightmares and trauma they'd be surprised to find out the contrary. The life of basic thievery can be tough on someone as young as he was both mentally and physically, the only thing that could ease his mind from his troubles was going somewhere alone then start a fire. He would just sit and watch it burn. Midou himself isn't sure when he started doing this. But when he sat there watching the flame burn bright, he felt at ease watching it. Sadly the beauty he saw in fire couldn't distract him from an important fact he knew he couldn't ignore. Midou knew he wouldn't get any where doing such petty crimes. The nightmares of the fire started to come more often lasting for longer duration and with each time Midou could catch a better glimpse of the figure in it.The night night Midou decided to leave petty crime to find more lucrative job opportunities for some in his position he had the nightmare once more. Midou could see the figure once more and for the first time he could hear it. The figure was laughing watching the fire burn it turned to Midou reaching his hand out. Midou had never seen anything like it and when he saw it reaching it's hand out to him he got wary at first but the creature urged him to except it. When he did his hand burned send an unbelievable amount of pain and then Midou had woken up. But Midou hand still burned as if it were still being held by the creature and when looked down at  his palm it glowed and inside winded a salamander. Midou had heard of marking appearing on people and he saw this as a sign for how he could really make it big. He entered in underground matches placing bets on and against himself depending on who the odds were in favor for. This has been how Midou fought in underground the underground since he discovered his astral Salamander.
Sync Band: Wonderland

Astral Being
Name: Salamander
World or Region: Vulcan's Forge
Technique: With magma flowing through his body Salamander can create and control fire with it.
Weapons Crafting: By extracting then cooling his magma Salamnder can forge several brittle weapons at various lengths such as swords, spears and axes.
Super move Strombolian : Digging his hands into the ground Salamander will fire a large amount of magma into the ground. The magma will erupt around Salamander arching in the sky before crashing back into the arena. When this ability is used Salamander only leaves enough magma inside his to keep from dieing but not enough to fight with.
Strength: C
Personality: Ruthless and Short-tempered
Bio: Salamander was born in the volcanic forge of the god of fire, Vulcan, the magma in the forge gave him life and had sustained his body. Salamander had an insatiable lust to spread his fire across the land. But once a year he would return to Vulcan's forge feed on the magma to sustain himself for another year.

Name: John Anderson
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: Determined/Competitive
Bio: at a young age John had a competitive spirit about him. He didn't care about wining as much as he enjoyed the challenge the competition presented. Growing up he participated in whatever competitions he was allowed in.  When John turned 15 he had a dream that would change his life. He was standing inside some sort of laboratory, there was some sort of green cave man fighting against a weird robot. The cave man was fighting with such ferocity and anger, John was truly terrified by the spectacle. After an intense fight the cave man had stood on top after defeating the robot. The beast man turned to making him cower in fear of being his next target. But to his surprise the just beast smiled ay him before walking away with a woman. When John woke up he wasn't sure what he had dreamt to have seemed like any normal crazy dream he had before. But John couldn't deny the strange tattoo that had appeared on his chest. It looked like he had grown chest hair like the beast from his dream. When he started asking around about he was told the dream was him connecting to an astral being and the tattoo on his chest was the astral’s mark. When John found out that there was a competition where people with similar marks summon their astral’s to fight he clearly had to get involved. When he joined the GFA and started battling he fell in love with the experience of fighting as the street fighter Blanka against all the other strange and mysterious astrals. Although John loved battling in the GFA he wanted to battle more, in this pursuit he found himself in the underground of astral fights. Although it wasn’t the same experience as battling in the GFA John enjoyed battling within the underground all the same. His battle record in the underground stands at 23/25.
Sync Band: Tilted Treetops
Astral Being
Name: James "Jimmy" Blanka
World or Region: Brazil
Technique: Blanka's fighting style is based on speed and unpredictability.
Electric Thunder:Blanka crouches, building the electricity within him and releasing it when the opponent touches him. It is a defense maneuver, used to buy himself time.
Beast Roll: He dashes into a roll, and primarily uses this to close distances and dodge projectiles.
Shout of Earth: Blanka beats his chest in dominance, releasing charged amounts of electricity. This is one of his more powerful ability, and takes more energy.
Super move He does a volt tackle. Crouching long enough to gather all his electricity, he discharges it all, causing it to surround him. Then he charges and attempts to slam into his opponent.
Strength: A
Defense: C
Range: D
Speed: A
Stamina: B
Intelligence: D
Personality:  Gentle but wild and unpredictable when enraged
Bio: Blanka, after a tragic plane crash, was stranded in the Amazon rain forest forced to eat electric eels. He eventually learned to fight against the predators in the forest, building up resistance and the ability to produce electricity himself. When Blanka finally managed to escape the forest and find civilization he joins in the second world fighter’s tournament. He has been selected to represent Brazil in tournaments after his first entering.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 05:00:11 PM by foodonfloor »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2013, 03:48:13 AM »

The Hoods are quite simply the strongest gang in all of the underground, and so they are naturally the top gang of the Triad.


Name: Daemon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: Very mysterious, he is not seen often, and even more rare is his interacting with others.
Bio: Nothing is known about his past, and barely anything about his present. He is the leader of the most powerful gang in the underground, one of the triad, but not much else is known about him. He is known to be the best fighter in the underground. His name isn’t even known for sure, but at one point in time, someone was thought to have referred to him as Daemon. Whether his true name or not, it is what stuck and is what people now call him.
Sync Band: Frostburn Mountains, Treasure of the Sands, Orbital Oblivion, Wonderland, Platform Panic, Deadman’s Ocean, The Great Basin, Metropolis City, Escher Stairs, Connect Four, Dragon’s Lair, Apocalypse Island

Astral Being
Name: Corvo Attano
World or Region: The City of Dunwall
Technique: Corvo is capable of using unusual gadgetry, which aids him in situations that require stealth, and also in head-on encounters. Corvo is highly proficient with both ranged and melee weapons, such as the sword and the crossbow. Using his abilities can sometimes weaken him or cause him to be unable to use others. They include:
Blink- Teleport forward and a shorter distance upward
Dark Vision- See living/dead/unconscious persons/animals, their sight cones, and Corvo's sounds
Devouring Swarm- Summon a swarm of mutant rats that attack others
Possession- Can manipulate any living creature other than his opponent as well as the stage’s dynamic effects
Bend Time- Time slows for a short while for all of those around him
Windblast- Shoots a powerful blast of air that can deal damage and reflect projectiles
Super move Unknown, He has never needed to use it in battle, so it is unknown as to whether or not he even has a super move.
Strength: A
Defense: A
Range: S
Speed: S
Stamina: S
Intelligence: S
Personality: Corvo is filled with hate and vengeance, and while he often times takes the stealthy route, his dark personality is shown through his lack of mercy.
Bio: Previously an agent and bodyguard to Empress Jessamine Kaldwin, Corvo is stripped of his title of Lord Protector and imprisoned by the usurper, Royal Spymaster Hiram Burrows, on the pretense of having murdered the Empress and abducted her daughter, Emily Kaldwin. After escaping from confinement on the eve of his execution, Corvo becomes an assassin for the Loyalist Conspiracy, eliminating Burrows' confederates to clear his name, avenge the Empress' death, and restore Emily to the throne.

*Character owned by foodonfloor
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2013, 04:10:59 AM »
Orbis was once a mercenary gang, a group of lone wolves who joined together in the first ever Black Tourney. They were overwhelmingly dominant, and decided to stick together, only to soon become one of the Triad.


Name: Zeke MacGrath
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Personality: Zeke has always been a bit smug and overconfident, but at the same time, but yet still a bit moody and regretful.
Bio: Much like several others in the Triad, Zeke keeps his past a secret from anyone not in his gang.
Sync Band:Frostburn Mountains, Treasure of the Sands, Orbital Oblivion, Wonderland, Platform Panic, Deadman’s Ocean, The Great Basin, Metropolis City, Escher Stairs, Connect Four, Dragon’s Lair, Apocalypse Island

Astral Being
Name:Delsin Rowe
World or Region: Seattle
Technique:Delsin hasn't been seen in battle by anyone outside of the Triad since the original Black Tourney, but it is known that his technique utilizes several different types of super-power like abilities.
Super move Delsin's super-move is a mystery to all of those outside the Triad.
Strength: A
Range: S
Speed: S
Stamina: S
Intelligence: A
Personality: The few times that Delsin is seen in battle, he always appears to be having a blast.
Bio: Delsin's past is not known by anyone except Zeke, and he does not share it with others.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 04:47:32 AM by foodonfloor »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2013, 04:44:15 AM »
The beasts were named for their astrals, large, animal-like beasts. They are known to not be as brutally powerful as the other Triad gangs, but their leader, Red is notoriously unbeaten. There are not rumors of his strength, but of his mind. He always seems to be one step ahead.

Name: Red
Age: Mid twenties
Gender: Male
Personality: Quiet and stoic. No one has heard Red talk in a very log time. There are even childish rumors that he is undead.
Bio: His bio is much like the others, unknown. It is known he had something linked with the original league's final champion, Daylin Hakima, and most assume it's because he challenged and beat him. The rumor is unconfirmed by his fellow gang members.
Sync Band: Frostburn Mountains, Treasure of the Sands, Orbital Oblivion, Wonderland, Platform Panic, Deadman’s Ocean, The Great Basin, Metropolis City, Escher Stairs, Connect Four, Dragon’s Lair, Apocalypse Island

Astral Being
Name: Charizard
World or Region: Kanto
Technique: Charizard is brutal and stunningly fast, hitting hard with his sharp claws and heavy wings, and spewing searing hot flames. He is also rumored to be incredibly intelligent, outplaying his opponents at every step.
Super move Unknown. It was not even in used in the original Black Tourney
Strength: S
Defense: A
Range: B
Speed: S
Stamina: A
Intelligence: S
Personality: Charizard is feral and often bites into his opponents, ruthlessly hungering for victory.

*Character belongs to Blades
« Last Edit: December 09, 2013, 04:58:54 AM by foodonfloor »
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Re: [Profiles] Galactic Underground
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2013, 06:36:59 PM »
NPC Faction VPD
The police. They uphold the law under all circumstances.

Name: Stan Masters
Gender: Male
Personality: Wisened guy with a lot of knowledge about Astrals
Bio: Stan used to be a champion in the Astral fighting ring, up until the day Shroud tried to take over the world and make it his personal playground. In that time, he traveled to the astral Halls, read the book of knowledge, lost his astral, and helped Daylin Hakima become the strongest fighter of all time. After the attacks, he devoted his life to resaerching astral energies, artifacts, and anything related in order to prevent an event exactly like the one shroud did. Though he lacks his astral, Ripfang, he is still able to use his energy to help in his research, even by performing a projection synch to gain knowledge from another world.

Stan is secretly the head of the Pursuers of Knowledge, a secret part of the police force created by both he and Daylin, and were tasked with dealing with astral crimes and hunting down artifacts. Stan acted as a medium, a person with astral energy able to perform various rituals to aid a fighter in true to life battles of good and evil, with death as a consequence. In his time, he has found, and cleansed over 150 artifacts, with more on the radar.

After witnessing the death of his best friend and partner, Stan ramped up his efforts to make astral fighting peaceful back when he was then champ. He works with a full team, and even has a few mediums in training to help ease the stress of missions.
Sync Band: None. Stan is able to perform a different kind of synch, though he can view battles where needed using his mark.

NPC Faction Merchants of Myth
Nice people with not so nice items. Might be in your best interest to listen

Name:The Stranger
Age:Not Stated, Ever
Gender: Male?
Personality: He is a little on the mysterious side, but seems to be hugely helpful when he appears
Bio:A simple merchant with not so simple items. He travels around the entire city, hiding in the darkest shadows, appearing to fighters in need of special items. Some call him a myth, but the amount of sightings seem to say otherwise. No one knows if he is good or evil, as he sells his wares to any that show even an inkling of interest. His introduction is always "Nice to see you, Stranger," and therefore, is called the stranger.

His items may seem insignificant, but they hold hidden strengths. He also provides advice to fighters who are stuck in situations.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2013, 06:40:59 PM by Xetroc »
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