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Author Topic: New Pokemon X & Y  (Read 216601 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #405 on: October 17, 2013, 05:52:35 AM »
Yep. Kind of sucked a bit for me though. I had megazard out and he was destroying with solarbeams, but then the sun petered out, and I had to charge, so he took a stone edge to the face and died.
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #406 on: November 08, 2013, 09:10:02 AM »
Lql yup. Weather teams have to do a lot more thinking from now on. No more just sending out a weather starter then spamming 1 or 2 attacks. Now they might actually have to use 3 or 4 attacks! :O

They won't like that. Seriously though, so glad they are fixing those broken SS and RD teams. Sun teams weren't as bad as them but it seems they got a nice boost in gen 6 too with Heliolisk being able to use solar power. And now we get to see some electric weather teams.

It seems some old pokemon have gotten their stats changed. Most of these stat changes are minor and will have little to no impact on game play, but some changes are great. For example the change to scolipede, it gained 10 more attack giving it 100 attack and 112 speed. coupled with the fact that it got speed boost as a new hidden ability, scolipede should  move on up in the meta game quickly.

Go here to see currently known stat changes


Sound based moves hit through subs. :O

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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #407 on: November 08, 2013, 11:13:08 AM »
seems logical for sound moves to do, since it's hearable for anyone. Will maybe make people take supersonic instead of the reliable confuse ray that doesn't hit a substitute.

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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #408 on: November 08, 2013, 03:29:23 PM »
I was mainly only excited because it's great for me. I use bug buzz a lot being mono bug. So this is some great info for me. No more annoying subs from pokemon like sableye or whimsicott. Though those 2 pokemon weren't a threat to begin with but still, it's the thought that counts. :D
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #409 on: November 08, 2013, 04:09:02 PM »
Psh, Whimisicott is always a threat. Always. ._.

While I agree with Flamelass, as it does make sense from a logical standpoint, I personally don't think it was that necessary, at least in my personal case. Whimisicott is my personal favorite pokemon to use competitively, and so I'm pretty familiar with it, and in the specific pokemon's case, I don't feel that it was needed. While I don't think it'll really affect me that much (as I am mono-dark, after all), I just felt that there were enough effective ways  to deal with Whimsicott. I guess this in particular is more of a case by base basis though, but this is just how I felt it personally affected me, not necessarily anybody else. I also forget that Whimsicott is now part fairy type, too, and since I've yet to look into that, I'm not even sure what changes I may have to make to my set.

As for other pokemon I'm excited about competitively, I CANNOT WAIT to get my hands on Greninja once it is balanced. It's such an awesome pokemon.

Also, this kind of fits into X and Y, as the idea somewhat sprouted from it and it can definitely affet the future of the series, as the art director personally wants to take a sinpler route. The full story can be found here (for those of you who read it, thoughts?): http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/11/07/pokemon-art-director-wants-to-return-to-simpler-roots

Lastly, I personally can't access the College Humor website where I'm at right now, but they've updated the PokeRap with all 718 pokemon, which obviously includes all of gen VI. The link can be found int his article: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/11/08/pokerap-updated-to-include-all-718-pokemon
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Offline Tickles

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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #410 on: November 08, 2013, 04:41:22 PM »
Wait, Whimsicott is fairy. Yet another poke that is a stupid [removed for being offensive] fairy type. I have tried out some of the fairy types, and I really don't like them. Never did before, and even now that I know how some of them work.

On subs and sound moves, that would actually make subbing a lot harder to use, and make supersonic a viable choice over confuse ray. Plus, I think some of the new moves are sound based moves.

Furthermore, I just tested out Mega Alakazam after I got enough BP to get a make my Alakazam a Magic Guard one. It is really fun to use. You can run it as Magic guard for a while, then when a desirable ability comes along, mega evolve, and destroy. I mega evolved on a poke with sheer force and owned it with psychic. Not to mention, Trace can copy Wonder Guard now! http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Trace_(Ability)

Which brings me to another question. Since Trace now copies wonder guard, can skill swap and role play do the same as well? Dark ghosts are SE'd by Fairy now, and I don't have a poke with either of those moves to test that on, but I do have Shedinja.
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #411 on: November 08, 2013, 06:11:29 PM »
Yup, Sound moves just a decent boost. Though there are only a handful of sound moves so it won't be that big of a problem. The main one that is truly great is sing. Can put pokemon behind a sub to sleep. Which is REALLY amazing competitive wise.

I agree, foodonfloor. I want Greninja as well. It's very strong. It's only real problem is that it's better as a special attacker but it's signature move is physical. Quiet stupid if you ask me. Greninja will be replacing starmie on almost all my teams. Protean is just toooo good offensively and defensively. And since so many people like greninja, I expect to see a lot of it on the balance server.

I can't tell you how many times I have used HP ghost to become immune to the incoming fighting attack that my enemy is throwing at me. And then theres switching to grass type when I use grass knot to resist a thunderbolt.

Protean. Live it. Learn it. Love it. It's good.
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #412 on: November 09, 2013, 07:15:04 AM »
Quick question though. Would it make sense if Exploud got Boomburst somehow? I know that the move is Noivern's, but Exploud is pretty much the sound pokemon. alot of the moves it learns naturally are sound based, and Loudred did have basses for ears as well.

As for the fairies, The way I use them kind of gives me an advantage on other who use the same kind of fairy. Like for Sylveon: she's naturally made a Wish passer. My Sylveons are a bit more offensive. Gave it leftovers, Bold nature, 100HP/252Def/152SpA Evs, and SB, Moonblast, Psyshock, and Calm Mind. It allows me to get some threats to the rest of my teams KO'd before it goes down to Mega/Scizor. My Gardevoirs are ran the same way, but has FB instead of SB.

As for Azumarril, I run her as Gen 5 did, but with Leftovers instead of Banding it, and replaced Waterfall with Play Rough. the only thing that actually walls her in Ubers is Arceus-Poison. Normal and Steel arceus lose to my fairy rodent mainly because they tend to get greedy with SD.

And Klefki is a monster in Ubers. Swagger has saved me so many times, it's ridiculous. Period.

The only fairies I haven't tried yet are Aromatisse, the cotton candy, the rock fairy and Mawile. I'd go into detail of Togekiss and Xerneas, but togekiss is ran the same way since Gen 4, and Xerneas won't be here.

and another thing. Mega-Medicham. It OHKOs Mega Mawile even after Intimidate. I think it got tired of being treated like Magikarp for too long.

Also, Roloc, since you're the Bug Elite here, whose Mega Evolution do you like better: Pinsir or Heracross?

And just as an added note, Noivern is probably the greatest user of Infiltrator, and the only other Pokemon I know who can have that ability is seviper, and it's too slow to make use of it.

This is all coming from experience on Showdown, of course.
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #413 on: November 09, 2013, 09:03:41 AM »
Quick question though. Would it make sense if Exploud got Boomburst somehow? I know that the move is Noivern's, but Exploud is pretty much the sound pokemon. alot of the moves it learns naturally are sound based, and Loudred did have basses for ears as well.

As for the fairies, The way I use them kind of gives me an advantage on other who use the same kind of fairy. Like for Sylveon: she's naturally made a Wish passer. My Sylveons are a bit more offensive. Gave it leftovers, Bold nature, 100HP/252Def/152SpA Evs, and SB, Moonblast, Psyshock, and Calm Mind. It allows me to get some threats to the rest of my teams KO'd before it goes down to Mega/Scizor. My Gardevoirs are ran the same way, but has FB instead of SB.

As for Azumarril, I run her as Gen 5 did, but with Leftovers instead of Banding it, and replaced Waterfall with Play Rough. the only thing that actually walls her in Ubers is Arceus-Poison. Normal and Steel arceus lose to my fairy rodent mainly because they tend to get greedy with SD.

And Klefki is a monster in Ubers. Swagger has saved me so many times, it's ridiculous. Period.

The only fairies I haven't tried yet are Aromatisse, the cotton candy, the rock fairy and Mawile. I'd go into detail of Togekiss and Xerneas, but togekiss is ran the same way since Gen 4, and Xerneas won't be here.

and another thing. Mega-Medicham. It OHKOs Mega Mawile even after Intimidate. I think it got tired of being treated like Magikarp for too long.

Also, Roloc, since you're the Bug Elite here, whose Mega Evolution do you like better: Pinsir or Heracross?

And just as an added note, Noivern is probably the greatest user of Infiltrator, and the only other Pokemon I know who can have that ability is seviper, and it's too slow to make use of it.

This is all coming from experience on Showdown, of course.

Neither. Mega Scizor all the way. I haven't met a fairy yet that can take down my bulky mega scizor. Pinsir and Heracross megas are lacking pretty badly. Heracross is fairly crappy with out it's choice scarf. And without guts, no choice scarf is even worse. Pinsir can do okay with the speed boost it got but, it's ability is pretty lack luster as well. I mean yeah it can turn double edge into a brave bird, and quick attack into a flying type but, eh, still seems to be missing something.

Also, Crobat is pretty awesome with infiltrator too. But, I'm just a banded crobat fan. That fast brave bird boosted with stab and band hitting through a sub is just amazing.
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Re: New Pokemon X & Y
« Reply #414 on: November 11, 2013, 06:46:35 AM »
Remember when I said about Klefki? Well, he 6-0'd my opponent. It was suppose to be a mono steel vs ghost. HE didn't feel like that.
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