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Author Topic: Your Best (and worse) Moments in Video Games  (Read 9667 times)

Offline Tickles

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Your Best (and worse) Moments in Video Games
« on: May 16, 2013, 06:18:02 PM »
Simple discussion thread where you get to tell us all about the best things you have done, and the worst things that have happened to you in any video game. We all had those moments one day or another, and sometimes those moments need to be shared, either for their level of awesome, or how hilarious they were. I will provide three of my best right now, and three of my worst, and then everyone can share theirs. Go ahead and comment on others as well if you find it particularly funny, or had the same thing.

My Best

The Magnificent Archer

One day while playing team fortress 2, back when I played a lot of it, I ran into a cp_gorge match. I went demoman of course, since I like to make things blow up. Well, upon getting to the point, I was struck down by a sentry, built on that one ledge over the entrance. Now, I did about three more attempts, all of which failed miserably. I got tired of it, and switched to my sniper class, with the huntsman. Upon leaving the base, I went to the right and up the ramp to take the far path towards the point. I shot an arrow through the door for some odd reason, and an enemy sniper walked right into it, headshot. I continued on, and a spy appeared and tried to backstab me, but I had my shield, and killed him with the kukri. I went down the stairs to see an enemy heavy firing away at the entrance. One arrow out, and he was pinned on the wall. I turned my attention to the sentry, which had not seen me yet. I figured if I shot it, the engineer would repair it, then alert his team. So, I primed an arrow, and took the shot, killing the engineer with a headshot. I then dropped the sentry with two arrows, allowing my team to catch the first point, and move forward to get the second in a matter of seconds, thanks to a number of spies that decided to wait at the second point for us.

The random exploding head

This one is from playing Fallout: New Vegas. At the beginning, I had just finished making my character, and putting his skills so he is effective with explosives. When I finally got up off the couch, I took one step forward, and my head exploded. Out of the blue. Just, BOOM. I wasn't mad though, I was too busy laughing to care. I imagined what my character was thinking (because he had a little personality), he woke up, knows there is a bomb in his head, ready to take him out, and he can only answer the doctors questions. If the doctor asks about a headache, he can say there is a bomb, and get it taken care of. But the doc didn't, and now, he has no choice but to embrace death. At least he's going out in a classy way (in his underwear).

*Note, sometimes a bad moment can count as the best

Conga line... OF DEATH

This one is from a game called Cold Winter. It was one of the first FPS I played. On one of the levels (I have no time to look up what it was called), I had a wave of enemies coming after me. Knowing I'm very well screwed, I took cover in  room with only one entrance. The enemies came in, one by one, and with each one, I had my pistol, one head shot after another, until they were all dead. When the wave was done, I walked out of the room with twenty dead bodies in a pile, and went on to complete the mission. If I had a recording, I would have conga music playing in the background, just to make that moment more epic.

The Worst

SSBB Buttwhoop

Super smash bros will always be my favorite game by nintendo. However, I had a friend that did everything he could to ruin it for me. He played MLG, and showed no mercy. Well, one match, I went with mario, and he went with marth. I was pretty frustrated about the one hundred losses before hand. Well, this was a stock match, and the odds were in my favor. We both managed to get each other down to one life, something I never done to him before. I hit him with my three hit combos, and racked up enough damage to hit him with my finisher, and simple fireball smash attack. Just as the attack hit, he blocked, the grabbed me, tossed me away, and proceeded to pin me into a corner, and hit away before finishing me with his flying sword special. I had him, but I lost.

Mewtwo ain't got time for that

I was playing heart gold, and got to mewtwo. I brought in all dark pokemon because I knew he couldn't harm them with his one move. I widdled him down to about one quarter health, and spammed all the pokeballs I had to catch him, but he popped out, every time. This went on for about an hour, and each time, he escaped the tiny container. I had no masterballs, just a bunch of pokeballs, a few ultraballs, and one heavy ball. It's as if the game didn't want me to have him. Well, he got me down to the heavy ball. This was my last chance, and he is pretty close to struggle at this point. I tossed my ball,it made contact. One... so far so good...Two... come on... Thr *pop*. He escaped, then went into struggle, killing himself in the process. Well played mewtwo.

Forever die on load

In a game called Darkened Skye (I got it for 5 bucks, and though some say it's not worth it, I rather enjoyed it.) Well, the woman, Skye, couldn't swim. I got to a level that had water everywhere. I fell in the water, and when the load screen came up, I accidentally hit save. No problem, surely they programmed it so that you spawn away from the water. Once I loaded, I seen Skye drowning, over and over again. All my progress up to that point, all the things I killed, the potions I found, THE SKITTLE, gone. I had to start over. All because I hit save instead of load.
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Re: Your Best (and worse) Moments in Video Games
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2013, 10:56:36 PM »
I have only a few I remember from my childhood.


The invincible wimp

This was in a game called Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories, the worst game in the series in my opinion with it's derpy battle system. I was about two thirds into the game (I think) When I got to the Twilight Town boss, Vexen. I've had an easy time with this boss in the gameboy version, mostly because you can jump over him half the time and spam away until he's dead. Well with this version, he was practically impossible to beat for me because here he kept flying all over the place and turning around whenever I got behind him. He beat me every time with his ice attacks, and even when I completely filled my deck to the brim with fire magic, I was unable to defeat him. This cycle went on for about a week until I got fed up and quit the game, he was simply invincible and finalized my hate for the game ever since.

The unfair glitch

This was when I was playing Pokemon Emerald, a game notorious for it's influence on Pokemon fans, it's derpy organizations, and most common nowadays, is the famous Bad Egg. I fell victim to this glitch on my way to the sixth gym my first time playing it, and when it was starting to get late I saved the game and went to bed. The next morning, I started the game and checked my party just to remind myself if there where any injured Pokemon. To my surprise, my favorite Pokemon and starter, Bruce the Swampert, was gone and in his place was the Bad Egg. I was confused, and wanted to check the Pokemon center to see if he was in the PC(I had no idea what a Bad Egg was, I was only seven), and as soon as I took a step, the Bad Egg hatched and crashed the game. I rebooted the game and loaded it, and when I checked my party the Bad Egg was still there. I took a step out of sheer stupidity and the game crashed again. I then realized that in order to play it, I had to start all over again from the beginning, and this was disappointing and frustrating after I made a powerful team.


He can walk on walls

This was in Pokemon Colosseum, the Gamecube version. I was running along the Under when suddenly something hilarious happened while I was walking along the fence. For absolutely no reason whatsoever, my character turned sideways with his feet stuck inside the fence, and I couldn't move anywhere but back and forth. After laughing for about five minutes, I regained my composure only to realize I forgot to save. I didn't care though, that was utterly hilarious, and it never happened again, sadly.


This was in Digimon World 3, a game criticized by many but a game that I love to this day. I was starting off the game by going to the area to the far left where there was a canyon. I walked along the beach where I encountered my arch nemesis, a fish looking digimon that almost killed me. He killed my Patamon and Somebearlookingmon, and I was down to Guilmon. I had plenty of armor on him, so I figured he could survive a few attacks. This dream was shattered, however, when he got my Guilmon to red in one attack. I was frustrated, I didn't want to die because I forgot to save and didn't want to sit through the intro again, and then I discovered a bar under Guilmons health that was sparkling. Everything went dark and Guilmon suddenly digivolved into WarGrowlmon. I was stunned when the fish attacked and did extremely little damage and WarGrowlmon finished him off in one hit. It felt extremely satisfying, having something almost beat me and got beat in the last minute.

Well not all of them are completely accurate, I was a bit too lazy looking up the area names and such but this is what I remember.
. . .

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Re: Your Best (and worse) Moments in Video Games
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2013, 12:07:34 AM »


Scouts, now faster than sentries.

Okay, so, I playing TF2 with my brother, back from when I played a lot of scout. Well, He put a level 3 Sentry right outside my base while I was getting something for my dad. Well, after a few miserable failures, I tried using bonk and circling it, because I had heard that scout was barely faster than the sentry can turn. It was right. after bonk wore off, I used my scattergun and bat to kill it, effectively destroying a sentry with a scout.


So, I'm playing TF2, I'm playing spy with my dead ringer, and my brother is camping my spawn. Well, He keeps shooting me, I keep faking death. I do this to the point, that he's on his literal 15th attempt, and going "WHY, WONT, YOU, JUST, DIE?!"


So, my brother is playing sim city, and he goes off to get a drink and foolishly leaves me in charge. Well, while he was gone, the giant lizard disaster was unlocked. So, to troll him, I used it. He comes back to me laughing my A** off, as his city and all his hard work is destroyed. To this day though, it was worth almost getting killed by him.

Infinite bazooka.

So, Blades and I were on this all crit, infinite ammo, rapid fire gun modded server. So, for lulz, I pull out the beggars bazooka. well, I spawn, and I'm firing out rocket after rocket, hold down mouse? I fire two at a time. So, I leave my spawn, and all you see is crit rockets coming your way. Blades even said "I just saw a wave of blue, and then I was dead." at one point.


Wait what? I was aiming at the enemy!

So, I'm playing fall out new vegas right? Well, I'm doing the tutorial and fighting the things they  take me to fight, when I accidentally shoot a citizen that's helping, one accidental shot, and the whole TOWN is fighting me. Needless to say I still need to restart my game.

Notch... Y U DO DIS?!

So, I'm building a cobblestone fortress, and I'm lighting the top tower. Well, A creeper came up behind me, and blew a giant hole in the wall. So, as I'm rebuilding the wall, A skeleton comes up behind me, and knocks me off via arrow! I land in water thankfully, but before I can react, a zombie spawn. Right. On. top of me. I did not live.

My brother's revenge

So you're probably thinking "Its about time he got his revenge, eh?" So, I'm playing Garry's mod with him, and I'm going about my bussiness, making a floating bathtub and a rideable payload, well, as I spawn the materials needed, everytime I'm about to test it out, Not only does he use his mod powers to destroy my stuff, but he always kills me. Once, by throwing a toilet at my head...


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Re: Your Best (and worse) Moments in Video Games
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2013, 01:59:20 AM »
Alright, boy have I got some memories. Ill just share a few of them for now. Most of the ones I'll share for right now actually have to do with Skyrim. Contains some very minor spoilers for Skyrim.


Get Your Head in the Game

So, starting off in Skyrim, I had just started a new file, playing as an Argonian thief. At the beginning, for those of you who don't know, there is a scene in the opening game in which you watch a man's head get decapitated by an executioner, with the severed head falling into a basket at the executioner's feet. I had seen this before (as it was not my first file), and so I knew what would happen, only I noticed that the basket wasn't there. Figuring it was just a glitch, I watched the scene, but since the basket wasn't there, when the head was chopped off, it started rolling around on the ground, coming by my own character's feet several times. The head never stopped, though, and continues to roll around for the next few minutes that the scene continued on.

Point Blank

I was playing Smash Bros. Brawl with my friend back in 4th grade, and we had just unlocked Snake. We went into Brawl mode (we were playing in Subspace) and both wanted to play as Snake. I ended up selecting him first, and so he went with Metaknight, one of the most BS characters in the game. We had turned scores on for whatever reason, and he was beating me by one with time running out. I luckily got the Smash Ball, and unleashed my special move, where Snake exits the stage and shoots bullets at his opponent, and a hit ends with an instant death for the target (I think you get 20 shots to try and hit the players). Anyway, whatever the shot limit was, I had already known about it, and kept it in mind as he swiftly dodged every bullet I sent his way. It got to the point where I knew I had two bullets left. Being clever and using quick movement, I shot a bullet straight at him and one in front of him (whatever stage we were on, he was backed against a wall and couldn't go up for some reason, don't remember why). Needless to say he dodged the first bullet, but didn't realize I had shot off the second one and ran into it, knocking him out and tying the match. I ended up winning the Sudden Death.

Hulk... er, Giant Smash!

I was playing in on my previously mentioned Argonian file, and got too close to a giant. With one swing from his club, I was dead. That wasn't the end of it, though. My body was launched into the air when the giant hit me, and my corpse just kept flying, across the skies of Skyrim.

Gravity, a Dragon's Worst Enemy

This one is quick. I was playing Skyrim, and suddenly a dragon falls from the sky and crashes into the ground and died. I still absorbed the soul, but was like, "WTF?"


Last one for now, not a good thing, but quite hilarious. I was once again playing Skyrim, on my original file, and I walked into the castle at Windhelm. The jarl, along with multiple other NPCs, were in there. I had just gotten Whirlwind sprint, and was planning to use it in the castle to teleport to the jarl for whatever reason (I think I was just trying to get better with the shout). Not sure if the game glitched, or if I had forgotten that I changed my shout (I don't think I did), but when I shouted, Unrelenting Force was unleashed instead of Whirlwind Sprint, effectively attacking everyone in the room. A large bounty would have been placed on my head, would I have not been killed by what seemed like every guard in the city had come attacking me.


Gone with the Whirlwind Sprint (Just a clever title lol)

On Skyrim, I wanted to start a file just for thieving, so I made the Argonian file I mentioned earlier. Well the game glitched and deleted the, I don't know, FIVE OR SIX different and spare saves I had for my normal file, not counting the autosaves. Just like that, all my hard work, all the hours I spent on that one file, gone like it never existed.

I'm Calling OP on This One

I was doing the main quest, back when I still had my original file on Skyrim, where you have to go with Esbern to that Blades tower or whatever, and I opted to go alone and meet him there. I was nearly there when one of those special colored (bronze maybe, don't remember) and more powerful dragons attacked. My health was fairly low, but I saw a town nearby, and so I figured that I'd just run into a building or shop in order to heal my health. If the dragon was still there when I got out of the building, then no problem. Only, there was a MAJOR problem. I was halfway into this seemingly massive village, noticing that: A. I hadn't seen a single person in the village yet. B. The dragon at not really attacked me much yet, strangely. Anyway, suddenly all of the residents of the village rush out where they were running from, and I realized that they were all enemies, or specifically, I had wandered into an entire village of Foresworn. Unlike normal, they didn't attack the dragon and then me, or even both at the same time. The entire village focused on attacking me, and then suddenly so did the dragon. I obviously died, but the autosave loaded me right back in the village, and so I just quit.

Slow and Steady Does NOT Win the Race

I was doing another main quest, one a bit earlier where you had to travel with Delphine to the dragon burial ground that was up on a hill or mountain or whatever (this was on a file I made to replace my lost original file, so I had also played this quest before). We were climbing up the mountain where the burial site was, once again almost to the location for the quest, when we were attacked by some surprisingly strong bandits. I defeated them with ease, but they dealt massive damage to Delphine, who knelt on the ground as she recovered her lost health. Only, when her health had fully restored and the quest continued, she remained kneeling and didn't stand up. She continued to try to walk (or crawl, I guess) and acted as if the quest was resuming. I had seen snails move faster than that, so I ran up to the burial site and tried to just initiate it myself, but nothing would happen without Delphine, who wasn't even in sight, still trying to crawl up the mountain. I tried to to reload the autosave, but it screwed me over once more, having saved after the crippled Delphine's health had full restored.

I have much more, but will save them for another time.
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