Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots
[quest] Restaurant Recovery
--- Quote ---Ok, so I've been feeling like I have been cheating everyone by not giving you any hints at what I'm doing with the team.
For those who don't know, I am the Story Writer for PU, I write stories/quests, and NPC dialog and such. Now, just because I'm posting this here doesn't mean that this quest is guaranteed to be in the game exactly as it is written here, or even at all (but there is probably a better chance).
So anyway, here is a quest I just cooked up, unfortunately for you guys, parts of this will have [...] to indicate I cut something out. ...you know, for spoilers, I can't give everything away. Also, a note to team members, please feel free, to cut things and put that in its place if you see something you don't think should be revealed.
Also, I recognize, that I like to write (what do you expect from a story writer), and so this quest is a little long, over 3 pages (in its entirety) in Microsoft Word to be exact, so for your benefit, there will be a tl;dr (too long; didn't read) version, for those of you that just what a simplified summary. However, it is currently 4:00 in the morning, and my vision is starting to go, so I will write that later. You will be able to find the summarized version in the post after this one.
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This quest starts out in a restaurant similar to the ones that have appeared in recent games. Inside are patrons sitting at tables eating; some of the customers will battle you, either solo, or duel. Some of the customers will just speak with you; one of the things some of the customers would say is that they wish they could get some of the chef’s special, but he doesn’t seem to be making any, and that even if he was, they wouldn’t be able to afford it. At the back of the restaurant you can approach a counter (where other NPC trainers could be sitting at bar stools), and speak with an employee.
The employee would be able to sell you different foods, or drinks that boost a little bit of HP.
There would also be doors that lead to the kitchen, but would have a man standing beside them that would refuse you entry. After you purchase enough products from the restaurant, you would be allowed to pass into the kitchen in order to: “thank the chef”. Speaking with the chef he would mention that many of the required ingredients for his special keep getting stolen from him, and he requires a strong trainer to go locate his ingredients. In order to initiate the quest from this point, you must have also defeated all of the customers in the dining area.
Once you meet the requirements for the quest, the chef will speak of a gang of Meowths, and other felines that have been stealing his ingredients, and request that you locate their base and return what rightly belongs to him. He also promises to reward you, of course.
(oh, did I forget to mention that there are a bunch of Meowth’s and Skitty, and Glameow running around town?)
The next part of the quest is left primarily to exploration (although, I would expect people to help their friends get through it, or for players to go onto wiki walkthroughs, or for NPC’s to give you subtle hints). Outside of town, [...] you will find several pokemon, with an emphasis on Meowth, Skitty, and Glameow, and as you get closer to the end, their evolutions begin to appear in increasing numbers as well.
Finally you come upon a room filled with boxes, some of which are opened, but the majority are closed. In the center of the room, on a raised, stone platform, is a Persian, guarded by two Zangoose. Approach the stone platform, and climb the stairs, and you will initiate a fight with the two zangoose (who are of course high levelled). After defeating the two guards, you will be able to walk a little foreword and fight a very strong Persian. If the trainer is successful in defeating this Persian, [...] you also get a “restaurant package” in your loot.
Take the “restaurant package” back to the restaurant and return it to the chef. The chef will then proceed to reward you with a small bit of money, experience, and a free “chef special”, which is basically another heal item.
After you have completed the quest, you can always go back and talk to the chef again, who will still mention how he is missing a lot of his ingredients. You can of course, still go into the cat caves (heh heh, “cat cave”), and make your way down to the room with all the boxes,[...] but you can still receive a “restaurant package” upon victory. You can perform this process as many times as you see fit to earn a free “chef special”, but you will not receive the other rewards for repeating this quest.
Oh yeah, and in case you were wondering about those patrons who couldn’t afford the “chef special”, I haven’t forgotten about them. When you return to the restaurant you will have the option to speak with these patrons, and give them the “chef special” instead. If you choose to follow this path, the patrons will tell you that they don’t have any money to give you, but for your graciousness, they will give you a key card to their base.
Oh right, I should probably mention, this is a mutli-part quest
Great, now for part two of the quest. If you go to one of the towers in town, you will be able to use the key card you got from the restaurant to enter a room past the lobby and begin your ascent. Inside, you will find a [...]
You may now [...] as you climb the levels of the building you will find more and more NPC’s that will attack you. The majority of the pokemon in this building are: Growlith, Snubbull, Houndour, and Poochyena. Not all of the pokemon in this building have trainers, some of them are wild and roaming the building on their own (random battles). As you climb the building and get closer to the top, the ratio of dog type pokemon to other pokemon will become increasingly one sided (toward the canine), also, those pokemon’s evolutions will begin to appear.
When you finally reach the top level, which looks like a corporate boss’ office, you will see two Seviper, who upon approaching will initiate a battle with you. After successfully defeating the two Seviper, [...], and be able to freely walk into the office. Inside the office is a man standing beside a desk.
Speak with the man at the desk and he will tell you that some time ago, his corporation had managed to get their hands on[...] After the boss’ Granbull was attacked by a Persian in town,[...] but that he is not sure the boss’ decision was a good one, since [...] The man has no more information, but he can’t help but think that all that has happened is a good indication that they had done something wrong. He claims he tried to tell this to his boss, but his boss wouldn’t listen, but suspects that you must be here to try and stop him. Finally he states that he would like to help you battle the boss, but he has no pokemon so you will have to do it by yourself.
Fortunately, that is purely for back story, and to try to explain what is going on. It is not necessary for you to speak with this man, that way people can just go on to the final part, if they would rather skip all the dialog.
There is also another door in the room that opens with the use of [...] When you enter the last room (it looks like a [...] filled with balls of yarn, and other possessions from the cat cave), you will see a man standing at the back. This last man will fight you with his strong Grunbull, as he states that his other pokemon are unfortunately too weak from a previous fight to battle. Defeat his Grunbull, and he will state that had your break in been your only offense, he would give you a chance to leave, but since you also [...] he is going to have to teach you a lesson. He will then go on to state that he once had a [...]using [...] and instructions from a friend from a distant region, he [...]
Initiate your battle with [...] when the fight is over, instead of defeating it, it resorts to alternative measures. When you have brought [...] health down low enough, the man will suddenly figure out how you [...] finish the event off by teleporting you out of the building.
So, ...no reward for that one, ...well... other than the great experience you would get from going through all the levels, and maybe the occasional item you might find.
If you choose to re-enter the building, you may do so [...], but you will not be able to get back into the final room, as the door will be locked, and you will have[...]
The End
...Or is it?
--- Quote ---Please comment, suggest, constructively criticize, etc. I would love (and kind of live on) your feedback.
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will write the tl;dr tomorrow!
spirit (A.K.A. Spirit42) needs his beauty sleep! It's true! "beauty" sleep! What? Don't believe me? here, take a look:
Ahh, I am so glad I waited, this sounds awesome and I can get a houndour in the process, can't wait!
Sorry, this time, I'm running out of time. I'll make it a must to read it tomorrow, promise! :)
Ok, reading time over!
I found the quest very interesting, especially found the 'multi-part' side of it.
The only thing strange that I find is that you get to fight 2 Sevipers in the room of the first man in the tower. I mean, are they wild? Are they those of that man? It's strange that he doesn't do nothing but let those Sevipers attack you like that.
So, the 'bad boss' at the top of the tower found another way to 'continue' his 'bad things'? Perhaps you could encounter him again some time later on, with higher levelled Granbull?
EDIT: Oh, i just found your post down there... I didn't intend to post everywhere only to increase my post count, but to voice out my opinions where required.
--- Quote from: Jerry on February 24, 2010, 08:15:02 PM ---Sorry, this time, I'm running out of time. I'll make it a must to read it tomorrow, promise! :)
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Stupid Jerry posting on every topic thread! I expect good feedback from you, my friend!
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