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Author Topic: ALERT! PU NEEDS MOTIVATION!  (Read 89028 times)

Offline Tickles

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« on: February 14, 2014, 05:38:01 AM »
Attention all fans and visitors. On behalf of the PU development team, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates over the past months, and would like to give something to you all. Unfortunately, it isn't the game, and I regret to say that our development team has dwindled down to a handful. There is a simple explanation for all of this: our level of motivation is down. Very few members are on at a time, and at most points, none at all. That is why I am calling a state of emergency for PU. I want everyone who still believes in this project to say so, and why they do. Give us stories of your times on this site, explain what you are excited for most. Especially let Mr Dark know. If it wasn't for him, and Urmel, this brainchild would not have gotten as far as it did, a lot of your favorite forum posters would not be here, and all the excitement for something different and new would never have existed.

Also, feel free to post your own artwork, quest ideas, anything you can think of. This a game made by fans, for fans, and the only way that will be fulfilled is by letting you, the fans, show off your skills, or utilize the amazing world of the internet to get the word out that this project is on the verge of falling, and the few of us still holding on need a large amount of motivation. I for one don't want to see this project fail, and I know there are a lot of you out there that wish the same thing.

Let's get this thing back on track. A great project needs your help more than ever, and there is a lot to do. We need mappers, artists, writers, battle experts, programmers, anyone with any creative skill or ideas. Post on Facebook, Twitter, Serebii, wherever you can think. We need support, we need to know that you all still want this, and are willing to help out any way you can.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 04:35:49 PM by Xetroc »
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Offline rajlev

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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 06:45:20 PM »
well i think some of us dont post that much, but that doesnt mean im not keeping a close eye to the proyect, i have been here since 2009 i think, and i still wait paciently for the game, i know im not the best motivator, but i hope you keep on this awesome proyect, that i think is something all the pokemon lovers, especially those like me that dont have any console, are wishing to see finished and be part of it.
I dont offer you any help with the develoment because im a noob with computers and art programs, but i have been watching the treads you make of the art and scrip, and i have to say i love the quallity of your work... as i say im not the most active at postting but at least i try to keep on reading the treads and enter this page once a week.

I think the low activity is because of the X and Y games, that has kept many people interested in the game. Also, im really happy at the same time surpised that you have already started to add the X and Y pokemon to the develoment, is great that you already have think of that, and dont worry there's still many that keep an eye on this page and that wait paciently for it, keep on the great work. ;)

Note: i sorry for my english ortografy, but im not an english speaker...

Offline Tickles

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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 06:57:14 PM »
It's not about activity. It's a combination of lack of motivation, content, and the first option. We are struggling, a lot, and though we can't devote all of our time on this, what we did put in is only a fraction of what needs to be done. We were thinking about heading in a new direction, but that never got off the ground, and now the few developers that remain are on the fence about this, save for Roloc and I. That's why I made the post, to let everyone know what the situation is.
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Offline rajlev

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2014, 05:57:38 AM »
well in that case i can only say the same thing as last time, i really wish to see this proyect be done, maybe what i think that happends is that you want to do many things like adding all the 6 gen pokemons to the balance, you could just keep on the job already done and then add this, like most of the MMO, with patches. I dont know how can i give you support really, has i say im not a technology person, so i cant help you with the develoment things.

i know its not about activity, but i think that activity shows a litle of the complications all you had in this time, even thought most of the crucial moments of almost everything are when the big problems apear and you have to keep on and on, until you take off. i think that as you say, this is a fans for fans proyect, so we have to help you guys in everytinh we can, but as i say, some of us are really bad with this, so the only thing that we can give you is suport and the best wishes so you can keep on.

maybe some of the things that you could do is opening treads and contest to make new helpers, many skilled people like to be chalenged and is a good opportunity so you guys get a little hand with the job, and as i say before, i have been reading almost all treads (exept the RP) and i know that even thoug that there is a lot to be done, you guys have made a lot, more than any of the other members (like me) can do even if we had a life time only doing it we'll still be laking a lot. Every one of the team has done much and we are really thankful of your efforts and we hope you dont give up.

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2014, 04:39:04 PM »
I would like to apologize to the development team. I have not been on very much simply because I don't participate in forums. I get on about once every few weeks to see how the development is going.

That said... I believe in you guys because no one else has tried to make a project like this yet and you guys are the closest and have the best ideas. I want an online pokemon game that is super interactive and personalized. You guys are in the midst of creating this fanciful masterpiece! Dont stop now! We the fans believe in you and want you to keep up your spirits. You can do it and we are super stoked for the release of this game.

Mr. Dark and Urmel,

Thank you for getting this project of the ground, or better yet, out of your heads and onto the internet. I cant offer any technical skills to help you create your masterpiece. Just my support and prayers :) I hope you will be motivated and determined to give the world the pokemon game it has been waiting for.

Development team,

Please stay motivated. I believe in you and pray that you get this project done and that we can all enjoy the fruits of your labor. Thank you for all the hard work so far. I know it is not easy to build a game from scratch.

To PU,

Dont give up and keep going. I write this post to show my support and hopefully to motivate you all. Thank you for everything so far. I cant wait for the game to be released.

Praying for you all.
Thank You PU Team for all your hard work and dedication I cant wait

Offline Sazaraki

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« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2014, 08:31:01 PM »
I'm not much of a forum poster, but I do check back on the site several times a week. I've been looking forward to the game for a long time now. I met a good friend here and I hope to meet many more once you guys do get the game going. I have really liked everything I have seen of it so far and the balance server is the only online battling I'll ever really do. I think you guys can make an awesome game if you just keep at it! To everyone who has contributed, thank you for all your hard work!

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« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2014, 01:47:29 AM »
Long time supporter since 2011 and i would hate to see you guys quit now. I wish i could help, please don't give up now.

Offline fuzzy3158

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« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2014, 11:00:43 AM »
So I'm one of those guys that's not actually part of the community here, but just checks the front page of the site regularly to see if there's actually a game to play yet. I can only say that I've been coming here since pretty much the beginning, since this was pretty much the only hope I had of ever getting to play a proper online pokemon game, that's not based on a world I've already played through over and over and over again.
I'd really like to see the world you guys've created and experience the adventure of it.

I honestly have no idea how far you guys are, but wouldn't it be a waste to just let it end without even making it to alpha? Maybe you should just put online what you have, so people can experience it and share their experience on facebook/twitter/whatever. There's a lot to be gained from letting people play a little bit I think.

As for the dwindling of users online, I think that's just a result of people getting tired of waiting actively, and just switching to waiting passively

Anyways, even though I don't really have anything to contribute aside from this motivation, I hope it helps you guys ahead a little bit.

My girlfriend also wanted to help with motivation and contribute with a quest she thought up, but the account activation is hindering her so here is her reaction:

I am also not a part of the community, but that does not mean that I am not interested in Pokemon Universe. I am one of the passive fans that would really like to see Pokemon Universe to become playable. Pokemon has been half my youth and I still love it! It would be amazing if Pokemon Universe would become reality!!!

And to help you guys, I’ve thought of a quest ‘The Wrong Starter’

Quest: The Wrong Starter

Story of the quest:

Chariza is a sad girl who’s mother is sick. Someone told her that there is a shrine with good luck fortunes. Unfortunately the shrine is placed on the other side of a canyon and she cannot cross it. She hoped to get a Charmender that would one day become a Charizard so she could fly over the canyon, but she got a Bulbasaur.

In the same town, you meet a Bulbasaur. He’s quite sad. You ask him to join you for a bit. He nods and seems a bit happier. He starts following you, but does not join your party.

When you near the canyon and talk with the Bulbasaur, he says “Bulba.. Bulbasaur.” and shoots out his vines so you can cross the canyon. On the other side is a plateau with  a small patch of grass (and a rare Pokemon) and a good luck shrine where you can get a good luck charm. When you go back to the other side of the canyon and talk to the Bulbasaur, he pulls his vines back and says “Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur!!” He takes the good luck charm from you and starts following you again.

When you go to the house of Chariza, the door opens and Bulbasaur walks to Chariza. You follow him. Bulbasaur says “Bulba! Bulbasaur!” and gives Chariza the good luch charm. Chariza becomes happy once more and thanks Bulbasaur. She asks if he wants to join him again. Bulbasaur nods and walks so that he stands beside Chariza. Chariza gives you ‘Chariza’s Rope’ as thanks. Her mother didn’t want her to do dangerous things anyways.

uhm anyways, if anyone is interested, here is a link to the worked-out version

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 06:37:54 PM by Xetroc »

Offline Tickles

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« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2014, 06:46:56 PM »
I will say, I'm impressed. It's a nice simple quest, but there is a good story line within it. I'm going to go ahead and put that in the quest section and give credit. Also, on letting you guys lay with what we have, that's the issue. We don't have anything. I'm not sure what happened to our mapper, and haven' heard from them, some of us tried our hand at designing the world map, but it ended up a mess because some of the tile files we needed became corrupt. We do have a few of the game-play mechanics done, and NPC scripting is 90% done for the beta. The reason I'm telling you guys this is to get you out of the dark. I am also working on ways you guys can contribute, and might post that later on depending if I get any response from the remaining devs. Right now, I am the only one actively working on getting the project back on track, though Roloc is around and he is keeping a close eye on our battle testing server.

Also, just because it needs to be said, a rule here is not to double, triple, or quadruple post. I merged your posts together, but if you need to add something, just clock the wrench icon, and you can easily edit your last post. fuzzy, tell you girlfriend I said thanks, and if the account activation allows her to log on, let her know to contact me directly.
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« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2014, 08:05:44 PM »
Right, sorry about the multiple post. I'll remember the edit ability.

And my girlfriend is already on it more than I am, she actually pointed out your post to me :p

She's pretty much already on it, with the development toolkit being open, and her already putting lots of time into making games with RPGmaker.

I'll see if there's anything that I'd be able+willing to do. I've got a lot of time on my hands that could be spend... better...

Offline Tickles

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« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2014, 08:17:00 PM »
Awesome. I look forward to what you guys will show off.

Also, to everyone else, I posted some new things to show you guys what we have planned. One is the rough maps. You guys can now contribute work related to maps with the frame of reference for the beta.

The second are pokedex entries. It's my own take on the simplest feature of all. Identifying a pokemon. I hope you guys have a lot of fun with it.
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« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2014, 09:13:08 PM »
At the moment, there's not really anything I can do to help. However, I am currently learning C#, and will be familiarizing myself with C++ when I'm done with my C# class. I'm also beginning to learn about the inner workings of Linux, so if you guys need help with a Linux version of the game, or need programmers in the future, I would be more than happy to help. Other than that, I don't really have anything else to offer. I'll try my hand at writing some quests, but I don't think it's really my thing.

I hope we can somehow get things moving a bit, and hopefully attract veterans and new members to the forums again. I've been checking in once in a while for over a year now. It's strange to see the forums so empty. A few years ago, these forums were brimming with activity, but now it's like a ghost town here. The problem is, I don't really know what can be done to catch people's attention besides making progress on the game, which will be difficult without more people on the dev team.

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« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 06:45:56 AM »
I've always wanted to help with the game, but haven't had either the proper talent or time. Regardless, I love this site, and the RP section has taught me plenty of things about writing, especially in dealing with my characters, that I would have been hard pressed to learn anywhere else. I've already spoken to a few people before about how I would like to help around with quest writing as much as I can for the game, and I would have submitted several of my own by now, but this is the busiest time of the year for me. If I can scrounge together the time, I'll see what I can contribute, but I know that I should be able to help with pokedex entries. In fact, if I can manage it, I plan to do a MAJOR amount of work in this section. I've been profiling characters for the novel I'm working on for a week or two straight now, so it's right up my alley, and is something I can do rather comfortably. Doing all 700+ on my own isn't likely going to happen, but I can do a good bit, I'm willing to put a little of my writing work on the side to help. Keep up the hard work!
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 06:56:06 AM by foodonfloor »
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Offline Tickles

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« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2014, 12:57:21 AM »
Alright, saying it. We are in need of mappers. To anyone that is reading this, if you know anyone with any mapping or artistic skill, please lead them here, and specifically to the rough map thread. Some of you think you can't contribute. The major thing that is needed is getting the word out, and every one can do that. Post it, send it, grab a friend, whatever you can think of. Simply telling people what is happening here is enough, and will be greatly appreciated. I want to see this game released and thriving, you guys want to play something different than any other pokemon MMORPG. If we all work together, and put enough effort behind it, we can make this great thing happen.
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Offline Korsall

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« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2014, 01:12:10 AM »
Oh man, this makes me feel really bad for never actually logging in... I always check in on the project from time to time  but... At any rate, for years and years now, this project has held a special place in my trainer heart. It represents an incredible opportunity and has the potential to be exponentially larger than any Pokemon game to date and that excites me immensely. Sure, Nintendo has been letting us battle other trainers since day one and they've been making it easier and easier with each generation, especially with this latest one, but Pokemon Universe stands ready to bask on a whole other level. Again, thinking about that gets my mind racing with excitement. The thought of the unbridled freedom that Universe offers and the idea of a world with no 'endgame' that has the potential to constantly evolve is something I couldn't bear to lose or miss out on. Think about Bethesda recently and The Elder Scrolls Online. I haven't properly checked it out yet but from I know it takes everything fans love about the previous individual games and opens it all up at once with the bonus of being around other people in an open world who love it just like you do. Universe is to Pokemon what TESO is to Tamriel and as an avid MMO player, I can definitely say that  once finished, it stands to be a grand experience and adventure that few trainers have experienced before. (I say few because the developers have experienced it of course. XD) I could go on and on, but I don't think it's necessary. I'll finish by saying that maybe Universe hasn't QUITE gotten as much publicity and attention as it deserves, but that doesn't make it any less amazing and full of potential. Hang in there because you'll never know how great this could be until it's finished (or at least in an open beta state).
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 01:14:18 AM by Korsall »