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Author Topic: Quest: The Mountain Pass  (Read 7374 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Quest: The Mountain Pass
« on: February 24, 2014, 03:48:45 AM »
Location: Mt. Freegia
Time: Winter months
Level: After 6th badge
Plot: The herd of Mamoswine local to Mt. Freegia have moved deeper into the mountain pass, and Aaron is unable to follow them. Escort him there.

This is an escort quest, you will be escorting Aaron through the pass. Head to the mountain pass. (should be a long passage of rock and snow, with several turns here and there. Aaron will tell you which ways to go.)


Aaron: Hey, you there! How did you get here? Oh, I see... you have a team of strong pokemon... Do you think you would be capable of assisting me? I followed the herd of Mamoswine into the mountain pass, but in my haste I forgot to bring a team of pokemon. Would you escort me to the herd? I promise you I will make it worth your time.

Easy, all you have to do is escort him through the pass. In reward you get a pokemon egg and a large sum of gold.

I suggest a new trainer classification, Field Researcher. Field Researcher has 3 ranks. For each rank a different quest will be assigned which, on completion, unlock the next rank and give their own rewards.

-As a Field Researcher you gain a bonus 5% chance to find rare pokemon. This increases as you reach higher ranks, capping at 10%.

This mission will require that you have a winter outfit to keep you warm.

DISCLAIMER: I realize this is horrible, but Xetroc wanted me to post it. Said the criticism would help me get better. So constructive criticism go.

Quest begins
You lead Aaron into the pass. Enemies here include Abomasnow, Beartic, Sneasel, Graveler, and Onix. After walking for a ways, you come across a split in the path, and you must choose between left and right. The tracks of the herd obviously lead to the left, but a single pair of tracks leads to the left. It appears that one of the creatures has gotten lost.

(If you chose the left path)
Aaron: Yes, I do believe these are the tracks of a Piloswine... The way he walks leads me to believe he is injured. We must make sure he is alright.

The two of you head to the left, following the tracks. You encounter the usual Beartic and graveler along the path. After following the tracks for a few moments, you reach a dead end, spotting Piloswine battling with a creature you haven't seen before. It is red and black like a sneasel, with a crown on its head and wicked sharp claws.

Aaron: Oh... It's a Weavile! he's attacking Piloswine, you must help him.

(A battle ensues. You have the option of catching the Weavile.)

Aaron comes over to you as you finish the battle, hurriedly checking on the Piloswine. He scowls and pulls out a a Super Potion, spraying the Piloswine's wounds. It slowly gets to its feet, sniffing around frantically to see if the Weavile is gone.

Aaron: It's alright, Piloswine. Our friend took care of the Weavile for you.

The Piloswine brightens, nuzzling himself against the you in thanks, almost bowling you over. You pat him on the head, letting him no it was your pleasure. you look around, making sure there is nothing else, and look to aaron.

Aaron: Yes, it appears it's a dead end. We must get back to the path.

(If you chose the right path, you continue on the path without Piloswine. If you chose left, you return to the path with Piloswine, heading right to return him to his herd.)

You follow the track, battling the same pokemon again, though they appear higher in level. Once you have gone far enough into the path you come across a blockade of  four Piloswine. If you chose left and saved the Piloswine from earlier he rejoins his herd and they part and let you pass, if not, you must battle them.

After you pass them, you enter a large open area, filled with Swinub and Piloswine in a circle around three figures; two enormous Mamoswine and a Piloswine larger than the rest.

Aaron: We're here, we made it!

The crowd of pig pokemon take no notice of you as the larger of the two Mamoswine roars and begins stomping his feet. The rest of the herd follows suit, and the ground starts to shake.  You clap yours hands over yours ears to block out the noise, but Aaron pulls out a video camera and begins filming.

Aaron: Pay close attention. Many guess that once every 12 winters the local herd of Swine pokemon come to this place, evolving the strongest Piloswine of the herd into a Mamoswine to take on the role of protector.

The Piloswine in the center of the crowd begins to glow purple, and slowly, a pile of rocks rise from the earth. After a moment they drop, and the clatter of the pokemon increases. The Piloswine begins to glow white and then a Mamoswine emerges from the glow. The herd stops stomping, and they roar in unison. They stay that way for a moment, then begin to depart.

Aaron turns to you.

Aaron: Thank you for your help, (insert player name). This is truly a rare sight. You have the makings of a Field researcher, I could put you into contact with some of my friends if you wished.

(Quest end)

Reward: You are given a Swinub, a large amount of money, and have unlocked the Pokemon Field researcher classification.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 04:51:23 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: Quest: The Mountain Pass
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2014, 03:55:14 AM »
Ok, good start, good start, but it's missing a lot of information. You gave a short into on what to do, but after that, you need to go into a step by step process, including potential dialogue between the player and Aaron. As for the quest rewards, They look decent for a quest like this, and good potential for the field researcher ranks.
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: Quest: The Mountain Pass
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 03:58:41 AM »
So, say, after all the info I listed go into like I'm actually writing a story? Like, write what happens exactly?

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Tickles

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Re: Quest: The Mountain Pass
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2014, 04:04:39 AM »
So, say, after all the info I listed go into like I'm actually writing a story? Like, write what happens exactly?

Exactly. That way, its easier to figure out what is going on, and what is supposed to happen. Its also a good opportunity to include mini events, like a rock-slide, or a faction attack.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: Quest: The Mountain Pass
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2014, 05:08:18 AM »
Updated, what needs changed now?

Daylin: 35/100