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Lockerz-Get Free Stuff!

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There's this website called that allows you to get cool stuff for free! You get PTZ (pointz) which can be used to buy almost anything you want! PTZ are obtained in many different ways. You can get them by watching videos, answering daily polls, and even just logging in! You can get things like...

Mac Computers
Concert tickets
Video Games
Gaming Systems
And Much More!

All you have to do is sign up! Or...not. You can only sign up if a member of the site invites you. Here's where I come in. If you want to sign up for this, reply in this topic or send me a private message. IT MUST CONTAIN YOUR E-MAIL!! If you want to join, you must include your e-mail. As you may know, I check back daily, so I can probably get you in within a day. So remember:If you like FREE stuff, send me your e-mail and sign up today!

And before I forget, I promise not to 'spam' your inbox. If you don't trust me, make another e-mail. Just don't delete it after you're done. You might need it later.

My only problem is that when I watch videos, I get no PTZ :'(

Did you remember to enter the passcode at the end? It's the two words in the box. Once you enter those, you get the PTZ.

i don't know how legit this is, but Mr_Dark is pressuring me on the forums, so.....

can you send me an invite?
[email protected]

Alright, it was sent. Just be sure to check your SPAM folder too.


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