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Lockerz-Get Free Stuff!

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--- Quote from: Darkmage64 on February 25, 2010, 12:26:33 AM ---Did you remember to enter the passcode at the end? It's the two words in the box. Once you enter those, you get the PTZ.

--- End quote ---

Passcode? Where? I can't find it :(
I watched the videos... then when it's finished, it starts over again...

How long ago did you try it? If it was last year, that was pre-beta. You couldn't get PTZ from videos last year.

Recently... or were they the wrong videos?

I just learned (today) that I get 2 PTZ when I answer a post of today... missed so many points! :(

I actually know a special cheat for Lockerz. This cheat can get you tons of PTZ! You have to find a website that creates temporary e-mails. Think of a main name. It can be anything, even your forum name! Create an e-mail that uses the main name and the number of e-mails created. For example: Mine would be [email protected] (Remove any numbers at the end of your forum name). Send a friend request to the e-mail, type in random letters in the first name, last name, age, combination (password), password doesn't matter, you won't ever have to log in again. As for Zip code and time region, put in yours. Repeat this as needed, increasing the number at the end of the e-mail by 1 each time. It takes a long time, but it's kinda worth it to get, in my case, an iPod Touch.

Pfft! Ok ok, no need to get until there, lol. Thanks anyway :)


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