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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Qwilfish  (Read 4173 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Qwilfish
« on: February 21, 2014, 01:18:56 AM »
Pokemon 211, Qwilfish, Balloon Pokemon

Intro: Qwilfish is an ocean Pokémon with a round body and a thin, teardrop-shaped tail. The body of Qwilfish is divided in a dark teal upper half and a light yellow lower body. The tail is decorated with the same colors, a teal rim and yellow center, complimented by two teal spots. Qwilfish has typical, pink lips and eyes that always appear grumpy. Its entire body is covered in poisonous spikes, which are said to have evolved from scales.

Diet: As with many fish-type pokemon, Qwilfish feeds mostly on invertebrates and algea, although they are known to scavenge shellfish and shrimp when given the chance.

Habitat: Commonly referred to as a sea dwelling pokemon, Qwilfish's natural habitat is the ocean. Surprisingly, it can also be found in some rivers and lakes, such as route 12 and 13 in Johto. Once in a blue moon, Qwilfish have been reported to flock to this location en masse, giving rise to the belief that this place may be a Qwilfish breeding ground. Outside of these outbursts in population, Qwilfish is considered an elusive pokemon.

Biology: Qwilfish is commonly known to be able to launch its spikes. This is achieved by swallowing 2.6 gallons of water, causing the body to inflate several times its regular size. This activity allows the use of moves such as pin missle and spike cannon, as well as spikes, toxic spikes and inflation moves such as selfdestruct and explosion.
Qwilfish has evolved poison sacs for defensive purposes. The toxins produced by the sacs are powerful enough to cause fainting in the largest pokemon species. The poison sacs are omnipresent throughout Qwilfish's body, although their location is predisposed towards the spikes.
Due to its round form, Qwilfish is not such a good swimmer as its streamlined cousins.
Although Qwilfish is definitely not among the strongest pokemon, it does have a particularly large move pool. Due to its ability to shoot spikes, many bug-type attacks are available in addition to the regular movepool of water, poison and ice-attacks that come naturally to pokemon that share its type combination.  Particular note goes to the ability to learn Destiny Bond, which is typically reserved for ghost type pokemon.

Due to its elusive nature, many fishers have taken Qwilfish watching to a whole new level, alerting any and all of any rise in Qwilfish population, usually indicating the start of a breeding season.

Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D. Although Qwilfish can be elusive and difficult to obtain, no specific catching restrictions have been implemented.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 06:45:32 PM by fuzzy3158 »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Qwilfish
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2014, 02:26:22 AM »
Oh my wow. This is awesome. Accepted, one hundred percent. I feel like I learned something new about quilfish.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword